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Survivor 34: Game Changers |OT| We Have To Go Back

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Chris R

I'd love to see the hidden idols and legacy advantage stuff reduced or done away with for a season. Maybe just have 1 idol per camp/tribe that doesn't replenish? And maybe make it expire at the merge?

Just something to shake it up


I'd love to see the hidden idols and legacy advantage stuff reduced or done away with for a season. Maybe just have 1 idol per camp/tribe that doesn't replenish? And maybe make it expire at the merge?

Just something to shake it up
Legacy advantage doesn't need to exist.
This is some bullshit. Brad deserved to win this game.

EDIT: Brad basically sucked the soul out from Tai during those last few votes. Tai looked so defeated, and for good reason.
Lol, no. Brad embarrassed himself by trying to play the manipulative bully twice and Tai not having it. (Tai, if defeated at all, was just drained from playing Survivor for thirty whatever days) Dude realized last minute he needed to have more talking points at FTC and fell flat on his face.


Brad should have won but in the end he made the decision that ultimately cost him the title. Grats to Sarah though on manipulating her way to the end and still earn enough votes to win it all.

Also I like the new final tribal format, I hope they use it for future seasons.


Also I like the new final tribal format, I hope they use it for future seasons.

There should really be no going back after this point. The new format makes the original seem archaic already. A minute in and I was already saying to myself "Why on earth was this not implemented years ago?"


Glad Sara won. She's not particularly likeable or interesting but she played an incredibly good game and she totally deserved the win.

Pretty lame season overall though. And that Cirie vote sucked. Keep trying to talk about how it's "historic" that a fan favourite Survivor player with no votes cast against her goes home because of something completely out of her hands. Because that's fun.

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
I got really sick of Brad as this dragged on. And it's all on him anyway. Keep Tai and Troyzan and how can you lose? I guess smiting the little guy who dared defy you was more important. Guess you got a little too cocky you greedy bum.

Ozzie was hilariously self-centered. He never once considered that even if he won the immunity challenges maybe he didn't deserve to win anyway, lol.

I don't know about that new FTC format. Then again the old one doesn't do much for me anyway. They both show that the juries have contradicting views on what type of gameplay should be valued, and that it's often bitterness more than anything that picks the winner.

I don't really remember Cirie that much from her previous seasons, so maybe I'm missing something but I don't get the royal treatment she was getting. Ok you're fat and out of shape and you needed help getting across some beam. Somehow that's an inspiration? Like maybe if she actually did it herself. They acted like she tried and tried and eventually prevailed but she got lugged around like a sack of potatoes.

It was really hard for me to find something to cheer for here. I guess Sarah winning is fine. She has the most grating voice I've heard in years, and that constant deer in headlights expression but whatever. She played the better game. And I'm glad she pointed out "well whoopety shit, retired professional athlete kicks the shit out of normies in mostly athletic challenges".

I like Troyzan, aside from his bromance with Brad. Juries need to stop bitching about "I thought our feelings were real and more important than a million dollars how could you betray me!" if they're not willing to vote for go with the flow not really betraying anyone guy.

Overall a bad final run, with bad players, and acceptable ending given what it was.
Brad really had a fucking horrible final episode. He basically threw a million dollars away because he wanted to be mean to Tai.

Was honestly surprised at people not really being too bitter toward Sarah.

Fuck Debbie.
I got really sick of Brad as this dragged on. And it's all on him anyway. Keep Tai and Troyzan and how can you lose? I guess smiting the little guy who dared defy you was more important. Guess you got a little too cocky you greedy bum.

Ozzie was hilariously self-centered. He never once considered that even if he won the immunity challenges maybe he didn't deserve to win anyway, lol.

I don't know about that new FTC format. Then again the old one doesn't do much for me anyway. They both show that the juries have contradicting views on what type of gameplay should be valued, and that it's often bitterness more than anything that picks the winner.

I don't really remember Cirie that much from her previous seasons, so maybe I'm missing something but I don't get the royal treatment she was getting. Ok you're fat and out of shape and you needed help getting across some beam. Somehow that's an inspiration? Like maybe if she actually did it herself. They acted like she tried and tried and eventually prevailed but she got lugged around like a sack of potatoes.

It was really hard for me to find something to cheer for here. I guess Sarah winning is fine. She has the most grating voice I've heard in years, and that constant deer in headlights expression but whatever. She played the better game. And I'm glad she pointed out "well whoopety shit, retired professional athlete kicks the shit out of normies in mostly athletic challenges".

I like Troyzan, aside from his bromance with Brad. Juries need to stop bitching about "I thought our feelings were real and more important than a million dollars how could you betray me!" if they're not willing to vote for go with the flow not really betraying anyone guy.

Overall a bad final run, with bad players, and acceptable ending given what it was.

Huge Bingo.

Is it inspiring that she took the risk of being absolutely embarrassed for being completely out of shape the first time she played the game? Sure, but to play it 3 more times and to be borderline incompetent at anything involving any sort of physical activity is just sad. Like yes, the first time you were on, it was humbling and kind of inspiring, but to come back 3 times, and not make an effort to get into great shape? Pfft nope, sorry.

I don't want to be mean, but her physical ability is pretty much on the same level of Abi-Maria's mother which is perhaps the worst ever seen.

I would love to be on Survivor, but I can't swim for crap, I would legitimately go out of my way and actually learn to do it well. Her on the other hand seemed to get off the couch, go on the game, and then back on the couch, rinse and repeat.


Sandra never won a challenge and she's a two time winner. Cirie's insane social skills more than make up for her lack of challenge strength. I mean the way she's lost were through a surprise final two, idled out with only 3 votes and now " voted" out....with no votes cast against her the entire season. She's a legend, plain and simple.
Sandra never won a challenge and she's a two time winner. Cirie's insane social skills more than make up for her lack of challenge strength. I mean the way she's lost were through a surprise final two, idled out with only 3 votes and now " voted" out....with no votes cast against her the entire season. She's a legend, plain and simple.

Yeah but with Sandra you could assume she could do something semi-physical because at one point she was in the Army, and even if it was a non-combat role they have some sort of physical standards.


I'm happy with Sarah winning, but I was kinda rooting for Brad towards the end.

I do think he made two horrible mistakes, though: the way he treated Tai and taking Sarah to the final tribal council.
Probably the worst Final 3 ever. When Troyzan comes across as the most likable person left, you know something is wrong.

Honestly, this season was a tire fire. Way too many twists. Cirie's ouster was an indictment of everything wrong with this season. They really need to cool it with the twists.
Makes you wonder if Brad was only an asshole in the end or if he was always being a douche and the edit covered it up tbh.

I think it's a matter of his attitude and just when it comes about. He wasn't an asshole early in the season because he knew he needed to play that way to get people on his side. As soon as he started winning comps pretty handedly and thought he had the votes locked up he didn't need to worry about it too much anymore and his attitude was harder to keep down especially when directed toward someone that has been pretty known to be frustrating to deal with.

We've seen a lot of people act in a similar way with Tai, Brad just had his head recently inflated when he was getting frustrated. Him wanting to be a dick literally cost him a million dollars.


Yikes, that sudden villain turn for Brad. Even with his history and career I don't see how Tai or Troyzan would have won over him. He should have been happy not vengeful lol.

Thought Sarah voting for Tai was a bit strange too. Seems like an unnecessary risk given if she got 2 votes then she wouldn't even have fire making to potentially save her. Other than that though I thought she was a fine winner.
Yikes, that sudden villain turn for Brad. Even with his history and career I don't see how Tai or Troyzan would have won over him. He should have been happy not vengeful lol.

Thought Sarah voting for Tai was a bit strange too. Seems like an unnecessary risk given if she got 2 votes then she wouldn't even have fire making to potentially save her. Other than that though I thought she was a fine winner.

I don't believe any of that damn jury on their vote for Tai. With that three I think he'd get a couple really bitter votes, but the dude literally has no capability of explaining himself and refuses to accept any kind of blame. Him in a final tribal would just make people more angry.


You're probably right about Brad. Made me happy he didn't win anyway. The Culpeppers can stay 0-3 thanks.

Yikes, that sudden villain turn for Brad. Even with his history and career I don't see how Tai or Troyzan would have won over him. He should have been happy not vengeful lol.

Thought Sarah voting for Tai was a bit strange too. Seems like an unnecessary risk given if she got 2 votes then she wouldn't even have fire making to potentially save her. Other than that though I thought she was a fine winner.

If Sarah was sure they were going to take her to the final 3 (and I have to assume she was), then it's actually a smart move since she had Tai's jury vote locked down but wouldn't have gotten Troyzan's.
Makes you wonder if Brad was only an asshole in the end or if he was always being a douche and the edit covered it up tbh.

I'm betting on the latter. He was a total asshole the entire game the last time he was on. I couldn't believe the edit he got this season


I don't believe any of that damn jury on their vote for Tai. With that three I think he'd get a couple really bitter votes, but the dude literally has no capability of explaining himself and refuses to accept any kind of blame. Him in a final tribal would just make people more angry.

I disagree, it's a very female-dominated jury and they wouldn't have (and didn't) taken well to Brad being an arrogant jerk at the end game. I could totally see Aubry, Cirie, Michaela, and a spurned Sarah voting for Tai. Honestly I see it as more probable that Hali would have voted for Tai as well, despite her last-second hand raise for Brad at the reunion.
Though the "alternate universe" raise-your-hands votes at the reunion are interesting, I think by now it should be clear they shouldn't be taken as gospel.

Yeah, but it's pretty rare for someone to get to the end by only comps and actually be rewarded for it.

Ozzy's certainly tried (over and over again), though!

Probably the worst Final 3 ever. When Troyzan comes across as the most likable person left, you know something is wrong.

Honestly, this season was a tire fire. Way too many twists. Cirie's ouster was an indictment of everything wrong with this season. They really need to cool it with the twists.

my man ;_;


It's not gospel, but clearly Tai was potentially beatable, Sarah wasn't. It would have been closer.

Yeah, there's no way to spin it otherwise; Brad taking Sarah instead of Tai was a terrible mistake. He had a much higher probability of beating Tai.

I still think Woo taking Tony was a bigger blunder though.
I just love the comedy in the fact that Brad's loss is all due to his attitude which he seemingly kept in check the entire game until he could finally see the finish line and he lost his reserve. It cost him a million dollars. Just....stupidly comedic.


Yeah, there's no way to spin it otherwise; Brad taking Sarah instead of Tai was a terrible mistake. He had a much higher probability of beating Tai.

I still think Woo taking Tony was a bigger blunder though.
Well yeah, blowout win vs blowout loss w Woo. Brads Margins weren't that clean.
I like Tai as a person, but he's a terrible Survivor player. His wishy-washiness is frustrating as hell, and I hate how indecisive he is. I totally understood why Brad was so intense with him near the end; he was tired of Tai's bullshit.


That was a great tribal council, they need to keep that format.

Sarah deserved the win. She outplayed everyone, was behind every move. I put no value on a meathead's athletic ability.

p.s. I cannot fucking endure Debbie. Just shut the fuck up you loon. Possibly the only Survivor contestant I've actually grown to hate.
clicked on this thread by mistake and ended up reading that sarah won. really pissed me off at the time.

Watched the episodes and it was gripping and fun and would have been so much better had I not known that sarah won - brad could easily have taken it. I think if he wasn't so unpleasant to Tai, he would have won this.

Sarah played a great game.

Reunion show - zeke did great, brad acted like a sore loser. He knew he came out looking like a douche near the end so he must have seen it coming


Yeah, there's no way to spin it otherwise; Brad taking Sarah instead of Tai was a terrible mistake. He had a much higher probability of beating Tai.

I still think Woo taking Tony was a bigger blunder though.

Yeah but I can see how he might have overlooked just how influential Sarah was. The jury knows because they are able to pool information but Brad probably had no idea she did half the things she did.
Sarah made a 3-way pact w/ Culpeper/Troy at F5 that involved Brad giving her his wedding ring as collateral. What a dummy.

I think it's pretty smart, it's basically what he wanted tai to do with the idols, only she took something of his that he actual had value for. Brad had her heirloom bracelet or something I heard too, so they each gave something that had value since they didn't see value in each other's word


Worst winner, worst season, worst players. Twists for the sake of twists, headlines for the sake of headlines, in the thirst to boost ratings and what not.

Brad channelling the Russell inside him, what a backfire.


Just for those two posters up there blind to the greatness that is Cirie...

The physical aspect of this game is like, the least respected lol. Nobody gives an actual shit about your physical ability unless it's being used as a tool to get you out the game. Cirie got that grand send off because she is revered in the Survivor community. She's the horribly out of shape woman who got off the couch and used nothing but her brain to run the tables on multiple seasons.

She may be a 4 time loser but that still hasn't cast her in a negative light. There is no rational Survivor fan that won't mention Cirie among the most skillful players this game has ever seen.


I want a season to go back to the basics again. It'd be a nice twist to not have immunity idols or tribe swaps for once. The show is becoming too focused on strategic gameplay that it seems like all of the game's survival elements are gone. Do players even put any effort into making camps and getting food anymore? The show has turned into Big Brother Goes Camping. Why are there no Survivor staples like repulsive food-eating challenges or Survivor Auction anymore?


I want a season to go back to the basics again. It'd be a nice twist to not have immunity idols or tribe swaps for once. The show is becoming too focused on strategic gameplay that it seems like all of the game's survival elements are gone. Do players even put any effort into making camps and getting food anymore? The show has turned into Big Brother Goes Camping. Why are there no Survivor staples like repulsive food-eating challenges or Survivor Auction anymore?
Food-eating challenge is still around, just not every season.


sparkle this bitch
I want a season to go back to the basics again. It'd be a nice twist to not have immunity idols or tribe swaps for once. The show is becoming too focused on strategic gameplay that it seems like all of the game's survival elements are gone. Do players even put any effort into making camps and getting food anymore? The show has turned into Big Brother Goes Camping. Why are there no Survivor staples like repulsive food-eating challenges or Survivor Auction anymore?

I noticed it too going through the seasons. It's two fold.

1. They've been starting them with more, giving them more food/item rewards, and largely has gone from a mild surviving to more living at an improvised camp. For example, I felt like Ozzy would have been god in the initial seasons. Now? Providing aspect has been reduced quite a bit making someone like him more of a comfort.

2. How many times would seeing a group start a fire be interesting. I don't want to say the game has evolved, but the social dynamic won out. It's the aspect that changes every season and seeing a group start fire for the first time in 35 seasons, isn't.

2.5. As mentioned above, they probably edit a lot of it out too now. since the seasons are shorter and it's been done before.
Worst winner, worst season, worst players. Twists for the sake of twists, headlines for the sake of headlines, in the thirst to boost ratings and what not.

Brad channelling the Russell inside him, what a backfire.

*Drew Scanlon Blinking*

I don't think this season was very good and the twists were ridiculous, but worst winner, worst season and worst players? Not even close.
Just for those two posters up there blind to the greatness that is Cirie...

The physical aspect of this game is like, the least respected lol. Nobody gives an actual shit about your physical ability unless it's being used as a tool to get you out the game. Cirie got that grand send off because she is revered in the Survivor community. She's the horribly out of shape woman who got off the couch and used nothing but her brain to run the tables on multiple seasons.

She may be a 4 time loser but that still hasn't cast her in a negative light. There is no rational Survivor fan that won't mention Cirie among the most skillful players this game has ever seen.

Its also a reason she could never win. Nobody would ever take her to the end and she would never have won the final challenge.


Just for those two posters up there blind to the greatness that is Cirie...

The physical aspect of this game is like, the least respected lol. Nobody gives an actual shit about your physical ability unless it's being used as a tool to get you out the game. Cirie got that grand send off because she is revered in the Survivor community. She's the horribly out of shape woman who got off the couch and used nothing but her brain to run the tables on multiple seasons.

She may be a 4 time loser but that still hasn't cast her in a negative light. There is no rational Survivor fan that won't mention Cirie among the most skillful players this game has ever seen.

This is the first season I've seen with Cirie.

Seems like she did jacksquat except for one major fuckup.
This is the first season I've seen with Cirie.

Seems like she did jacksquat except for one major fuckup.

She is easily the most respected player among other players without having actually won. The fact that she had never had a vote against her the entire time is pretty damn insane. She's also played 4 times and I think never been voted out by the actual majority and has basically been screwed(don't necessarily mean unfairly, just that it sucks) over by twists in some way every time.

Looking at the merge cast my only thinking is most of these players must just not have known Cirie's previous games or something.
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