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Sweden to open a roller coaster in the world this week

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Helix is Lisebergs largest investment ever, in a single attraction. The new roller coaster is longer and faster than any other coaster in the park. The aim is to make construct one of the best roller coasters in the world.

The track is almost 1,4 km (4500 feet) long and the ride lasts for two minutes. Along the track are two launches where the coaster accelerates using Linear Synchronous Motors (LSM). It will be the second multi-launch coaster in Europe. The ride will include seven inversions, three airtime hills and plenty of drops, twists and turns.

With speeds up to 100 km/h (62 mph) this new coaster will be the fastest one in the park and the most technologically advanced one. It’s manufactured by the German company Mack Rides Gmb.

The new coaster will premiere in spring 2014.


POV : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzVraFvVy4I


62 MPH, lol. That's cute.

But seriously, it does sound like a pretty fun ride. I prefer rides that are longer, so a two minute ride sounds awesome.

This is my favorite coaster. 2 1/2 min rides, fast, smooth, lots of loops, ups and downs, etc. Just the perfect coaster, to me.


the piano man
saw the video and thought it looks like fun.

but "best roller coaster in the world" never crossed my mind.


Looks like Maverick at Cedar Point, so I imagine it will be fun. I'm really excited to ride the Banshee at my home park at Kings Island this year.

Big Dog

Not at Cedar Point. Therefore not worth my time :p

This does sound like a sweet ride though. I would do my best to stay conscious and not pass out. Millenium Force causes me to lose my sight at the bottom with all the blood entering my head.


Junior, please.
I haven't seen a catapult being used to increase speed mid-ride before, so this was very impressive to me.

Didn't look the highest or fastest, but it certainly did look like excellent fun.


Nothing wrong with a little hyperbole, but in this case, it's pretty far off-base - at least speaking purely from a statistical standpoint.

In regards to Cedar Point, I do love Millennium Force, but I think that Raptor has to be my favorite coaster in the park...


I haven't seen a catapult being used to increase speed mid-ride before, so this was very impressive to me.

Didn't look the highest or fastest, but it certainly did look like excellent fun.

We have a ride really similar to this here in Tampa at Busch Gardens. Cheetah Hunt It's not as intense as this one looks but it's a ton of fun. Shit the audio on that is annoying, feel free to mute.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Will be there day 1
What is up with the title?

Sweden to open a roller coaster in the world this week

Was there a chance Sweden was going to open a roller coaster on the moon or something?

Edit: I see it said Best in the world originally. Lol sureokay.gif

Also this is disappointing. With that kind of investment I would've hoped they'd make it go faster

With speeds up to 100 km/h (62 mph)

Still sounds like a fun ride


It may not be the fastest/highest coaster in the world (that's more a US culture thing) but this thing flows amazingly well. Looks like mad fun to ride!


I agree MF is a better coaster. I just thought this was originally a thread about fastest coasters?
The original title claimed that it was the "best" roller coaster in the world.

This does look really awesome (and I love that there aren't any lift hills), but "best" is very hard to quantify when it comes to thrill rides.
Nothing wrong with a little hyperbole, but in this case, it's pretty far off-base - at least speaking purely from a statistical standpoint.

In regards to Cedar Point, I do love Millennium Force, but I think that Raptor has to be my favorite coaster in the park...

I gotta go with Magnum myself, it was really the first ever supercoaster.


Blue Steel is better imho.

Blue Steel is better imho.

Ironically, this joke is somewhat appropriate for this thread.

The original comment about Helix at Liseberg being the best or among the elite coasters in the world, will likely hold true based on its pedigree. This ride is an expanded version of Blue Fire, which is Europa park. Built by Mack, Blue Fire IS one of the best steel coasters on the planet. This is due in large part to the trains Mack as designed. These trains have a high center of gravity and are very exposed in that your feet don't touch the floor. Most importantly, these Mack loopers have LAP BARS only - the way Jeebus intended. They also feature onboard audio (the Helix music in the video is supposedly the track that will play during the ride).

Check out the sexiness of these Mack trains.


I have no doubt that Helix will be one of the best steel rides on earth. No lift hill, 2 launches, multiple elevation changes, several camel back hills with a very high probability of strong negative g, and it will have multiple of what is Mack's signature element - the inline twist. These twists with the aforementioned high center of gravity have made these elements out of the seat experiences on Mack's other rides. Factor in that Liseberg's topography and their stated intent of making Helix a first rate ride (which they already have 2 great rides in Balder and the Lisebergbanaan) and there is a lot to be excited about.

BTW - this is just my opinion; but, considering that is coming from over 450+ different coasters - I think I've got a pretty good frame of reference.

PS - I don't go out of my way normally to ride steel coasters. Once you've ridden one of each style from each manufacturer, they all sort of blend together. Steel rides for most part have diminishing returns, the more you ride the less there is to them. Wooden rides on the other hand are very unique and change with every ride you take. That being said - I'll go out of my way for a ride on Helix. It will be a special ride.

PSS - Millennium Force (or Forceless) is very overrated. It's not even the best non-looping steel coaster in its park, let alone one of the best rides in the world. After the superb first drop, first overbanked turn and ground level turn the ride becomes the 21st century equivalent of a high speed scenic railway. Sure it's fast in terms of MPH; but, it has horrible pacing. All of the elements are so stretched out and there are so few of them based on the track length. It's like riding down the interstate vs. taking a wild ride on a back country road. Don't get me wrong, MF is a "fun" ride and enjoyable; but, to attempt to compare it to the "great" rides (like Expedition GeForce and Ride of Steel/Bizarro) cheapens it. I think of it a the steel coaster version of The Beast. A really fun ride that is perfectly fine to say is a personal favorite; but, to call it great takes away from what great coasters do - wild pacing, out of control, negative gs, laterals, etc.


The title change is perfect. And the Millennium Force is still one of the best rides in the world IMO. Haven't been to Cedar point in years though so I haven't tried out the Maverick. Still need to hit up that Six Flags in Illinois too.
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