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Switzerland votes to phase out nuclear power


Waste that we have to store for 500'000 years makes nobody smile usually. But I guess you have a solution for that.

When are the Gen IV reactors ready? 2040, 2050? By then more than half of the worlds energy is already produced with solar.

Nuclear reprocessing significantly reduces waste but apparently countries do not trust themselves and their security enough to do it. On top of that Reprocessing also allows us to get significantly more power out of the same amount of fuel compared to just throwing the fuel rods into waste storage with lots of viability still remaining.

4th Gen Neutron Reactors would also be able to use the reprocessed waste as fuel.
I'm a proponent of nuclear power but I don't see a problem if they can meet their energy needs with non-fossil fuels. Two thirds of their energy already coming from hydro is a good start at least.

Neo C.

I don't mean it as an insult, I am just genuinely disgusted in the general population (of the world) when it comes to this issue. People are ignorant and foolish. I'm not surprised by the results and I don't think people really evaluate things rationally when it comes to nuclear.

No matter what arguments either campaign may have made. It will always be literally THERMONUCLEAR HOLOCAUST/CHERNOBYL/FUKUSHIMA against happiness and light. You can't credibly argue the public at large does not evaluate this in any other way.

You don't need to be against nuclear power in order to vote for the plan, which also stands for a push in renewable energy and more energy efficiency. To be honest, the nuclear power aspect wasn't the main talk point at all during the campaign.

The Swiss government still has to figure out how to get the second package done though. Without new taxes, it's going to be hard to reach the goals.


You don't need to be against nuclear power in order to vote for the plan, which also stands for a push in renewable energy and more energy efficiency. To be honest, the nuclear power aspect wasn't the main talk point at all during the campaign.

The Swiss government still has to figure out how to get the second package done though. Without new taxes, it's going to be hard to reach the goals.

Why can't they borrow?
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