Holy hell, just won. Basically right around 1:16am PST
Though I feel my eligibilty might be questioned.
I received 1 email so far. Am I good?
Edit: yeah need 2 emails I guess.
Anyone been officially denied yet? Do they even tell you?
I wouldn't worry. I entered using my phone and two email addresses with the free code. Ended up winning on my third entry and I received my verification and shipping email 24 hours after my initial winner email was received. Though those emails seem to go out in waves so it can be anywhere from 24-72 hours before you get yours based on what I've seen.
I frantically looked everywhere to find out if I would be disqualified while I waited for the verification emails. I was unable to find anyone posting anywhere about being disqualified from this or the the other PS4 Taco Bell contests for entering with multiple entries.
I get the feeling that the most surefire way to get disqualified, is to either use a bot service to spam entries, enter more than five times per a household, or if you win once, and then attempt to win again.
Are you guys entering on the dot of a minute change or just randomly? I guess the random time would mean it picks a random second as well, I should probably stop doing it on the dot as most people probably do that.
I just tried my entries all in one 15 minute block, nothing. Nothing works for me.
Two more days now, no clue what to even try.
I still can't believe I won and that this was free. Gotta give it up to Sony and Taco Bell for sending so many of these out for a contest that most of us entered for free while breaking the contest rules by entering multiple times per day lol
Just picked it up from the FedEx location so I wouldn't be worried about it sitting on my porch.
Holy shit, I JUST won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Holy shit, I JUST won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Holy shit, I JUST won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So Im really nervous Il be disqualified. Theres a good chance. When do we expect the next wave of verified emails to be sent out? Seems they do it in bulk. Last ones were sent out Friday? Just wonder if there is a pattern so far.
Been trying to win for my little brother. He and I both have been wanting PSVR. I buy a big box each day for dinner. It's not best food choice I know but dam I wish to win one of these bundles so we can have fun. Question is there a good time of day to enter and also is it if I use one of my codes from my big box's that after that attempt with the code the first time that the code is useless? Or can I try that code again the next day. I don't want to keep trying to eat my way to a winner. LOL I tried the common one code but yeah any advice on my chances to win these last couple days would be greatful.
PSVR acquired! What a crazy week it's been. Glad to be done with it. I guess I have to get a PS4 now.
How long did it take?
I basically given up all hope of winning. I've entered everyday on multiple devices a day and have gotten nothing.
I must have tried 200+ times. Time is running out. Someone guide me to the promised land.
Congrats!I just won the PlayStation VR from Taco Bell!! I'm in Florida
When did you win? I won yesterday so trying to time down when the next set of verifieds are going out.My second email came in just now (verified winner email)! Check your spam folder, that's where I found mine. I'm fucking stoked!
My second email came in just now (verified winner email)! Check your spam folder, that's where I found mine. I'm fucking stoked!
My second email came in just now (verified winner email)! Check your spam folder, that's where I found mine. I'm fucking stoked!
just got mine about 20 minutes ago as well.
I won around 8:40 AM on Sunday morning (10/16). Definitely a quicker turn around then I expected. Now for that fed ex tracking info!
When did you win? I won yesterday so trying to time down when the next set of verifieds are going out.
When did you win? I won yesterday so trying to time down when the next set of verifieds are going out.
Hmm, I won last night, texhnically today still I guess, no 2nd email here. So i guess the next wave of verification emails will be Friday then? Dammit this is going to be the most nerve racking week ever.
I suppose they could send them all out Thurs too, after the contest ends on weds.
What are my options if Im not home to sign and perhaps the name on the order may or may not be mine?
Well shit I haven't had a chance to post since earlier, but literally 10mins after I asked that question I received my verification email! Now just waiting on FedEx. I think you can get into contact with FedEx and request the package to be held at the nearest sortment center? Also if someone else signs at your residence I'm sure that's fine as well. Possibly others here can chime in with some more info
Does using another email with the same shipping address get you a second entry for the day?
Hmm, well now Im worried, is it normal if I didnt get a verification email today then? Saw someone a few pages back mention a similiar issue, not sure if they got their email by now though.
Does using another email with the same shipping address get you a second entry for the day?
For the winners did you enter on the dot when a minute changed or just totally randomly?
Well shit I haven't had a chance to post since earlier, but literally 10mins after I asked that question I received my verification email! Now just waiting on FedEx. I think you can get into contact with FedEx and request the package to be held at the nearest sortment center? Also if someone else signs at your residence I'm sure that's fine as well. Possibly others here can chime in with some more info
For the winners did you enter on the dot when a minute changed or just totally randomly?
First time posting on here, and this is the happiest first post I've ever made... I won today! I remember entering for their Ps4 contest a hundred times over and never won so I didn't think I had much chance with this, either. FWIW, I won using the free code on the website around 2:30 pm CST. Now I just wait here hoping this wasn't a system error or a cruel joke lol. Thank you Taco Bell and Sony for the psvr and also for sparing my colon of what horrors awaited post-Big Box consumption!
For the winners did you enter on the dot when a minute changed or just totally randomly?
Congrats on the win and first post.
TL;DR, some unintresting story, and I dont know when I enterned.
I never saw the clock switch minutes when I entered mine, so not sure. I had the code already entered in a browser on my phone. My screen locked and turned off as i handled some stuff. I then quickly typed in my phone unlock pin, lock screen said 2:15 (sometimes the time is only periodically updated when locked) and sometimes when waking my phone Ill see the time jump or update +3 mins or so on the lock screen. After unlocking, small corner clock on my home screen said 2:16, I then immediatly hit submit or whatever and won.