Wasn't Keanu Reeves once attached to this?
Hollywood needs to stop with anime. It's never going to happen for you people.
Hollywood needs to stop with anime. It's never going to happen for you people.
But the Speed Racer movie is better than the original source materialHollywood needs to stop with anime. It's never going to happen for you people.
It's always the Akiras and the Ghost in the Shells and the Death Notes, but why not Evangelion?
Nah.Because Evangelion is boring, overlong and bad.
The orginal, directors mental breakdown insanity ending was great though
I rather see him do Serial Experiments Lain
Hollywood really should ease into anime. Like pick a less known propriety and make a good movie about it.
Perfect Blue starring Anne Hathaway 30 million budget.
The correct answer is that it doesn't work in film as shown already by the Rebuilds (would love to be proven wrong here).
Hollywood needs to stop with anime. It's never going to happen for you people.
Nothing dull about fighting giant monsters with emotional angst my man.The original series is incredibly, incredibly dull for very long sequences. the films are bad because they're still trying to milk a very meh series for all it's worth.
It's always the Akiras and the Ghost in the Shells and the Death Notes, but why not Evangelion?
Hollywood needs to stop with anime. It's never going to happen for you people.
It's always the Akiras and the Ghost in the Shells and the Death Notes, but why not Evangelion?
Generally speaking, of course adapting Anime is a foolish errand.
But this is Waititi we are talking about. He probably has a very speicific take for how it could be made in an awesome manner.
This would not be another Ghost in the Shell.
The Akira plot is nothing special.
The anime only works because of the art style.
This coming from a huge anime fan.
I'm in talks to direct Akira now.
It is still the case that Americans can't enjoy something unless it's set in America and everyone is American? Really? I don't think that's the case any more personally, if it ever was. Look at Harry Potter, nary an American accent in sight and that did OK. Maybe subtitles would be too far but there is no reason that this can't be set in Tokyo, with an Asian lead cast, even if you want to broaden out the supporting roles.
Harry Potter had a lot of white people.
Leo DiCaprio was wise enough to walk away. I expect Waititi to do the same before studio execs just finally let it go.
Nothing dull about fighting giant monsters with emotional angst my man.
Unless it's Magma Diver. That's just OK.
No bias from me btw.
Yeah. Actually I had forgotten that angle. How depressing.
The sad part is I don't think Harry and Hermione were described as being white in the books.
... I want thisI'd rather full scale Bartkira.