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Taiko Drum Master GET!


Just picked it up from my local EB..

My first music game was Donkey Konga, and I liked it so much I had to pick this up.

It's amazing so far. It feels so much more...full...than Donkey Konga. So much is going on during songs that just make it fun. Pick this up ASAP..

Oh ya, the drum itself kicks ass.


"Traditional" Taiko songs? I unlocked Taiko March...but otherwise so far it's all been rock/tv/namco stuff.

Also, Katamari on the Rocks is so fun to play. :) The songs are much longer than Donkey Konga as well.
God help me, but the cuteness factor is so off the scale I feel drawn to the game. Damn, I need to find some quality artwork scans so I can change my avatar.

Any other opinions? Having North American songs at all is a sour point for me but I try to be flexible, so maybe I can look past it...


The cuteness factor in this game is insane. I have to close my door because I guarantee I look like a total pansy squealing along with their voices and drumming away.

Those looking for JP songs...it seems as you play more and more you unlock songs. So far both have been japanese:

Taiko March
Don Ranger
Well, according to the full tracklist report, there was 7 classical and 6 japanese?

Dammit, when I come back from the store I'm scanning the manual for avatar pics. The ad alone has over the fence cuteness value ('they're eating the watermelon!!11!') but as typical for magazine ads, it takes a shitload of work to turn it into a respectable digital again.


Ah, I didn't realize the unlockable songs were on the full tracklist. I don't remember seeing Japanese songs on the track list I saw, so you must have seen one that had the unlockable songs on it.

I think my favorite part so far is when you change tempo...some notes slow down and others speed past them to finish out that tempo...it's hard to explain, but you'll understand when you see it. Try out the Hungarian classical piece, it's really prevelant there.

And ya, I must reiterate...the more you play this game, the more you are overwhelmed with cuteness. And I haven't even looked at the minigames yet.
fugimax said:
I think my favorite part so far is when you change tempo...some notes slow down and others speed past them to finish out that tempo...it's hard to explain, but you'll understand when you see it. Try out the Hungarian classical piece, it's really prevelant there.

How do you think the game would be for somebody not so musically inclined? I don't mind listening to it, and I'm one of the bigger Gitaroo Man supports out there, but it's not like I've ever played a musical instrument or become a respectable DDR player.


How do you think the game would be for somebody not so musically inclined?
I think such a person would do fine.

First off...it's drumming. *Everyone* taps their fingers and their feet...or bangs on the steering wheel while driving. We're not talking about playing Beethoven's ninth on the French Horn or anything (though I've been there too!).

In addition, there are difficulty levels for every song. Easy is just that...pretty damn easy. Normal is normal, and hard is getting damn intense.

Further, you're not worrying about having to keep time if that's something you're not good at. The notes go into a circle and you hit them when they enter it. Couldn't be easier.

So, in conclusion....GO BUY THIS NOW.


fugimax: how are you finding the drum as a peripheral (compared to the DK controller)? Some reviews say that it misses beats on the higher difficulty levels, which is what makes me hesitate to pick it up.

On the other hand, the thing that stops me from playing long stretches of DK at a sitting is that my hands start to hurt, so the idea of playing a game with sticks is appealing.


fugimax: how are you finding the drum as a peripheral (compared to the DK controller)? Some reviews say that it misses beats on the higher difficulty levels, which is what makes me hesitate to pick it up.
You do have to hit the drum hard...but I think that's on purpose. This is a Taiko drum...not some shitty snare. :) I haven't palyed the highest difficulty yet, so I can't attest to whether or not it misses notes or not...but I doubt it. The reviewer probably just wasn't very good. I don't think Namco would release a music game..where the whole point it precision and combos...and then have it miss notes.

As for Donkey Konga, I agree...my hands seriously would start to hurt after 30-45 minutes and I'd have to stop. I also wasn't a *huge* fan of clapping.


See, told you it was better! If I didn't have class, I'd go pick it up right now.

Best Buy didn't have any (or at least not on the shelves) yet, and another regional chain said tomorrow (they're ALWAYS tomorrow, they never get anything on time cause they suck), Gamestop is selling it for $70 so fuck that shit and I don't feel like going to EB today.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
I spent $210 on and Xbox and SA yesterday... I can't REALLY spend another $60 can I? Fuck.


Tiny lame drum? NO SALE!
Well, no money is more of the case, but I gotta justify it.


impirius said:
I have it preordered at GameRush... I guess it's a longshot that they'll even get it in, though.
My GameRush confirmed that my preordered copy had been shipped to them, but had yet to be received.


Taiko > Donkey Konga = FACT

Of course, I always thought the Japanese versions rocked, but the US version keeps up the tradition.

The song selection, while still littered with US pop/rock silliness, still works better than the DK songs, IMO. I actually don't mind playing most of them as opposed to cringing at the likes of Diddy's Ditties. Of course, the art style/presentation are also loads better. The coin system in DK annoyed me and they didn't port it over, so that's good. And it has Katamari! I'm also REALLY glad Oni mode made the cut for US. I feared it would be left out in order to make it more acceptable to the beginners.

Sadly, it probably won't sell as much as DK, since DK had a heavy Nintendo push behind it. :(

But more people need to buy this game!!!


Unconfirmed Member
I bought it on a whim today as part of my TRU Paper Mario GTA combo.

Toxic and Material Girl sold me :(

really I am not gay either :(


^^ Now that I have the controller, and am digging the US version, do the jp versions work with Swap Magic?


Party Pooper
we got in 12 today at TRU, i was shocked. haha

i think i'll wait till employee shop night though, can't afford it right now
Katsu owns. adsfgdsfgsfdg

Seriously though, for a "small" drum, it's pretty damned big. I'm sure I'll start bitching about it later, but for a pack-in controller, being nearly as wide as the original PS2 is quite impressive.

Without even getting to the game itself, two other things impressed me right off the bat:

-I have no idea what the USA price is, but the CDN price is only five dollars more than San Andreas and 5 dollars less than I paid for any top tier title last winter.

-The trend of having a second layer of shrinkwrap to add French/English compliant packaging continues, but for a box this size, it was pretty interesting to see that Namco still included a full box wrap cover.


Unconfirmed Member
atomsk said:
we got in 12 today at TRU, i was shocked. haha

i think i'll wait till employee shop night though, can't afford it right now

Shit, none at my TRU. I'll call tomorrow, again, I suppose. The dude also informed me that one copy of Nocturne came in and sold yesterday. Fuck. Hopefully they're both there on Friday.


I spent a couple of hours with this last night. Impressions of the game compared to Donkey Konga--

--The song list is better than Donkey Konga's. It's a bit more... adult, I guess. The only semi-"kiddie" songs on it are the Dragon Ball Z and Jimmy Neutron themes, whereas it seems like about a third of the DK songs I'm embarrassed to play. Lady Marmalade, Material Girl, ABC, and Love Shack are fun, fun, fun, and as much as I hate Britney Spears, Toxic is one of the most fun tracks in the game.

--The covers are better than DK's. For the DK covers it seemed like the artists were trying and failing to do 100% accurate renditions--Taiko's covers either put a unique spin on the song, or nail it 100%. ABC, especially, sounds scarily like the Jackson Five.

--I think it's harder than DK. I was worried because the game doesn't distinguish between hitting the left side of the right side of the drum, and doesn't have clapping--the only "notes" are drum surface with one stick, drum edge with one stick, and the same options with two sticks (and it looks like you can cheat on the two-stick notes and only hit with one). But the difficulty comes when the game throws buckets of notes at you and you have to figure out the best way to hit them all with both hands. Sometimes hitting them all with one hand works; sometimes you have to alternate; sometimes neither of those will work. After having DK for a few weeks and only playing intermittently, I can easily clear about half the songs on the highest difficulty level, but with Taiko I have trouble clearing many songs on Normal, not to mention Hard. Oni I just look at and laugh.

--Part of this is because I'm very weak with my non-dominant hand, which is a feeling I haven't experienced in gaming in a long, long time (possibly the last time was when I first had to learn to use a console controller, with the analog stick for the left hand). My right hand is my writing hand, and I'm pretty good at doing fairly complex beats with it, but my left hand feels worthless half the time. I'm not going to be able to do well in the higher difficulty levels until I'm as comfortable drumming with my left hand as I am with my right. I have no such problems with Donkey Konga, oddly enough.

--The controller: I got the game at EB, and for $3 they'll give you a year's warranty on the controller, so that you can bring it back and get a new one, no questions asked. This is a good thing, because you'll tend to smack the hell out of it--the gentle tapping that you can use for the DK controller won't cut it here. Unlike the DK controller, the sweet spot for hitting notes doesn't appear to cover the whole surface of the drumhead--there's a fairly large dead spot in the middle, and I'm not quite sure where the sweet spots on the edges are. It feels fairly robust and very precise, though, and when I miss notes I feel like it's my fault, not the controller's (though a fair number of my missed notes come from me not hitting the sweet spots on the left edge, due to my aforementioned gimp left hand). In comparison, the DK drums have no dead spots, but there's the clapping to deal with, and the subsequent stinging hands after a marathon.

--The graphics are much better than DK's. DK's visuals always seemed like a hack job to me--Taiko's graphics are much more readable and polished from top to bottom. And there's the aforementioned off-the-charts cuteness factor. Now is as good a time as any to mention the localization--between this and Katamari Damacy, whoever is handling localization at Namco deserves a serious Christmas bonus. Just enough tinkering so that the game makes sense in English, and then leave it the hell alone--perfect.

--The minigames appear to be just as worthless as DK's: no news there.

--I haven't tried the multiplayer, but I'm guessing that DK will be the better multiplayer game, just because it's easier and more accessible. DK's superior multiplayer component almost completely mitigates any flaws it has when compared to Taiko. It doesn't look like you can buy standalone Taiko controllers either.

I'd say that if you have both a PS2 and a GC, you can't go wrong with either Taiko or DK: they both have their advantages. If you know you're going to be playing mostly alone, though, I'd lean toward getting Taiko, which has a superior single-player game.
Wow, the game is great. For some reason I can clear 3 star songs better than 1-2star types, but whatever.

The minigames aren't something I would spend any single player time on except to see it once (since it's bound to just wear down the drum) but it does fit in terms of showing just how psycho Don and Katsu are. The watermelon game also gets points for random violence.


This may seem like an odd justification, but one of the elements I like the most is that, fresh out of the box, the game isn't that hard to play. Sure, I may be on easy mode, but after the quick tutorial I started blazing through songs. It gives me the hope and encouragement to practice and get better, as opposed to DDR just promising you a good game once you get way up there skill-wise.

One other bonus - shitty american music isn't so bad when you're loudly hitting the drums.
fugimax said:
Glad you ended up liking it Crazymoogle...it is very awesome and very cute.



Well, you were right on the money about drumming and how easy it is to get into the rhythm. All of the american songs I've played so far seem to fit in with the taiko drumming quite well.

I crack up every time I see Don choking down watermelons only to get smashed by that kid with the blindfold.
BuddyChrist83 said:
GameRush didn't get it in today. GameStop didn't either, not did ...anyone else. Poo.


I was actually the only preorder customer for it when it arrived here yesterday. Everybody else was pretty GTA gung-ho.

The blind spot is annoying in that I have to wonder why there even is one, and I do run into my share of missed notes because of it, but it's not nearly as bad as I've ever encountered with, say, DDR. Usually I find I hit the blind spot right after the rapid-fire, probably because I have to hit the drum so fast that my hands start tilting inwards after. Hitting the edges is more forgiving because when you miss, you can feel and hear it (the plastic as opposed to the button)

Are all of the american songs covers? A few of them had me guessing.

I guess I don't have prospero's arm problem, but one thing that has been interesting to learn is just trusting both sticks to do their job. If I get too wrapped up in following the notes I sometimes lean heavily on a certain stick to do the job, but conversely I find you get less bad-reads if you use both hands (ie: a quick triple tap seems to be way more successful as left-right-left than left-left-left)

Obviously without a second drum or another person around I can't weigh in on multiplayer but I can see the game actually being really good in that regard. The minigames seem pretty competitive and the main game goes by so fast I don't know what the hell else they'd have to include. Big props for having the game auto-determine what you've got plugged into the controller port (and telling you onscreen)

Patrick Klepek

furiously molesting tim burton
no copies at the eb world on campus, but i'll swing by and pick it up during the halloween costume run tomorrow at the mall. somehow i doubt the 3 copies will sell between now and then.


So is the US drum any different from the Japanese drum with the loud, plastic sound it makes? 'Cause I have the Japanese version, and the drum is too loud. I mean, if it really SOUNDED like a Taiko drum or some kind of drum I wouldn't mind as much, but now it basically sounds like banging plastic against plastic, very cheap. I have to raise the volume to enjoy the songs fully, and I do not dare to play late at night because it's so damn loud.

And yeah, the sweet spot is kind of hard to find at times. I can't take the game seriously as long as I keep missing the sweet spots for some reason I don't understand. It's kind of frustrating.


Oh man, Toys R Us totally saved the day. Sure, they didn't have DOA: Ultimate, but who cares? THEY HAD TAIKO! I can't stop playing, and yes, the deazone is very annoying.

Whenver GameRush gets my preorder in, I'll either a) return that copy to TRU or b) keep the Taiko and sell the game seperately.


StrikerObi said:
Go Rhino!

Oh, did I mention they didn't have it TODAY, either. Man, Rhino used to be OK at least, now they're just complete ass. I only go there sometimes because I really don't feel like going all the to the mall most of the time. Gamestop at the mall sucks, ass, too since they, well, just do. Also they were selling Taiko for $70 I heard. So that's bullshit. EB is OK, but suffers from the same things all EBs do and they were sold out on Wed. So, MAYBE I can get it tomorrow. If not, I'm going to just be angry, dammit.,


I'm not sure if anyone mentioned this, but the game is on CD-rom... so be wary buyers with PS2s that DRE the blue backs.

Otherwise, this game trounces Donkey Konga... :x


Nos_G said:
I'm not sure if anyone mentioned this, but the game is on CD-rom... so be wary buyers with PS2s that DRE the blue backs.

actually, I am very glad you mentioned that. You just saved me a headache tomorrow :p
I bought this last night at Toys R Us as part of the 2/1 deal.

The game is so much fun! While I'm a big fan of Donkey Konga, I think I enjoy this more. The graphics are great, and I like the majority of the songs better. Are some of them actually licensed?

Is Namco coming out with a separate drum for two player? The only thing I see at EB and Gamestop is the RedOctane drum.


The songs I like in Taiko, I like more than the songs that I like in Konga, but the songs I can't stand in Taiko are much more annoying to me than the ones I can't stand in Konga. And there are a lot more "Meh, don't care." songs for me in Taiko.
And I have to insert how much more fun the arcade is of course, haha!
But the management behind the game is so much better, the fact you can insert names, and whatnot. Why that's missing from Konga, I don't know.

And unless the Doraemon theme song is unlockable, I'm gonna have to keep Taiko only slightly above Konga, but they're both a fucking blast.

And you have to wail so hard on the drums, I don't like that particularly either.
OMG, Taiko has Katamari?!?! Man, I was planning on buying this eventually, since I love rhythm games, but now I need to buy it that much more.

So how many songs are in this version of Taiko?


Randam_Hajile said:
OMG, Taiko has Katamari?!?! Man, I was planning on buying this eventually, since I love rhythm games, but now I need to buy it that much more.

So how many songs are in this version of Taiko?

31 total. Three of those have to be unlocked, but unless you completely lack rhythm you'll unlock them, plus Oni mode, within the first 60-90 minutes.
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