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Tales of Symphonia questions (spoilers)

I just got upto ozette, but at the moment, I cant get me head around what is happening. Ever since I went to the tower of salvation, I just havent been able to understand anything. Firstly, which world is now declining? Secondly, if the desians are part of Cruxis, then why would they want the world to be regenrated, wouldn't that seal away the Desians? Thirdly, would't Martel have used body of the last chosen as her vessel? At the moment, I really hope that the game gets less consfusing:(


Yeah, ToS' story can get a little overwhelming at times. Let me see what I remember though.

If the Regeneration actually fully took place, then Tethe'alla would be the world that would be in decline, and Sylvarant would begin to prosper. I think signs of this happening become evident when Sheena first notices monsters in Tethe'alla (a sign that it's beginning to decline), and when Genis first notices that the mana level in Sylvarant has risen substantially after they return (a sign that it's beginning to prosper).

The Desians are part of Cruxis, yes, but they're more like pawns. Cruxis merely uses the Desians for the production of expheres. The Desians being sealed away is merely a myth that is planted into the heads of humans to make them think the Regeneration will end the suffering at the hands of the Desians (and of course this is only a trick for the Regeneration quest to take place period).

I wasn't really sure on the Martel story either, until the end anyway. I remember that the multiple bodies in the Tower of Salvation were of those who had been previous Chosens but had somehow 'failed'. I think the reason for this is, and they expand on it at the end so if you haven't gotten there don't read the spoilers coming up,
that Martel didn't want to embody a human or elf or half-elf since it would be like stealing their life and consciousness in a sense. She embodies Colette for a brief moment only to tell Mithos that what he's doing is wrong, and then quickly leaves her because she knew it wouldn't have been right to steal Colette's life/spirit. At the end, Martel embodies Tabitha, which is actually only a doll and not a real person, and that is perfect for Martel. The ironic thing is that Mithos almost destroys Tabitha because he thinks that she is too inferior for Martel to embody.
thanks a lot man. just one last question, did the people of tethe'alla know that tethe'alla was declining or not. I entered Mizuho for the first time today and shhena tells some guy that her guests are from Sylvarant and then the man goes "sylvarant, the dying world?" its as if he doesnt know that tethe'alla is dying


Has problems recognising girls
Teth'alla isn't declining on a mass scale, Genis and Raine know this and make references to it throughout the game. Compared to Sylvarant, Teth'alla is a paradise still.. at least in the terms of nature and the mana is concerned.

But as Tritoid said, Sylvarant does prosper somewhat when they release the Guardian's. I can't remember it too clearly cause I finished it all too long ago.

And people told me that Tales of Symphonia story is weak :p Sure it doesn't have an Aeris being killed on the spot and making you cry, but eh, it could be worse.
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