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Tales of Symphonia sales numbers in Japan


Tales of Symphonia ナムコ/ナムコ・テイルズスタジオ
Namco/Namco Tales Studio RPG
7,140 03/08/29 183,527 58.18% 315,466


Hmm I thought Tales popularity was big in Japan (especially after great reviews), but I guess the GC userbase slowed it down abit. FF:CC edged it by 50,000 copies :p Probably only because of the FF brand.


Symphonia's sales weren't bad, but Namco expected 500K. ToD2 on PS2 sold 800K so I can see why they want the game ported over to PS2.

Deku Tree

A Namco rep recently said that if ToS sells well, they'll bring more Tales games to the US. So Hopefully ToS will be the best selling Tales game in the US.
Yeah Symphonia on the GameCube was weird...It sold like 200,000 in it's first week, and then completely slowed down. Hopefully the game sells at least 300,000 in the US.


Namco better advertise this game well. I want to see a commericial that makes you run out of your house and go buy ToS.


Bishman said:
Namco better advertise this game well. I want to see a commericial that makes you run out of your house and go buy ToS.

I just can't see this selling well in america, but I hope it does well.
They should've let Nintendo publish ToS, and the ToP port for the GBA and advertise them heavily. Could've made the series a hit in America.


Junior Member
I'm sure ToS will do more than 100k - maybe even 200k - in the US... The game's been hyped pretty much, great reviews and there's no other (good) alternatives.


NotMSRP said:
I think TOE did 45k in the US. Probably due to the less than stellar localization.
i'd imagine it has to do more with the fact that the hardcore RPG audience was abandoning the PS1 by then, the marketing was lackluster, and it didn't have a particularly appealing cover. oh, yeah, and it was called 'destiny II' so people who played the first one probably stayed away, since i think i was one of the only people who actually liked it. =)

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Gamecube gamers have been starving for an RPG for how long now? Since skies of arcadia (no, FFCC doesnt count :p ). Its summer so its also a drought of games on pretty much all platforms, minus xbox in may~june.

I certainly am one of those that cant wait to play a great RPG :D


Running off of Custom Firmware
I've been spending much of my free time juggling Wizardry PS2 (again), Summoner PS2, Summoner 2 GCN (again), and Shining Force GBA.

I am ready for ToS. So ready.


Has problems recognising girls
Hell yes. Only 1 week left.

I actually have to work during the week it gets released so I'm a bit pissy about that..
I doubt it's any indication, but the manager at my EB (not a very big area I live in) told me that they were getting quite a few preorders for ToS. Me thinks GC players are starved for a new RPG.


trippingmartian said:
Wouldn't surprise me if many are waiting for the JPN PS2 release.

That doesn't make any sense. Obviously, the people wanting this game are GC owners.
That is to say that only owners of the cube want this game? I'm pretty sure the last few installations in the series have been on Sony consoles.


trippingmartian said:
That is to say that only owners of the cube want this game? I'm pretty sure the last few installations in the series have been on Sony consoles.

It seemed as though you were implying that PS2 owners waiting are affecting GC sales.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
PS2 only fans will probably not buy a cube for this game, but I don't expect Gamecube/PS2 owners to wait for the ps2 version.
trippingmartian said:
Wouldn't surprise me if many are waiting for the JPN PS2 release.

It would to me, when this game was released on the Cube most people had no idea that it was going to be ported to the PS2. So it's basically a surprise that it happened. I'm sure there will be alot of people that buy the PS2 version though, it might even outsell the GC version, but it's not because they waited on the PS2 version. It's just because as Suikoguy said, it wasn't enough to make them buy a Cube.
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