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Tales of the World screens!


Screenshots of Tales of the World: Narikiri Dungeon 3.

Lloyd, Kratos, Raine and Zelos are in it! Noishe too. Cool :D












This game..must..be..released outside of Japan!


Wario64 said:
Please bring this to the U.S....and Tales of Phantasia...pleeeeeeaasse

Yes, with the success of ToS in the US, I see no reason to not bring this game to the western countries. I mean the gamers will reqognize Lloyd, Kratos and the rest.


Can someone tell me what's the difference between the regular Tales of games and the Narikiri Dungeon ones?
The Narakiri Dungeons are handheld Dungeon games with the regular Tales battle system and parts 2 and 3 (which are for GBA) allow you to use characters from other games in the series.

I don't know much about part 1, but I believe it tied in to Tales of Phantasia somehow.

Deku Tree

I agree with the calls for more Tales games outside Japan. And it's nice to see some of the ToS characters in the mix.


Appearently Alpha System is the developer of this one. Was it Alpha System that did Mario and Luigi SS, or was it Alpha Dream?


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Alpha Systems did Linda^3 if I'm not mistaken... a game that sounds really cool that I should eventually pick up.


SantaCruZer said:
Appearently Alpha System is the developer of this one. Was it Alpha System that did Mario and Luigi SS, or was it Alpha Dream?
alpha dream did M&L. alfa system has been around for quite some time, and did the last tales of the world.


It should be featuring every single tales characters from all the major series. The last one had characters from ToP,ToD,and ToE. Now we have the addition of ToS/ToD2j. (Yay for 2d versions of ToS cast) But damn Alfa system cant design female sprites worth crap :/ All the ToP and other females outside of ToD/ToE look horrible. I guess we can also expect low animation and shared sound clips, though the cart should be much bigger with the addition of 17-18 characters. The backgrounds seem improved too. In any case, ND3 will be using the same battle system as ND2 did (CLMBS Condensed Linear Motion Battle System) which frankly is around ToP/ToD style with lack of realtime magic :/ There also seems to be an SRPG element to this one (for the dungeons?) But hey, imagine the dream team combinations. And finally, this is a Cosplay RPG :3

SantaCruZer said:
Yes, with the success of ToS in the US, I see no reason to not bring this game to the western countries. I mean the gamers will reqognize Lloyd, Kratos and the rest.

But ToP and ToD2j cast isn't known. It'd be nice if they did put effort into making it somewhat recognizable sorta like what Nintendo did with the foreign smash bros. trophies or even the Fire Emblem characters.

Also, a few more pics were missed too. Directly from Teichan~ (They were totally swamped sunday night upon this news)

Frio, Judas, Kyle!

Elraine discussing things with possibly what maybe be the new antagonists

Reala opening a can of kickass!


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Looking pretty nice... sucks that we were screwed over in not getting these games. Aren't they random dungeon hacks, though, rather than straight up RPGs? Still interested, being a big Tales fan and all... I'm good friends with Cless, the guy who is working on the TOPPSX translation and as a side project, he's expressed interest on doing ND2, so I'm sure he'll be interested in this, if Namco doesn't announce a stateside release.


djtiesto said:
Looking pretty nice... sucks that we were screwed over in not getting these games. Aren't they random dungeon hacks, though, rather than straight up RPGs? Still interested, being a big Tales fan and all... I'm good friends with Cless, the guy who is working on the TOPPSX translation and as a side project, he's expressed interest on doing ND2, so I'm sure he'll be interested in this, if Namco doesn't announce a stateside release.

Are you? You should come by the tales channel sometime! ...Although the reality of that ToP PSX project is looking like 2010 or something :p And yeah, ND2 was basically going through dungeons from the previous major Tales games and doing tons of fetch questing. But it's always been about the battle system. Some of the crossover dialouge is amusing though. I'm wondering if they're changing the dungeons to SRPG style now though (Which bugs me a tidbit)
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