I'm from munich and the tap water here is awesome because of the alps. I figure its pretty much the same everywhere where its coming from the alps.
I recently traveled through the US and had to buy bottled water all the time because wherever you go, the water tastes like fucking pool water because they put chlorine in it. Whether its NYC, Austin, LA. Tasted like shit everywhere.
And the bottled water they sell is just some weird Poland Spring stuff that doesn't taste particularly good or shit expensive fancy water...
Also weird, the water from the tap doesn't get really hot or cold in the US. When i turn in either direction at home the water gets to hot to touch or too cold to keep your hands under it, in the US its get mildly cold or a little warm (usually the warm side worked better but it takes a while). Now I know why all your fridges dispense icecubes... because you can't get cold tap water otherwise.
I also noticed that showering feels different in the US, especially on the hair. Someone in the thread said it feels less clean, but on thin hair it just feels like it makes your hair thicker. I liked that.
But at least the tap water in the US was drinkable. In Istanbul some locals drink it, but when I saw that in a glass of tap water that was standing around for a while a white sediment had seperated from the water I wasn't eager to try it out myself.
Oh, and in india tap water is like the boogieman. You try to avoid it at all cost on your monthslong trip through india until one day a tap water ice cube sneeks into your coke and from that moment on you have the worst diarrhea for the rest of the trip until you get back to germany and your doctor puts you on antibiotics.