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Tarantino to the Mob Angry About Bruce Lee in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood: 'oh suck a dick!'


Gold Member
They're still trying to cancel Quentin Tarantino over how he portrayed Bruce Lee in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. This popped up again as Tarantino has written his first novel, which is an adaptation of the movie.

“Where I am coming from is I can understand his daughter having a problem with it. It’s her fucking father. I get that,” Tarantino said. “But anybody else, oh suck a dick!”

“If Cliff fought Bruce Lee at a Madison Square Garden martial arts tournament, he would not stand a chance. But as a killer who has killed men before in a jungle, he would kill Bruce Lee. He’d fucking kill him! Bruce Lee is not a killer. He’s actually facing a guy who could kill him, it’s a different story. It’s in the book, when Bruce realizes Cliff is taking a military combat stance, he realizes Cliff is a killer.”

“The stuntmen hated Bruce on ‘Green Hornet,'” the director said. “It’s in Matthew Polly’s book [‘Bruce Lee: A Life’] and it’s always been known. That’s why Gene Labelle was brought in, to teach Bruce respect for American stuntmen.”

“Bruce had no respect for American stuntmen, he was always hitting them with his feet,” Tarantino continued. “It’s called tagging when you hit a stuntman for real. He was always tagging them with his feet and his fist and it got to the point where they would refuse to work with Bruce. He had nothing but disrespect for American stuntmen. It was probably just like, ‘Oh they’re just not good enough. They are pussies. I want to make it look real!’ But stuntmen don’t like that. That’s unprofessional.”


Gold Member
Never followed Bruce Lee, but seeing him in old clips, he always seemed like an ass like he's some high almighty philosopher. Or maybe he was drugs during those interviews.


What time is it?
People hate to see their hero’s turned into shades of grey/not perfect angels. You’d think by this day and age we’d learn not to hero worship

You are my hero.

simon cowell GIF


Tarantino is an idiot. The comedy part is that he calls himself a cinephile and yet he did not know that bruce lee didnt made any noise while fighting, they where added in the dub. Also the fact that he created this fake cliff vs bruce argument in his head reels of his insecurities. Obviously I dont want anybody to be cancelled over such a thing, his arrogance is of a pouty child vilifying a dead man. Pathetic.
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What time is it?
Tarantino is an idiot. The comedy part is that he calls himself a cinephile and yet he did not know that bruce lee didnt made any noise while fighting, they where added in the dub. Also the fact that he created this fake cliff vs bruce argument in his head reels of his insecurities. Obviously I dont want anybody to be cancelled over such a thing, his arrogance is of a pouty child vilifying a dead man. Pathetic.

Did he suck your girlfriend's toes?

Jon Neu

Pain in temporary, film is forever approach. Jackie Chan has busted himself up but has one amazing legacy.

Pretty much.

It's amazing that Tarantino claims to know so much, yet he is oblivious to the radical cultural differences.

For some reason, he just wanted to paint Bruce Lee as an asshole because he didn't understood those differences.


Bruce's life, craft and personality is pretty much purely legend now anyway and facts about his true skills and abililities are either embellished, exaggerated or only known through hearsay.

I found the scene amusing in a film where a member of Charles Manson's gang gets torched by a flamethrower.
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Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
By the way, stuntmen in China are ok with being hit, it's part of the job and it's considered better for the movie.

It’s not that Bruce didn't have respect for american stuntmen, it's simply a complete different approach.

I don’t know.

Did the stunt men agree to it? Were they trained before hand for hits to actually connect? I know Jackie Chan’s stunt men wear some sort of straw padding under the clothes because in Chan’s movies the hits connect.


Pretty much.

It's amazing that Tarantino claims to know so much, yet he is oblivious to the radical cultural differences.

For some reason, he just wanted to paint Bruce Lee as an asshole because he didn't understood those differences.

I'm sure he does know the cultural differences. Bruce was probably asked not to hit the American stuntmen multiple times though.
In American culture, you don't actually hit a stuntman but Bruce kept doing it.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
Pain in temporary, film is forever approach. Jackie Chan has busted himself up but has one amazing legacy.
Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee also get premium pay for those movies. The stuntmen were probably making minimum wage.

Bruce Lee made good movies, but why is it so hard to believe he was an insufferable dude just like any other actor today?
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Pain in temporary, film is forever approach. Jackie Chan has busted himself up but has one amazing legacy.

And that somehow while also being a spokesperson for the CCP and giving "The Kung Fu kid" movie a stupid title.
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And that somehow while also being a spokesperson for the CCP and giving "The Kung Fu kid" movie a stupid title.

I'm confident that the CCP have got him by the balls forcing him to be a CCP mouthpiece. If they can't get the person they want, they go for the extended family living in China as leverage.


Gold Member
They also found drugs on Jackies son and he got a mild sentence. I think that's one of the reasons why they got him by the balls...

Bruce Lee can be annoying when he starts talking, but...

Hong Kong movies do have better fight scenes and stunts compared to what Hollywood throws together.

I mean, this shit can get pretty crazy

Moon Lee, the woman on the windshield, was in some crazy stuff. The last explosion in Devil Hunters was too powerful so the 3 actors got burned and spent some time in the Hospital.
They actually left this part in the movie and that's how it ends lol



They also found drugs on Jackies son and he got a mild sentence. I think that's one of the reasons why they got him by the balls...

If you read up, (Just google Jackie Chan son drug charges) he was charged with possession and distribution of weed (All drugs are class A in China). However here's the rub, in Chinese law if you allow people to take drugs in your home (Office/bar/club) that's a higher sentence than just taking the drugs yuorself, in fact you don't even need to take drugs in your home just let other people do it in your home. It's one of these really old Chinese laws that was related to running Opium dens way way back in the day but they pull that out when the Chinese authorities really want to fuck someone over.

Anyway 6 months is super mild when they charged Jackies son with that.


Can’t stand the guy and other than writing some fairly clever dialogue his movies are supremely overrated. I have no problem with the portrayal of Bruce really, but to hear bitch ass Quentin talking like he’s some knowledgeable guy about anything regarding Bruce Lee or old Hollywood like you’re some authority.. 🙄 stfu dude


Can’t stand the guy and other than writing some fairly clever dialogue his movies are supremely overrated. I have no problem with the portrayal of Bruce really, but to hear bitch ass Quentin talking like he’s some knowledgeable guy about anything regarding Bruce Lee or old Hollywood like you’re some authority.. 🙄 stfu dude

......but he's a super cinema nerd, and probably is an authority on classic cinema

But whatever


......but he's a super cinema nerd, and probably is an authority on classic cinema

But whatever

Anyone can appoint themselves cinema nerds that’s fine, just don’t swing your dick around like you’re some guy in the know, you’re not dude. He wasn’t alive when any of this stuff even happened, and is relying on second and third hand information like anyone else.


Anyone can appoint themselves cinema nerds that’s fine, just don’t swing your dick around like you’re some guy in the know, you’re not dude. He wasn’t alive when any of this stuff even happened, and is relying on second and third hand information like anyone else.

Ah you meant the story, im generalising his film knowledge and cinema as a whole.


Ah you meant the story, im generalising his film knowledge and cinema as a whole.
Yeah I probably should have been more clear I don’t question the guy probably voraciously reads anything and everything about it, he’s as informed as probably anyone could be, it’s just the dude is so arrogant about it. Also don’t tell people to suck a dick when you couldn’t bust a grape in a food fight 👍


Anyone can appoint themselves cinema nerds that’s fine, just don’t swing your dick around like you’re some guy in the know, you’re not dude. He wasn’t alive when any of this stuff even happened, and is relying on second and third hand information like anyone else.
Hmmm I'm pretty sure the guy who is a legit filmmaker, and clearly shows the influences of the genres that inspired his work might know enough about film to be considered a "cinema nerd".

what does it matter if he wasn't alive?


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I don't have an opinion about Bruce Lee one way or another, and I thought it was a humorous scene and the actor portrayed Lee to almost comical accuracy. But I do like how Tarantino always goes to bat for stuntmen. They're like the unsung heroes of movies. It ain't Chris Evans doing those insane moves as Captain America - it's his stuntman. Those brief glimpses of the pretty boy actor or gorgeous 90 pound wafer of an actress leaping out of a burning building before it explodes: stunt men and women. Those old Xena episodes you beat off to? Stunt woman doing 99% of the physical work.

Anywho Tarantino isn't one to ever back down from a decision he makes in a film.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
Can’t stand the guy and other than writing some fairly clever dialogue his movies are supremely overrated. I have no problem with the portrayal of Bruce really, but to hear bitch ass Quentin talking like he’s some knowledgeable guy about anything regarding Bruce Lee or old Hollywood like you’re some authority.. 🙄 stfu dude

Tarantino is passionate enough about cinema to drive his career to where it is at today; with such a journey, he must have heard tons of anecdotes through research or friendships/acquaintances. Would you rather favor the take of some random youtuber who is in need for views and is now piecing biased evidence to support the position that will gather them the most attention?
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Neil Young

"Once Upon a Time". It was a fairy tale. Obvious from the title alone but everything needs to go through a fucking fact check these days. Spoiler, Hitler also didn't die by getting machine gunned in the face while watching a movie in Basterds. Comedy suffers greatly these days because of this. Need to explain the joke lest be called out. Yuck.


Bruce never said anything about Kung Fu being his stolen idea. It’s been Linda Lee saying it for years. Tarantino called her a liar. Bruce is safe. Don’t kick and punch stuntmen like a jerk though.

The audiobook of Once Upon A Time In Hollywood is fantastic. Lots of character detail.
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