Guess I'm one of those weirdos who still greatly prefer physical media.
Because Netflix's business model is different, they pay upfront to license content for streaming and mail rental services and how much they pay isn't centered around how many plays something gets. Netflix more akin to a TV syndication model mixed with HBO like premium network thrown in and a little video store aspect as well. It's also typically last in line in the distribution chain with a large gap between say a TV show's last episode of its season airs and when it's added to Netflix, hell even when a season set is released there'll still be a gap in many cases because studios want to sell season sets which they know sales of which will be cannibalized if the show is added to Netflix on the same day. Unlike Spotify where new album releases are regularly added on day one.
Because Netflix's business model is different, they pay upfront to license content for streaming and mail rental services and how much they pay isn't centered around how many plays something gets. Netflix more akin to a TV syndication model mixed with HBO like premium network thrown in and a little video store aspect as well. It's also typically last in line in the distribution chain with a large gap between say a TV show's last episode of its season airs and when it's added to Netflix, hell even when a season set is released there'll still be a gap in many cases because studios want to sell season sets which they know sales of which will be cannibalized if the show is added to Netflix on the same day. Unlike Spotify where new album releases are regularly added on day one.