Syth_Blade22 said:No, my morality does not come from the bible. what DOES come from the bible, are a bunch of stories, that are quite uplifting, and give me an insight into what a wonder it all is, We're alive. thats pretty fucking impressive. why not write a story about it, something, something for our kids to enjoy. lets call it the bible.
also, i dont pick and choose my morals from the bible, i pick and chose them as i see fit. It just so happens, that the majority of them in the bible are correct. And really i think this is on a whole other level to the level of religious devotion in Australia, it's quite astounding.
really now its 3:20 and i'm even more delusional.. but if your point was do i get my sense of morals only from the bible? no.
do i beleive anything in the bible? no.
the bible was written before scientific fact (well a whole lot of it) came to use.
The Aboriginals of Australia tell of stories such as the magpie being black and white because he was caught in a bush fire.
What gives the Christian story more fact over theirs? do you have me pictures of said jesus playing cricket on the shores of Jerusalem?
also nothing personnel on you anyway, I've had a shit day at home with many an argument and I'm really just using the internet to vent! no assholery intended!
Then you are not a Christian. You are a spiritualist.