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Teardown has been released without an inverted controls option, in 2023.

Do you use inverted controls?

  • No. Up is up and down is down, just like when I'm moving my eyes around to see.

    Votes: 50 44.2%
  • Yes. Forward looks down and backward looks up, just like when I'm moving my head around to see.

    Votes: 51 45.1%
  • I can generally play either way.

    Votes: 12 10.6%

  • Total voters


Is there not a standard options template that every dev uses? Missing this off is bad.

Listen, BlackWrong. I knew someone was going to go with this argument before I even clicked it, and it might have been you the last time it came up.

I grew up on N64's inverted FPSs too. I used to prefer it but now I can't stand it.

When you move your muscles, you aren't consciously choosing to contract muscle groups that affect the body part you want to move, you just do it. When you or the character need to look up, you look up. You don't think about pulling down first. This isn't QWOP where you control each limb on its own. Most act as if they are the character, not as if the right stick controls a puppet's head from a top down perspective. That puppet - the external control, is why aircraft controls aren't the same as character control for those that invert there alone. We all know that it's a conscious movement to push or pull a flight stick, or whatever the proper name is.

Logically it doesn't hold up past up/down, either. Turning left of right doesn't move your neck infinite degrees, but it does in a game. Therefore the camera/look stick is not a neck control, it's a direct control of where you want to look independent of any specific muscular group.

Then you move onto third person cameras where there could be more arguments either way, but it gets even less consistent. Intuitive controls and consistency are key, which is why non-inverted as become standard across the board. It's still absurd that this game doesn't have the option though, even inverted X should be there despite how ridiculous that is.

It's obvious you disagree, but the way you are doing it isn't helping your case.

It appears to me that if you don't like inverted controls, everyone someone says who defends them is going to be wrong for some reason or another even if "points" need to be contrived on the spot and it's just gonna devolve into paragraphs of shit. I mean, you just told me that being intuitive and consistent is key. That only works if you decide what is intuitive and then decide to make that consistent across all genres.

I respect non-inverted players to use their scheme, but this attitude about inverted players being wrong is really starting to piss me off. Look, when I'm playing a flight game and I pull up, I get the sensation that I'm pulling a lever that extends all the way down the nose of my aircraft, making the nose angle up. I get the same sensation when I pull back on the stick and the muzzle of my gun sticks up in the exact same way. How's that for "consistency". Don't like it, that's perfectly fine. But if you call me disabled for it you can seriously fuck yourself.


Push your head forward. It goes down. Pull your head back. It goes up.

The stick on the controller rotates the same way as your head atop your neck. It's not like a mouse on a flat plane.

Inverted is objectively correct.

This is how my brain works so I have always played inverted. I treat all 3d games as an object floating in space and I have a neck with a head on it on my character.
I knew you guys would mention Goldeneye lol. I almost became an inverted player as well due to playing a bit of Goldeneye and Starfox 64 at a very young age. Thankfully I had moved on to GameCube shortly after playing both.

I feel like the N64 incidentally made a bunch of people grow up being used to inverted controls. It made sense for that controller and that controller only.

I'm nobody

I think Playstation has setting you can play with to resolve this

I'm not backwards so I don't play with em
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People who play inverted started with Goldeneye 007, which means everyone else’s opinion is invalid.

Inverted forever.
Idk, normal people?

If you look up in real life, you pull your head back. If you look down in real life, you push your head forward. For some, this natural way of things has been reinforced in games since playing Goldeneye, and changing it is like switching hands.

The Office Boomer GIF by MOODMAN
Online dating 13 years ago and a woman sked what control scheme I preferred. She said:
"Inverted is like someone is pulling your hair down to look up, normal is like someone is grabbing your face and pulling up to look up", I don't think I quite read between these lines, but we never went on any dates. She seemed rather disgusted that I didn't have an Xbox Live account at the time (my 360 had died and was on ps3 at the time.


It's unfortunate, but saying you can't play it is a gross exaggeration. There are disabled people that find ways to play games, surely if you care enough you can try and get used to it in a span of a few hours.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I bet you're one of those weird guys at the gym running backwards on the treadmill to "work your quads."
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Your eyes is looking up when you are looking up.

The camera is your eyes ,not just your alien head.


If you wanted to look up at the stars, or a plane in the sky, or a dude jumped out behind a crate in a shootout at the docks, you will tilt your head back as you look up. No way you keep you head direct-straight-forward and simply some kind of demonic eye roll to get your eyes high enough to see. Everyone pulls their head back to look up at things above their straight line of sight. Early video game creators knew this, and inverted was pretty standard back when most of us old farts started out.
We might be fewer in numbers but what we lack we compensate it with our cult.

If the time comes we will swallow you non invert heatens.


I only play inverted on flying games... Since 1993-1994 - F-19 Stealth Fighter, F-29 Retaliator and Chuck Yeager's Air Combat.

On anything else it feels weird. Heck, even on fps games the flying sections feel weird with inverted controls... In general, inverted controls don't feel great in modern games - even when flying in Star Wars Squadrons - the controls were set up really awkward on the sticks.


Idk, normal people?

If you look up in real life, you pull your head back. If you look down in real life, you push your head forward. For some, this natural way of things has been reinforced in games since playing Goldeneye, and changing it is like switching hands.



always chasing the next thrill
Push your head forward. It goes down. Pull your head back. It goes up.

The stick on the controller rotates the same way as your head atop your neck. It's not like a mouse on a flat plane.

Inverted is objectively correct.
Last time i checked my head was
Not stuck on my controller
My ex played with inverted controls...he also wiped his ass standing up...
Surprised he even wiped his ass


I love these threads. They go the exact same way with the exact same posts every single time. Without fail.
Is it always inverted types being tolerant of others preferences and making reasoned arguments for why their own is valid while non-inverted types drive by with a pile of memes and comments about being gay, old and disabled?


I’m about to start an Inverted Mafia to murder all the normies.

In seriousness, big oversight by the devs. I think it was Silent Hill Homecoming on ps3 that only had normal and no invert. Played for about an hour and just quit. Shouldn’t have to change 30 years of muscle memory for one game because a developer sucks dick.

Had Teardown on my wishlist for years and it never really went on sale. Cool graphics and physics though. I think I was one of the first people to even make a topic about it here. Something to do with the fire extinguisher physics.


Playing N64 fps using inverted controls is second nature to me, because you are using your left thumb. But inverted right stick aiming? Disgusting.


Gold Member
Heh. My best friend uses inverted FPS controls, have always been "WTF?" about that.. And asking him about it I get the infamous head-tilt explanation, which still to this day doesn't make sense - To my brain..

With that said, I always use "inverted" when in flight sims - Of course :D


Some people see it as a cursor on a screen, some see it as a camera in 3D space. There’s no right or wrong.

I used to play inverted all the time but eventually I decided to teach myself non-inverted controls. It was pretty awkward at first but ok after a few hours. Now I think I could play either.

In other words: deal with it.


If they are "normal people" why the name of that setting is called "INVERTED" and not "normal"?

Are you people really this incapable of critical thought?

Because when you push up on the the flight yoke, the plane goes down. When down=up and up=down, it's inverted.

Holy shit I didn't come here to be a second grade teacher.


Literally a you problem OP. An actual problem is the alarms, I get the 60 second timer is ‘the point’ but I really wish there was MORE ways to handle alarms etc


Not sure if already mentioned, but MGSV did it the best way.
During the Hospital mission, while Snake is still in bed, the doctor asks you to look up so he can check your reaction and reflexes story wise, but the game will set normal or inverted in the background depending on the direction the player pushes the stick.
It's one of these little details that scream top notch game design.


Not a big problem and you can adjust easily. Haven't used inverted controls since the 64 probably because of perfect dark. I never went back to it. The controls felt more natural with up being up and down being down


I think you can invert the sticks (system wide, mind) on the Xbox controller app - does PlayStation have something similar?
PS5 has the presets

Settings > Saved Data and Game/App Settings > Game Presets

Choose the veiw you're using

Options for each axis are
Game default, Inverted, Normal
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I hear you OP. I can't and won't play a game unless the Y axis is inverted. And such a simple option to include, a surprising oversight.


Reseterror Resettler
Inverted camera on default is like putting on drunk goggles and being asked to precisely complete a task you've never tried before.
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