Hello Tech Support GAF...turning to you because I've exhausted what I know...
my wife has an HP Touchsmart IQ846
It's essentially an overgrown laptop with a touch sensitive screen. Has a GeForce 9600M in it.
This past Christmas, we went away for a week, and when we came back, the color depth on the screen was all fucked. It's locked at displaying in 16bit color, even though the settings in the display control panel and in the Nvidia control panels both show 32bit. Changing them to 16bit results in no change, nor does changing it back. Also, her whites are showing very pink.
Looking at her computer, I can see that both Skype and Steam was installed while we were gone (by the housesitters) but doesn't look like any games were. I've uninstalled those, uninstalled all graphic drivers and reinstalled them, did the same with the Nvidia control panel, CCleaned, malwared, all the basic stuff, but it's still displaying in 16 bit color.
Is there something I'm missing? Could they have run something from steam that auto switched it over and then it never returned? OK, that's far-fetched, but, as I said, I'm out of ideas here.