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Tech Support GAF Thread: No Case Too Big, No Case Too Small

Ok, so my Seagate 1TB external hard drive has stopped working.

I was transferring a pretty big folder from my laptop to the hd, it was about 9GB. It took about 8-10 minutes and seemed to be fine.

It was a TV series and just to make sure everything was ok, I tried playing a couple of episodes. The hd was taking a while to respond, I use MpcStar to ply videos and that had crashed so I figured that was the problem.

Then the hd itself stops responding, then Windows Explorer stops responding and the task bar disappears. I'm a complete computer novice, I have no idea what's going on, so I panic a bit. I try to close my hd but it won't respond at all and in the end I resort to just unplugging it. After I unplug it the taskbar etc comes back and the laptop's working as normal.

When I plug the hd back in it says it's searching for drivers. This takes quite while but the drivers were found, yet the hd isn't appearing. There's no way for me to get into it.
After disconnecting the hd from the power supply then reconnecting it's no longer recognized by the computer at all. A message pops up advising me to disconnect then reconnect because theres a problem and windows has no idea what's in the USB port.

I guess I'm just wondering how screwed the hd is. I don't know much about computers at all but I thought I'd post here before I go find someone to give me a hand.
There's quite a lot of stuff on the hd that I wouldn't like to lose, but I'm not really counting on getting any of it back. I'd just like to be able to have my hd in working order, really.

Thanks for any help in advance, guys.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Need help regarding IE8. I'm using that browser and have been using 125% zoom (clicked on the bottom right of the browser) for a long time now, but a few days ago the browser just decided to stop saving that zoom setting so now every single time I open up IE8 or a new tab or even go to a new webpage in the same tab, it goes back down to 100%.

And yes, I have the "reset zoom when opening a new window or tab" in Advanced settings unchecked.
I'm at a loss. My desktop computer started acting up recently and I'm not sure what the problem is. Usually when shit starts to go wrong I just reinstall the whole thing and I'm good to go for another two years. However, this time around, it doesn't seem to solve my woes.

The problems after a fresh install of Windows 7 64bit:

- I do have a wireless connection to my network
- Internet Explorer won't connect to the internet
- I install firefox which does seem to be able to connect and allows me to download stuff
- The skype installer attempts to download some files and it doesn't work
- Steam can update itself but once I'm in the program I can't view the store page (it remains blank)
- My wifi connection states there's no IPv6 connectivity.
- I can't stop the IPhelper process (which someone said was a solution)

So, not sure where I should be looking. It feels as if something is blocking parts of the internet connection... I've done a malwarebytes scan, and everything is clean.


Subete no aware
Apple Sauce said:
Ok, so my Seagate 1TB external hard drive has stopped working.
Thanks for any help in advance, guys.
Have you tried putting the drive into another enclosure? Alternatively, have you tried the enclosure on another system?

Fallout-NL said:
So, not sure where I should be looking. It feels as if something is blocking parts of the internet connection... I've done a malwarebytes scan, and everything is clean.
It could be the connection itself that's having the problem - unless your other devices are working fine online?


Good lord.. I now know why Macs are gaining market share. Were they not so expensive and somewhere even close to being in the price range of a comparable PC, I'd be all over it.

My wife's Toshiba laptop has been having a lot of problems the last couple of months. Its about 4 years old and runs Vista 32-bit. I'm pretty sure she got some kind of rootkit virus on the thing. Avast and MSE wouldn't sniff it out and it kept reinstalling an 'internet security essentials' program on her computer. Even deleting the associated files didn't do any good because they would always come back upon reboot.

I decided to do a clean hard drive wipe and reinstall because she was having other problems long before this virus appeared. Have any of you tried to install Vista 32-bit recently? HOLY HELL.. I started last night at 7pm and worked on it until midnight and then started again at 8am this morning all the way to 4pm this afternoon and no end in sight.

First.. windows update download 88 security updates YES 88 of them. Then it wanted to install service pack 1. But wait.. you can't leave your PC while its doing IE or service pack updates because you have to agree to all kinds of licensing agreements and shit, so you can't just walk away from it. Then another 58 security updates after SP 1 was installed and then it wanted to install Service Pack 2, and then another 40 something security updates, and then updates to .NET Framefork, and most of this shit required reboot after reboot after fucking reboot. Its damn near beaten me into submission. I don't have time for all of this shit anymore. And the bad part is there's no end in sight to all of these damn updates. I think I'm up to June 2010 on updates so I've got another 8 months worth of updates to go.


I have a linksys router and 4 computers are connected to it.

But if I shut down my desktop that's connected in PORT 1, then all other computers on Port 2 to 4 lose the Internet access. What gives?


I am not Max
Going to copy paste what I sent to NCIX technical support:

I have crackling/popping noises when listening to anything through my USB headsets. And through the green audio plugin (analog line-in?) there is constant ringing, I don't use it but it may be related.

BIOS and firmwares have all been updated completely on my Gigabyte GA-P55A-UD3 (rev. 2.0). I've stumbled upon many threads (including one with 55 pages) full of people with the exact same problem with their Gigabyte motherboards with Realtek drivers and Windows 7 x64.

Some people find that it is problems with their latency but I have zero problems come up in DPC Latency Checker.

I have tried switching usb ports but that does nothing. Using Ubuntu and starting Windows on clean boot has the same results. I also just cleaned the dust from my PC using an air duster but dust wasn't the cause.

I've gotten an RMA for the new Razer headset I bought, because it crackles while idle on my PC as well as on my HP laptop. But now I hear it on my old Logitech USB headset. The Logitech headset could just be old, but it sounds fine on my laptop which uses Vista. I'm wondering if there's some kind of setting I need to look at in the BIOS, or if there's something wrong with the motherboard


erotic butter maelstrom
I got an easy one.

I just bought a pair of headphones for my PC. I plug it into the mic/audio out ports, and it works fine. The only problem is that it becomes my default audio source, but I want it to be recognized as headphones so I can still use my USB speakers. I have to unplug one to use the other, which is a pain in the ass. I'm on Windows 7 and it has the option to control headphones and speakers separately, but I don't know how to get it to properly recognize the headphones.

Is that confusing?


I'm desperate Gaf if there isn't a quick solution to this I'll be buying a new pc tonight as I need it for work due next week.

I went to eat and when I came back the pc had crashed with video still there it just didn't work no mouse, taskmanager etc. I turned it off and when I turn it on the fans for Gpu, CPU, and power supply only spin for like 3 seconds and then shut down. It doesn't even reach POST. I've tried reseating hsf, checked the wires. Please help.
YouTube seems to have randomly stopped working for me last night. The page stops loading with no video whatsoever. No loading symbol or anything. I can't think of anything I've done that would cause this to happen.
Edit: Fixed itself. *Shrug*
firehawk12 said:
It could be the connection itself that's having the problem - unless your other devices are working fine online?

My macbook works fine. Connects to Steam fine.

It's my computer that's having issues. If I don't use a dynamic ip adress I don't get any connection. If I do assign myself a static adress everything half works (no steam store, no internet over IE).
This is just weird. I'm on a Linksys router (WRT54G) with this Win7 64bit PC. I've got a cheap Atheros AR5005G Wifi Card. Everything seems to be working except for the following two things:

While my computer claims to be connected to the internet I can't get an actual connection unless I use a static IP. If I tell the ipv4 protocol to assign one dynamically, I don't get internet. But I can reach the router.

If I do assign myself a static IP and fill out the rest of that shit down there. I get internet, but Steam can't access the Store page or the Community page (though I can see friends online).

My Macbook has none of these problems connecting to the same router.


Sounds like maybe a DNS issue?

Run up a command prompt and do an ipconfig /all and let us see the output... You should really have DNS set to the same as your router in most cases. Can you ping out to the internet? How about by IP (say try pinging google.com by IP, which is Sample good result below:

C:\Users\Doug>ping google.com

Pinging google.com [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=28ms TTL=57
Reply from bytes=32 time=27ms TTL=57
Reply from bytes=32 time=27ms TTL=57
Reply from bytes=32 time=26ms TTL=57

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 26ms, Maximum = 28ms, Average = 27ms


Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=26ms TTL=57
Reply from bytes=32 time=27ms TTL=57
Reply from bytes=32 time=26ms TTL=57
Reply from bytes=32 time=27ms TTL=57

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 26ms, Maximum = 27ms, Average = 26ms

Edit: I saw you say in an earlier post that firefox connects but IE doesn't? Check your proxy settings in IE under Tools>Internet Options>Connections>LAN Settings. That should be blank
Dougald said:
Sounds like maybe a DNS issue?

Run up a command prompt and do an ipconfig /all and let us see the output... You should really have DNS set to the same as your router in most cases. Can you ping out to the internet? How about by IP (say try pinging google.com by IP, which is Sample good result below:

C:\Users\Doug>ping google.com

Pinging google.com [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=28ms TTL=57
Reply from bytes=32 time=27ms TTL=57
Reply from bytes=32 time=27ms TTL=57
Reply from bytes=32 time=26ms TTL=57

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 26ms, Maximum = 28ms, Average = 27ms


Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=26ms TTL=57
Reply from bytes=32 time=27ms TTL=57
Reply from bytes=32 time=26ms TTL=57
Reply from bytes=32 time=27ms TTL=57

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 26ms, Maximum = 27ms, Average = 26ms

Edit: I saw you say in an earlier post that firefox connects but IE doesn't? Check your proxy settings in IE under Tools>Internet Options>Connections>LAN Settings. That should be blank

This is what I got at the moment:

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\Roelf.Hal-9000>ipconfig /all

Windows IP Configuration

Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hal-9000
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
DNS Suffix Search List. . . . . . : arnhem.chello.nl

Wireless LAN adapter Wireless Network Connection:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : arnhem.chello.nl
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Atheros AR5005G Wireless Network Adapter
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-1D-0F-B5-34-B9
DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes
Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::c9b5:8ceb:12aa:bb1b%13(Preferred)
IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Lease Obtained. . . . . . . . . . : woensdag 16 maart 2011 23:31:13
Lease Expires . . . . . . . . . . : donderdag 17 maart 2011 23:31:13
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . :
DHCPv6 IAID . . . . . . . . . . . : 218111247
DHCPv6 Client DUID. . . . . . . . : 00-01-00-01-15-0B-B1-29-00-1B-FC-7C-EF-2B

DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :
NetBIOS over Tcpip. . . . . . . . : Enabled

Tunnel adapter isatap.{29C83BAD-2B33-4F36-9B6F-A975DEEBEB40}:

Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Microsoft ISATAP Adapter
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-E0
DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No
Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes


And yeah, pinging to google.com works.

I think I fixed the issue though. I went back to a randomly assigned IP. Which didn't work at first, but then I turned on and off the DHCP setting in the router. That seemed to do the trick.
When I play Battlefield Bad Company 2 (BC2) online, I am able to get into a game for ~10 to 15 minutes before I get either a hard freeze or a blue screen, sometimes with a sound loop.

This is only related to BC2 because I have played other games without issue, and Furmark tests work fine, and I've searched on Google and found a lot of other people with this specific problem. The fixes they mentioned did not work for me. I disabled the onboard sound, I disabled sound altogether, I reinstalled PunkBuster, I changed the memory voltage, I updated to the right GPU driver.

I went to the Event Viewer, and maybe it's just because this last time was a hard freeze instead of a BSOD, but all it says is things like, "The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first."

I'm on Windows 7 64-bit
i5 2500k (not OC'd)
HD 6950 (with a modified BIOS that unlocked the shaders of the 6970)
4GB Adata RAM 1600
Corsair 650TX
Lionel Mandrake said:
YouTube seems to have randomly stopped working for me last night. The page stops loading with no video whatsoever. No loading symbol or anything. I can't think of anything I've done that would cause this to happen.
Edit: Fixed itself. *Shrug*

YT's been acting really weird for me since last night. When I load a widescreen video it'll squish the image to one side like so


I can fix it by toggling the Resolution, but then the first couple of seconds will ALWAYS lag when I play it. Strangely, embedded YT videos work just fine. Does this to me on both FF and Chrome.


Okay so i want to block a lot of websites from my sisters limited user account using the host file but i don't want those sites to be blocked in my account. Will changing the host file block the websites from my user account as well? And if you have any tips to block them let me know.


Choppasmith said:
YT's been acting really weird for me since last night. When I load a widescreen video it'll squish the image to one side like so


I can fix it by toggling the Resolution, but then the first couple of seconds will ALWAYS lag when I play it. Strangely, embedded YT videos work just fine. Does this to me on both FF and Chrome.[/QUOTE]

Happening to me on OSX Chrome as well. Toggling full screen and un-fullscreen works as well. First few seconds are fine for me.
So I have a secondary LCD monitor where the color is WAY to yellow. I want to fix this but the buttons on the front of the monitor are busted so I can't seem to adjust the color or contrast.

Does anyone know of any other way to adjust the color settings on a monitor that doesn't require the use of the front buttons?

Edit: Found a solution in a free download. Calibrize was exactly what I was looking for.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
My roomate just built a new computer. When he tries to install Windows 7 the computer reboots during the installation randomly and it keeps on rebooting at a faster and faster pace. He tried replacing the motherboard to no avail. RAM seems to be fine after a test was ran. Power supply is a working one from his old computer. I'm thinking it's either the cpu or dvd drive, but would the CPU even boot up the installation if it was messed up?


Trojita said:
My roomate just built a new computer. When he tries to install Windows 7 the computer reboots during the installation randomly and it keeps on rebooting at a faster and faster pace. He tried replacing the motherboard to no avail. RAM seems to be fine after a test was ran. Power supply is a working one from his old computer. I'm thinking it's either the cpu or dvd drive, but would the CPU even boot up the installation if it was messed up?
Try installing ubuntu to see if everything works.


I have a dazzle DVC 100 capture card, sony vegas will not capture with it because it says it's being used by another application, which its not, does anyone know if the card is even compatible with Sony vegas 10?


Rapid Response Threadmaker
MrBig said:
Try installing ubuntu to see if everything works.

I think he tried installing Red Hat and had a similar problem. It turns out it was the power supply from his old PC that he said for sure worked.


Ok guys, I was given a laptop to "fix".

My friends cousin has an older IBM ThinkPad with Windows XP Pro on it but the problem is he can't remember the password to log in AND its all in German.

The default username is "kreuter" not "Administrator". Would the Administrator account still be "Administrator" in German Windows? If not then what would the default admin name and default password be?

If that doesn't work is there a program I can run off of a CD to reset the password?
Joe said:
Ok guys, I was given a laptop to "fix".

My friends cousin has an older IBM ThinkPad with Windows XP Pro on it but the problem is he can't remember the password to log in AND its all in German.

The default username is "kreuter" not "Administrator". Would the Administrator account still be "Administrator" in German Windows? If not then what would the default admin name and default password be?

If that doesn't work is there a program I can run off of a CD to reset the password?
Try booting into safe mode, and change the password once it logs on, done this a few times to reset the forgotten passwords


Joe said:
Ok guys, I was given a laptop to "fix".

My friends cousin has an older IBM ThinkPad with Windows XP Pro on it but the problem is he can't remember the password to log in AND its all in German.

The default username is "kreuter" not "Administrator". Would the Administrator account still be "Administrator" in German Windows? If not then what would the default admin name and default password be?

If that doesn't work is there a program I can run off of a CD to reset the password?


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Got a question from a friend of mine; is there an easy way to access the BBC iPlayer from abroad without having to set up a VPN tunnel?


Wife's old Dell Inspiron 600m is still in use. But I'm not in love with the speeds.

What do people recommend for an older laptop to revive it?
Celeron proccessor - can't recall what power.
512 ram

Been dual-booting a VERY minimal install of XP and Jolicloud.
But I'm still convinced I could get something faster.


_RT_ said:
Wife's old Dell Inspiron 600m is still in use. But I'm not in love with the speeds.

What do people recommend for an older laptop to revive it?
Celeron proccessor - can't recall what power.
512 ram

Been dual-booting a VERY minimal install of XP and Jolicloud.
But I'm still convinced I could get something faster.
You should deinitelly max out the ram if you want to speed it up.


_RT_ said:
Wife's old Dell Inspiron 600m is still in use. But I'm not in love with the speeds.

What do people recommend for an older laptop to revive it?
Celeron proccessor - can't recall what power.
512 ram

Been dual-booting a VERY minimal install of XP and Jolicloud.
But I'm still convinced I could get something faster.
You can replace the processor on that thing as I did on the Inspiron 6000D with a Pentium M processor.

Upgrade the RAM first to 2GB. I think it takes PC2700 RAM (DDR1), which is expensive compared to DDR3.
So I recently replaced the mobo, cpu, ram on my machine. Did a fresh reinstall of Windows 7 64 and the system has decided to start BSODing when the system sits idle for awhile. I think I've narrowed it down to the ram being the problem. I ran Memtest 86 this morning and I got about 7 - 8 errors and then at the 2 hour and 15 minute mark the screen got covered in a bunch of weird symbols, seemed like Memtest was still running, but that didn't seem right so I hit esc and exited. I take it Memtest shouldn't do that. I'm gonna call Newegg tomorrow to RMA the ram.

Anyone RMA ram from Newegg before?


Jealous Bastard

this is a very basic request. i have a DELL INSPIRON 530 with 1GB of installed physical memory. i'd like to upgrade that to at least 2gb, perhaps 3+. i'm very unfamiliar with how to go about doing this: i don't know where to buy the memory (cheapest and best), what my computer can handle, how to go about installing it, etc.

i imagine if i knew what to buy, where to buy it from, and how much my computer could handle, i would be able to figure out from instructions how to install it myself. but for now, my request is this: help me figure out what a DELL INSPIRON 530 can take memory upgrade-wise, and help me find the cheapest source for a great memory upgrade!

here is the documentation for my computer model regarding memory installation.

my computer sucks butts!

help it suck less!
So my cousins has a 2 year old E-machines that was infected with viruses and malware.
safe mode was used to remove all infections found by malwarebytes. turning it on for the first time 2 weeks later and it wont power on.

When the power cord is connected it starts up like its powering on but then shuts off. It also wont respond when the power button is pressed. No thunderstorms or power surges in her area... power supply was replaced today, symptoms persist. PSU is also verified to be at 115 as we are in the US.

My cousin is bringing her PC over tomorrow. Any ideas GAF?


beelzebozo said:

this is a very basic request. i have a DELL INSPIRON 530 with 1GB of installed physical memory. i'd like to upgrade that to at least 2gb, perhaps 3+. i'm very unfamiliar with how to go about doing this: i don't know where to buy the memory (cheapest and best), what my computer can handle, how to go about installing it, etc.

i imagine if i knew what to buy, where to buy it from, and how much my computer could handle, i would be able to figure out from instructions how to install it myself. but for now, my request is this: help me figure out what a DELL INSPIRON 530 can take memory upgrade-wise, and help me find the cheapest source for a great memory upgrade!

here is the documentation for my computer model regarding memory installation.

my computer sucks butts!

help it suck less!

Follow the instructions on the link below to find out what RAM your computer supports and then report back.



beelzebozo said:


All you need are 1gb sticks of DDR2-800, also described as PC2-6400. Depends on how much you want to buy. If you dont have Windows 64bit, your computer will only support up to 3gb I believe.

Anything on this page should be good


Crucial, Corsair, Kingston are good brands. I don't know if the others are necessarily bad though.


Jealous Bastard
Ashhong said:
All you need are 1gb sticks of DDR2-800, also described as PC2-6400. Depends on how much you want to buy. If you dont have Windows 64bit, your computer will only support up to 3gb I believe.

Anything on this page should be good


Crucial, Corsair, Kingston are good brands. I don't know if the others are necessarily bad though.

so if i snag two of the crucial cards on that page it should be good to go? that'd put me at 3gb. here's my system info.



Yup. Maybe someone can double check my advice but that is what I would do.

I would recommend upgrading to Windows 7 though. That alone will make your computer feel faster.
I have an odd issue that has been happening recently in that my comp has been almost freezing. I say almost, as nothing else works except the mouse is still able to move around, but cannot select or bring up anything else.

I have had in safe mode run it through Ad-Aware, Avast and Malwarebytes to find nothing.

I have thought it may have been memory issues as C drive as of recently had been running dangerously low on space, but I've gotten it back up to 6 gigs of free space.

I do normally use a ton of tabs on Opera (50 or so), and running other multiple programs but I've never had any ill effects until recently.

A year and half ago I had the motherboard replaced with a DDR2 1200+ series Gigabyte motherboard, so the motherboard is new.

So far it seems I have to wait quite a bit to use it at length in normal mode but after a while it will 'freeze', but the mouse as said above can still be moved around.

I have no idea what is going on, and it seems that I can still run things on safe mode.


hayejin said:
I have a linksys router and 4 computers are connected to it.

But if I shut down my desktop that's connected in PORT 1, then all other computers on Port 2 to 4 lose the Internet access. What gives?

My first thought is that you're running internet connection sharing on the desktop and the other computers are trying to use that rather than the router.

Shut down all four PCs, reboot the router, then power up the one on port 2 and try ipconfig /all to see what it says.


Need some Network help, Tech Support Gaf.

Right now I'm using Cox Digital Cable for my internet, with a Motorola Modem. My internet has been incredibly finicky lately. Periodically it will just stop working, then on the network icon of my taskbar (windows 7) a little warning icon will appear. Hovering over it, it says, "<name of network> No internet access."

The lights on the modem/router do not change at all. As far as they show, everything is fine.

Usually unplugging/restarting my modem and router will fix this for a little while. (Usually anywhere from two to five minutes, if I'm unlucky.) Eventually, it will all just decide to start working again, and we'll be fine until the next time it decides to go insane. (We just had an episode. Restarted multiple times with no success, now it's just fine.)

I've called Cox about it who claims it's my router. (Belkin Wireless N) But I have also tried a Netgear and had the same issue. Currently I have a Leviton four port switch between my modem and my router. (On the theory that if it is my wireless router, maybe having a switch will let me keep my wired connections.) I've met with varied success since doing this. Once it only went out on the wireless, but this morning everything went out.

At this point I'm wondering if it's the Cable modem itself. Any thoughts?


Jealous Bastard
Ashhong said:
Yup. Maybe someone can double check my advice but that is what I would do.

I would recommend upgrading to Windows 7 though. That alone will make your computer feel faster.
thanks for all your help! i ordered two 1gb cards from newegg. will report back if i have issues.


hey guys, wondering if anybody had any ideas on this on going issue with my laptop

its an HP mini 311

it seems like some sort of blaster virus, but the problem is that i cant access any networkingm (wired or wifi), none of the USB ports respond (so cant load up any antivirus), If i restart in safe mode the RPC shutdown timer still persists, the system takes a VERY long time to boot up. Im at a loss here, anybody deal with anything similar?


Quick question:

Is PNY a good/decent brand for an SD card? I've found a deal online where the 16GB Class 10 is only 20€, but I still think it's too good to be good quality.



Rapid Response Threadmaker
Is there any way to access a router plugged directly into a computer? I have two routers one is hooked to the internet and the other one a linksys I planned on using as a bridge connected to my computer.


Jealous Bastard
Ashhong said:
Yup. Maybe someone can double check my advice but that is what I would do.

I would recommend upgrading to Windows 7 though. That alone will make your computer feel faster.


i got the two 1gb cards, got them installed, and rebooted the computer. but my system information tab still only shows 1gb of physical memory. this is disconcerting.

ONE, the computer feels much speedier. considerably speedier at least. so i'm presuming that at least one or both of the cards are installed correctly.
TWO, i am not 100% sure i put them in the right place or that i popped them in correctly. how do you tell, especially if the computer seems to not sense inherently that they're there (beyond the aforementioned speed increase)?

i am distressed


So, I woke up today to half of the websites not loading on my pc. I have no idea why, but forums like gaf work. Youtube, Google.. all of that works. Certain websites, like autoblog.com can't load thumbnails, they just sit half loaded forever. Other websites, like ign, take longer much longer to load. Last category are websites that don't load at all, say something like nba.com. I've been trying to fix it all morning, unsuccessfully.

-Nothing new installed, just turned the pc on today and it's been like this.
-Haven't touched any settings... nothing.
-restarted everything, reinstalled flash.
-deleted all temp files/cookies
-same problem in firefox and internet explorer

If anyone has ideas, they would be much appreciated.
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