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Tech Support GAF Thread: No Case Too Big, No Case Too Small


TTG said:
So, I woke up today to half of the websites not loading on my pc. I have no idea why, but forums like gaf work. Youtube, Google.. all of that works. Certain websites, like autoblog.com can't load thumbnails, they just sit half loaded forever. Other websites, like ign, take longer much longer to load. Last category are websites that don't load at all, say something like nba.com. I've been trying to fix it all morning, unsuccessfully.

-Nothing new installed, just turned the pc on today and it's been like this.
-Haven't touched any settings... nothing.
-restarted everything, reinstalled flash.
-deleted all temp files/cookies
-same problem in firefox and internet explorer

If anyone has ideas, they would be much appreciated.
Run ccleaner and flush your dns yet?


beelzebozo said:

i got the two 1gb cards, got them installed, and rebooted the computer. but my system information tab still only shows 1gb of physical memory. this is disconcerting.

ONE, the computer feels much speedier. considerably speedier at least. so i'm presuming that at least one or both of the cards are installed correctly.
TWO, i am not 100% sure i put them in the right place or that i popped them in correctly. how do you tell, especially if the computer seems to not sense inherently that they're there (beyond the aforementioned speed increase)?

i am distressed

How many sticks did you have stock, 1 or 2? and since you have 1 2 3 4 slots, which slots were the original sticks in?

Did you remove the original memory?


Jealous Bastard
Ashhong said:
How many sticks did you have stock, 1 or 2? and since you have 1 2 3 4 slots, which slots were the original sticks in?

Did you remove the original memory?

i had two 500mb sticks in with the cpu, which gave me 1gb of physical memory. i have four slots, so i got two 1gb sticks and put those in. i didn't remove the original memory. that seemed like a recipe for disaster! is it not a big deal?

for the record, it seems to be running more swiftly. it's just windows isn't "recognizing" it as present in the system info for some reason.


First thing I would do is test each stick individually. Take out all the sticks and put in only 1 of the new sticks in at a time. Are the original 2 512mb sticks side by side or do they have a slot between them?

It should definitely be able to read 3gigs of ram.
Recently I've been getting random slowdowns playing games. So I'm playing Dead Space 2 and it will slow down to 1-2 fps(normally I get 50-60fps). I've looked into this and it only does this on games that are graphic intensive. I check my eventually I got around to checking my CPUs and found out that out of the 2 cores 1 is 100% maxed out during games the other one hovers around 1-4%. I'm not to savvy with computers. I updated my BIOS, Downloaded an old driver I knew that worked without problems before. Still no luck, but I can now watch videos off steam again which is nice.

Anyone have any ideas? I'm afraid google can't help me any further.

The laptop is a dual core Gateway P-7805u FX


Jealous Bastard
Ashhong said:
First thing I would do is test each stick individually. Take out all the sticks and put in only 1 of the new sticks in at a time. Are the original 2 512mb sticks side by side or do they have a slot between them?

It should definitely be able to read 3gigs of ram.

i'll mess around with it in the next couple of days. it's running faster for now, and i'll count my blessings; tuesday or wednesday evening i should have some time to open it up and do some eliminating of variables. we'll see how it goes. it's interesting that it would run faster but still not note the upgrade in the system info.


This has been happening for quite a while but randomly it seems that Chrome becomes the 'top program' and nothing can overlap it.

I have to minimise it to get to any other window as they all open up in the background.

Anyone know of how to deal with this? Closing Chrome and opening it again sorts it out. It usually happens after it's open for a while.
Fjolle said:

Tada! :lol

I can so relate to this.

My mother recently asked me why her "incredimail (yes that's right) emails are gone".

Then got pissed at me because I didn't know what she did to them or how that pos works right away.

When she said 'I thought you were supposed to be all computer savvy' with some air of disdain in her voice I had enough and told her to figure it out herself.

Give family member a pc, then have to deal with their shit while getting an attitude about it from them, never again.


SneakyStephan said:
I can so relate to this.

My mother recently asked me why her "incredimail (yes that's right) emails are gone".

Then got pissed at me because I didn't know what she did to them or how that pos works right away.

When she said 'I thought you were supposed to be all computer savvy' with some air of disdain in her voice I had enough and told her to figure it out herself.

Give family member a pc, then have to deal with their shit while getting an attitude about it from them, never again.
Hell yes.

The number of people that ask me for computer help is ridiculous. Usually it's a very simple query that you could solve with a 10 second google search.

Buuuut.. here I am asking for help in this thread :p


Jealous Bastard
Ashhong said:
You could just be imagining it :) I have never heard of the system not updating the specs like that.

i can now confirm with 100% certainty that i didn't even have the cards in correctly. i snapped them in the right way and now my computer is blazing fast. in fact i need to step away for now and use this fire extinguisher on my keyboard.


beelzebozo said:
i can now confirm with 100% certainty that i didn't even have the cards in correctly. i snapped them in the right way and now my computer is blazing fast. in fact i need to step away for now and use this fire extinguisher on my keyboard.

Good to hear! You should double check that you installed them in dual channel for maximum performance. Easiest way I know how is to install CPUZ and click on the memory tab. Will just take a second



I have a prebuilt PC from Futureshop. It's an Acer with a 300W Lite-On PSU. The model number is: PS-6301-08A - 300W.

Currently I have a Radeon 3650. I want to upgrade to a 5670. I know the suggested wattage for a 5670 is 400W but some light research has revealed people running it at less.

Should I go for it? I'm a real hardware newb.


Looks good to me. Enjoy

denomes said:
I have a prebuilt PC from Futureshop. It's an Acer with a 300W Lite-On PSU. The model number is: PS-6301-08A - 300W.

Currently I have a Radeon 3650. I want to upgrade to a 5670. I know the suggested wattage for a 5670 is 400W but some light research has revealed people running it at less.

Should I go for it? I'm a real hardware newb.

I think it may be doable...but PSU's are so cheap, I would upgrade to be safe. 300w is pretty low methinks


I'm having a problem with my LCD monitor, and one that seemingly came out of the blue. I have these thin horizontal lines going up and down the screen. Every so often they'll change direction and scroll up the screen instead of down.

On top of that, any kind of box continues on past the screen element. For example, the blue header things on GAF and the box continue on until the edge of the screen. These are also somewhat transparent like the lines.

Anyone know what's going on? Is my monitor giving up the ghost?


denomes said:
I have a prebuilt PC from Futureshop. It's an Acer with a 300W Lite-On PSU. The model number is: PS-6301-08A - 300W.

Currently I have a Radeon 3650. I want to upgrade to a 5670. I know the suggested wattage for a 5670 is 400W but some light research has revealed people running it at less.

Should I go for it? I'm a real hardware newb.

Ashhong said:
Looks good to me. Enjoy

I think it may be doable...but PSU's are so cheap, I would upgrade to be safe. 300w is pretty low methinks

I would say going against using that PSU simply because I feel that the power supply is one part that you should not cut corners on. I had a 400-450W Lite-On PSU in my old rig that killed off my 8600gt, despite the gpu having a power draw within the PSU limits. Bad quality power supplies won't deliver consistent, clean power to your components and although people have noted requiring less, it still seems pretty anecdotal to me. Getting a quality PSU now means you could reuse it for any future builds/computers too! I figure your best bet at getting help is asking the guys in the PC thread. Can't go wrong with a Corsair or Seasonic PSU, though.


Ashhong said:
I think it may be doable...but PSU's are so cheap, I would upgrade to be safe. 300w is pretty low methinks

Conceptor said:
I would say going against using that PSU simply because I feel that the power supply is one part that you should not cut corners on. I had a 400-450W Lite-On PSU in my old rig that killed off my 8600gt, despite the gpu having a power draw within the PSU limits. Bad quality power supplies won't deliver consistent, clean power to your components and although people have noted requiring less, it still seems pretty anecdotal to me. Getting a quality PSU now means you could reuse it for any future builds/computers too! I figure your best bet at getting help is asking the guys in the PC thread. Can't go wrong with a Corsair or Seasonic PSU, though.

Thanks for the replies.

I was trying to avoid changing the PSU if I didn't have to since I'm not quite sure how to do that myself and I've heard changing them in pre-builds can be a headache.

If I opted to get a new PSU I could probably get a better video card too. I only chose the 5670 due to its low power usage.

Thanks again, I'm going to do some research on what it will take to swap PSUs.
Having trouble setting up a block for sites for my mother for my evil step-sister. See, she has a laptop for homework and stuff, but when I put in sites such as "funnyjunk.com" or anything else, all she has to do is repeatedly click on cancel button, and eventually, she'll get on anyway. (She's 16, and knows more about computers than my mother cares to learn)

I have tried blocking sites via the router, but it often block anything with 'funny' or junk in it, and pisses my mother off when her sites don't work. Anyway, is there any program I can install on her laptop would be able to block those sites she wastes time on, and allow her regular access to school stuff? It's a Windows 7 laptop...

(and yes, she is on a guest/normal account, and can't make system changes without an administrative password, and my mother actually taking taking the laptop away seems to be impossible to manage...long story there) Thank you all
Need help!

My CPU has finally died and I need a replacement the only promlem is my motherboard it's a M2N SLI and only accepts AM2 Processors which I've just discovered are pretty hard to come by.

I'm looking to build a new rig but wasn't planning on doing it until towards the end of the year, due to holidays and other commitments.

Anyway the CPU i'm looking to replace is - AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 6000 3.00GHz (Socket AM2)

Just wondered if anyone knew of any sites which may hold older stock

Below are the full system specs if that helps:

OS - Windows 7 Ultimate x64
CPU AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 6000+ (2 CPUs), ~3.
Motherboard M2N SLI - Phoenix - AwardBIOS v6.00PG
Memory 4096MB RAM
Graphics Card NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GS x 2 SLI 2158MB

Any help would be massively appreciated.


My CPU has finally died
Overclocking? CPUs don't just die for no good reason.

I'd suggest making the jump to AM3+, so many more processor options at that point, and it's not very expensive (got a Phenom X4 945 and Gigabyte mobo for $135).
Menelaus said:
Overclocking? CPUs don't just die for no good reason.

I'd suggest making the jump to AM3+, so many more processor options at that point, and it's not very expensive (got a Phenom X4 945 and Gigabyte mobo for $135).

Not overclocked, basically the machine went through a stage of instantly powering down or BSOD at first I thought Virus did numerous test and it was fine, then went to check the Ram and noticed that the Heat Sink was basically hanging off.

The clip holding the Heat sink to the mount on the motherboard had snapped and it was only just touching the CPU, I've tried running Prime95 and both workers fail in under a second as soon as the CPU usage begins to ramp up it now Blue Screens.


CPU fan speed help. First off, system specs:

Asus M4A77D motherboard
Windows 7 64bit
AMD Phenom II X4 955
4GB Ram
Radeon 4870

I dont really remember my CPU fan speed always being this loud, but for some reason it seems like it's constantly running around 5000+ RPM, shortly after starting up, and maintains that speed even when playing graphically intensive games. Sounds almost as loud as some of the older Xbox 360s...but I haven't had any problems signifying overheating, and after checking my temps, my CPU is at 52C and Motherboard at 44C (of course this is after being on all day).

I've got Cool n quiet as well as Smart Q-Fan turned on, yet i'd think the fans would only attempt to go this fast when the cpu was in danger of overheating. The smart settings are fan start at 25C and full speed at 55C if that has any effect on things (default settings).

I've read that sometimes bios upgrades help, but looking at the latest notes from ASUS, its just about chipset support. I'm using the stock fan that came with my Phenom, and i've also got three case fans (two in the front, one in the back).

Should I just try to upgrade to the most recent bios, mess with the smart fan settings, or could it just be something like cleaning out my case?


EDIT: Definitely not a dirty case problem, so that rules that out. Maybe its just the stock fan is just loud and I need to go ahead and upgrade to something like a Zalman?
I think your edit is trying to say its not a dirty case problem. I was going to say though I know with one of my older builds so much dirt and dust built up on the part of the heat sink where the fan actually blew air over it that the fan had to start working twice as hard to keep the temps down and move air through it all. Once I cleaned it out it went back to normal. So maybe check that *shrug*.


Shin Johnpv said:
I think your edit is trying to say its not a dirty case problem. I was going to say though I know with one of my older builds so much dirt and dust built up on the part of the heat sink where the fan actually blew air over it that the fan had to start working twice as hard to keep the temps down and move air through it all. Once I cleaned it out it went back to normal. So maybe check that *shrug*.

Yeah :p forgot to put not. Late night edits huh? Anyway, there wasnt any build up on the heatsink fan itself, and I cleaned around it and as much as I could between the blades. I'll try to grab a can of compressed air, and spray in between to see if that helps. Really wasnt that dirty from what I could see though.


Ok, weird issue. Every photo (jpeg, png, etc) I open with Windows 7 x64 now has artifacts. This happens in both Windows Photo Viewer and Windows Live Photo Gallery. My desktop wallpaper isn't showing artifacts...in fact, I'm not seeing them anywhere else!

The artifacts change each time I open the picture too. Any ideas? This just started today (and of course I took like 40 patches yesterday).



Menelaus said:
Ok, weird issue. Every photo (jpeg, png, etc) I open with Windows 7 x64 now has artifacts. This happens in both Windows Photo Viewer and Windows Live Photo Gallery. My desktop wallpaper isn't showing artifacts...in fact, I'm not seeing them anywhere else!

The artifacts change each time I open the picture too. Any ideas? This just started today (and of course I took like 40 patches yesterday).

Check drivers.

Also, report temperatures.

If temperatures too high, dust out and/or get an aftermarket cooler (i.e. Zalman).

Otherwise, most likely you'll have to RMA.

Teknoman said:
Yeah :p forgot to put not. Late night edits huh? Anyway, there wasnt any build up on the heatsink fan itself, and I cleaned around it and as much as I could between the blades. I'll try to grab a can of compressed air, and spray in between to see if that helps. Really wasnt that dirty from what I could see though.

Are you using the stock AMD heatsink? I heard those are loud.


Check drivers. Already changed them, no luck

Also, report temperatures. GPU: 38C, Case: 33C, CPU: 44C

It's a 2 month old PNY GTX460. If it's really a GPU issue, wouldn't I see these thing across the whole system?


Menelaus said:
Check drivers. Already changed them, no luck

Also, report temperatures. GPU: 38C, Case: 33C, CPU: 44C

It's a 2 month old PNY GTX460. If it's really a GPU issue, wouldn't I see these thing across the whole system?

Sounds like you need a replacement.


claviertekky said:

Sounds like you need a replacement.
Well, I don't see artifacts in games or anywhere else throughout windows...just in Picture Viewer. If I open the same picture up in Photoshop, it's clean.

I'll still contact PNY about it, considering it has a lifetime warranty.


Menelaus said:
Well, I don't see artifacts in games or anywhere else throughout windows...just in Picture Viewer. If I open the same picture up in Photoshop, it's clean.

I'll still contact PNY about it, considering it has a lifetime warranty.
Hm. Strange, what about playing videos?


claviertekky said:
Are you using the stock AMD heatsink? I heard those are loud.

Yup, I guess I should probably just get a better quality third party fan. Had decent experiences with Zalman from my last PC, but I thought that stock fans should be better by now.
Ok, GAF. This has been bugging me for a long time.

My OS is basically fucked, it works, but its really slow and my HDD needs formatting. The OS (XP) was stupidly installed over another OS so its a mess, I just want to format it (I already moved all my important files).

The problem is that whenever I try to install a new OS (from a CD), my PC won't let it. It will just reboot as its beginning to load the CD. I tried with a bunch of different OS my friend lent me, but they all share the same problem.

I don't know if the problem is my HDD, my MoBo or whatever, but its really annoying. Specially because I have a decent PC that works slow and I want DX11 ;(


Yuck, could be a hardware problem. Try installing with as little hardware as possible. 1HDD, 1 stick of RAM, no peripherals, etc. If that fixes it, then it's a process of elimination.


ShadowPampers said:
Ok, GAF. This has been bugging me for a long time.

My OS is basically fucked, it works, but its really slow and my HDD needs formatting. The OS (XP) was stupidly installed over another OS so its a mess, I just want to format it (I already moved all my important files).

The problem is that whenever I try to install a new OS (from a CD), my PC won't let it. It will just reboot as its beginning to load the CD. I tried with a bunch of different OS my friend lent me, but they all share the same problem.

I don't know if the problem is my HDD, my MoBo or whatever, but its really annoying. Specially because I have a decent PC that works slow and I want DX11 ;(

Is the harddrive formatted? I would format the harddrive instead of booting from the CD. If you have the means, maybe connect it as an additional drive to another computer and format it. Then boot from CD in your computer.


Is there a way I can completely erase the contents of a computer's hard drive without using a CD drive or formatting through a Windows install or something?

I have a shitty Netbook with a bunch of crap on it that I'd like to completely erase. It doesn't have any system restore on it so I can't do that, and I don't have an external CD drive available to me.

It also has two partitions of Windows, one XP and one Windows 7. When I installed Windows 7 originally I didn't have the option to delete the WinXP partition for some reason.

Anyway I don't care about it and will likely toss it in the trash but I'd like all my data to be gone first.


Is there a way to get an old hp laserjet lpt printer to print over wifi? The printer is old but wonderful and serves our needs perfectly. Thanks guys!
My laptop got infected with a virus, it was a fake "Windows Restore" message that appeared on startup. It also hid all of my files and turned my desktop image to just a black screen.
I tried using spyware doctor and did a full scan of Windows Security Essentials, and it removed the fake windows restore. My files are still hidden. I got all of my files to display, but they're all shaded lightly like they're locked or read-only. Any ideas on what to do next?


junkster said:
Is there a way to get an old hp laserjet lpt printer to print over wifi? The printer is old but wonderful and serves our needs perfectly. Thanks guys!
Buy a router that supports USB printing or if you have a computer that's on all the time, then you can set up printer sharing on that computer.

There are USB to Wifi printer adapters, but I don't recommend those as they don't work well. Your best bet is to just buy a new one if you want that functionality built in.
kevo_huevo said:
My laptop got infected with a virus, it was a fake "Windows Restore" message that appeared on startup. It also hid all of my files and turned my desktop image to just a black screen.
I tried using spyware doctor and did a full scan of Windows Security Essentials, and it removed the fake windows restore. My files are still hidden. I got all of my files to display, but they're all shaded lightly like they're locked or read-only. Any ideas on what to do next?
Run Malwarebytes. Be sure to use the latest updated spyware detection list.


Report back.
kevo_huevo said:
My laptop got infected with a virus, it was a fake "Windows Restore" message that appeared on startup. It also hid all of my files and turned my desktop image to just a black screen.
I tried using spyware doctor and did a full scan of Windows Security Essentials, and it removed the fake windows restore. My files are still hidden. I got all of my files to display, but they're all shaded lightly like they're locked or read-only. Any ideas on what to do next?
Try MalwareBytes.

EDIT: Beaten, I´ll act as the second opinion then.


So I booted up my old PC after a long time to copy all the files to an external drive. But unfortunately it is giving me problems booting up. At the start it says:

Detecting Primary Master .... None
Detecting Primary Slave.... None
Detecting Secondary Master .... DVD
Detecting Secondary Slave.... CD

Hardware monitor found a problem. Enter Power setup menu for details.

When I go to power menu, it just shows me bunch of numbers for the fan speed, voltage etc. I even turned them all to 'ignore' but still same result. I tried to replug the hard drive cables but no luck. I am able to boot through a CD as I tried Fedora but I couldn't see my hard drives any where on there. I just need to copy 1 directory before I can dispose off the PC or reformat it. How can I get these files off the HDD (there are two of them and I care only about one that has the pics). By the way I was able to boot the PC for the first couple of time, and I updated windows XP to service pack 2. Then I shut it down and turn on in the morning and all the problems started.

Please help me tech gaf!!!!!!!



One solution that I find almost always works is to buy an external harddrive case, put your harddrive in it and access the files via USB and back them up. It's not a clean solution by any means but it has never let me down. And you can just return the case after you use it :p


Really Really Exciting Member!
So Tech-GAF, i need help in something, maybe its something really simple that im not aware of...

I don't understand what's going on with my hard disk, there's like a 53gb of mysterious data.
My C: has a total of 232gb, and it says i have 52gb left.
But, when i actually go into C:, select all the folders, including the hidden ones, and right click -> Properties, it says that all of this combined is 127gb.

232-127 = 105.

So why does it says 52gb left when i look at the main window of "My Computer", when its actually 105gb? Where the hell is this mysterious 53gb?


Bisnic said:
So Tech-GAF, i need help in something, maybe its something really simple that im not aware of...

I don't understand what's going on with my hard disk, there's like a 53gb of mysterious data.
My C: has a total of 232gb, and it says i have 52gb left.
But, when i actually go into C:, select all the folders, including the hidden ones, and right click -> Properties, it says that all of this combined is 127gb.

232-127 = 105.

So why does it says 52gb left when i look at the main window of "My Computer", when its actually 105gb? Where the hell is this mysterious 53gb?
Trash, cache, temp files?
Try cleaning it out with CCleaner.


A.R.K said:
So I booted up my old PC after a long time to copy all the files to an external drive. But unfortunately it is giving me problems booting up. At the start it says:

When I go to power menu, it just shows me bunch of numbers for the fan speed, voltage etc. I even turned them all to 'ignore' but still same result. I tried to replug the hard drive cables but no luck. I am able to boot through a CD as I tried Fedora but I couldn't see my hard drives any where on there. I just need to copy 1 directory before I can dispose off the PC or reformat it. How can I get these files off the HDD (there are two of them and I care only about one that has the pics). By the way I was able to boot the PC for the first couple of time, and I updated windows XP to service pack 2. Then I shut it down and turn on in the morning and all the problems started.

Please help me tech gaf!!!!!!!


Your computer BIOS is not detecting your hard drive, hence why it only detects the DVD and CD drives. If your computer can't detect it there, then neither can the operating system.

What computer is it? Is it a custom build or did you buy it from a store? Please write more details about your current build. Could be your hard drive is dead or simply not plugged in.

Bisnic said:
So Tech-GAF, i need help in something, maybe its something really simple that im not aware of...

I don't understand what's going on with my hard disk, there's like a 53gb of mysterious data.
My C: has a total of 232gb, and it says i have 52gb left.
But, when i actually go into C:, select all the folders, including the hidden ones, and right click -> Properties, it says that all of this combined is 127gb.

232-127 = 105.

So why does it says 52gb left when i look at the main window of "My Computer", when its actually 105gb? Where the hell is this mysterious 53gb?

Second the opinion to run ccleaner. It can also be the shadow volume copies that Windows uses for restoring files. If you never use system restore, then disable it all together.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I tried using CCleaner, but it only deleted 3gb of useless stuff. Where can you disable this system restore?


Bisnic said:
I tried using CCleaner, but it only deleted 3gb of useless stuff. Where can you disable this system restore?
What version of Windows do you have? It's listed in the system properties under System Protection in Windows Vista/7.

Also, be sure to empty your Google Chrome cache if you do use it. It tends not to clean up after itself.


On a side note, this might help out with your situation as I encountered with another person's computer recently.

I was in the process of upgrading a Windows Vista Home Basic computer to Windows 7 SP1, but the upgrade required 16 GB of free space. I looked everywhere by right clicking on folders and displaying details, using ccleaner, and disabling system restore.

Turns out in the AppData\Local folder, the person had shared files with the friend sharing folder feature in Windows Live Messenger. The stuff totaled about 10GB, which is what I needed for the upgrade.

Also a small tidbit info: After the Windows 7 upgrade install, Windows cleared up 8 more GB of memory post installation, which was very amazing.
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