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Tech Support GAF Thread: No Case Too Big, No Case Too Small


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I was upgrading my system this past weekend.

I was adding

XigmaTek Dark Knight
AMD 6950
Crucial C300
Western Digital 1.5 TB

After having a lot of trouble getting everything together, I went to install Windows 7. Everything was going fine until it rebooted the first time. As it was loading up, the system seemed to reboot again during the startup sending me back to the start screen for motherboard. A screen was brought up saying that the system did not recover correctly and asked me whether I wanted to go to the recovery manager or start windows normally. I started normally and the setup for the rest of Windows 7 went fine. I later had problems during installing of drivers or updates. The system would sometimes crash like during installation and bring up a screen asking me whether I wanted to do the recovery manager other times a BSOD would happen. I could not find a single log or dump that would tell me why these things were happening.

The other problem I had was that Windows 7 would boot fast but the USB devices didn't seem to turn on until later. Unplugging some of the usb drives seemed to help the Mouse and Keyboard boot faster, but if the extarnal hard drive is connected Windows 7 which should load fast from the SSD instead lags. I am wondering if it is possible that I didn't plug something in that I needed to and the USB devices are not all getting enough power.

I'm going to try and burn Windows 7 again to see if that might help at all and reformat the drive.

I'm wondering if perhaps the latter problems are being caused because my Power Supply can't provide enough juice for my computer. It's a 650 Watt, which I think would be enough. If the power supply indeed wasn't enough, I thought my Graphics card would just not work at all.

I think I am going to do these steps to see if it fixes the problem:
1.Burn new image of Windows 7 (Does the default windows 7 burner allow you to change the burning speed?)
2. Back up all of the data of the external drive.
3. Unplug the external drive
4. Only have the keyboard and mouse plugged in.
5. Fix the extra usb plugs on the inside of the motherboard. When I was plugging the power supply plugs back in I saw these open slots that said USB 1-2,3-4.4-6 etc . I plugged what looked like on the power supply cables plugs that looked exactly like the ones on the motherboard (5 Open on top, 4 open on bottom). I believe the case's front usb ports need plugged in there and I mistakenly put those power supply plugs there instead.
6. Reset the CMOS
7. Reinstall Windows 7 on the SSD.

I was afraid I may have either shocked something by accident.
My coworker said that the external drive may be going bad and could be the reason why the windows 7 startup is slow when it is plugged in.

Any help at all would be very appreciated.
Ashhong said:
hmmm seems like the PSU would be fine. It does sound like it shut itself off to protect itself or something though. Maybe run a test? I forgot what it was called now...like memtest45? no thats not it...puts your cpu and gpu at load and logs the data, etc etc
interestingly, I've gamed quite a bit since then. Same game (Crysis 2). at one point, I went on a 4-hour binge. no problems. PSU was not hot. No burning smell or shutdown.



You know, my computer used to shut itself off too. I forgot the exact problem but it would just freeze up or something. I ignored it and it went away
been fine for months
Ok I don't know how common this is so I'm posting here because it really bugs me at times. I'm currently paying for 15 mbs speeds from RCN here in DC, but I consistently get speedtest results like this

I don't want to call and complain if it's my home settings, but I don't know how to fix it if it is. Any advice?


Hello, tech support GAF. I hope this is the correct thread to ask for help.

My computer's fan has been getting really loud lately and would like some advice on how to remedy. Some googling has led me to advice regarding replacing the CPU fan, installing a case fan. I was already planning to upgrade the RAM. I found a useful site(Crucial) that provided me with my computer's specs and recommended a compatible RAM upgrade. I was wondering if there is a similar place I could look for in order to see what fans are compatible for my PC? Thank you for your time.


NoRéN said:
Hello, tech support GAF. I hope this is the correct thread to ask for help.

My computer's fan has been getting really loud lately and would like some advice on how to remedy. Some googling has led me to advice regarding replacing the CPU fan, installing a case fan. I was already planning to upgrade the RAM. I found a useful site(Crucial) that provided me with my computer's specs and recommended a compatible RAM upgrade. I was wondering if there is a similar place I could look for in order to see what fans are compatible for my PC? Thank you for your time.

Get a can of compressed air, open your case and clear all the caked on dust you see - ESPECIALLY the dust around your CPU and the PSU. The hotter your system gets, the more the system fan has to work; thus it gets louder. Dust will settle on your CPU and even your CPU fan, causing overheating if it's not cleared off. It's a good idea to clean your system like that every three months or so - or AT LEAST once a year.


CPU fan depends on what CPU you have. The case fan you would need to either measure the distance from the mounting points or look up your case model online. What case and cpu do you have?

You know, I've never used compressed air. Doesnt the dust and shit just go back on the computer after you spray it?


Morn said:
Get a can of compressed air, open your case and clear all the caked on dust you see - ESPECIALLY the dust around your CPU and the PSU. The hotter your system gets, the more the system fan has to work; thus it gets louder. Dust will settle on your CPU and even your CPU fan, causing overheating if it's not cleared off. It's a good idea to clean your system like that every three months or so - or AT LEAST once a year.
I have one and last cleaned the insides about 1 month ago. I'll give it another go today but I would still like to upgrade the fan if possible.
If it helps, the fan gets really loud when streaming video or playing Portal. It only started now that the weather's warming up so that's why I figure a permanent remedy would be best.


Ashhong said:
CPU fan depends on what CPU you have. The case fan you would need to either measure the distance from the mounting points or look up your case model online. What case and cpu do you have?

You know, I've never used compressed air. Doesnt the dust and shit just go back on the computer after you spray it?
Oh, ok. Well, the CPU is a (I hope they don't laugh) 3.06GHz Intel Pentium 4 524. This is according to ccleaner.

I took a "computer class" back in high school. From what I learned there, you're supposed to be grounded, and clean the computer in an open space so that the dust goes somewhere else. I always use an anti static wrist strap.

edit: I've managed to isolate the loud fan to the CPU fan. So, would upgrading the case fan help or should I just upgrade the CPU fan?

One last question everyone. I found this info for my processor:
Base processor
Pentium4 524 (P) HT 3.06 GHz

533 MHz front side bus
Socket 775
Socket 775, is that the measurement I am looking for regarding compatability, like on Newegg?


Hello again. So I decided to clean out the computer and install some ram. I go to rebootthe computer and the monitor has no signal an the keyboard isn't being detected. Motherboard dead? If so, how can I find a compatible replacement? Thanks.
Hello TechGAF,

I'm a first time poster in this thread.

I recently upgraded some parts and everything is working just fine.

I just need confirmation on one thing, that is if it is okay to have a card seated just below the fan of the video card. Usually I would leave 1 slot available but in this case I have no choice but to use this slot.

Card in question is a PCI-E x1 capture card, my board has two pci-e x1 slots, above and below the one for the video card. I could use the top slot but my casing's back panel has a ridge that would prevent me from plugging any inputs on my card if it is on the top position. I could probably bend it out of the way but it would get ugly.

is it okay to have a card seated just below the video card's fan. y/n?

Distance of said card and fan:



Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Domino Theory said:
Need help regarding IE8. I'm using that browser and have been using 125% zoom (clicked on the bottom right of the browser) for a long time now, but a few days ago the browser just decided to stop saving that zoom setting so now every single time I open up IE8 or a new tab or even go to a new webpage in the same tab, it goes back down to 100%.

And yes, I have the "reset zoom when opening a new window or tab" in Advanced settings unchecked.

Now I'm getting the same issue with IE9. Why won't this fucking zoom setting save? :(
I have a problem that has been going on for about a week. my computer keeps crashing whenever I put it to sleep. on the bsod page, it says internal power error. any tips?


Alien Manobo said:
Hello TechGAF,

I'm a first time poster in this thread.

I recently upgraded some parts and everything is working just fine.

I just need confirmation on one thing, that is if it is okay to have a card seated just below the fan of the video card. Usually I would leave 1 slot available but in this case I have no choice but to use this slot.

Card in question is a PCI-E x1 capture card, my board has two pci-e x1 slots, above and below the one for the video card. I could use the top slot but my casing's back panel has a ridge that would prevent me from plugging any inputs on my card if it is on the top position. I could probably bend it out of the way but it would get ugly.

is it okay to have a card seated just below the video card's fan. y/n?

Distance of said card and fan:

It's not ideal but it should be fine. At least the card doesnt block the entire fan.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Lately my GPU has been deciding it wants to run full blast on nothing.


Nothing running. I check the applications and services running, nothing strange. I see my CPU has no activity but the fan is running harder because of the extra heat. Closing everything possible doesn't work and neither does logging off. Only a full on reboot will make it stop.


Is there a more technical GPU monitor that will help me see what is going on? Is this a known issue with the latest ATI drivers?
my hard drive in my imac was replaced the other day so im getting programs put back on it. i noticed when i download something like a zip file or a mp3 it will automatically unzip or load the mp3 in itunes. this is a new thing that i dont want. how do i set it up where the stuff just chills in the download folder until i get around to it?


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I think I have discovered that it is the video acceleration stuff being applied to the internet. No more of that because it gets stuck. Good job coding that, ATI.

Foxix Von

So I encountered a stupid little issue. I accidentally deleted my documents library and upon restoring it and putting all the right files back in place the view is a little different.

Other libraries sort of aggregate and display all the files within each folder wereas my documents are now listed into different groups. It's essentially the difference between this and this:


Is there any way to set it back so that when I select documents it just displays the files within everything like it does in videos rather than making me double click through those highlighted separate sections?

EDIT: LOL! nevermind! Figured it out, right click -> Restore defaults. Wooo!


While this isn't completely hardware related, I can't start a new thread so I hope you guys don't mind helping me here. I recently switched from ATT DSL because of their caps to Road Runner (TWC). However, I opted to buy my own wireless router instead of paying 10 bucks a month for them to provide one which I was told only allows 4 devices at a time. Anyways, I bought the D-Link DIR 655 from Amazon and set it up, and this is where the problems started, I would lose internet connection a lot more than I'd like. Sometimes it was only once a day, others it was a couple of times in a span of a few hours. Then this past Saturday it just flat out stops working. So I go out to Wal Mart and buy this Neatgear N600. I set it up and it works perfectly for a day. Then again I'm getting connection drops. Here are some of the things that happen:

-It will stop broadcasting WiFi and if I connect the computer to the router via ethernet it still doesn't give me internet access.
-However, while Windows 7 says I have no Internet Access, things like Live Messenger will continue working properly.
-Steam was in the process of downloading a game during one of the drops but it didn't even flinch, it kept downloading perfectly, despite not being able to load websites and showing no internet access.
-If I connect directly to the cable modem that Time Warner provided, I get internet access right away, so I'm thinking it's not a problem with the cable modem. (Motorola Surfboard SB4200)

I'm on my second wireless router, and I'm at my wits end. If nothing is fixed here, I fully plan to call both tech supports, but I'm in the middle of finals right now so I don't really want to deal with calling them right now. Any help is appreciated!


relies on auto-aim
Welcome to TWC DNS! Enjoy your stay. The problem is TWC is trying to direct you to websites, but their pointer (DNS) is absolute SHIT.
Set your DNS to Google or OpenDNS

If it persists you need to call someone and get them to check your lines and end caps.
I had this issue at two places for about 4 years and many many normal people will talk to me about it.


Neo Member
I recently installed Windows XP Pro on an HP Pavillion dv6929wm laptop that came with Vista, and I haven't been able to find sound drivers that work for it. The computer doesn't recognize any audio devices or speakers and the only sound it will make is a loud error beep (not from the speakers.)

There are drivers for it on HP's website, but they are for Vista and none are listed for XP, though I tried installing the Vista ones anyway. The site also lists specs but doesn't show the name of the sound card.

I have tried googling this but I have only found people with the same problem and haven't found a solution.


Hazaro said:
Welcome to TWC DNS! Enjoy your stay. The problem is TWC is trying to direct you to websites, but their pointer (DNS) is absolute SHIT.
Set your DNS to Google or OpenDNS

If it persists you need to call someone and get them to check your lines and end caps.
I had this issue at two places for about 4 years and many many normal people will talk to me about it.

Is that something you change on a computer basis? Or is it a router setting? My TWC occasionally does this too..


Confirmed Asshole
Ashhong said:
Is that something you change on a computer basis? Or is it a router setting? My TWC occasionally does this too..
Usually at the router — most people do DNS on the router, and tell the PCs to use the router for DNS.

If you want to though, you can always set it at the PC level. It's just easier to handle DNS routing with multiple PCs by setting the DNS on the router level, and referencing that router. When stuff changes around, you only have to change the DNS at the router that way, and the PCs will enjoy the new setting without you touching them.
Alkimia said:
I recently installed Windows XP Pro on an HP Pavillion dv6929wm laptop that came with Vista, and I haven't been able to find sound drivers that work for it. The computer doesn't recognize any audio devices or speakers and the only sound it will make is a loud error beep (not from the speakers.)

There are drivers for it on HP's website, but they are for Vista and none are listed for XP, though I tried installing the Vista ones anyway. The site also lists specs but doesn't show the name of the sound card.

I have tried googling this but I have only found people with the same problem and haven't found a solution.

This seems familiar, you need to install a hotfix so that the OS will recognize the device. On top of my head I do not know where this file can be downloaded. I will have to look.

EDIT: look for hotfix kb888111
hopefully thats the solution


Neo Member
Cloudius12 said:
This seems familiar, you need to install a hotfix so that the OS will recognize the device. On top of my head I do not know where this file can be downloaded. I will have to look.

EDIT: look for hotfix kb888111
hopefully thats the solution
I received the email from microsoft with the hotfix download, but neither of the passwords in the email work in unzipping it (I got two for before and after May 5.)


Hazaro said:
Welcome to TWC DNS! Enjoy your stay. The problem is TWC is trying to direct you to websites, but their pointer (DNS) is absolute SHIT.
Set your DNS to Google or OpenDNS

If it persists you need to call someone and get them to check your lines and end caps.
I had this issue at two places for about 4 years and many many normal people will talk to me about it.

Sweet deal, just changed it. Hopefully this stops the drops. Thanks for your help!

Ashhong said:
Is that something you change on a computer basis? Or is it a router setting? My TWC occasionally does this too..

I changed it on my router settings. Gave me the option to change Primary and Secondary DNS and I just put in Google's DNS thing in there. http://code.google.com/speed/public-dns/
Whats the best tool used to backup drivers? A buddy of mine periodically reformats his W7 installation and would like to avoid the hassle of hunting down and installing drivers everytime.
koshunter said:
Whats the best tool used to backup drivers? A buddy of mine periodically reformats his W7 installation and would like to avoid the hassle of hunting down and installing drivers everytime.
would just say hunt them down and burn them all to a cdr, thats what I have always done
goldenticket said:
my hard drive in my imac was replaced the other day so im getting programs put back on it. i noticed when i download something like a zip file or a mp3 it will automatically unzip or load the mp3 in itunes. this is a new thing that i dont want. how do i set it up where the stuff just chills in the download folder until i get around to it?

Are you using safari? There should be an auto open option somewhere in the options.

koshunter said:
Whats the best tool used to backup drivers? A buddy of mine periodically reformats his W7 installation and would like to avoid the hassle of hunting down and installing drivers everytime.

Why not just backup the drivers with the rest of his info before he reformats? Also, depending on the driver you want updated anyhow.
So I'm hearing a grinding static sound from my Center Speaker of my Home Theater system.

Obviously something's going bad, but I'm curious if it's actually the speaker or if it's just the speaker cable.


Might as well post it here.

I have this pdf document and I'm trying to copy text from it into word but in word the text gets displayed as gibberish and as just dots and lines. I've tried several different pdf coverters but the end result is always the same. I'm guessing there is some problem with the font/encoding but I have no clue how to approach this problem :(

Foxix Von

Choppasmith said:
So I'm hearing a grinding static sound from my Center Speaker of my Home Theater system.

Obviously something's going bad, but I'm curious if it's actually the speaker or if it's just the speaker cable.

The first thing I would do is check the cable itself for any sort of kinks/holes or whatever and then check the ends. Could always try cutting and stripping the ends again? Could also check the speaker itself for any sort of holes/tearing in or around the cone, believe it or not that sort of thing is pretty easily repaired with some tissue paper and vinyl adhesive if memory serves right. Might not sound PERFECT but it's worked for me in the past :p


Apparently our work SMTP server can't send out email addresses with French characters in them.


Would sending an email to @videotron.ca work? Does this work for all email addresses?


Confirmed Asshole
CrankyJay said:
Apparently our work SMTP server can't send out email addresses with French characters in them.


Would sending an email to @videotron.ca work? Does this work for all email addresses?
No. You'd have to convert the domain name to punycode. It should work then.


koshunter said:
Whats the best tool used to backup drivers? A buddy of mine periodically reformats his W7 installation and would like to avoid the hassle of hunting down and installing drivers everytime.

Keep the driver instillation files on a separate drive or partition?


I followed the steps for moving itunes music from one HDD to another HDD but somehow some files still need to be relocated. I know where they are. They're all on this 1 TB portable HDD I got for my bday yesterday (and no I didn't have to mention that). Anyways, my question I have a clump of songs/podcasts that are under the same group. Is there way to not have to do the relocating for one podcast/album one podcast/song at a time so I can get it done faster?


aka andydumi
Hey GAF, small problem here.

I just got an older laptop from a friend. It was dead but I have replaced what was needed and now it purrs along just fine.

Its an HP dv2550se. It originally had vista or xp on it, but I have put 7 on there and it works wonders.

Here is what I need help with. I cannot find a driver/application for on screen display for volume, mute, and the media player controls. I tried the official one for Vista, but no luck. Help me GAF, please.


I'm hoping tech GAF will plow through this, hopefully, tiny problem.

Just moved my PS3 from a wired to wireless connection. But I can't remember my WEP key (yeah I know it's WEP but whatever!). Is there any easy way to find it on my laptop?? I've had a quick scan around but no luck.

I recognise PSN is down but I should still be able to configure the PS3 I hope.

slider said:
I'm hoping tech GAF will plow through this, hopefully, tiny problem.

Just moved my PS3 from a wired to wireless connection. But I can't remember my WEP key (yeah I know it's WEP but whatever!). Is there any easy way to find it on my laptop?? I've had a quick scan around but no luck.

I recognise PSN is down but I should still be able to configure the PS3 I hope.


Shouldn't you look for it on your router?!

What is your router? Try entering in your browser address bar.


Still Tagged Accordingly
can anyone help me with transmission (torrent client for mac) and port forwarding?

i've followed a bunch of guides, read help files and trial and error but it still won't say the port is open.

i've tried manually forwarding the ports via the router (connected wirelessly), i've tried letting UPnP do it automatically, i've checked that my computer's firewall is off. i've done everything i can possibly think of and i've run out of options.

what really bakes my noodle is this in the message log viewed in debug mode from transmission:

Port Forwarding (UPnP): Port forwarding successful!
Port Forwarding: State changed from "Not forwarded" to "Forwarded"

but the little red dot says otherwise (as does my download speed).

can anyone help? i'm exhausted :(

S. L.

from my understanding port forwarding only speeds up the process of finding other peers but has no influence on download speed


Still Tagged Accordingly
S. L. said:
from my understanding port forwarding only speeds up the process of finding other peers but has no influence on download speed
so why are there a bunch of seeders appearing in my peer list, but i'm not downloading from any of them and my speed sits at 30kb or less?
So ever since I installed League of Legends about 2 months ago, my PC has been running like garbage.

I looked on Google and it said it may be because of some stupid uploading "service" LoL comes with, and I should just unistall everything. So I unistalled everything LoL related.

However, after removing LoL and the uploading program from my computer, it ran better, but still like garbage. I can barely run games that ran fine before I installed LoL like Oblivion, Minecraft, TF2 and L4D2

So is there a registry file or something I'm missing? Sometimes when my computer is idle, the processor is being used like crazy, but nothing shows up in the task manager.

I want my games back :(
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