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Teen driver arrested after live-streaming crash that killed her sister.


The social media addiction is definitely gonna be an issue, I can see it with my friends but more so with my teenagers cousins, they are glued to their phones, spending their days trying to get other people attention. Shrinks are gonna have their works cut out for them.
Tech zombies bumping into one another. Tech zombies walking into sign posts. Tech zombies falling into holes and down stairs. Tech zombies crashing cars.

We haven't even got to the long term addiction consequences yet.


All I know from now on is that I'll start wearing one when I ride with someone and will require people to wear one when I drive.

If you're going in someone else car, and see that the others are not wearing their seatbelts, you can try mentioning it, but if they don't want to listen, you can't do anything about it (you should use it anyway).

If the driver doesn't care, then some people may not wear the seatbelt. However, as long as the driver cares, everyone in the car has to wear it.


If you think you need to learn a life lesson from a video like this you probably already know the life lesson. I'm not sure what life lesson some one would watch this purposely to learn.

Also, you can get that from just reading about what happened. You don't need to watch the video for that.
The article said the video showed some head bleeding. It was much worse than that.
If my curiosity leads me to watching something like this, who are you or anyone else on this forum to judge? Get out of here with this shit.


if she is constantly filming stuff maybe the reason she carried on filming post-crash was mainly due to the immense mental trauma of the situation?

Why on earth does Youtube allow snuff content, that stuff should be taken down asap.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
The video is fucked up.

What a horrible fucking situation.

Girl is clearly in super extreme shock, she wasn't acting right.
Didn't watch it and won't but yeah, this sounds like a depressing case of how ingrained social media is into kids that this girl thought it was appropriate to document her dead/dying sister


I was watching the video of it as it happened and honestly the most disturbing thing is she kept fucking streaming everything well after the crash. She was sitting beside her dying sister still streaming. Put the fucking phone away already and stop broadcasting that to the entire world. Why would you stream your sibling dying?
This....While all of this is tragic..."Silly teens doing something stupid in a car and get in car accident" (this is sadly, common)...what takes it to the next level is the continuation of still streaming.

Why? What compelled this person to keep streaming? Was it shock? Was it to make it seem unreal? Was the need for social gratification stronger than the comfort of her dying sister?

So many questions.

I tell you. There have been an incredible amounts of technological advances specifically in communication that we as humans do not quite understand how its effecting us.


if she is constantly filming stuff maybe the reason she carried on filming post-crash was mainly due to the immense mental trauma of the situation?

Why on earth does Youtube allow snuff content, that stuff should be taken down asap.

Why are you trying to excuse that woman? Everything, absolutely everything she did was wrong and is reprehensible.

Why is there aways preople trying to defend even the wordt things, you know some people are just bad people.


Terrifying if you think about how many other drivers are texting, streaming, or doing anything else on their phones while you're on the road.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
What a fucking narcissist sociopathic bitch to keep live streaming with her head bashed in dieing.


Who ever puts on a seat belt while riding on the back? Is that a common thing in the US?

Edit: Just notice this has been the topic lately lol. I think in my country the laws only apply to the front seats because most cars didn't have a seat belts on the back until recently or they had the crappy uncomfortable type that goes along the waist.

I'd refuse to drive if I were the driver and an idiot in the backseat wouldn't put on their seatbelt for some reason.
The video was pretty graphic. Surprised YouTube is ok with it still being up.

It's sad that it took the death of a child to get that piece of human trash behind bars.

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
I have to go with shock as the reason she starts streaming again after the wreck. If you weren't in some state of shock after that bad of a wreck AND watching your sister die in front of you i would be amazed.

I originally thought she might have done it to try and make everything seem ok with the people that were watching... trying to avoid the shit storm she must have known was coming in the back of her head. Then as the second tick on and the reality check tears her guts out of her and she can tell her sister is.. you know.. fucking dead... she starts to get more hysterical.

Fucking stupid idiot. Seat belts every time please everyone. Fuck.
I've seen a lot of fucked up videos over the years, but this truly may take the cake.
This girl is the textbook definition of sociopath. It is crazy how little she reacts to her own sister laying there in that condition.

Haven't watched the video (and won't) but yea, reading about this I was reminded of the article The Atlantic did about child socio/psychopaths.


Why are you trying to excuse that woman? Everything, absolutely everything she did was wrong and is reprehensible.

Why is there aways preople trying to defend even the wordt things, you know some people are just bad people.

Excusing her for what? Being traumatized? She may have caused the accident, and she is going to pay for that, but if you think that makes her any less a victim you're wrong.

You might be thinking that because she is at fault for what happened that she was somehow immune to the trauma or that trauma would manifest like you would expect, but it just doesn't work that way.

Haven't watched the video (and won't) but yea, reading about this I was reminded of the article The Atlantic did about child socio/psychopaths.

Her sister had a giant hole in her head and her reaction to it was trying to wake her up. The way she was acting was not like someone that doesn't care, it's of someone who barely understands what is going on and is trying to cope. By the end she starts to lose it.
if you think that makes her any less a victim you're wrong.

She's a "victim" now?...


So the other teen girl doesn't blame her, and now the parents are defending her too? Guess they don't want to lose their remaining child to prison?

"'Honestly, I'm not mad at anybody and I don't blame anybody,' Manuela Seja, 14, told NBC affiliate KSEE. "

I mean, we already know these kids didn't have good judgement or understand the consequences of actions, so I'm not sure how much that would actually matter.
Honestly I see this shit and for a brief moment feel every bit of resentment older people have to our generation and how we use technology. Who gives a shit about your stream?

Self driving cars need to become a reality because we can't trust people behind the wheel.


Yes. A person can fuck up and also be a victim. That you had to ask is rather disturbing.

Victim is not the right word to use here. Victim implies she's suffering as a result of someone else's actions. You aren't a victim of your own decisions.

I would just say that she's also experienced a traumatic event, even though it was her choices that caused it.
Horrible. This instantly got me thinking about my loved ones and how easily this could happen to any of us.

I'm curious of the temperament of the deceased sister. I wonder if she would have acted the same if the tables were turned or if she was just as "gangsta". Not that any of that matters.



Yeah that shocked me I guess they don't blame her for swerving into oncoming traffic at innocent drivers before the accident. Had it not been her sister they could have killed someone else. Is she a victim yes but not in the sense we think. She is a victim of her poor choices.

“I f-----g killed my sister, OK? I know I’m going to jail for life,” Obdulia Sanchez can be heard saying in the video. “This is the last thing I wanted to happen, OK? I don’t f-----g care though, I’m going to hold it down. Rest in peace, sweetie. If you don’t survive, I am so f-----g sorry.”

An 18 year old intoxicated with three 14 year old kids in the car. What was she going to hold down? Assuming she understands the gravity if what she did she will have to live with this forever. Based on those videos It was quite possibly a matter of time. Condolences to the family and I empathize with their predicament. Tough position to be in as parents or family. I hopefully she can find the help she needs.


The article said the video showed some head bleeding. It was much worse than that.
If my curiosity leads me to watching something like this, who are you or anyone else on this forum to judge? Get out of here with this shit.

1. People do judge you on your actions. That's life.

2. My original point is for everyone bitching about this kind of stuff being filmed while watching it, they are encouraging his kind of stuff. Don't like people doing this, don't give them clicks.

3. And I disbelieve some one would watch this cause they wanted to learn a life lesson. That just seems dishonest. I watched it and I can admit I was curious (and yes I can be morbidly curious). Mostly to see if I agreed with people's reaction to if she seemed callous/cold.


Horrible. This instantly got me thinking about my loved ones and how easily this could happen to any of us.

I'm curious of the temperament of the deceased sister. I wonder if she would have acted the same if the tables were turned or if she was just as "gangsta". Not that any of that matters.
Do you or your loved ones make it a habit to drink and drive or get into the car with a drunk driver?

No? Then not that easily.
if she is constantly filming stuff maybe the reason she carried on filming post-crash was mainly due to the immense mental trauma of the situation?

Why on earth does Youtube allow snuff content, that stuff should be taken down asap.

If this leads to a few more people wearing seatbelts, it's good for it to stay.
Who ever puts on a seat belt while riding on the back? Is that a common thing in the US?

Edit: Just notice this has been the topic lately lol. I think in my country the laws only apply to the front seats because most cars didn't have a seat belts on the back until recently or they had the crappy uncomfortable type that goes along the waist.
So basically you guys choose who you want to survive by having them in the front passengers because they'd be properly secured and not fucking catapulted out the front of the car


Tech companies are never going to take responsibility for anything not in a contract. They are built by libertarians. "Not my problem" is their religion.
NoRéN;244499691 said:
Do you or your loved ones make it a habit to drink and drive or get into the car with a drunk driver?

No? Then not that easily.

I shouldn't have to tell you that the person at fault in a car related death doesn't have to be in the same car as the victim.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Wow at all those: "I didn't know you had to wear a seat belt in the back." responses.

And those "crappy, uncomfortable" old-style lap belts saved countless lives.
I saw a video a few days back with a guy drowning and people on the shore live streaming it and saying they not going to save him.

This nonsense needs to stop.


I shouldn't have to tell you that the person at fault in a car related death doesn't have to be in the same car as the victim.
...and is this thread about a drunk driver striking other people?

I mean, I'm not gonna go into that stabbing thread and say, "man, this really makes me think that I can be stabbed to death at any time."
She clearly has other major emotional issues beyond substance abuse. The fact that her first reaction is film herself while grousing about the potential consequences of her actions speaks volumes.

The notion that anyone, even while intoxicated, can see a family member with her head quite literally destroyed and react as coldly as this girl did shows a very drastic deficit in empathy. She needs to be psychologically evaluated pronto.

I completely agree about the major emotional issues, but I don't realIy see it as a lack of empathy. She's reacting like an already-broken person who is in shock from seeing a family member die in a horrific fashion, while also being high on xanax. She sounded like someone who had been expecting for something awful to happen, it just hadn't hit her emotionally yet.

She obviously deserves to be in jail, but it's hard for me to wish much more ill on her knowing that what she witnessed is a horror that none of us will ever know.
NoRéN;244510524 said:
...and is this thread about a drunk driver striking other people?

I mean, I'm not gonna go into that stabbing thread and say, "man, this really makes me think that I can be stabbed to death at any time."

You know what else this thread isn't about? People making a big deal over nothing.

All I said was that it's scary to think that this could happen to anyone. It's a true fact that car accidents could indeed happen to anyone who drives and rides in cars. How are you offended by that? Why is that the quote that burned you up to the point that you have to get all snippy and catch attitude with me about it?


Someone said they saw this happen live. How did you come across this girl? Is she well known online.?
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