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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem - Do any real people like this movie?


I went with my family last night to see this Seth Rogan take on TMNT. I hate this guy already but I did enjoy him as DK in Mario and I liked him in Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers the movie.

Just about every single minute of this movie was annoying to me and my family. The action was boring, the art style was headache inducing (it's not Spiderverse), the story is so changed up that it's possible this was supposed to be a different franchise. I'm not even joking when I say that the Bay movies are more faithful to the TMNT universe.

Visual/Audio: Originally I didn't mind the art and it's one of the reasons I went to see it but when the action kicks in, this claymation style of animation becomes a headache to watch. It's like playing a video game at 15fps and trying to enjoy it. The art style blends with the backgrounds constantly and the lower looking framerate is just Big Pharma's way of making you buy some Tylenol after watching it. The turtle design is fine, except for Don, and some of the villains are great. But all of the humans look like middle schoolers drew them. It's really crazy someone got paid to be this bad of an artist.

On top of that, the music is pumped almost non-stop through the movie so scenes feel like they're trying to be music videos rather than fight scenes. The voice acting was fine except for Don's and Michaelangelo's acrors. They sound like their prepubescent Steve Urkles trying to initiate Steve Urkle. Don sounds like he was kicked in the nuts before each take. Ice Cube was just Ice Cube, love it or hate it. I liked Raph and Leo a lot, April was fine and Jackie Chan fit for the voice but not the character.

The Story: Almost nothing about this movie is TMNT. Some people might be ok with reinventing everything about a franchise but it's changed to the point where there's almost 0 TMNT left in it. I'm going to spoiler tag the rest of this because the story is just flat out crap.

The Turtles are teenagers, or so they say. They're basically 10 year old kids with zoomer characteristics. None of them have an individual personality. They let you know Leo is the leader by saying it. They let you know Raph is a hot head by saying it. None of this is shown in the characters.

Splinter is an unwise foolish goof ball, which is nothing resembling Splinter. He hates the humans and has a fear of being milked by them. Because of an event with the humans, he teaches the Zoomer turtles how to fight using cheese martial arts movies, YouTube and TikTok. The villains are the turtles but Superfly (their Splinter) is violent.
April is a goofy teen who's unpopular but teaches the turtles how to be liked by humans, something she struggles with already. She's doing a news report on the turtles but for who, you don't know, since she becomes "puke girl" when talking on screen.

The Turtles don't respect Splinter at all except Leo. They just mock him and treat him like the stupid old fool he is. When they meet April, who Leo is falling for at first sight, they encounter their first actual fight with a bunch of biker thieves. Now, they set this up to be funny and great with Raph accidentally throwing a sai into Donnie's leg showing that they're really untrained and unprepared but then they Turtle Sue the who thing and beat everyone up with ease. None of this makes any sense in how they set it up.

April befriends the turtles and tells them about Superfly killing some humans. They end up hanging out with a huge list of villains from our past, and overall liking their company. But their plan to kill all humans gets in the way of their friendship so they have to fight again to save the world. Their fight is short lived and they're captured by corporate and awfully drawn TCRI lady who begins milking them (dumb running gag in the movie). Splinter saves the day thanks to April informing him, they go to fight Superfly and stop his machine from killing everyone.

During this battle is when it was really game over for story telling. The good guys show up and tell the villains they're all cousins and shouldn't fight. Every villain, Bebop and Rocksteady included, abandon helping their "father" Superfly because they don't want to kill all humans. So the turtles, Splinter and several villains push Superfly into the ooze which of course turns him into a super Superfly. It's now a Godzilla/King Kong movie.

While Superfly is destroying the city, the humans decide that it's actually the turtles who they haven't really seen that's the leaders and controlling Superfly. April rushes Channel 10 and corrects them which makes the humans accept the now-good guy villains and turtles in an effort to save the city. The turtles are entirely worthless during this fight and are captured before they even throw out a karate chop, making them entirely worthless heroes. The villains, Splinter and humans save the day.

After the boss fight, all of the villains move into the sewers with Splinter and his new lady roach friend, and the turtles go to high school for the first time. The end.

The entire movie is just some crappy "acceptance" movie with a nonsense story taped over it. Nothing about it is enjoyable.
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I went with my family last night to see this Seth Rogan take on TMNT. I hate this guy already but I did enjoy him as DK in Mario and I liked him in Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers the movie.

Just about every single minute of this movie was annoying to me and my family. The action was boring, the art style was headache inducing (it's not Spiderverse), the story is so changed up that it's possible this was supposed to be a different franchise. I'm not even joking when I say that the Bay movies are more faithful to the TMNT universe.

Visual/Audio: Originally I didn't mind the art and it's one of the reasons I went to see it but when the action kicks in, this claymation style of animation becomes a headache to watch. It's like playing a video game at 15fps and trying to enjoy it. The art style blends with the backgrounds constantly and the lower looking framerate is just Big Pharma's way of making you buy some Tylenol after watching it. The turtle design is fine, except for Don, and some of the villains are great. But all of the humans look like middle schoolers drew them. It's really crazy someone got paid to be this bad of an artist.

On top of that, the music is pumped almost non-stop through the movie so scenes feel like they're trying to be music videos rather than fight scenes. The voice acting was fine except for Don's and Michaelangelo's acrors. They sound like their prepubescent Steve Urkles trying to initiate Steve Urkle. Don sounds like he was kicked in the nuts before each take. Ice Cube was just Ice Cube, love it or hate it. I liked Raph and Leo a lot, April was fine and Jackie Chan fit for the voice but not the character.

The Story: Almost nothing about this movie is TMNT. Some people might be ok with reinventing everything about a franchise but it's changed to the point where there's almost 0 TMNT left in it. I'm going to spoiler tag the rest of this because the story is just flat out crap.

The Turtles are teenagers, or so they say. They're basically 10 year old kids with zoomer characteristics. None of them have an individual personality. They let you know Leo is the leader by saying it. They let you know Raph is a hot head by saying it. None of this is shown in the characters.

Splinter is an unwise foolish goof ball, which is nothing resembling Splinter. He hates the humans and has a fear of being milked by them. Because of an event with the humans, he teaches the Zoomer turtles how to fight using cheese martial arts movies, YouTube and TikTok. The villains are the turtles but Superfly (their Splinter) is violent.
April is a goofy teen who's unpopular but teaches the turtles how to be liked by humans, something she struggles with already. She's doing a news report on the turtles but for who, you don't know, since she becomes "puke girl" when talking on screen.

The Turtles don't respect Splinter at all except Leo. They just mock him and treat him like the stupid old fool he is. When they meet April, who Leo is falling for at first sight, they encounter their first actual fight with a bunch of biker thieves. Now, they set this up to be funny and great with Raph accidentally throwing a sai into Donnie's leg showing that they're really untrained and unprepared but then they Turtle Sue the who thing and beat everyone up with ease. None of this makes any sense in how they set it up.

April befriends the turtles and tells them about Superfly killing some humans. They end up hanging out with a huge list of villains from our past, and overall liking their company. But their plan to kill all humans gets in the way of their friendship so they have to fight again to save the world. Their fight is short lived and they're captured by corporate and awfully drawn TCRI lady who begins milking them (dumb running gag in the movie). Splinter saves the day thanks to April informing him, they go to fight Superfly and stop his machine from killing everyone.

During this battle is when it was really game over for story telling. The good guys show up and tell the villains they're all cousins and shouldn't fight. Every villain, Bebop and Rocksteady included, abandon helping their "father" Superfly because they don't want to kill all humans. So the turtles, Splinter and several villains push Superfly into the ooze which of course turns him into a super Superfly. It's now a Godzilla/King Kong movie.

While Superfly is destroying the city, the humans decide that it's actually the turtles who they haven't really seen that's the leaders and controlling Superfly. April rushes Channel 10 and corrects them which makes the humans accept the now-good guy villains and turtles in an effort to save the city. The turtles are entirely worthless during this fight and are captured before they even throw out a karate chop, making them entirely worthless heroes. The villains, Splinter and humans save the day.

After the boss fight, all of the villains move into the sewers with Splinter and his new lady roach friend, and the turtles go to high school for the first time. The end.

The entire movie is just some crappy "acceptance" movie with a nonsense story taped over it. Nothing about it is enjoyable.

Yes, real people like the movie.

Almost everything in the movie is directly derived from past TMNT storylines including the idea of them wanting to be welcomed by normal people.

In the original comic splinter was a rat who learned ninjutsu just from watching a guy train. So they updated his origin but its no more ridiculous than it already was.

There were like... 3 or 4 major music bits, the rest of the movie surprisingly doesn't have a lot of soundtrack to it si no idea what your complaint is there.

Splinter has been goofy for much of his existence, but hes not an idiot, hes clearly shown to be competent and just wanted to take care of his boys.

This honestly makes me wonder how familiar you are with this franchise


I never even complained that they wanted to be liked by humans. I gave a summary of the story and inputted the stupidity of the changes. The entire idea of Splinter is he was a sensei and father to the turtles, not a bumbling idiot that the turtles disrespected.

Regardless of it being turtles or not, it was an awful story with terrible plot holes. It was frankly just a boring movie with ugly visuals to appease idiots.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
I took my kids they had fun. But it isn’t anything like the original comic. Seth Rogan is dumb.

The weirdest thing was.

every villain actually being good.


I saw it last weekend and it just seemed like Nickelodeon is trying to reboot this, again, for the current kids generation.
They made such a huge deal that this was Seth Rogan’s passion project where it just seemed like a vehicle to reboot this into a TV show, which they are.
I hated how April threw up when she got on camera and Suprafly just seemed like a pissed off Ice Cube with little characterization. Even the Turtles themselves seemed to lack any individuality which was different from all of the shows I’ve loved to watch (1986, 2003, and 2012). Yep, this one wasn’t for me.


Wow this is pretty divisive. I wasn't going to watch it at all, now I feel like I have to just to understand why, but I'm still leaning that I will wish I hadn't


I had low expections for this and it managed to be an even bigger pile of trash than I could have imagined.
I went in very meh on it and I made an excuse to use the restroom just to get out of the room after about 45 minutes in. No one in the theater even stayed for the after credits. Once they started rolling, so did the audience.


Wow this is pretty divisive. I wasn't going to watch it at all, now I feel like I have to just to understand why, but I'm still leaning that I will wish I hadn't
Its not divisive lol, like 95% of audience goers liked this movie on RT, imdb, everywhere. Literally most people like this movie, so the folks in this thread trying to paint the rest of the world as wrong are just being silly.

You're allowed to not enjoy things but it shouldn't be this hard to fathom other people liked something you didnt.


Why are you so adamant about defending this film? You liked it. Move along. All you're doing is showing you have little concept of what a good plot is.


Its not divisive lol, like 95% of audience goers liked this movie on RT, imdb, everywhere. Literally most people like this movie, so the folks in this thread trying to paint the rest of the world as wrong are just being silly.

You're allowed to not enjoy things but it shouldn't be this hard to fathom other people liked something you didnt.
I meant it was divisive on GAF, aka opinions I give a shit about.


Everyone I know who saw it likes it quite a bit. Critics gave it a 96%, audience gave it a 91% on RT. Very clearly this is a you issue. Sometimes people have personal blindspots that cause them to really dislike things, especially if they modernize or make adaptation adjustments to something.

Maybe you'll like the sequel?
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Parody of actual AJUMP23
None of those characters are 100% villains in the comics or original cartoon except bebop and rocksteasy.
The lizard is actually good I think in the cartoon.

But with the exception of Baxter stockman. None of those characters show up in the Eastman and laird comics. They are all from the cartoon or Archie stuff.


Wow this is pretty divisive. I wasn't going to watch it at all, now I feel like I have to just to understand why, but I'm still leaning that I will wish I hadn't
Haha me too. I just came in here to snoop around.

And Toons Toons , I guess you must be in your early 30s? I was confused about your splinter comment that he was goofy; original comics, original cartoon, and 1st movie splinter was definitely not goofy. Maybe a little in the show but he was still a hard ass.

Maybe he's goofier in later cartoons? I didnt watch any of them past the early 90s. The cgi nickelodeon show looked silly so maybe that's what it's based on?


Haha me too. I just came in here to snoop around.

And Toons Toons , I guess you must be in your early 30s? I was confused about your splinter comment that he was goofy; original comics, original cartoon, and 1st movie splinter was definitely not goofy. Maybe a little in the show but he was still a hard ass.

Maybe he's goofier in later cartoons? I didnt watch any of them past the early 90s. The cgi nickelodeon show looked silly so maybe that's what it's based on?
Hes had goofy elements, not been an entirely goofy character. Hes not even an entirely goofy character in this movie. The 2012 series actually makes him.very much a badass ninja clan leader, he almost never jokes on that show, it's one of the more serious portrayals. Bit hes not always been shown that way, sometimes hes just a reclusive ninja expert and sometimes hes the "dad" the turtles go home to.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Haha me too. I just came in here to snoop around.

And Toons Toons , I guess you must be in your early 30s? I was confused about your splinter comment that he was goofy; original comics, original cartoon, and 1st movie splinter was definitely not goofy. Maybe a little in the show but he was still a hard ass.

Maybe he's goofier in later cartoons? I didnt watch any of them past the early 90s. The cgi nickelodeon show looked silly so maybe that's what it's based on?

I think you're totally forgetting about that time he made a funny. :messenger_winking:
It certainly wasn’t MY Ninja Turtles, since I grew up in the 80s/90s, but I still enjoyed it. I don’t care that it deviated from what I expected, story-wise. It was still a lot of fun.


not tag worthy
I went with my wife and kids my sister her husband her kids.

We all enjoyed it.

The live action 90’s movies are the best this is miles above the Bay version.


not tag worthy
We should all try to forget that those exist.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Laughing GIF


Gold Member
I never even complained that they wanted to be liked by humans. I gave a summary of the story and inputted the stupidity of the changes. The entire idea of Splinter is he was a sensei and father to the turtles, not a bumbling idiot that the turtles disrespected.

Regardless of it being turtles or not, it was an awful story with terrible plot holes. It was frankly just a boring movie with ugly visuals to appease idiots.



I never told him not to ask questions, or even not to criticize the film.

Its just his questions were dumb, and a few of them objectively uninformed about various elements of the franchise, so his criticism fell flat as a result. Even still, afterwards I posted:

"You're allowed to not enjoy things but it shouldn't be this hard to fathom other people liked something you didnt."

Literally no one echoed the sentiments of that gif reaction, but that gif reaction is rather routinely used as an overreaction to any disagreement one faces and a shield to any criticsm of their criticism, so I'm not surprised it retains that role ironically.


Gold Member
I never told him not to ask questions, or even not to criticize the film.

Its just his questions were dumb, and a few of them objectively uninformed about various elements of the franchise, so his criticism fell flat as a result. Even still, afterwards I posted:

"You're allowed to not enjoy things but it shouldn't be this hard to fathom other people liked something you didnt."

Literally no one echoed the sentiments of that gif reaction, but that gif reaction is rather routinely used as an overreaction to any disagreement one faces and a shield to any criticsm of their criticism, so I'm not surprised it retains that role ironically.


I never told him not to ask questions, or even not to criticize the film.

Its just his questions were dumb, and a few of them objectively uninformed about various elements of the franchise, so his criticism fell flat as a result. Even still, afterwards I posted:

"You're allowed to not enjoy things but it shouldn't be this hard to fathom other people liked something you didnt."

Literally no one echoed the sentiments of that gif reaction, but that gif reaction is rather routinely used as an overreaction to any disagreement one faces and a shield to any criticsm of their criticism, so I'm not surprised it retains that role ironically.

I've been watching TMNT content and reading it for years. You stated the Splinter wasn't entirely goofy in this movie. It's a rat who ends up in a relationship with a cockroach. He throws a party for this kids in an entirely stupid way. And you want to say that's just like our good ol Shredder? I don't even believe you've watched anything but the later Nickelodeon cartoons. Splinter was always supposed to be the wise sensai. He's a borderline loon in the new movie.

You can have your awful opinions and bad taste in media, that's fine. But I'm not saying something dumb because you don't understand the complaints. You are exactly the consume and shut up type consumer. You can't even back up your statements about Splinter because they're knee-herks to consumed media you enjoyed.

You find me examples of Splinter being a loser senile old goofball in the original stuff and I'll apologize. And I mean character, not some arbitrary "he did one dumb thing" example. Character is key. I know you won't find that in the games, movies, TV show or original comics. Good luck!


I've been watching TMNT content and reading it for years. You stated the Splinter wasn't entirely goofy in this movie. It's a rat who ends up in a relationship with a cockroach. He throws a party for this kids in an entirely stupid way. And you want to say that's just like our good ol Shredder? I don't even believe you've watched anything but the later Nickelodeon cartoons. Splinter was always supposed to be the wise sensai. He's a borderline loon in the new movie.
What does this even mean lol? Mikey falls in love with a human in the very first TMNT movie, and his throwing his kids a party was out of desperation because he wss losing his emotional attachment to them? What does "in a stupid way" even mean? He is clearly excelled at martial arts but hes not perfect, and not being perfect isnt antithetical to being wise. Theres also the fact he was uninformed and being lied to, so he didn't even really know what issue they were facing.

Id say he displays plenty of wisdom in the movie, everything he does is to protect them, and when presented with evidence that he may be wrong, he is willing to change and still be supportive. That IS wise behavior.

You can have your awful opinions and bad taste in media, that's fine. But I'm not saying something dumb because you don't understand the complaints. You are exactly the consume and shut up type consumer. You can't even back up your statements about Splinter because they're knee-herks to consumed media you enjoyed.

Sure I can. Your complaints are that this wasn't just a straight copy of the 90s movie and actually bothered to do something different. Thats not a legitimate complaint. I never said just consume. Brought up specifically that some of your complaints are vague or nonsensical, because they are.

All criticism isn't valid just because of the saying of it, though, and yours are incredibly shallow of actual insight. Its like you were looking down at your Phone through the movie.

You find me examples of Splinter being a loser senile old goofball in the original stuff and I'll apologize. And I mean character, not some arbitrary "he did one dumb thing" example. Character is key. I know you won't find that in the games, movies, TV show or original comics. Good luck!

Hes not senile in this movie at all lol. Hes completely aware, competent, but he is jaded because of his experiences. You say character is key, but then miss very basic elements of his character they showed you in this movie. At no point, at all, is he portrayed as being dumb, clueless, or anything like that. He is rather shown to be competent, doting but caring, and ultimately willing and able to help his boys succeed. If you'd ask me we can use more father figures portrayed that way.
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What does this even mean lol? Mikey falls in love with a human in the very first TMNT movie,

Last time I'm replying to you because I think you have basic functions missing in your brain that allow you to understand context. I was talking about Splinter the entire time Since you decided my rant about Splinter was something related to Mikey, I can tell you have no idea what you're talking about and missing reading comprehension.

This does explain why you liked this new non-ninja Turtle Mutant movie though.

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
Won a free ticket and went to see the film. I want my two hours back and for this film to be wiped from my memory. What a complete waste of time.

I haven't had the chance to watch the movie yet, but based on the feedback here, I had some optimism for it.

I genuinely wish that one day TMNT2 and TMNT3 are disregarded as canon, allowing for a fitting sequel to continue from where TMNT 1990 concluded.


Perpetually Offended
Last time I'm replying to you because I think you have basic functions missing in your brain that allow you to understand context. I was talking about Splinter the entire time Since you decided my rant about Splinter was something related to Mikey, I can tell you have no idea what you're talking about and missing reading comprehension.

This does explain why you liked this new non-ninja Turtle Mutant movie though.

You can't get what he was saying about Mikey in relation to Splinter? You don't get the absurdity of a Mutant Turtle falling for a human woman? It's just as absurd as a mutant rat falling for a mutant roach.

That was his point and it's telling that you can't see that point.


You can't get what he was saying about Mikey in relation to Splinter? You don't get the absurdity of a Mutant Turtle falling for a human woman? It's just as absurd as a mutant rat falling for a mutant roach.

That was his point and it's telling that you can't see that point.

Mikey has always been ridiculous; they were discussing Splinter specifically being ridiculous, not the TMNT franchise in general.

Generally, Splinter is portrayed a bit more how shall we say...traditional. He was basically the wise sensei/Yoda character.

It's as if I were to say "it's out of character for Donnie to get so angry!" and you responded "what do you mean, Raph gets angry all the time!!" Yeah so what?


Perpetually Offended
Mikey has always been ridiculous; they were discussing Splinter specifically being ridiculous, not the TMNT franchise in general.

Generally, Splinter is portrayed a bit more how shall we say...traditional. He was basically the wise sensei/Yoda character.

It's as if I were to say "it's out of character for Donnie to get so angry!" and you responded "what do you mean, Raph gets angry all the time!!" Yeah so what?

Not actually a good analogy and not at all like what I said.

I will watch the movie soon and give my informed opinion but as it STANDS, it is utterly ridiculous for a mutant animal to fall for an animal that isn't its own species.


Why are you so adamant about defending this film? You liked it. Move along. All you're doing is showing you have little concept of what a good plot is.
You can have your awful opinions and bad taste in media, that's fine. But I'm not saying something dumb because you don't understand the complaints. You are exactly the consume and shut up type consumer. You can't even back up your statements about Splinter because they're knee-herks to consumed media you enjoyed.

You find me examples of Splinter being a loser senile old goofball in the original stuff and I'll apologize. And I mean character, not some arbitrary "he did one dumb thing" example. Character is key. I know you won't find that in the games, movies, TV show or original comics. Good luck!

“Why are you defending the film? Stop it!”
”Put more effort into defending the film!”

Spongebob Squarepants Reaction GIF
Confused Steve Brule GIF by MOODMAN

Seriously, this is a franchise with several comic continuities, four (soon to be five) cartoon series, and seven films. Mutant Mayhem is hardly the first to make some changes to the characters or story because there have been countless continuities. But the core of it, four teenage turtle brothers kicking ass and fighting with but ultimately caring about each other, is always there. Being elitist towards people just because they’re okay with a continuity changing things up is just pathetic. I don’t care for Tim Burton making Joker the Wayne’s killer in the ‘89 Batman film, but I’m not being obnoxiously dismissive towards anyone who didn’t have a problem with it.

Also, I agree that anyone who uses the “shut up and consume media” gif just comes off as a triggered response to people daring to not agree with that person, but it’s especially hilariously ironic using it for a franchise that began with a comic attended as a parody and a first cartoon series that was extremely merchandise driven.


You can't get what he was saying about Mikey in relation to Splinter? You don't get the absurdity of a Mutant Turtle falling for a human woman? It's just as absurd as a mutant rat falling for a mutant roach.

That was his point and it's telling that you can't see that point.
No I don't get it because we we're specifically talking about Splinter. And while the series is absurd, the character of Splinter was more of a sensai trope.

If I complained about Leo liking this dumb version of April, you'd have a point but you're missing that my complain is specific about the rat.
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