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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem - Do any real people like this movie?


Gold Member
Its not divisive lol, like 95% of audience goers liked this movie on RT, imdb, everywhere. Literally most people like this movie, so the folks in this thread trying to paint the rest of the world as wrong are just being silly.

You're allowed to not enjoy things but it shouldn't be this hard to fathom other people liked something you didnt.
And vice versa.
In the end, it doesn’t even matter…. 😅 I means the only one you should care if she or he is enjoying themselves is yourself.
except if you now deep within yourself that what you enjoy is shit then you have to force everyone to agree with you because questioning the dogma and handling the truth is too much to bear. That is what religious zealots as well as marvel movies moronic fanatics have in common. They can’t handle the truth, for they cannot accept they have been eating shit for so long, and liking it too…
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And vice versa.
In the end, it doesn’t even matter…. 😅 I means the only one you should care if she or he is enjoying themselves is yourself.
except if you now deep within yourself that what you enjoy is shit then you have to force everyone to agree with you because questioning the dogma and handling the truth is too much to bear. That is what religious zealots as well as marvel movies moronic fanatics have in common. They can’t handle the truth, for they cannot accept they have been eating shit for so long, and liking it too…

You... realize you directly contradict the statement I made above that you supposedly agree with right? "Opinions are fine...unless its about marvel movies" makes no sense either.


Last time I'm replying to you because I think you have basic functions missing in your brain that allow you to understand context. I was talking about Splinter the entire time Since you decided my rant about Splinter was something related to Mikey, I can tell you have no idea what you're talking about and missing reading comprehension.

This does explain why you liked this new non-ninja Turtle Mutant movie though.

You said "Splinter is dumb because he likes a cockroach".

That literally doesn't mean anything. The movie even shows he was close to cockroaches before he even mutated. What your rationale is for determining that this makes him dumb is nonexistent.
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Hated the movie for all same reasons as you, op! Thanks for not hive minding and being yourself. These are not my turtles. They need to grow them up for the original audience, kind of what last Ronin did.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
The original turtles were gritty and rough. The cartoon turtles were tweaked to be goofy and fun Except for Raph. He was cool and mean.

these turtles were just big dummies.

not having Hamato Yoshi is a travesty.


Gold Member
You... realize you directly contradict the statement I made above that you supposedly agree with right? "Opinions are fine...unless its about marvel movies" makes no sense either.
You… realize Vice versa means « the opposite is true also » ie you’re allowed to like stuff but people can dislike them without you feeling bad ? You were giving metacritic score to show everyone that the movie was universally liked. What i said is that if you should be able to find marvel/Disney/Hollywood movies good and enjoyable and not care if someone else tells you they are bad. If you cannot accept others opinions it means yours is not strong enough. If someone can make you question your love for something by just telling their opinion of it, it means you don’t really like the stuff… i find Marvel movies shitty but you can watch them as long as you want i don’t care. You should be able to not care that i find them dangerously stupid and still appreciate watching them, even knowing my position.


You… realize Vice versa means « the opposite is true also » ie you’re allowed to like stuff but people can dislike them without you feeling bad ? You were giving metacritic score to show everyone that the movie was universally liked. What i said is that if you should be able to find marvel/Disney/Hollywood movies good and enjoyable and not care if someone else tells you they are bad. If you cannot accept others opinions it means yours is not strong enough. If someone can make you question your love for something by just telling their opinion of it, it means you don’t really like the stuff… i find Marvel movies shitty but you can watch them as long as you want i don’t care. You should be able to not care that i find them dangerously stupid and still appreciate watching them, even knowing my position.

I mean an opinion on the movie is malleable to change, but through analysis and discussion, preferably. I have no issue with that


Gold Member
I went with my family last night to see this Seth Rogan take on TMNT. I hate this guy already but I did enjoy him as DK in Mario and I liked him in Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers the movie.

Just about every single minute of this movie was annoying to me and my family. The action was boring, the art style was headache inducing (it's not Spiderverse), the story is so changed up that it's possible this was supposed to be a different franchise. I'm not even joking when I say that the Bay movies are more faithful to the TMNT universe.

Visual/Audio: Originally I didn't mind the art and it's one of the reasons I went to see it but when the action kicks in, this claymation style of animation becomes a headache to watch. It's like playing a video game at 15fps and trying to enjoy it. The art style blends with the backgrounds constantly and the lower looking framerate is just Big Pharma's way of making you buy some Tylenol after watching it. The turtle design is fine, except for Don, and some of the villains are great. But all of the humans look like middle schoolers drew them. It's really crazy someone got paid to be this bad of an artist.

On top of that, the music is pumped almost non-stop through the movie so scenes feel like they're trying to be music videos rather than fight scenes. The voice acting was fine except for Don's and Michaelangelo's acrors. They sound like their prepubescent Steve Urkles trying to initiate Steve Urkle. Don sounds like he was kicked in the nuts before each take. Ice Cube was just Ice Cube, love it or hate it. I liked Raph and Leo a lot, April was fine and Jackie Chan fit for the voice but not the character.

The Story: Almost nothing about this movie is TMNT. Some people might be ok with reinventing everything about a franchise but it's changed to the point where there's almost 0 TMNT left in it. I'm going to spoiler tag the rest of this because the story is just flat out crap.

The Turtles are teenagers, or so they say. They're basically 10 year old kids with zoomer characteristics. None of them have an individual personality. They let you know Leo is the leader by saying it. They let you know Raph is a hot head by saying it. None of this is shown in the characters.

Splinter is an unwise foolish goof ball, which is nothing resembling Splinter. He hates the humans and has a fear of being milked by them. Because of an event with the humans, he teaches the Zoomer turtles how to fight using cheese martial arts movies, YouTube and TikTok. The villains are the turtles but Superfly (their Splinter) is violent.
April is a goofy teen who's unpopular but teaches the turtles how to be liked by humans, something she struggles with already. She's doing a news report on the turtles but for who, you don't know, since she becomes "puke girl" when talking on screen.

The Turtles don't respect Splinter at all except Leo. They just mock him and treat him like the stupid old fool he is. When they meet April, who Leo is falling for at first sight, they encounter their first actual fight with a bunch of biker thieves. Now, they set this up to be funny and great with Raph accidentally throwing a sai into Donnie's leg showing that they're really untrained and unprepared but then they Turtle Sue the who thing and beat everyone up with ease. None of this makes any sense in how they set it up.

April befriends the turtles and tells them about Superfly killing some humans. They end up hanging out with a huge list of villains from our past, and overall liking their company. But their plan to kill all humans gets in the way of their friendship so they have to fight again to save the world. Their fight is short lived and they're captured by corporate and awfully drawn TCRI lady who begins milking them (dumb running gag in the movie). Splinter saves the day thanks to April informing him, they go to fight Superfly and stop his machine from killing everyone.

During this battle is when it was really game over for story telling. The good guys show up and tell the villains they're all cousins and shouldn't fight. Every villain, Bebop and Rocksteady included, abandon helping their "father" Superfly because they don't want to kill all humans. So the turtles, Splinter and several villains push Superfly into the ooze which of course turns him into a super Superfly. It's now a Godzilla/King Kong movie.

While Superfly is destroying the city, the humans decide that it's actually the turtles who they haven't really seen that's the leaders and controlling Superfly. April rushes Channel 10 and corrects them which makes the humans accept the now-good guy villains and turtles in an effort to save the city. The turtles are entirely worthless during this fight and are captured before they even throw out a karate chop, making them entirely worthless heroes. The villains, Splinter and humans save the day.

After the boss fight, all of the villains move into the sewers with Splinter and his new lady roach friend, and the turtles go to high school for the first time. The end.

The entire movie is just some crappy "acceptance" movie with a nonsense story taped over it. Nothing about it is enjoyable.
thanks man not watching this shit.


It is just a Seth Rogen modern kiddy spiderverse style update of the ninja turtles. If you aren't that into the tmnt then you will have fun with this movie. Kids will for the most part enjoy the movie. Splinter has changed from some grandpa serious ninja master/sensei to an out of touch overprotective dad trying to connect with his kids and also is a ninja master.

The movie was mostly mediocre to me. I did like the mutant villains. If they had tweaked the movie a lot more then it could have been great since I enjoyed the overall story. This tmnt was just odd to me.


Besides the new origin for splinter (how are they going to make shredder a more personal threat?) I liked the movie quite a bit.
All the turtles seemed to fit their personas well and their first fight being fuck ups and having to learn the ropes was pretty sweet.


I haven’t seen it yet but it seems everyone I’ve talked to liked it? My son keeps bugging me to watch it as he’s seen in the theatres with his cousins. They all liked it. We’ll see


I liked it and I do think it's the best movie they've done. There is still room for improvement.

I think some people are taking it too seriously. It's TMNT for Christ sake a piss take of comic books in itself the lore really shouldn't be that important to you.
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I watched it with my kid. He liked it, I thought it was neat and had some nostalgia with it. I also realize it's a movie for kids and not the 40+ year olds who originally grew up with TMNT.
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Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
A couple of different friends took their kids to see it and they both liked it well enough. I can tell it's not really for me though so I'm just going to skip it.
The entire idea of Splinter is he was a sensei and father to the turtles, not a bumbling idiot that the turtles disrespected.
This point I'm torn about, because teenagers are usually known to be rebellious, experiment, and disrespect their elders.


This point I'm torn about, because teenagers are usually known to be rebellious, experiment, and disrespect their elders.

I haven't seen the movie (because it looks like ass to me) but even in TMNT 1, which is as gritty as you get unless you go to the comics, Splinter had a "agghh, effin' kids" vibe despite being venerated by the turtles.

For example, early in the movie he advises them all to meditate, but is interrupted when Mikey turns on the stereo and starts dancing with Donnie instead. Splinter can only shake his head in resignation. Next Raph just walks out. It's not just known for teenagers, it's known for the turtles, even if this new film takes it up a few notches, again I haven't seen it.
Saw this last weekend and was pretty good!

Way better than elemental .

Btw Jackie Chan voice was perfect fit.
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I haven't seen the movie (because it looks like ass to me) but even in TMNT 1, which is as gritty as you get unless you go to the comics, Splinter had a "agghh, effin' kids" vibe despite being venerated by the turtles.

For example, early in the movie he advises them all to meditate, but is interrupted when Mikey turns on the stereo and starts dancing with Donnie instead. Splinter can only shake his head in resignation. Next Raph just walks out. It's not just known for teenagers, it's known for the turtles, even if this new film takes it up a few notches, again I haven't seen it.
Agreed. Anyone with one sibling will kind of relate to the dynamic. Anyone with multiple siblings will definitely relate to the dynamic. The older sibling is usually leader figure like Leo. There is always a Raphael of the group when there's more than two siblings IRL, and either they're the drama-starter, or quickest to get angry, or the emo one. And whoever is the Mikey and/or Donny were always the youngest one and most relaxed/chill people to hang around with and you'd always bump into them at some party or gathering.
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This point I'm torn about, because teenagers are usually known to be rebellious, experiment, and disrespect their elders.

Yes, but ninjas are more disciplined, correct? I think the balance came from this and Raph was the hot head that had a problem with it, which is a central part of his character. All of them (aside from mostly Leo) were like Zoomer idiots in this movie.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Yes, but ninjas are more disciplined, correct? I think the balance came from this and Raph was the hot head that had a problem with it, which is a central part of his character. All of them (aside from mostly Leo) were like Zoomer idiots in this movie.
well yes everyone is a big idiot in this movie. Discipline does not exist.
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I enjoyed it for what it was but it definitely had some problems.

I love the first live action film and grew up playing the NES game and watching the original TV show, and some of the changes definitely didn't feel right.

I like the idea of young, teenage-acting turtles. And even though tweens and teens are generally immature, these guys took it too far I thought. I didn't mind the April character but I don't think it should have been April but another new character instead.

Story was OK but nothing special - my main problem is it seems like the villain's crew turned on him way too quickly.

I remember watching one of the movies in theaters sometime in the last decade - which was totally forgettable. Couldn't even remember if it was CGI or live action. I think Mutant Mayhem will be more memorable, partly due to the visual style which I thought was great.


I remember watching one of the movies in theaters sometime in the last decade - which was totally forgettable. Couldn't even remember if it was CGI or live action. I think Mutant Mayhem will be more memorable, partly due to the visual style which I thought was great.

Sounds like you watched a Bay movie with Megan Fox April and CGI turtles. I saw it at the theater with a friend my age. He thought it was good. I can't even imagine what he was smoking and he thought I was some sort of party pooper. No desire to ever see it again, or the sequel.


Gold Member
Btw Jackie Chan voice was perfect fit.
Jackie Chan was awesome. Don't get the complaints about Splinter (maybe the five hour long breakdown of the movie they watch omitted his fight scene?). Probably my favorite Splinter. Paul Rudd as Mondo Gecko was also perfect.

I like the idea of young, teenage-acting turtles. And even though tweens and teens are generally immature, these guys took it too far I thought. I didn't mind the April character but I don't think it should have been April but another new character instead.

What I really liked about them is how they talked over each other. Look at 80s kids movies like Goonies. That was common then, and it's something you never see in animation.
No desire to ever see it again, or the sequel.

The sequel is like a different movie from the first. It's like they tried to do a live action version of the '87 cartoon. It had Bebop and Rocksteady, and Kraang (including his cyborg suit).


The sequel is like a different movie from the first. It's like they tried to do a live action version of the '87 cartoon. It had Bebop and Rocksteady, and Kraang (including his cyborg suit).
Might be enough to make me check it out. I just really hated how they presented the turtles in 1. The overdone CGI, all the crazy details and accessories, and I didn't like their personalities. Especially how Mikey wouldn't leave April alone.


Might be enough to make me check it out. I just really hated how they presented the turtles in 1. The overdone CGI, all the crazy details and accessories, and I didn't like their personalities. Especially how Mikey wouldn't leave April alone.
Nah it’s way worse than the first. Sounds like it has everyone you’d like but it’s just horrible overall. I thought the first one was miles better


Perpetually Offended
Watching it now on Paramount+

So far it's very entertaining. As for Donny's voice, being 15 over 30 years ago, my voice was like his. It didn't get deeper until I was a bit older. Mostly it was me masking 24/7 but ... Anyway back to the movie


Perpetually Offended
Finally saw the whole thing... It was GOOD! Some of the "criticisms" were misleading info. Had me cheering at the end!


Gold Member
Watching it now on Paramount+

So far it's very entertaining. As for Donny's voice, being 15 over 30 years ago, my voice was like his. It didn't get deeper until I was a bit older. Mostly it was me masking 24/7 but ... Anyway back to the movie
Oh no, DT, you just outed yourself!

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