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Teh kiddie....


I don't know how Nintendo feels about this perceived kiddie image, but I've got to say, if they were ever trying to shed it, that's gotta be news to me.

Reason? So my wife says "buy that drum game." OK, if she wants to play a game, I'll usually pick it up. So we pick up the game and an extra set of bongos. First of all, we're having a lot of fun with it.

But WTF is with the song selection? I mean, there's at least a handful of songs that are played out to anyone older than 8! Bingo? Campfire Medley? Diddy's crap songs? I feel like I've wandered into some commercial for Time Life Kids' music.

Granted, they're only a few songs, but between them and the crappy-ass Nintendo songs (and I'm not talking about the Mario and Zelda themes), there's not a great selection on this disc. Surely they could have found some good public-domain songs that are easily recognized, would be fun to play and would appeal to all ages... the instrumental tracks are miles better than the generic pap that makes up this disc.

Anyhow, why the hell would they clearly advertise to a 20-something market and then put freaking B-I-N-G-O on the disc. Game is good, that just boggles my mind.

I understand stuff that's just crap, like the Pokemon theme and other Nintendo properties they're promoting, but stuff that's crap and has no promotional value? Come ON. The kiddies will be happy playing whatever's there, but how many times are you going to be thrilled by "She'll be Comin' 'Round the Mountain"?


Running off of Custom Firmware
They went for a REALLY broad range in musical styles. This is both good and bad. It's good because just about anyone will find a couple of songs they'll love to play. Bad because most likely, there'll be just as much crap as good, depending on your taste.

I'm hoping that this is like a "sampler" disc, and that they will eventually release more consistent discs for 20 bucks in the future. Perhaps it's wishful thinking.

That said, as much as the song makes me cringe, BINGO has one of the best beat patterns on the disc.


I don't think it is issue of image, they just wanted to have a really broad lineup. Maybe in the near future we will get discs based on genres and what not, but for this release I think they were targeting people who aren't already music game players.

... teh fuck?


SickBoy said:
I don't know how Nintendo feels about this perceived kiddie image, but I've got to say, if they were ever trying to shed it, that's gotta be news to me.

Reason? So my wife says "buy that drum game." OK, if she wants to play a game, I'll usually pick it up. So we pick up the game and an extra set of bongos. First of all, we're having a lot of fun with it.

But WTF is with the song selection? I mean, there's at least a handful of songs that are played out to anyone older than 8! Bingo? Campfire Medley? Diddy's crap songs? I feel like I've wandered into some commercial for Time Life Kids' music.

Granted, they're only a few songs, but between them and the crappy-ass Nintendo songs (and I'm not talking about the Mario and Zelda themes), there's not a great selection on this disc. Surely they could have found some good public-domain songs that are easily recognized, would be fun to play and would appeal to all ages... the instrumental tracks are miles better than the generic pap that makes up this disc.

Anyhow, why the hell would they clearly advertise to a 20-something market and then put freaking B-I-N-G-O on the disc. Game is good, that just boggles my mind.

I understand stuff that's just crap, like the Pokemon theme and other Nintendo properties they're promoting, but stuff that's crap and has no promotional value? Come ON. The kiddies will be happy playing whatever's there, but how many times are you going to be thrilled by "She'll be Comin' 'Round the Mountain"?



Taiko Drum Master is coming to NA? Cool.

I'd probably want to pierce those congos into my ear drums if I had to play the game to BINGO.
Nintendo targets kids and everyone knows it. Only their hardcore older fans seem to be alienated by it. It's a good business decision for them.
trippingmartian said:
First time I've put someone (Ambience) on ignore and there you go and post his damn avatar negating the entire purpose of teh ignore. D:

:lol Sorry

Gattsu25 said:
Right Click > Block Images From ... > Firefox RAWK

I have Firefox. And I will do that :)

As for the issue about Donkey Konga's childish music.. it honestly doesn't bother me in the slightest. Plus some of those songs work really well to the beat of the bongos!


A couple things
-The song variation is great. You have songs that appeal to kids (Diddy), songs that adults will enjoy more (classical, latin), and songs that appeal to everyone (oldies).
-Bingo is great in this game

Hopefully we'll get a new Konga disc soon.


Go Bingo! Go Bingo! Go Bingo! Go Go GO GO BINGO!
But I would definetly pray for another disc of songs. Less crappy ones this time.


worldrunover said:
I agree with you, the songs are a bit kiddish, but I mean come on, you weren't expecting Lil Jon and Ludacris, were you? ;)

No, but like I said in my original post: "Surely they could have found some good public-domain songs that are easily recognized, would be fun to play and would appeal to all ages... the instrumental tracks are miles better than the generic pap that makes up this disc."

Hungarian Dance No. 5, for example -- not likely something I'd play in the car, but plenty of fun without the feeling that I'm back in Grade 2 music class.


Actually, I'm also complaining about stuff like the Pokemon theme and the Kirby song -- let alone the DK crap. I thought I'd leave the pop stuff that I hadn't heard before (Like Wow, etc.) more or less alone. :)


(more a nerd than a geek)
Boy. People whine a lot. Toss three children's songs into a music disc, and it somehow destroys the entire experience.


It destroys the entire experience if you are playing the mode which goes through each and every song. I hate the three children songs in the game but they are great compared to the shit that is "Like Wow"

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
Getting back to the topic, Karl Rove would be very proud of all the Cubie spinning going on in this thread. Here are the first five tracks on the list:

Diddy's Ditzies
Campfire Medley
Pokemon Theme
Kirby Right Back at Ya

Come on, guys!


fennec fox said:
Getting back to the topic, Karl Rove would be very proud of all the Cubie spinning going on in this thread. Here are the first five tracks on the list:

Diddy's Ditzies
Campfire Medley
Pokemon Theme
Kirby Right Back at Ya

Come on, guys!

Can you include On the Road Again?

If it weren't for the crappy covers, I'd say the other songs are pretty good.


I'm having fun with Donkey Konga, but really.. its not just that theres MORE than a few childish annoying songs, but that there isn't that many songs to begin with. It needs more tracks. Plus, it's not like kids don't enjoy drumming to Louie Louie and other oldies, so why screw over the rest of us? At least make it some funky dance mix of BINGO. There's songs that kids can enjoy and then there's borderline edutainment quality stuff.


CrimsonSkies said:
Nintendo targets kids and everyone knows it. Only their hardcore older fans seem to be alienated by it. It's a good business decision for them.

Its a good business decision for the entire industry. If kids aren't continually being introduced to video games they will eventually evolve to an even more niche market.

Look at the fucked up situation that comic books are in. If it wasn't for the recent manga boom, nobody under 30 would be reading them.


I hope Nintendo makes kiddy games forever. It gives people like me a chance to take time off from the tough world and relive childhood.


beerbelly said:
I hope Nintendo makes kiddy games forever. It gives people like me a chance to take time off from the tough world and relive childhood.

I don't see the nintendo games as kiddy. Their characters and art might look kiddy, but the overall experience doesn't feel kiddy at all. They make wellcrafted games, and games for any age to enjoy.


I don't mind the kiddie songs, as long as they have some nice latino rhythms going. And that's what's missing in Donkey Konga IMO. If they're adding well-known songs, they could at least remix them into samba-style or something. Or just add a shit-load of soca music.


DavidDayton said:
Boy. People whine a lot. Toss three children's songs into a music disc, and it somehow destroys the entire experience.

Yes. Exactly like I said in my first post.

"First of all, we're having a lot of fun with it."

Oh wait, that's nothing at all like what I said in my first post.

BTW: I agree with etiolate. Even though there are 33 songs, for some reason it doesn't seem like a lot. I don't really know why that is, but whatever the reason it makes the crappy songs (which I count at about 8 -- or nearly 25%) more disappointing.

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