whats the time stamp for ZTS' match?
From the wizard wold twitch archive? 02:08:08
whats the time stamp for ZTS' match?
Hey great job "Z T S" in Minneapolis! It was good seeing you again![]()
Yep, I guess he hasn't played against many Claudios before?
43 is still kind of annoying along with f+3, haha. Overly used by Claudio players sometimes, my friends and I have a game in which we count the number of f+2 we see being used in a match.
Still, no where near as BS as Shaheen is.
From the wizard wold twitch archive? 02:08:08
Good games, Sasuke, Grayfox.
Quite happy with how i did today---- in some sets. Less so in others, aha.
Good games SquirrelSoup. Dunno why we couldn't connect but when I checked ranked it run well, no disconnects.
I'm rusty but did ok I think. I got thrown billion times, lol. You got nice Lili. That mixup with knee that goes into low stomp but you going for mid smash instead is really smart. Very hard to react.
I really went on tilt in some matches and you just dunked me hard, three rounds in a row. I need to learn to relaaaax when that starts happening i think. Hard to do after you eat a couple Paul counterhits though. You're good at making health vanish just like that.
I can only advice you to use more moves like that qcf+3+4 double spin kick that's plus on block or qcf+3, that slide. Not sure about the notations, lol. Oh and when you block Paul's d+4 sweep you can launch him every time with ws+2.
Paul hits like a truck, but you just gotta remember I really love those deathfists and shredders so watch for them, block and attack right away.
Oh yeah, i just want to say: feck those shredders. lol
Congrats ZTS! I still have to watch the matches, but making Rip salty sounds like you did a good job
I know who I'll be asking for tips if I ever think about playing Claudio.
Good games Squirrel. You got me good today. T6 was laggier than usual though, I wonder why.
I shouldn't have picked an execution monster like Steve in our first match. I'm still kind of rustyMy throw break was also a little better at some point.
My internet provider seems to have fucked something up. I basically have 2 routers connected to each other, which isn't really clever, but there's nothing I can do about it because my provider forces me to use their modem/router. They only have a really crappy "Technicolor" one which has no UPnP, DMZ or anything else that would make playing Online easier. It also has no Bridge mode for whatever reason.
My PS3 is connected to a Netgear router I bought myself and up to this point (for 2 years basically) I had no problem whatsoever. Yesterday though I wasn't able to connect to PSN and tried to open my router's settings. Turns out I can't. The only router I can connect to is the Technicolor one, regardless of which router I'm hooked up to.
Had to set up port forwarding because it would block the necessary ports and it was an ordeal because that shit can't even open multiple ports for whatever reason. So annoying!
I guess I'll have to give them a call or something...
The first net provider give me crappy router-modem, so I just wrote down what basic settings it runs on, threw that shit away and used my own router-modem.
Can you do that?
Now I have optical fiber and those new guys are very sensitive on using their own router modem device. I can understand that because that shit has cable tv setup and shit, but what I don't understand is that that they don't allow access to router to anyone. Like everyone is a fucking idiot and will mess up the settings. I had to explain them I'm disabled and need to have option to reset router from pc if it goes down late night or something. I took a look in the settings and it's a fucking normal router shit. Over the years I experiment so much on my old routers I know this, lol. They are acting like it's some magic fragile hardware, so no touchy! I didn't change the settings because they monitor all this shit from the "base" and they'll go apeshit but honestly I don't really have to - the psn works better then my old setup unless console has HDCP on, then nothing works.
It wouldn't make sense to me, just my 2 cents.So what do you guys think? T7 at E3 in console form maybe?
ExplainMy character roster for Tekken 7 from 5 months ago.
I don't like it much anymore.
So what do you guys think? T7 at E3 in console form maybe?
RIP still salty about Claudio
Talking about claudio so good he might pick him (probably a joke) on ATPDunno why he's so concerned about Claudio still. It's not like he is going to fight another Claudio as good as mine at the rest of the events. Renikon is the only other solid Claudio IMO in the west but he also plays Lucky Chloe. Weapon X plays Claudio as a secondary but his is far less refined than Reno's.
Also by the time he plays my Claudio again A.) It will be FR B.) I'll be even better with Claudio.
lolB.) I'll be even better with Claudio.
Because Anna is in itwhy you don't like it anymore
Because Anna is in it
Lucky Chloe is amazing to play with. She feels so good, maybe even better than the capoeiras.
They are sweating to finish FR before Evo so they put characters on hold. :/
Wonder when we get news on that front. Console trailer? Get that Lee, Raven, Miguel and some kind of Lei hybrid(without low stance) in this.
We're just in dull as shit point in time. No news, no nothing.
Talking about claudio so good he might pick him (probably a joke) on ATP
Birthday lose got to him
He is just not used to the new character it feels like tbh
damnRalease date is: "It's Capcom's turn."
It's always Capcom's turn.
Maybe Capcom should publish Tekken.
RIP didn't see it that sadlyWhat is there to understand about the character? You fight him pretty much the same way you fight Bruce. He has one super good mid that is safe & his good lows are either launch punishable or telegraphed & none of them knock down. Comparing Claudio to Bruce is unfair though cause Bruce is waaaay better than Claudio.
So what do you guys think? T7 at E3 in console form maybe?
I feel that Im about to go into a rabbit hole...
There are some arcade sticks on which for I cant perform at all EWFGs, and others which I can do them all day long with my eyes closed.
Ive tired to ask the guys that work at the arcades to tell me which brand they are using but they seem a bit reluctant to answer.
Ive noticed that on more "flimsy" sticks I perform much better than on "stiff" ones.
In my hose I use the Hori Real Arcade Pro 4 , which I find it more on the "middle", any recommendations for a more "flimsy" one?
Last time they had a 'fighting/wrestling' multiplatform title i got all hopeful too but it turned out to be Naruto ;/
Hey ZTS, RIP commented on your match, https://www.twitch.tv/levelupyourgame/v/65569861 at 2h:14m
Good salty levels on the videostill, kind of agree what F+3 should not be as spamable as is, Claudio is kinda boring to fight against, I mean no offence
So if Tekken 7 FR also releases digitally on PS4 alongside with the arcade version and follows the same monetary model as the arcade version, how many of you would be willing to start playing the game?
It's very anti-consumer but I would be on board for playing Tekken 7.
So if Tekken 7 FR also releases digitally on PS4 alongside with the arcade version and follows the same monetary model as the arcade version, how many of you would be willing to start playing the game?
It's very anti-consumer but I would be on board for playing Tekken 7.
So if Tekken 7 FR also releases digitally on PS4 alongside with the arcade version and follows the same monetary model as the arcade version, how many of you would be willing to start playing the game?
It's very anti-consumer but I would be on board for playing Tekken 7.