As mentioned, there will be an event in January & the release date will be announced.
I agree with many of you guys though, the announcement of Kuma & Panda wasn't as epic as what I would have wanted as a fan. Actually there were several announcements (tournament mode, Okada/NJPW promo, etc.), but we all knew everyone wanted the release date -- which I tried to squash/tell people in advance, it wasn't coming.
Either way, thanks for tuning in to the global finals. It's been a long and grueling year on the tour. Frustrating at times, but I can't imagine how much frustrating it must have been for many of you that don't have access to the game.
Next year is going to be the year of TEKKEN (or so they tell me)... but based on what I know, I definitely believe it. Happy Holidays NeoGAF fam.