Wow, the entire apartment complex is backed up? That's pretty nifty I suppose.
Whenever I visited my laptop was always on the charger to prepare for the inevitable. And with the amount of sweating I did I finally understood what the dupatta is used for
Last time I visited was in 2011 so it's been a while. I assume the power situation only got worse though
But yeah, for sure.
But at least
everyone is fasting so your peers/superiors can empathize w/ the exhaustion + you get to really enjoy the festivities. Not as much sympathy here lol.
Things have actually gotten a LOT better since then, it was pretty damn horrible back then. The power supply company is a private corporation, K-Electric (formerly KESC), and they've implemented a system where the power outages vary from area to area depending on how many people paid their bill.
If 100% of the residents of an area paid their bills and no electricity theft detected? No load-shedding.
If 80% of the residents of an area paid their bills/there is some electricity theft detected? No power for 2-3 hours a day ( 1 hour in the morning, 1 hour in the after noon and 1 hour at night).
And so on and so on. Plus they've REALLY cracked down on power theft so it's not as big an issue as it was back then.
It's a pretty damn good system that means that the areas where people pay their bills, like higher class area such as Defense, don't have to suffer from it anymore.
And it's true, I guess we do kinda take it for granted that since everyone fasts people are more sympathetic
Even worktimes and classes are generally shorter times and offices don't mind if employees leave for home a bit earlier than usual.