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Tekken Tag 2 GAF Winter Tournament - Begins Jan 6 - Stream, Prizes, Competition & Fun

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Ccrook, when's a good time for you this week? I want to get my ass kicked and get this over with already, lol.

At least I know you're going to respond. XD


Ccrook, when's a good time for you this week? I want to get my ass kicked and get this over with already, lol.

At least I know you're going to respond. XD

Thursday or Friday are my best times this week actually. So if I catch ya online during one of those days, we can play for sure :D

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Itzknickknack said Sayah gave him the OK to have our matches, so we just did last week's match-us:

3-0 lyte
3-0 lyte
3-2 lyte

Itzknickknack used the Williams sisters; I used mainly Scrub Alisa with Anna and Jay Cee. Damn I am out of shape in this game after so much SFxTK.

Hyun Sai

Nah, you didn't seem to be used to the matchups ! I hope the lag was not too bad either.

And as I see everybody freaking out when they see the region, I'm not in europe lol, I'm here :


It's a french department, but I've got decent connection with the US as we ve got a direct cable to east coast.
It was 1 bar so I was worried but I didnt notice any lag at all so it was all good. Baek and Wang are two of my biggest nemesis. Even if I knew the matchup I still would have lost.

My mind is dumb. Most of the time its goes blank during a match. I forget to duck certain strings, I forget to punish things and I even forget to do moves that I use often. About the only thing I can remember to punish is Kazuya's u/f+4,4,4,4,4 lol. Its like memorizing a speech over and over but when its comes time to actually present your speech you start to stutter and forget your lines. Thats been my tekken life for a long time now.

Hyun Sai

Yeah, happens a lot to me. As for the bar, there is this strange bug on PSN where all my opponents are always 1 bar, even those in my own town. Strangely enough, when we're in another player lobby, we've got 5 bars. It's very annoying, but at least I've got no problem on Xbox Live.

We can play again if you want to get more used to those characters, anytime.


Neo Member
hey Crook, when is a good time for your wife to have our match. I'm available anytime even tonight. (Took a week vacation heheehe)
Samething happens with Sayah. It shows 1 bar but the connection is fine.

Good games again dude. Thats a scary team. You have to be very careful pressing buttons against you with all those frame traps or else you're eating a ton of counter hit damage as I did.


Hyun Sai wins 3-1. So pissed at how much I suck.

You don't suck. I've seen you play. You are a very competent player.
Thanks for competing and for supporting.

Itzknickknack said Sayah gave him the OK to have our matches, so we just did last week's match-us:

3-0 lyte
3-0 lyte
3-2 lyte

Itzknickknack used the Williams sisters; I used mainly Scrub Alisa with Anna and Jay Cee. Damn I am out of shape in this game after so much SFxTK.

As long as you were both okay having the match, I wasn't gonna prevent it from happening. I was already giving a day extension to Noisepurge and giancarlo. Would be fair doing the same for itzknickknac, I suppose.


hey Crook, when is a good time for your wife to have our match. I'm available anytime even tonight. (Took a week vacation heheehe)

Hmm. Give her till Wednesday. She's usually the one playing most of the evenings so if you /msg her that night, she'll play for sure. Already have you added on her list as well.
You don't suck. I've seen you play. You are a very competent player.
Thanks for competing and for supporting.

As long as you were both okay having the match, I wasn't gonna prevent it from happening. I was already giving a day extension to Noisepurge and giancarlo. Would be fair doing the same for itzknickknac, I suppose.

Your too kind.

I hope we can get another one of these going again. Would be nice if we could get one for each reigon so everyone has the best possible connection.


Your too kind.

I hope we can get another one of these going again.
Would be nice if we could get one for each reigon so everyone has the best possible connection.

Yeah, I would say this (so far) has been pretty successful. We had two dq's and a few automatic losses but most people still played their matches and got things done on time. Most importantly, the bracket wasn't stalled and we are reaching towards the end now. Hopefully it can happen again.


Yeah, I would say this (so far) has been pretty successful. We had two dq's and a few automatic losses but most people still played their matches and got things done on time. Most importantly, the bracket wasn't stalled and we are reaching towards the end now. Hopefully it can happen again.

I can make another banner for you :p

Hyun Sai

I added you but I guess you're EST? Going to be tough again. Unless it's during the weekends, it can't be much later than 6PM your time. :p
I can be available between 5:30 and 6:30 AM Saturday, and between 5:30 and 7:30 AM Sunday, US East. What is your timezone ?


Quite the upset over here. Will post results very soon.

We got Kenix with the win here.

Match 1: (2 - 3) Rem vs Kenix
Match 2: (0 - 3) Rem vs Kenix
Match 3: (1 - 3) Rem vs Kenix

Off her game I suppose. Not very happy. lol - good games from the few matches I watched. I think she made a good comeback within the losers brackets. Next tourny will be fun!


Lyte, is Friday good for you? 8PM EST?


Neo Member
It was a great game with your wife. I'm surprise she quite good. just curious, how old is she?

P.S. Fraeon, i'm ready for you, i know u gonna win against Hyunsai :) let do our match tomorrow (thursday 10pm EST) on stream. I'm so ready.


It was a great game with your wife. I'm surprise she quite good. just curious, how old is she?

P.S. Fraeon, i'm ready for you, i know u gonna win against Hyunsai :) let do our match tomorrow (thursday 10pm EST) on stream. I'm so ready.

27. I'd of thought she give you a good run for your money but seems she was a bit off with Paul and Law. If there's another tourny, I expect her to be fired up and make much more progress.

As for me, I got my battle with Lyte which will lead me back to Rolento. Very hungry for that win.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Ccrook, 8 PM Friday should be OK and will give me more time to practice, hopefully stopping you from a rematch with Rolento. ;P
Another one of these tournaments would be fun...I've largely given up on being a competitive player (As in going to tournies) but I always have time for more of these tournies!


I'd love to be more competitive with Tekken here on a local side of things but no one really plays it out here. Street Fighter land for sure. But with online being as it is, I'll take for what I can do.


Once it's officially over, I'll see what I can do about cutting out the matches from the archives and upload it to YouTube.
Hey DSix, you still around? Sent you a Friend Invite a couple of days ago and it still says pending. Let me know If you're good to play anytime soon.


Hey DSix, you still around? Sent you a Friend Invite a couple of days ago and it still says pending. Let me know If you're good to play anytime soon.

Oh sorry, I had a very busy week, I'll be around today and this week-end, tell me what times are good for you.
Between my last post (upup) and the next 1-2 hours I'm down for the matches. Otherwise Sat/Sun around the same time.

By the way anyone here wants the matches I had with Baekshi, Remi, Rolento? I haven't got much other then a crappy phone to record them with. :/ Unless there's some way for people to look up the replays themselves and get them.


I guess tomorrow it is then, your time is between 4 am to 12 am CET for me, so I'll try to make it at 11 am. I'll PM you.


Well I guess that rematch with Rolento won't happen. However, facing Lyte I think I laughed the most because of how fun the games were.

Lyte is the winner!

Match 1: (2-3) Lyte
Match 2: (2-3) Lyte
Match 3: (3-2) CcrooK
Match 4: (3-0) CcrooK
Match 5: (2-3) Lyte

Lyte says he uses scrub tactics but still, doesn't matter how you play. That solo Alisa at the end though. I had those few opportunities to win the match out and completely choked. I hope to see another tourny start up in the near future. Count me in. :)

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Somehow I managed to scrub out a victory against Ccrook! o_O

3-2 lyte
3-1 lyte
2-3 Ccrook
0-3 Ccrook
3-2 lyte

Ccrook used Kazuya/Xiaoyu. I was mainly Scrub Alisa™ with Jay Cee or Anna. Took a gamble and used Alisa solo in the last battle.

GG dude. After I won the second round in the third match, I thought that it had been the third round and didn't notice another round was going until it started, lol.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Well I guess that rematch with Rolento won't happen. However, facing Lyte I think I laughed the most because of how fun the games were.

Love it man. LOVE IT. I really enjoyed the matches with both you and your wife and I hope we keep on playing! I got so pumped up during those fights! XD

Lyte says he uses scrub tactics but still, doesn't matter how you play. That solo Alisa at the end though. I had those few opportunities to win the match out and completely choked. I hope to see another tourny start up in the near future. Count me in. :)

I fully admit it- I am a Tekken scrub/n00b! I have so much I need to learn.


Hyun Sai, can't do it this Saturday so we'll have to do it on Sunday.

Watching these recordings of mine and man, my movement is all kinds of ass. If we're going to have another tournament at some point, I gotta have to improve that. My Lili spacing is something I'm pretty proud of but better movement would also help there. Also gotta find better and more damaging combos for my team.


The lag with Australia was as horrible as with Japan, but this time the coin toss goes to Flying Monkey (3-1 for him), good luck for the next one.

Seriously, this is no condition to have tournament matches, next time there should have some rules or divide parts of the tournaments for chosen halves of the planet, I can fight with America alright, but anything beyond is infuriating bullshit for both party. Plus the fact that I'm maining very no lag-friendly characters.

edit-edit: Derp, i didn't notice where I was going in loser brackets. Sorry I cant help but be salty about this.


The lag with Australia was as horrible as with Japan, but this time the coin toss goes to Flying Monkey (3-1 for him), good luck for the next one.

Seriously, this is no condition to have tournament matches, next time there should have some rules or divide parts of the tournaments for chosen halves of the planet, I can fight with America alright, but anything beyond is infuriating bullshit for both party. Plus the fact that I'm maining very no lag-friendly characters.

edit-edit: Derp, i didn't notice where I was going in loser brackets. Sorry I cant help but be salty about this.

Really sorry about this. I probably should have prepared for lag situations better. I was ultimately hoping TTT2 netcode could win over and provide playable matches at the very least. Especially since I played with Mighty from Japan and the matches ran decently. Sorry again. If there's a tournament again, I will try to see if we can find a solution for this sort of stuff.


I remember watching some of the matches with Flying Wonkey on my end and it was certainly playable. But yeah, connections are going to be different between two players.

Hyun Sai

I'm up and ready for 2 hours, Fraeon.

Results of the match :

3-1 Hyun Sai
3-0 Hyun Sai
3-0 Hyun Sai

GGs, too bad we had this lag though.

I'll send you you an invite, Kenix, as you're my next opponent.


Canada vs Australia coming up! When would you like to do this Wonkey? I'll be home all day doing homework. :)
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