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Terraria |OT3| 1.2 many things to dig...

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Yey, it's out, finally.

Will certainly be getting back into this in MP to see all the new stuff.


So I sank a comparatively small amount of time into this when it first launched, some 33hrs. Those 33hrs included smuggling a laptop to work and playing it for several hours at work, but even so, I'm sure 33hrs pales in comparison to those of you who either replayed it or got stuck into multiplayer!

This patch sounds pretty bloody great, I think I can spare a dozen or so hours to replay a small world (once I'm done with GTAV, anyway).

Nice OP, by the way!

Card Boy

Played for abit. One shit thing i noticed character creation is slider based and doesn't have numbers anymore so its hard to match your shit and undershit colours to the exact.

Other than that patch is megaton worthy, found a mini wood dungeon lots of items from the get go. Go an Umbrella (makes you fall slower) and a Wood Wand (consumes word to make living trees?)


Running around and finding things that you have no idea as to what the use is makes it feel like playing the game for the first time again.


Does the Corruption spread in the same way, especially in hard mode?
That's the thing that made me stop playing the game before. I hope it has been changed.


Goodbye my social life. I did not need you anyhow.

"You no longer need to jump to ascend single blocks" is revolutionary and has made my day... err, well night. Or whatever time it is right now.
Played for a bit on the GAF server. There is definitely loads of new content, though I never really played much post-launch anyway so I'm still wrapping my head around some of the 1.1 stuff.

Started a new character for it all. In desperate need of a magic mirror and other goodies to make life easier.

Card Boy

"You no longer need to jump to ascend single blocks"


Just noticed you can place torches on backgrounds in any area.
How is the performance so far?

Terraria always ran at a rather mediocre 50fps on my machine no matter what I did (and i have quite the RIG).


Unconfirmed Member
Quick update on the GAF server:

Looks like TShock managed a release to get it up to par with the latest game version, I'll be testing it out here and there, but the mod won't go up officially on the server until I can work out the kinks.

(I think someone popped on while I was messing with it...)

Anway, regular vanilla server is back up right now. It will remain up throughout the day.
I'm willing to give this game another shot after the update, but I fear my "problems" might still be present. Terraria is a game where I feel a little aimless. It doesn't take more than a few hours that me and my friend seemingly stop making progress and we just end up giving up. It's usually after getting an NPC or three in our base that our wheels start spinning in the mud.

Any sort of helpful tips to bring some loose structure or goals into the game? I feel that a rough outline on what goalposts the average player should hit (and what order) would make it easier for me.


Quick update on the GAF server:

Looks like TShock managed a release to get it up to par with the latest game version, I'll be testing it out here and there, but the mod won't go up officially on the server until I can work out the kinks.

(I think someone popped on while I was messing with it...)

Anway, regular vanilla server is back up right now. It will remain up throughout the day.

What is the GAF server? I finally want to start playing this seriously with the new patch.


erotic butter maelstrom
Yo, could we get some screenshots? I need to see how this game looks after the update. I'm a Terraria nut but I won't be able to play this anytime in the foreseeable future. :(


I was given this game as a steam gift a year ago and still haven't played it. I suppose now's a good time to jump in
Helpful tip for returning players: take a look through your awesome new equipment and see if any of the items now say 'Material' as one of their flags. If they do, go to your handy-dandy Guide (remember never using that guy?) and let him take a look at them, and he'll tell you the awesome new end-game items you can make from them.

A few examples I've found already:

True Night's Edge - an enormously upgraded (86 damage) Night's Edge that requires something called the Broken Hero's Sword, probably an end-game boss drop.

Bundle of Balloons - an upgrade to the Cloud in a Balloon that offers quadruple jump, requiring the new Sandstorm in a Balloon and Blizzard in a Balloon items.

An item combining the Philosopher's Stone and Ring of Regeneration.

An item combining the Starfall Cloak and Ankh.

A new tier beyond Spectre Boots with more movement speed.

And quite a few more Tinkerer's Workshop style combinations of less-used utility items.

Note: Not actually huge spoilers, but just in case anyone wants to discover everything for themselves. The list doesn't include any of the new bosses, areas, or events, just actual items you can discover the recipe for using this method.


Very nice! Will start a new game after the bf4 beta. It's hard jumping into my current save which I haven't played in months in hard mode.
I will be playing with you guys. I'd really like to get back into this game and now appears to be the perfect time to do so. Looking forward to it :)


Woah the OP is screwed up on Mobile

My OCD demands that everything be as close to aligned as possible. Sorry mobile users, but until GAF joins the last decade and has alignment code, I have to use indents to get everything halfway respectable. I'd make everything one big image, but that hurts readability and the mods don't like it.

Its on the first page of this OT thread, although Retro hasnt updated the OP yet.

Updated the OT, the server info can be seen by quoting the first post. More info under the "Play with GAF" header.

Does this include all the console version content or is it completely different new content?

It includes a little, but not all. Mostly music, I think. The new console boss didn't carry over, and I think some of the armor and weapon skins didn't either. 505 pretty much added that stuff, so it's like there's two completely different versions of Terraria in almost complete isolation from each other. Very strange.
Gave it a try, I am surprised this wasn't some paid DLC / expansion. I started new on everything and it just feels so much more polished with more content at the same time.


Really REALLY want to jump in and play more, but a friend wants to start a fresh on Friday. I've played too much terraria to know that I'll be pretty bored by Friday if I start now :/

Anyone wanna spoil some awesome things they've done? Might help tide me over :<

Card Boy

As of this post Terraria is number one on the Steam best sellers at full price and without a sale 2 years after it released. Hopefully this encourages the developers to release more content for the game.

Also almost 70K people are playing it at number 2 on the Steam Statistics behind DOTA2.

As of this post Terraria is number one on the Steam best sellers at full price and without a sale 2 years after it released. Hopefully this encourages the developers to release more content for the game.

Also almost 70K people are playing it at number 2 on the Steam Statistics behind DOTA2.


It's been on sale. Or maybe I'm not understanding the sentence.


Unconfirmed Member
Update on GAF Server:

Finally arrived home, updated it to

Everything should be good to go, so come hop on if you want.


Started up my new world last night and got to exploring a bit (after re-fashioning a cave into my new home). Found a snow biome, and my world has 2 of the new ores. Got all the way to the ocean and a fair way down and honestly I am enjoying a lot of the changes. I'm reserving full judgement until I get some more progress and start work on some of my major building projects, but so far so good. Mostly been playing solo but I've got a few friends who want me to play on a server with them (which probably means making a new character to play with them).
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