I think the best part of this thread is the misguided idiots claiming she got what she deserved. Because she was bulemic? Holy shit, did I miss the Klan rally?
Bulemia is not the result of overzealous vanity, or an attempt to lose a couple of pounds around the waist. It is afairly common, medically diagnosed disease, a disorder characterized by a dysmorphic perceptions of one's own body. It also has major roots in depression, as well. It has severe psychological, social and physiochemical underpinnings, some of which we still do not understand. To assume that she 'did this to herself' just because she wanted to 'look good,' or in order to KILL herself, honestly, sounds as fucking stupid as can be. And claiming she somehow 'deserved what she got' is akin to, say, claiming that a 1942 Polish jew belonged in an oven 'cause he couldn't run fast enough. She had a heart attack because the constant purging made her hypokalemic, which caused a cardiac conduction abnormality resulting in an arrythmia. Hardly attempted 'suicide' as some of you seem bent on assuming. Comparing her to a smoker is idiotic--a person has to make a choice to start smoking (unless, of course, we're talking about the circumstance where a person develops lung cancer after long term exposure to second hand smoke? hardly altruistic either, eh?). People with Bulemia have a negative self-evaluation that is disproportionately influenced by body shape and weight. It is one that can be shaped by everything from social pressures to child-abuse. It is not something they can easily control, because their very perceptions of THEMSELVES, and their self-worth, are the problem.