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Terrorist attack in german: Man drives car into parade. 30+ injuried including heavy injuries. Developing.


And we’re the easiest to point fingers at right? Because the media doesn’t show the white fucks that kills, rapes and all that because how could they show a white prick in that image. So its easier to point your fingers on us

Terrorism has no religion nor race and those fucks doesn’t represent the arabs nor the middle easterns. Yet its very hard to explain it to a fucking cunt like you so I’m not really going to stoop low to reach your level of retardation

Good luck with whats left in your life with that shoe brain

I don’t know what media you’re watching but the media here in America at least jumps on every single chance it gets to show white people doing evil shit.


You are naive as hell. You base your whole reasoning that killing someone is illogical when it is perfectly logical in many circumstances.
We talk about madness when outcome in not logical. When some white kid takes a gun and goes to school and has long history of making random angry rants about everything randomly it means he is probably insane.

On other hand Brevik planned event for months, knew exactly what he is doing and his goal was very logical.

When someone follows doctrine, is organized and works normally outside of that one subject it means he is not mad or crazy.

Yeah. When that previous event happened and dude killed 11 people instantly it was said he as white german and even linked him to far right groups... Dude was probably german but muslim ethnicity.

You falling back on attacking me instead of refuting my point, weakens your stance.

You think the fact brevik had the mind to plan his slaughter makes him totally sane?
Jesus, and im naive?

I know im not convincing some one like you, I write this in the hopes mature people will read this and know they aren't alone.


You falling back on attacking me instead of refuting my point, weakens your stance.
You think the fact brevik had the mind to plan his slaughter makes him totally sane?
Jesus, and im naive?

First of i am not attacking you. It is statement of a fact from my pov about your views.
Secondly i don't see how calling you naive weakens my stance. I am pointing loophole in your logic.

Definition of sanity is logic. Brevik murdered those people not because he believed in jesus talking to him calling him to do those things, or aliens kidnapping his brain but because he followed neo-nazi doctrine he picked up over the years, logically reason and planned whole operation and his motives were perfectly clear.


so what i'm gathering from this thread and the same people from other threads about the #me2 movement..

accusation about sexual harassment = let's wait for all the evidence, before jumping to conclusions.

massmurdere in europe = MUSLIM!!!
(works the other way around for the more left leaning people in this thread)

way to go, to stay consistent..

also the right wing propaganda, is thick in this thread..

sad to here.. hope everyone will survive with the minimum of complications..



VOLKMARSEN, Germany — An emergency responder who tried to remove the key from a car that had just careered into 60 people at a carnival parade on Monday described how the driver had attacked her, wearing an "empty and dead" expression.
Lea-Sophie Schloemer told Welt television she heard screams and jumped out of the way as the car plowed through the crowd and then crashed in the town of Volkmarsen in western Germany, where at least 18 children were among the injured.
When the car, a silver Mercedes-Benz, came to a halt, she ran up to it, opened the driver's door and attempted to take the key out of the ignition.
"Then he grabbed my hair and started to choke me and tried to start the car again, which he didn't manage to do," Schloemer said of the driver, adding that she recognized his car.

Three local men then punched the driver to restrain him.
"He didn't say a word. He looked at you empty and dead and seemed so satisfied," she said. "It was really unnerving how satisfied he seemed."

A friend pulled Schloemer away from the car and she administered first aid to two injured people, a child and an older woman.

"It wasn't an accident, nor was it an attack, but it was what he wanted," she said of the driver, who German media named as Maurice P.
"I know just about everyone from Volkmarsen but he is not one of the original Volkmarsen folk," Schloemer said, adding that she believed he had moved to the town about two years ago. "One knows him by sight perhaps. But no more."
Germany increased security at some carnival processions on Tuesday after Monday's incident in Volkmarsen.

The driver, detained on suspicion of attempted homicide, was being treated for his own injuries. The prosecutors' spokesman said he had not been in a fit state to be questioned overnight, but was not drunk at the time of the incident. Tests for drugs were due in the course of the day.
Rose Monday is the height of the carnival season in Catholic areas of Germany, especially in the Rhineland where tens of thousands of people dress up, drink alcohol and line the streets to watch decorated floats that often mock public figures.
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The problem with this kind of thinking has deeper implications. Its the idea that if some one from my tribe commits a horrible act, he's crazy. This isnt normal behavior.

But if some one that doesnt look like me commits this atrocious act, well its normal behavior. They are radical, yes, but they have a political agenda.

When none of this is normal behavior. Whether its a brown guy with a political agenda or just a crazy white guy.

He explicitly gave you a definition based on motive and you ignored it because you want it to be racism.



Rodent Whores
so what i'm gathering from this thread and the same people from other threads about the #me2 movement..

accusation about sexual harassment = let's wait for all the evidence, before jumping to conclusions.

massmurdere in europe = MUSLIM!!!
(works the other way around for the more left leaning people in this thread)
People love waiting for the facts to come in. . . until they don't 🤷‍♂️

No one's immune from confirmation bias.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
How is this not a terrorist attack? Because he wasn't from a certain religion or something?
It was probably early to say this at that point, but police has now ruled out a political motive, so it most likely was amok, not terrorism. Terrorism has the goal of spreading fear for a political or societal goal, which does not appear to be the motive of this person. Religious affiliation is not necessary for a terrorist attack, e.g. the shooting of Lübcke was a right extremist terrorist act, with no association to Islam.
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