Oh really?
I have friends and family there, they all agree.
As do I. And they disagree. So checkmate, I can pull the same card!
Oh really?
I have friends and family there, they all agree.
The police don't and you'd think they'd know about this whole thing better than you, so pop along pretending to be Rambo and leave them to do their jobs.
As do I. And they disagree. So checkmate, I can pull the same card!
So suggesting UK police need more officers and more guns during an increase in terror attacks is wrong?
And carrying a baton for self protection which I've had training with makes me Rambo?
Don't be so smug.
And carrying a baton for self protection which I've had training with makes me Rambo?
A nerdy Rambo.
Linking to articles by a notorious Islamaphobic think tank? How very Christian of you!
How does she get access to this stuff very interesting
The assertion from certain types after terrorist attacks that anyone that doesn't want to lock up all Muslims thinks this is all fine and normal and we should just accept it is really irritating.
I'm not surprised you feel the need to carry a baton for self protection to be honest.
2) Amaq claim on #LondonAttacks: It was carried out by "a detachment of #ISIS fighters",ie. likely coordinated with #ISIS, not ISIS inspired
Kind of off topic..
If anyone is interested in how UK police operate - specially the Metropolitan Police, then watch The Met which is currently in its second series on BBC.
Amazing folk,who do a bloody good job.
I'm not either. Having seen and experienced at first-hand the worst of people during Yugoslav wars in the 90s, it had left a mark tbh.
True. It doesn't tie up really.
Just shows how stretched the police must be to call in officers off duty.
Yeah ok this doesn't really need to be said for anyone with any common sense buuuut...In the UK if your found carrying a baton on you it's an automatic arrest, charge and criminal record for possession of an offensive weapon which will seriously fuck your life up anyway.
So really bad idea.
Yeah ok this doesn't really need to be said for anyone with any common sense buuuut...In the UK if your found carrying a baton on you it's an automatic arrest, charge and criminal record for possession of an offensive weapon which will seriously fuck your life up anyway.
So really bad idea.
A baton? Damn. I mean I wouldn't personally carry one but that seems harsh.
What do you use a baton for except hitting someone?
Works as a deterrent too. That click sound.
But yeah, hitting people is their main use.
Point being there's no innocent use for Batons, knuckledusters, coshes, flick knives etc. To be used for the purpose of self defence isn't well, a defence so they don't even bother interviewing you if they find you with one. They just charge you straight off.
How many US civilians have been killed by your police's firearms in the last ten years?So suggesting UK police need more officers and more guns during an increase in terror attacks is wrong?
And carrying a baton for self protection which I've had training with makes me Rambo?
Don't be so smug.
How many US civilians have been killed by your police's firearms in the last ten years?
How many people have died in terror attacks in the UK in ten years?
You really need to either stop being hysterical or actually think about what you're suggesting, Rambo, and your 'UK family' should do the same.
Making things worse because you're scared is not the right reaction to these events.
So my point doesn't stand?My police? You got it wrong, Sherlock.
I'm not American nor British.
Wow the hostility.
So my point doesn't stand?
Fine, not your police. The American police. You're suggesting that BrItish police should be more armed and I'm positing that armed police seem to carry far more issues than they solve.
Apologises if I seemed hostile, I meant to sound contemptuous. It's a terrible idea.
We don't need more officers carrying guns, armed officers reported to this scene and shot the suspects, why do we need more? I'm honestly just looking for one example or just really anything other than vague 'this is going on' as to why you think this would be better.I'm suggesting that the UK police force should be expanded and more officers should carry guns.
It just seems appropriate given the circumstances.
No need for disrespect.
We don't need more officers carrying guns, armed officers reported to this scene and shot the suspects, why do we need more? I'm honestly just looking for one example or just really anything other than vague 'this is going on' as to why you think this would be better.
We definitely do need more police though, that's a big issue in our current election.
For example that police officer who was going at the attackers with just a baton and got fucked up.
If he had a gun, it would've been over much sooner. Very likely with less fatalities too.
He's not a civilian ffs, he's a trained police officer.
I don't live in the UK.
I still wouldn't care if it's illegal tho.
I've had training with it and have used it before to de-escalate a situation.
Are the enlightened losing the battle of ideas? It would certainly seem so. Moral decay, hypocrisy, ginned-up hysteria, and denials of verifiable fact are suffusing our public discourse. Atavism, nativism, undue respect for religion (and one religion in particular, about which more below) are now ascendant; a childishly intolerant, tantrum-like brand of Leftist militancy has emerged, with intersectionality, cultural appropriation, and privilege being the fashionable catchwords, and de-platforming controversial speakers a common manifestation. (The specter of postmodernism hovers over all the above.) This militancy displays a strain of ideological derangement so outlandish that it resembles the most vicious of nuthouse satire and would be risible if it werent so dangerous. We can safely say that were teetering on the brink of civilizational suicidea suicide assisted by those of the illiberal left.
So adherents to an ideology constitute a race? Islam is a faith-based ideology, with nothing biologically inherent about it. How would King account for (white) Taliban-combatant John Walker Lindh, or the thwarted shoe-bomber Richard Reid? What would he say of the European converts who joined ISIS? What about Muslim-majority Albania and Kosovo? By Kings illogic, we should declare red-state Republicans a race, since they mostly share a skin color and dogmatically professed beliefs. Religions are thought systemsthought systems conceived in ages of ignorance, asserted without evidence, and deployed to control human behaviorabove all, female behavior. (In a similar vein, imagine the storm of popular outrage that would erupt if any modern-day political party wrote into its charter sex-slavery, wife-beating, and clitorectomies; declared said charter to be immutable and sacrosanct; announced its headquarters stood on sacred ground; and promised to kill anyone who dared leave the party. Even the reddest of red-state Republicans would never go this far.)
It goes without saying that a majority of Muslims are not killing themselves or murdering women and children. But far too many are, as the wars in Syria, Iraq, Libya and elsewhere attest; most victims of Islamist terrorism are, in fact, Muslims. (The Wests role in helping to ignite some of the current conflicts deserves attention, but King, fixated on the notion that Islam is a race, ignores it.) Nevertheless, alarmingly large numbers of Muslims, Pew polling data show, believe that suicide bombing is often or sometimes justified. From their burgeoning ranks ISIS and similar groups draw their recruits. What everyday Muslims all over the world are doing does not matter to us; those slaughtering innocents are the ones pushing us to examine the faith that impels them to act.
The truly dumb and dangerous approach is to see Islamic ideology and its followers as inseparable and place them above criticism. We do not need a wholesale prohibition on Muslim immigration, and we do not need to love or hate Islam; but, rather, we need an honest, open talk about just why Islam is driving so many to shed blood today. The point here would not be to attack the Islamic faiths followersthe U.S. Constitution guarantees religious freedom, of course, as do the constitutions of other Western countriesbut to start a dialogue about two Islamic tenets in particularjihad and martyrdomand what can be done to lessen their allure. This might seem impossible, but its worth a try. Lets not forget that free speech about religion can have the effect of freeing people from religion. Secularizing trends are well underwayand in the Islamic world as well.
You're an idiot. The police *are* civilians, not a military force. The British police has consistently and repeatedly said they do not want to be armed, and the British public feel the same.
You only have to look at other countries to realise the British police system works for the UK. Please, if you don't even have the vaguest clue about what you are talking about, just don't comment. The world can live without your peals of wisdom.
Okay then if that's what they want.
No need to be an asshole about it.
Why do you keep posting these dumb 'articles'?
This is a case of the pot calling the fridge black.
Why do you keep posting these dumb 'articles'?
I didn't say it was the whole definition. I said it was a part of it that most countries agreed with, unlike what another poster was saying.
The article is actually good if you read from a neutral position.
Also, I found this article on Sam Harris' twitter account. I think his view are quite accurate when it comes to this subject.
How interesting that all these articles you're enjoying from your neutral perspective are all very much leaning in one particular direction.
"If we present man with a concept of man which is not true, we may well corrupt him. When we present him as an automaton of reflexes, as a mind machine, as a bundle of instincts, as a pawn of drive and reactions, as a mere product of heredity and environment, we feed the nihilism to which modern man is, in any case, prone. I became acquainted with the last stage of corruption in my second concentration camp, Auschwitz. The gas chambers of Auschwitz were the ultimate consequence of the theory that man is nothing but the product of heredity and environment—or, as the Nazis liked to say, ‘of blood and soil.' I am absolutely convinced that the gas chambers of Auschwitz, Treblinka, and Maidanek were ultimately prepared not in some ministry or other in Berlin, but rather at the desks and in lecture halls of nihilistic scientists and philosophers." (Holocaust survivor & Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist Viktor Frankl)
Cool!Aren't use against any ideology that dehumanizes someone? Those that refuse to expose corrupt ideologies will repeat the atrocities of the past.