Our police have been cut by 20k+, we need far more.As an American (and a minority, no less), it's crazy to me to see things like "we need more police" and "give them guns."
I'm not sure that's the way to go.
Our police should have guns, it's ridiculous they have to face these threats so under equipped.
There is a big difference between US and European police. European ones have to deal with outdated equipment, long hours, budget cuts time and time again, and in the UK a regular officer won't even have a gun. In the US your police force has military grade weapons and vehicles straight from the army sometimes. More police is needed, they are way overstretched to perform their duties in a reasonable way.As an American (and a minority, no less), it's crazy to me to see things like "we need more police" and "give them guns."
I'm not sure that's the way to go.
We definitely need more police officers IMO however don't think any sensible person wants every officer carrying a gun.As an American (and a minority, no less), it's crazy to me to see things like "we need more police" and "give them guns."
I'm not sure that's the way to go.
As an American (and a minority, no less), it's crazy to me to see things like "we need more police" and "give them guns."
I'm not sure that's the way to go.
We need police with guns, not sticks.
Funny, because I see officers with guns walk by where I work basically every day.
And months ago? Every time I go into certain tube stations or walk around High Street Ken.
Those saying it has to with Britain and its role in the Middle East ignore the myriad of countries who have nothing to do with the Middle East and yet suffer the same. China, India, Philippines, Kenya, Nigeria etc.
I and thousands like me are forsaking everything for what we believe. Our drive and motivation doesn't come from tangible commodities that this world has to offer. Our religion is Islam, obedience to the one true God and following the footsteps of the final prophet messenger. Your democratically-elected governments continuously perpetuate atrocities against my people all over the world. And your support of them makes you directly responsible, just as I am directly responsible for protecting and avenging my Muslim brothers and sisters. Until we feel security you will be our targets and until you stop the bombing, gassing, imprisonment and torture of my people we will not stop this fight. We are at war and I am a soldier. Now you too will taste the reality of this situation.
The threat from Al Qaida will increase at the onset of any military action against Iraq. They will target Coalition forces and other Western interests in the Middle East. Attacks against Western interests elsewhere are also likely, especially in the US and UK, for maximum impact. The worldwide threat from other Islamist terrorist groups and individuals will increase significantly.
-Declassified.Al Qaida and associated groups will continue to represent by far the greatest terrorist threat to Western interests, and that threat will be heightened by military action against Iraq.
The broader threat from Islamist terrorists will also increase in the event of war, reflecting intensified anti-US/anti-Western sentiment in the Muslim world, including among Muslim communities in the West
As an American (and a minority, no less), it's crazy to me to see things like "we need more police" and "give them guns."
I'm not sure that's the way to go.
Police in key areas should have guns at least for now, it's only sensible.
As an American (and a minority, no less), it's crazy to me to see things like "we need more police" and "give them guns."
I'm not sure that's the way to go.
That's good.
Crazy that a company is making multiple pairs of the same trousers? I don't really get what is so strange about this.There's a video circulating of police dressing down and one of the officers is wearing the same trousers as one of the attackers...
Anyone know a good video upload service so I can share?
It just seems crazy!!!
The policeman took on all 3 attackers and got cuts to his face and leg and is still in hospital.
All he had to fight them with was a baton.
To me that seems unacceptable.
Police in key areas should have guns at least for now, it's only sensible.
Is it?
Funny, because I see officers with guns walk by where I work basically every day.
And months ago? Every time I go into certain tube stations or walk around High Street Ken.
Crazy that a company is making multiple pairs of the same trousers? I don't really get what is so strange about this.
As an American (and a minority, no less), it's crazy to me to see things like "we need more police" and "give them guns."
I'm not sure that's the way to go.
The issue is, London and the major cities, are the only ones in any way adequately defended. When extremists realise, they can pretty much wander into a shopping centre in one of the lesser cities (e.g. Peterborough) where even regular police presence is comparatively light, then there will be chaos.
Twelve people have been arrested after the London terror attack which left seven people dead and 48 injured.
The arrests in Barking, east London, followed a raid at a flat belonging to one of the three attackers.
Thirty-six people are in hospital with a "range of injuries", he said, and 21 are in a critical condition.
There's a video circulating of police dressing down and one of the officers is wearing the same trousers as one of the attackers...
Anyone know a good video upload service so I can share?
It just seems crazy!!!
It just seems crazy!!!
Thats because it is. get out of here with that fake news
The issue is, London and the major cities, are the only ones in any way adequately defended. When extremists realise, they can pretty much wander into a shopping centre in one of the lesser cities (e.g. Peterborough) where even regular police presence is comparatively light, then there will be chaos.
There's a video circulating of police dressing down and one of the officers is wearing the same trousers as one of the attackers...
Anyone know a good video upload service so I can share?
It just seems crazy!!!
You ... know those aren't real, right?
If not, reconsider some of your life choices and seek help.
These are attention seeking idiots -- they don't get to make us fear for the sake of covering every possibility.
True. It doesn't tie up really.
Just shows how stretched the police must be to call in officers off duty.
Isis have claimed the attack last night breaking on bbc
I carry an expandable baton on me most of the time. That means I'm as armed and capable as most of police officers in UK.
You are aware that's illegal right?
There's a video circulating of police dressing down and one of the officers is wearing the same trousers as one of the attackers...
Anyone know a good video upload service so I can share?
It just seems crazy!!!
Illegal but you may never know. It could save someone's life if something bad happened.
And he could end up killing/hurting a innocent person with it.Illegal but you may never know. It could save someone's life if something bad happened.
And he could end up killing/hurting a innocent person with it.
You are aware that's illegal right?
Same man,but never know who you are chatting to sadly.Well I'm being optimistic and hope that user is a good person lol.
I don't live in the UK.
"The use of terror under this doctrine [Targhib wal tarhib, "luring and terrorizing"] is a legitimate sharia obligation." Salman Al Awda, mainstream Muslim sheikh, on the Al Jazeera television show "Sharia and Life".
Part of the tarhib or "terrorizing" side of this doctrine is to make a cruel example of those who do not comply with the requirements of Islam. That is the reason Muslim countries such as Saudi Arabia and Iran, and entities such as ISIS, intentionally hold ceremonial public beheadings, floggings, and amputation of limbs.
Islamic jihad has always counted on people in conquered lands eventually to yield, give up and accept terrorism as part of life, similar to natural disasters, earthquakes and floods.
Islam's doctrine of jihad, expansion and dawah (Islamic outreach, proselytizing) rely heavily on the use of both terror and luring. Targhib wal tarhib is an Islamic doctrine that means "seducing (luring) and terrorizing" as a tool for dawah, to conquer nations and force citizens to submit to Islamic law, sharia....Most ordinary Muslims are not even aware of this doctrine, but Islamic books have been written about it. Mainstream Muslim sheikhs such as Salman Al Awda have discussed it on Al Jazeera TV. On a show called "Sharia and Life," Al Awda recommended using extremes "to exaggerate... reward and punishment, morally and materially... in both directions". "The use of terror under this doctrine,"' he said, "is a legitimate sharia obligation." People in the West think of terror as something that Islamic jihadists inflict on non-Muslims, and it is. But terror is also the mechanism for ensuring compliance within Islam. Under Islamic law, jihadists who evade performing jihad are to be killed. Terror is thus the threat that keeps jihadists on their missions, and that make ordinary Muslims obey sharia.
Then perhaps you shouldn't be saying what UK police need.
Oh really?
I have friends and family there, they all agree.