I mean you need to appreciate that part of the magnitude of this problem is that some of these people. (not the perpetrators of these attacks) are very smart and operate entirely within the boundaries of the law. They are usually at the top of the surveillance lists for that reason, basically anyone who they have contact with can be assumed to be radicalised in some form until proven otherwise.
Another part of the problem is that these people also know of and exploit key weaknesses in our sensationalist media driven society to promote their narratives. They are provocateurs and that makes for good television so media owners are willing to play into their hands for ratings and to promote their own agenda. Think of the Fox news 'Leader of UK Muslims' line. That is obviously intended to play into racist preconceptions Fox viewers have about Muslims. But these people use that. They weaponise hate from both sides and thrive from it. They are human garbage.
Yeah, ultimately reminds me of how Breivik has Radical clerics testify at his trial to show the courts his fear of islamisation (and thus the murder of 77 people, mostly children) was justified.
The far right and radical Islam feed off each other, its sickening.
It doesn't do it justice calling it refugee or immigration crisis because it wasn't strictly one or another. Looking at the numbers, I think we all can agree it wasn't all a refugee wave.
Open border policy is leftist, I'd say.
It could've been handled much differently than the shitstorm it was.
Are you European? I only ask because the whole 'open border policy' comment makes you think you actually can't be European or else you've missed quite a lot.
Also, Europe's reaction to the refugee crisis was not left or right but sensible. Why are you even talking about refugees, actually?
Manchester attacks - British citizen
London - Pakistani, Moroccan-Libyan, Moroccan-Italian
Who out of these four was a Syrian refugee? Shit, most U.K. terrorist attacks by Muslims have been by British citizens, nothing to do with spooky refugeees.
Please don't bring this bullshit into this thread, we're trying to deal with terrorism and a humanitarian crisis, it doesn't help to start disrupting either of these.