Prior to 9/11, most terrorism in Europe was politically-motivated, even those acts of terror that originated from Middle Eastern groups (primarily Palestinian groups).
So this is the part of the thread where people start bringing up the IRA and posting graphs that try to imply this kind of incident is relatively small in the grand scheme of things. Same thing happened two weeks ago after the Manchester attack. It's not helpful.
How do we combat suicidal savages that are willing to take to the streets with the most primitive of weapons? Perhaps we should take a look at our foreign policy.
Have we tried a general ceasefire in the mid east yet? Maybe once we take Mosul, we can stop bombing there and it'll stop.
A lot happened in 1989 after Rushdie wrote the Satanic Verses, which some felt was blasphemous, and ended up with people being killed and also protests around the world and book burning and bombs in the UK.
So this is the part of the thread where people start bringing up the IRA and posting graphs that try to imply this kind of incident is relatively small in the grand scheme of things. Same thing happened two weeks ago after the Manchester attack. It's not helpful.
I think it helps try to curb the hysteria. You know interesting cherry pick, there's also people in the thread saying we should do some hardcore torture and stanning for a police state.
But trying to find perspective among the hysteria, how dare they.
i honestly believe you need something on the scale of WW2 and denazification of Germany.
same needs to be done for islamistic ideology
or you just leave them all completely alone and don't intervene at all in any way - not even humanitarian help (so they at least cant "blame the west anymore). but in that case, some people have to live in a very poor world.
but all this half baked approaches do not work
So same thing that has happened in the last thirty years. Look how well that worked. These people want to be left alone. Building a government is the shit that is the whole reason for islamic extremists. They don't want us infidels to get involved in any way. As long as that still happens they will exist. What started this mess is us forcing our values upon them. Mainly so we can do business with them.
I think this chart is very interesting (although missing attacks past September 2016, which there was quite a substantial number of to be honest):
Going by this, things are not exactly getting worse but rather...back to what they were.
I mean if we REALLY wanted to go back in terms of where the UK (and by extension the West) went wrong in the Middle East and stirred the passions of Islamic religious extremism, we can go back to the Balfour Declaration of 1917.
No gore. Just him on the floor.
yeah I linked it because it might be a bit much for everyone
the photographer said the guy closest to the camera was alive not sure about the other one
And hopefully torture him.
UhhAnd not The Crusades?
So this is the part of the thread where people start bringing up the IRA and posting graphs that try to imply this kind of incident is relatively small in the grand scheme of things. Same thing happened two weeks ago after the Manchester attack. It's not helpful.
Stop with this shit pls
Theres truth to it, not 100% the main reason but it does play a large part. ISIS are directly from the Iraq/Afghan war, the threat of these attacks here increased post war, civilians dying by our strikes is used to justify a war of West vs East by terrorists, grievance is one of the main recruitment tools to turn naive minds.
Its no surprise that when we speak of innocent lives being lost here, the defacto response by conservative muslims is 'yes this is terrible, but what about the 1000s that have died in Iraq?'. We see a thread of x amount have died in a drone strike or a wedding, and we move on, these people dont, their resentment grows. Doesnt mean they're all apologists or dangerous, it does mean the opportunity for death cults like ISIS to recruit grows.
So they still haven't place any protective barriers between the road and the walkways?
You know you can just fill water in these things
I already said, closing places that spread hate speech is one thing that could help in the long term. The terrorists are all male adults, so be more proactive on them. Look, of course I don't have an easy solution for it. Nobody does.
What I don't accept is just saying "we need to be prepared" for attacks and stand together. It does nothing, it helps nobody.
It's very helpful. Humans have numerous biases and are easily influenced so data and context provide anchors to reality.
With regards to terrorism, data suggests that work still needs to be done but western Europe is already on a downward trend of terrorist attacks.
Can't believe someone still use the old "Assad and Maliki". The wonderful myth of Sunni marginalization strikes again. These men were so powerful that they marginalized the poor Sunni muslims in Philippines, France, England, US Libya, Egypt, Pakistan, Sweden, Spain and more, sounds reasonable alright! Let's forget Sunnis in Iraq where (and still are) overrepresented in the government, that under Maliki's corrupt administration Sunni Baathi officers where brought back to the government, that under his terms radical Sunni Islamism was allowed to grow and infiltrate the country and that Shia Muslims were still dying in much higher numbers compared to their Sunni countrymen. Let's forget there's been huge protesting from Shia citizens against the government and that they broke into the parliament buildings, quite weird when they are supposed to enjoy this mythical privilege similar to how they should be enjoying the higher poverty in their areas compared to Sunni-majority areas during and after Maliki's terms. While we're at it let's forget how the West is supporting Jihadists in Syria and Libya and pretending there isn't a blowback from it while countries Is there anything else a terrorist apologist like you want to pull out of your ass?That's definitely part of it and I agree that the West has interfered through some fucked up sense of superiority. A lot of what is going on these days however is nothing much to do with the West. It's to do with Assad in Syria, Maliki in Iraq and a bunch of other contributing factors.
The white supremacist monopoly on violence in full force in this post. You're never the bad guy, it's always expected, it's never on purpose, you're always defending yourself and you're always in the "right" with good intentions. No matter how many wars you start, no matter how many casualties coming from them, no matter the consequences for the people living there and no matter the reasons you started the wars. With those views you'd be right up there with the Dutch aristocracy during your colonial period and perhaps even a firm believer in white man's burden. God bless the white man and his noble intentions in MENA.One is in a far away war zone. This one is close to home for people here. One is not done on purpose, this one is. One is in an area where we expect terrible events, because it is a civil war. This one is in the middle of London. Seems to be plenty of reasons why this is 17+ pages.
Man, that woman with the top reply...
And not only that, there are real Muslims in Afghanistan, that are getting fucked over by terrorists there, and getting doubly fucked over by drone strikes from here.
I live in outer London... Bloody awful news. Hope the casualty number is low and as many lives are saved as possible.
Utterly barbaric act... We must do better to both prevent radicalization and catch plotters.
And not The Crusades?
So they still haven't place any protective barriers between the road and the walkways?
You know you can just fill water in these things
Not for this attack, no. Makes me think it is spontaneous in response to Manchester. Remains to be seen if the perpetrators are known to intelligence.That's the big one. There hasn't been any big hints?
That's the big one. There hasn't been any big hints?
But, you can't eliminate ideology without replacing it with something else, otherwise it'll keep coming.
I mean think about Afghanistan now, there are people there age 19 that have known nothing but war. What do you think is going to be bred out of that culture, non stop war, for 19 years, except more war?
It'll never stop that's the problem, the more you kill, the more you create. Like shooting the monster in Star Trek it just gets bigger the more energy you expend into it.
We need to erect a government over there, then train their own people to police their own people under a code of laws.
ISIS will be there whatever you do, trying to disrupt and kill, you still gottah proceed.
just of matter of time this shit comes to the US sad = /
Muhammad had only one son, and he died through illness as a baby.
No numbers confirmed, multiple.I'm just hearing about this, how many people died?