Sorry to jump in without even reading the whole thread, but there are a couple of points here I'd like to pick up on.
Matlock said:
It's as much a choice as it isn't. There are certain in-born charactaristics that homosexuals have (the sex center of the hypothalamus is twice the size in heterosexuals, for example) between bio/genetic and psychological factors. I can't say any clearer, even after looking at some psychology material, that society is indeed a deciding factor. Having a predisposition for homosexual behaviour is one thing--but being in a societal situation where you can safely become a practicing gay is another.
You don't have to be a practising homosexual to be homosexual. The state of being is not a choice. Of course, society has an influence on how open one can be with their sexuality and how comfortable one feels "practicing" or how feasible it is for one to "practice". But the state of society has no impact on the state of being, the frequency of occurence etc.
And I hope, hope, hope you're not suggesting that society shouldn't make the lives of gay people easier, or indeed make them difficult - that its better to "discourage it" through law and that way "it'll all go away". I'm not going to fight you over that point if you're not making it, but if you are..
Matlock said:
You're born with the gay, but there's a point where you've got to decide to be the gay or not.
No. The state of being is not a choice. You make the choice to have sex with someone of the same gender, but that doesn't make you homosexual. If you abstained completely from sex, that doesn't mean you're not homosexual.
In the latter instance, you can argue that abstinence is a choice open to gay people. That is true. However, the key word here is choice. It cannot be imposed, either directly or indirectly - indirectly would be all those closet-cases who go off and marry due to societal pressure..they may be shagging people of the opposite sex, but their abstaining from their natural urges. Frankly, in my own humble opinion, I think abstinence is an unnatural state of being. It's less natural to deny your sexuality than it is to embrace it. In fact, in a lot of cases, that's one of the most self-destructive things you can do - at least when it's not a specific and desired choice on your part, made in absence of any other influences but your own desire.
In my own experience, the state of society, and societal pressure has made me honestly feel very reluctant about my sexuality. I accept it, but I find it very very difficult to live in this world with it. My acting on my sexuality, or not, doesn't make or not make me gay, however. My reluctance and my fear and my anxiety over my sexuality do not make me not gay. All of that fear, anxiety etc. stems completely from external influences - in and of myself, I'm perfectly happy and comfortable with my sexuality, but I fear and worry about how others think and how others will accept me, and how "society" will in general treat me.
So society does not control or influence the existance of homosexuality, really only how much it wants to fucking
torture those who are homosexual with the aim of
pretending it does not exist.