Teyon Wants To Work On More IPs After RoboCop: Rogue City


Gold Member
Big Trouble In Little China please. Ill scream it til the fucking cows come home. Make it similar to The Warriors or put it in first person I dont care.

Carpenter would be on board 1000% and Kurt Russell probably would too. Dennis Dun is also still around. Hell, I think the only actor out of the bunch that's dead is Egg Shen. Even James Hong is still around and hes 94. Lo Pan dont die.

Imagine running around taking out the Wing Kong inside Lo Pan's domain while this is blasting (56 secs in)



Big Trouble In Little China please. Ill scream it til the fucking cows come home. Make it similar to The Warriors or put it in first person I dont care.

Carpenter would be on board 1000% and Kurt Russell probably would too. Dennis Dun is also still around. Hell, I think the only actor out of the bunch that's dead is Egg Shen. Even James Hong is still around and hes 94. Lo Pan dont die.

Imagine running around taking out the Wing Kong inside Lo Pan's domain while this is blasting (56 secs in)

Already been done 😜



Judge Dredd would be such an obvious fit for them, and probably a relatively cheap license at this point as well.

They might also have a connection, since Dredd owner Rebellion was labelmates with them at Reef back in the day. (Not sure if that's really a reference anymore in today's publishing world, but maybe they've crossed paths.)

And Rebellion is revisiting its 2000AD library in games through Good Shepherd/Devolver, though I don't know what franchises they've committed to themselves versus what they're willing to pass around to externals. (Unfortunately, Dredd is the big guy in that brand, and Rebellion is a workhorse studio that puts games out fast, so unless they're thinking of digging deep into the basket for another Rogue Troopers or whatnot, Dredd is probably first out of the gate and already in the works since 2023 or earlier.)

Do a Commando game and get Arnold to record the dialog.

i lied arnold GIF

Problem is, there already is a "Commando" videogame franchise.


They might be able to call it something like "John Matrix; Commando", but I don't think Capcom is just going to give that name up and I don't think the movie brand rules precedence for them to go ahead easily. Not a huge issue to overcome, but it's potentially in the way.

Really excited to see what they do next. I'd love to see them do something with The Thing IP. I think it's pretty absurd we haven't seen more game adaptations of it.

Really? I don't think it's absurd -- that first game was a miracle it happened, and The Thing really isn't conducive to games (particularly action games) unless a developer really has a handle on the pacing and play mechanics. You could just have a dumb action game where you're shotgunning headsplit-dogs and spider-headmen, but that ain't The Thing. What you have to get in The Thing is the fear of the unknown, the mistrust of your companions, the feeling like you never know what might happen next and if you are equipped to survive it happening. That's freaking hard to make a game of.

I feel that's the case with a few of these game suggestions, unfortunately. A great action movie doesn't necessarily make for a great game series. A good game needs goons to blast in between the signature villain fights.

Predator, for instance... it's a singular "Predator". Either you have one enemy to stalk for the whole game, or you are this unkillable monster with space-age weapons stalking humans for fun and not expecting to be challenged. It's why few good Predator games have been made, and all the ones that have have mostly been real divergent from the movie or its sequels.

Of course, Teyon has done franchise expansion before with its Terminator game, but they had the advantage of having a future warfare setting of the world to place the game in, where there are "Terminators" to fight, not just one unstoppable killing machine. And it played into their game design expertise; they pushed themselves to go FPS instead of rails shooter, but it still worked their past skills and some subsystems into the evolutionary process. So not saying some of this stuff can't be done, but it takes some imagining to think of how it'd work.

(A few ideas on this thread also suggest games with a lot of fisticuffs, which I don't know Teyon has any chops in, they've taken 10 years to get shooting down well. These are shooty guys, don't go too craz. Although I'd like to see them surprise me, again... )

Ultimately, where there's a will, (and a buck,) there's a way, but their best bet is to find franchises that play well with what they do.


They might also have a connection, since Dredd owner Rebellion was labelmates with them at Reef back in the day. (Not sure if that's really a reference anymore in today's publishing world, but maybe they've crossed paths.)

And Rebellion is revisiting its 2000AD library in games through Good Shepherd/Devolver, though I don't know what franchises they've committed to themselves versus what they're willing to pass around to externals. (Unfortunately, Dredd is the big guy in that brand, and Rebellion is a workhorse studio that puts games out fast, so unless they're thinking of digging deep into the basket for another Rogue Troopers or whatnot, Dredd is probably first out of the gate and already in the works since 2023 or earlier.)
Well, if not Dredd, something I'd like to see tried from the 2000AD back catalogue is Nemesis the Warlock. But I think that would be problematic for Teyon.

Not because a game was done before, apart from the (excellent as always) soundtrack by Rob Hubbard on C64 I don't think anyone remembers it. But it should be third-person I think, and judging by the character models/animation that Teyon currently do, I'm not sure they'd be able to pull it off.

But more than that, Nemesis is a much less known IP when compared to Dredd, let alone something like Robocop or Terminator. Teyon seems to be good at doing "memberberries" (and I mean that in a not-cynical way here), but to establish a character and setting... it's a stretch. But who knows. And it doesn't have to be Teyon. Just give us a real Nemesis game!
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They might also have a connection, since Dredd owner Rebellion was labelmates with them at Reef back in the day. (Not sure if that's really a reference anymore in today's publishing world, but maybe they've crossed paths.)

And Rebellion is revisiting its 2000AD library in games through Good Shepherd/Devolver, though I don't know what franchises they've committed to themselves versus what they're willing to pass around to externals. (Unfortunately, Dredd is the big guy in that brand, and Rebellion is a workhorse studio that puts games out fast, so unless they're thinking of digging deep into the basket for another Rogue Troopers or whatnot, Dredd is probably first out of the gate and already in the works since 2023 or earlier.)

Problem is, there already is a "Commando" videogame franchise.


They might be able to call it something like "John Matrix; Commando", but I don't think Capcom is just going to give that name up and I don't think the movie brand rules precedence for them to go ahead easily. Not a huge issue to overcome, but it's potentially in the way.

Really? I don't think it's absurd -- that first game was a miracle it happened, and The Thing really isn't conducive to games (particularly action games) unless a developer really has a handle on the pacing and play mechanics. You could just have a dumb action game where you're shotgunning headsplit-dogs and spider-headmen, but that ain't The Thing. What you have to get in The Thing is the fear of the unknown, the mistrust of your companions, the feeling like you never know what might happen next and if you are equipped to survive it happening. That's freaking hard to make a game of.

I feel that's the case with a few of these game suggestions, unfortunately. A great action movie doesn't necessarily make for a great game series. A good game needs goons to blast in between the signature villain fights.

Predator, for instance... it's a singular "Predator". Either you have one enemy to stalk for the whole game, or you are this unkillable monster with space-age weapons stalking humans for fun and not expecting to be challenged. It's why few good Predator games have been made, and all the ones that have have mostly been real divergent from the movie or its sequels.

Of course, Teyon has done franchise expansion before with its Terminator game, but they had the advantage of having a future warfare setting of the world to place the game in, where there are "Terminators" to fight, not just one unstoppable killing machine. And it played into their game design expertise; they pushed themselves to go FPS instead of rails shooter, but it still worked their past skills and some subsystems into the evolutionary process. So not saying some of this stuff can't be done, but it takes some imagining to think of how it'd work.

(A few ideas on this thread also suggest games with a lot of fisticuffs, which I don't know Teyon has any chops in, they've taken 10 years to get shooting down well. These are shooty guys, don't go too craz. Although I'd like to see them surprise me, again... )

Ultimately, where there's a will, (and a buck,) there's a way, but their best bet is to find franchises that play well with what they do.
Haha, me saying "absurd" was pretty dramatic, but this is coming from someone that would just love to see more done with the IP.

I loved the game they did release, but it's a shame knowing that a sequel was scrapped, as well as other games down the line that were pitched and never really made it.

In the current world of "Among Us" taking off, I feel like now would be a great time with it, done with the right mechanics of course. But I think if they used mechanics in the previous game, built off of them, added some new things, etc. It could be a solid title.

But I agree, anything more action oriented and focused feels like the safer bet in the long run. So, I'll go back to Judge Dredd, Big Trouble In Little China, The Crow, Spawn, and other big IPs that have a bit more of an action focus.


I bought Terminator for 17 bucks and beat it. What a fantastic ride. Its obviously low budget, but it does many things very well regardless. The story moves at a fast pace, the levels are semi open and you can tackle some side missions but it never feels like busywork. Its just about the right amount of missions. The characters were good too and I liked the story.

I want Robocop even more now.
Predator, for instance... it's a singular "Predator". Either you have one enemy to stalk for the whole game, or you are this unkillable monster with space-age weapons stalking humans for fun and not expecting to be challenged. It's why few good Predator games have been made, and all the ones that have have mostly been real divergent from the movie or its sequels.
Games that stiffly follow a movie make almost never sense and easily ruin the medium switch. Predator needs to be at least using part 2 too, and presequel Prey too, and still the plots and places would not be enough, so they should also add at least AvP. Just fully do the hunt sport with all sorts of new other aliens and maybe even deliver an origin story of the species before high tech and space travel. Could be sorta like Hitman meets monster hunter meets no man's sky. Become the original hunter on your own planet against the wildlife there, then some few time leaps to the first encounters with other lifeforms, Alien, Human, and especially some new designs. Dlc against Species, Klingons or some parasitic Thing... if all those licenses don't make the budget and legal team explode.
Predator with Arnie makes imo no sense as a game but predator in the whole universe is practically limitless.
Masters of the Universe (although I was thinking maybe the Streets of Rage 4 devs could take that on in that 2D beat em up style )

Aliens vs Predator remake

Miami Vice
I want them to pick what they want to make and not succumb to public pressure. Just leave them alone you nerds, cant you let a good thing just be? Getting your hopes up n sheeit..


Games that stiffly follow a movie make almost never sense and easily ruin the medium switch. Predator needs to be at least using part 2 too, and presequel Prey too, and still the plots and places would not be enough, so they should also add at least AvP. Just fully do the hunt sport with all sorts of new other aliens and maybe even deliver an origin story of the species before high tech and space travel. Could be sorta like Hitman meets monster hunter meets no man's sky. Become the original hunter on your own planet against the wildlife there, then some few time leaps to the first encounters with other lifeforms, Alien, Human, and especially some new designs. Dlc against Species, Klingons or some parasitic Thing... if all those licenses don't make the budget and legal team explode.
Predator with Arnie makes imo no sense as a game but predator in the whole universe is practically limitless.
Heh, okay, some of that could make for a good game... but none of what you're describing sounds like what Teyon is good at.
They make things blow up when you shoot at them.
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