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"That theory" surrounding the Evangelion Rebuild series [SPOILERS]

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I didn't even want to use the words "Sequel" or "Continuation" in the thread title, because I noticed that in other threads people have respected new viewers and not given this theory away right out in the open... and buried it under spoiler tags. I didn't find any dedicated thread to the Sequel / Continuation theory, so I really wanted to start one to have a live discussion.

So yesterday I watched 3.33 for the first time, and regardless of my thoughts on that, I allowed myself to finally jump into some Youtube/Internet discussions / reactions / impressions of the movies so far... and quickly stumbled upon the theory that the Remake series is a continuation of the original series, and not simply a Remake.


And I simply feel this fits PERFECTLY, and it allows everything happening in the Remake series to make a lot of sense! But naturally, I still have 1000 questions... but they are not just remake questions, but even about the original series... there is simply so much I don't understand, such as Seele, the motivations of Shinji's father (especially in the remake timeline). I'd need to spend many hours reading Wiki's to fill in my own personal holes.

But anyways... back to the continuation theory! The image above explains all the bits... and I see that the most common arguments against the theory are the following:

- They blood stain on the moon is not large enough to be the same stain from the EoE film
- They explain in the Rebuild movie that the ocean is red due to the 2nd impact

Ok... for the moon one...

I'm thinking that it is absolutely meant to be the same bloodstain. It is not there for nothing. It is a significant outcome of the 3rd impact in EoE. I just think that they did not depict it so "perfectly" as people expect if it is truly the same thing. Also, perhaps it is closer to the edge of the blood stain on a side of the moon that wasn't so directly hit... who knows. But I absolutely believe that they are one in the same, and that the "it is not big enough" argument is nit-picking.

Now for the 2nd one... that the movie says this was all due to the 2nd impact... well here is the real kicker and my personal theory that I will roll with until proven otherwise:

Following the 3rd impact in EoE, the people of the world (not the world itself) were reset back to the moment following the 2nd impact.

So now everyone believes the 2nd impact just happened... all of the physical elements in the world (the red ocean, the outline of the dead Mass Production unit, the blood on the moon, the ship wreckage in the city) now make sense! The 3rd impact physically happened, but the people only believe that the 2nd impact just happened.

I would need to believe that Shinji is directly responsible for this. He consciously chose to reset and do a do-over. That he would do it better this time around (a MAJOR theme discussed in 3.33 with the piano music), with more confidence this time around (he is clearly more confident and likable in the remake, even during 1-1 repeat events in 1.0).

Is Shinji aware of this during the events of Remake? I doubt it... that part may be getting a bit too deep... and I don't think I have the time or energy these days to study the films myself and see how well my own theory fits. Who knows when I can even watch them again even though that's all I want to do this very moment... at best I can keep reading online and see if anyone else suggested the same idea.

As a more personal observation, the more roughly drawn "flashback" to Misato being rescued during 2nd impact...

How it is presented to me compared to the original hints to me that this is not a memory this time around, but perhaps a memory-of-a-memory... If the 2nd impact only happened once, but we are now remembering it for a 2nd time. I know that one is kind of a personal stretch... lol

Anyways.. sorry for the thread if this has been done before on gaf. I have Evangelion on the brain and I needed to get my thoughts out to a community that I am actually part of. I hope we get the 4th film some day...
That's actually a really cool theory and it makes me appreciate rebuild a lot more
too bad shinji still fucked up his second chance
Now if we could only get part 4 and some answers.


I've been on board since the 1.0 post-credits (?) scene with Kaworu saying that this time he will make Shinji happy. So far nothing in 2.0 and 3.0 would seem to debunk it, quite the opposite.

Too bad, however, that 4.0 is never coming out. I'll believe it when I see it.


I agree with this theory.

I just wish the rebuild movies (specifically 3.33) were a little less obtuse about it.

Hopefully 4.0 will tie everything together.

^^^^ What's this music player business?


26 tracks and back to 01 when player loops in the series (26 ep.).

Continues to 27 in the rebuild.
Or something like that.


So how does all account for the ending of EoE? What happens to "proto" Shinji and Asuka?

It's not a bad theory, but it also has Eva-sized plot holes running through it. I just like to think that Anno is making it up the Rebuild as it goes along, borrowing whatever he wants from the original series for the Rebuild


Authorized Fister
In the manga it is clear that it's in continuity with the original series with the apparence of Mari.


Authorized Fister
So how does all account for the ending of EoE? What happens to "proto" Shinji and Asuka?

It's not a bad theory, but it also has Eva-sized plot holes running through it. I just like to think that Anno is making it up the Rebuild as it goes along, borrowing whatever he wants from the original series for the Rebuild
I've always seen the ending of EoE as the story of Adam and Eve.
I don't think it's a theory if its just plain correct. It's obviously very purposefully made to be a continuation.

Tbh I wish it was just a remake because I think the movies are a million times better and wish I could just ignore the show.
There's been a 99.99999% chance of this theory being the case ever since the first rebuild movie. It's a 2/10 as far as ambiguity goes on the weighed Eva scale.

But I'm glad you've hopped onboard the crazy rollercoaster with the rest of us. Let's see if it stays on the tracks or hops off and burns on the ground.


Maybe my kids will tell me if this is true when this finally comes out before they retire along with the ending to Berserk.


In the manga it is clear that it's in continuity with the original series with the apparence of Mari.

Can you talk a little more about this, use spoiler tags if you like. Mari just shows up out of nowhere. I always wondered what her purpose was...


I'd also like to have some of that manga context.

I've always seen the ending of EoE as the story of Adam and Eve.

That's the way I took it, but it seems like that's no longer the case and they just reset the clock by a few years instead. Go figs.
I think this whole thing is metaphorically true in the sense that it is important in a meta way, kind of like the religious iconography. I don't expect them to engage with these things in the narrative.
I subscribe to this theory. I almost thing it should be common knowledge by now but we're still waiting for the big reveal, I guess. Then again, even if it is a sequel series, there is no guarantee that they will even bother revealing that to the audience or characters in any obvious way.

Do Shinji and Kaworu ever bone?

I think Kaworu wants to but Shinji is too dense to figure it out.


I don't think it's a theory if its just plain correct. It's obviously very purposefully made to be a continuation.

Tbh I wish it was just a remake because I think the movies are a million times better and wish I could just ignore the show.

Really? I think the movies are a mess and don't even come close to the series. It had potential and 3 ruined that totally. 4 might redeem it a bit...if I live to see it.


It's hardly even a theory at this point, I'm pretty sure the manga outright confirmed it, as if the red ocean and the stripe across the moon weren't obvious enough.

Time loops, baby.


Yeah this isn't really a theory, more like straight fact.

Man, I SO WISH 3.33 hadn't shat the bed.
Well, this isn't a theory done with obscure, hidden clues in the corner of the movies. They show pretty clearly and in the middle of the screen unexplainable stuff like the moon having a freaking gigantic line of blood. Like, how would you explain that without using the theory sequel, and what would be the point of it if not to indicate that the theory is right.

The thing is, in three movies they didn't move the plot in that direction, we are only one film for the characters to find out the truth, if they are going to do it.
No. They never have been. The manga ended in 2013 with a
world reset
, which is perhaps as close as it comes to something of that nature.

It's been recently remarked somewhere that Evangelion is a story about repetition, though i'm not sure if those are the exact words.

Basically by every indication this idea of continuity is new to the movies.
I thought i was generally accepted that the Rebuild movies take place well into the future of the same world that the original series took place in. I mean all of the shit that went down in End of Eva is still present in Rebuild.

I dont even know how anyone wouldn't get that unless they skipped all of the OG eva content.

Mind you, i haven't seen 3.33 or 3.00 so maybe there's something about that that changes the sequel theory but the sequel theory holds up in the first two films at least

A more detailed analysis:

Note, I haven't watched this series and I don't know what's happening, and I feel like I've spoiled a great series for myself.

Can someone explain if time loop is a major arc of the series? If so, how does it work?

you pretty much ruined the ending for the original series for yourself lol


This was never really in question. It would be harder to argue they aren't a continuation of the series.


A more detailed analysis:

Note, I haven't watched this series and I don't know what's happening, and I feel like I've spoiled a great series for myself.

Can someone explain if time loop is a major arc of the series? If so, how does it work?

It kind of ties into the overall themes of giving up vs. perseverance, which is pointed out in the lower right hand corner of that image.

But as far as the story itself, not really, but I guess we won't know that until the last movie.

Even watching Neon Genesis episodes 1-26, they drop subtle hints that this may have happened before.

All of this being said, you should just watch Eva 1-26, then EoE, then the rebuild movies, so you can understand all of the Eva pop culture references. If you have any interest in anime or sci fi, this is a series that holds enormous influence over anything made since.


A more detailed analysis:

Note, I haven't watched this series and I don't know what's happening, and I feel like I've spoiled a great series for myself.

Can someone explain if time loop is a major arc of the series? If so, how does it work?
It's not a factor at all, at least not in the original show. That's why this can be called a therory in the first place. Eva going in "cycles" is kinda retroactive I believe but still pretty cool.

Images like that don't really spoil too much if you're interested in watching!
Yea, its quite obvious imo. Especially after I viewed the rebuilds right after I finished the original series.

I don't even think it should be considered a theory really with all the info that is thrown at the viewers face.
It's undeniably a part of the movies. Lots of Japanese media has the "trying to escape the cycle of life" idea, often from Buddhism.

And yeah, I just kinda assumed it was a secret sequel after 1.0, the blood, the Red Sea and so on. Even if it's not really a sequel, that Idea of the cycle surely remains, even if just in a meta sense.
Yeah this isn't really a theory, more like straight fact.

Man, I SO WISH 3.33 hadn't shat the bed.

This series screwed me up for years, and I have hated it and avoided it since End of Eva.

That said, if there's a chance for a more positive end, I'd take that closure. In spoiler tags, how does 3.33 shit the bed?
I actually always thought Rebuild was just another modern adaptation of the original TV series. Then again, I was never the type to dive into the intricacies of Evangelion.

Overall I can get behind this theory if to help me appreciate 3.0 (if even that).


Alright. Thanks guys!

What are the main series again, and in what order? I might watch it all soon! The theory is quite fascinating.

Release order. Oddly enough this question is asked so much but the answer is so simple.

Neon Genesis Evangelion (Anime 1-26)
Death/Rebirth (optional, this recaps 1-24 and replaces 25)
End of Evangelion (Episode 25 and 26 re-done [completely different, the "real ending"])
Rebuild (movies 1.11-3.33)

Someone can correct me if I've messed this up.


Alright. Thanks guys!

What are the main series again, and in what order? I might watch it all soon! The theory is quite fascinating.

--->Original Series Episodes 1-20
--->Director's Cut Episodes 21-24
--->Original Series Episodes 25-26
--->End of Evangelion Movie (Director's Cut Version 3)
--->Rebuild Series (Director's Cuts: 1.11 - 3.33)

Follow the series in that order.

No. They never have been. The manga ended in 2013 with a
world reset
, which is perhaps as close as it comes to something of that nature.

It's been recently remarked somewhere that Evangelion is a story about repetition, though i'm not sure if those are the exact words.

Basically by every indication this idea of continuity is new to the movies.

A story of repetition? Like, "Endless Eight" kind of repetition, where the characters are doomed to replay the same scenarios over and over again?


This series screwed me up for years, and I have hated it and avoided it since End of Eva.

That said, if there's a chance for a more positive end, I'd take that closure. In spoiler tags, how does 3.33 shit the bed?

It's just a shitty, boring movie. Just watch the Rebuild series. First two movies are good.
Release order. Oddly enough this question is asked so much but the answer is so simple.

Neon Genesis Evangelion (Anime 1-26)
Death/Rebirth (optional, this recaps 1-24 and replaces 25)
End of Evangelion (Episode 25 and 26 re-done [completely different, the "real ending"])
Rebuild (movies 1.11-3.33)

Someone can correct me if I've messed this up.

I always thought that EoE and 25-26 were events that ran alongside one another, with
25-26 being shinji's mental battle with instrumentality and EoE being the events that are playing out during 25-26

I never thought one replaced the other, more that both parts make the ending whole
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