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"That theory" surrounding the Evangelion Rebuild series [SPOILERS]

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I always thought that EoE and 25-26 were events that ran alongside one another, with
25-26 being shinji's mental battle with instrumentality and EoE being the events that are playing out during 25-26

I never thought one replaced the other, more that both parts make the ending whole


That's how I viewed them as well.

I'm not sure if it was intentional though, because I've mostly read that episodes 25 and 26 were done that way due to budget restraints.

Either way, I experienced profound catharsis when watching the ending of the original TV series, lol

EoE was the icing on the cake.


This series screwed me up for years, and I have hated it and avoided it since End of Eva.

That said, if there's a chance for a more positive end, I'd take that closure. In spoiler tags, how does 3.33 shit the bed?

Small spoilers:
IMO It kind of goes nowhere and feels pointless. The set up is interesting, but it just piles on more questions, esoteric terms like "Lillim" and vague half answers that don't really answer anything. And it ends on a really unsatisfying note. It ended and I was like "That's it?" It was a confusing mess. And Shinji is probably at his most annoying. But it was real pretty to look at!


I always thought that EoE and 25-26 were events that ran alongside one another, with
25-26 being shinji's mental battle with instrumentality and EoE being the events that are playing out during 25-26

I never thought one replaced the other, more that both parts make the ending whole

well that's why my list had 1-26 first and then following that, EoE

Whether they coexist or if they replace one another, there's still the angle that he wrote them in part due to negative fan feedback, and there is fourth wall imagery of hate mail and vandalism involved that make no sense without having seen the polarizing original 25 and 26.


It'll be cool thing if its true. But judging from how they handled 3.0 I'm not holding my breath for a coherent explanation.
Small spoilers:
IMO It kind of goes nowhere and feels pointless. The set up is interesting, but it just piles on more questions, esoteric terms like "Lillim" and vague half answers that don't really answer anything. And it ends on a really unsatisfying note. It ended and I was like "That's it?" It was a confusing mess. And Shinji is probably at his most annoying. But it was real pretty to look at!

I like obtuse, esoteric movies. Innocence is my favorite Ghost in the Shell movie! 3.33 sounds right up my alley!


not me
It's pretty obvious it's a continuation. Even a dense person like me understood this when Kaworu says "This time I'll make you happy."

With that being said, I don't think the OP's personal theory works. Shinji and Asuka wake up next to each other, choking, etc etc. And then they don't know each other at the start of the Rebuild?

More like it's something closer to Nietzsche's Eternal Recurrence, where the entire birth and death of the universe happens, and then deterministically the universe is reborn again and goes through the exact same life cycle (with Evangelion positing that some things might alter slightly, and it seems Angels might be aware of the Recurrence such as Kaworu). In such a case I can't explain some things being left over such as the red stripe on the moon, though. Maybe they are simply echoes of older cycles that pop up through unrelated causes. A convergence of sorts.


Small spoilers:
IMO It kind of goes nowhere and feels pointless. The set up is interesting, but it just piles on more questions, esoteric terms like "Lillim" and vague half answers that don't really answer anything. And it ends on a really unsatisfying note. It ended and I was like "That's it?" It was a confusing mess. And Shinji is probably at his most annoying. But it was real pretty to look at!

I found this image on the internet (4chan?), shortly after completing the series for the first time last year:


It made so much more sense after reading that, but the show itself occasionally used random Jewish mysticism terminology, like the "Chamber of Guf", without detailing them. The worst part is that these terms are crucial, as they give context to much of what's happening on screen.


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
It'll be cool thing of its true. But judging from how they handled 3.0 I'm not holding my breath for a coherent explanation.

3.0 made absolutely no sense. But we're all lined up for 4, or as anno is calling it now, 3.0+1.0 - which, now that i think of it, absolutely plays in the "Future" theory...


3.0 made absolutely no sense. But we're all lined up for 4, or as anno is calling it now, 3.0+1.0 - which, now that i think of it, absolutely plays in the "Future" theory...

I'm gonna hold off on watching 3.0+1.0 when it releases.

Will wait for the inevitable Director's Cut(s) instead.


I'm gonna hold off on watching 3.0+1.0 when it releases.

Will wait for the inevitable Director's Cut(s) instead.

Well be prepared to wait until 2025 considering how long 3.33 took and Anno hasn't even started on 4.0 since he's busy with Godzilla.


Well be prepared to wait until 2025 considering how long 3.33 took and Anno hasn't even started on 4.0 since he's busy with Godzilla.

Challenge. Accepted.

That Godzilla movie better be good tho :/

Anno is the director, so I hope he squeezes some EVA mind fuckery in Godzilla: Resurgence.
EVA is the main series I've only experienced via osmosis.

I haven't ever watched a full episode / OVA, and I don't plan to until it's all said and done (Including 3.0 + 1.0)

But, I know most of the plot and characters, and I love it all the same.

I've just been waiting so long for it to finally end, so I figure I can wait a bit longer and be one of the lucky ones to experience it all in one long marathon.
Jebus krist, I just went from not caring about 4 at all to now being genuinely interested. This explains a lot of the issues I have with the movies, even the low stuff like why Asuka and Rei are such waifus to Shinji.

And here I was thinking Anno was a hack fraud, he may still be, but now there's hope ;_;


Jebus krist, I just went from not caring about 4 at all to now being genuinely interested. This explains a lot of the issues I have with the movies, even the low stuff like why Asuka and Rei are such waifus to Shinji.

And here I was thinking Anno was a hack fraud, he may still be, but now there's hope ;_;
Even if 4 is terrible there's no way I could hate Anno. He seems to care too much about whatever he's working on and gone through too much shit to get mad at him. Of course I don't know the guy but everything new about him I learn, I seem to give him more respect.


I subscribe to this theory. I almost thing it should be common knowledge by now but we're still waiting for the big reveal, I guess. Then again, even if it is a sequel series, there is no guarantee that they will even bother revealing that to the audience or characters in any obvious way.

I think Kaworu wants to but Shinji is too dense to figure it out.

Once Shinji gives up that D, the circle can be broken and this whole thing can come to an end.


After watching the first two movies I thought this was extremely obvious to the point where it's not really a "theory"...

All the damage to the world and the moon in EoE stuck and continued on into Rebuild 1.
Honestly as has been said, it's basically the accepted norm that it's not really "theory" at this point.

Whether or not it's actually outright addressed in 4.0 or 4.44, that's another thing. Personally, I doubt it, Anno loves being vague about that shit to fuck with people. I also think it's a stupid continuation anyway, it makes no sense and it kinda invalidates Shinji's choice to reject instrumentality. But then again I very, very rarely like the whole "IT'S AN INFINITE LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP" shit as a trope in general.


3.0 made absolutely no sense. But we're all lined up for 4, or as anno is calling it now, 3.0+1.0 - which, now that i think of it, absolutely plays in the "Future" theory...
I love how many names the movie has had. They should just combine all of them.


Honestly as has been said, it's basically the accepted norm that it's not really "theory" at this point.

Whether or not it's actually outright addressed in 4.0 or 4.44, that's another thing. Personally, I doubt it, Anno loves being vague about that shit to fuck with people. I also think it's a stupid continuation anyway, it makes no sense and it kinda invalidates Shinji's choice to reject instrumentality. But then again I very, very rarely like the whole "IT'S AN INFINITE LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP" shit as a trope in general.

I won't consider the Rebuild Series as canonical if the final movie doesn't do it justice.

The original Series and EoE, after all the director cuts, were perfect.

EVA is the main series I've only experienced via osmosis.

I haven't ever watched a full episode / OVA, and I don't plan to until it's all said and done (Including 3.0 + 1.0)

But, I know most of the plot and characters, and I love it all the same.

I've just been waiting so long for it to finally end, so I figure I can wait a bit longer and be one of the lucky ones to experience it all in one long marathon.

Having just watched the original series and EoE last year for the 1st time ever, I also have no problems waiting for the definitive versions of the entire Rebuild Series.

Marathoning an entire series has its benefits, especially since I hate having to wait for the next episode or movie in a series, just to get most of the answers to my questions :/

- J - D -

It feels like it's been so long since the Rebuild 3.0 released, but it's only been 3 years. I suppose that might speak to how insubstantial I found the series to be so far.


--->Original Series Episodes 1-20
--->Director's Cut Episodes 21-24
--->Original Series Episodes 25-26
--->End of Evangelion Movie (Director's Cut Version 3)
--->Rebuild Series (Director's Cuts: 1.11-3.33)

Follow the series in that order.

what are the director's cut episodes 21-24?

I have 7 DVDs with all 26 epsiodes.
those DVDs don't contain the dc versions of 21-24?

and I only have 1.0. what is the difference between 1.01 and 1.11?
what are the director's cut episodes 21-24?

I have 7 DVDs with all 26 epsiodes.
those DVDs don't contain the dc versions of 21-24?

and I only have 1.0. what is the difference between 1.01 and 1.11?

1.11 basically is just the directors cut. Some added scenes, they don't make a huge difference IMO.
It's pretty much accepted by now. I expect absolutely no acknowledgement in 3.0+1.0.

The correct course of action is to watch the series and EoE, ignoring Rebuild forever and ever.

what are the director's cut episodes 21-24?

I have 7 DVDs with all 26 epsiodes.
those DVDs don't contain the dc versions of 21-24?

and I only have 1.0. what is the difference between 1.01 and 1.11?

They re-did those episodes by adding some footage from Death, further cementing D&R as a pointless film for everything except the credits song.

1.11 made it so you can actually see what's happening on screen and some other minor edits.


What fuck are they going to call the Director's Cut of final film now that it's been renamed to"3.0+1.0"???

what are the director's cut episodes 21-24?

I have 7 DVDs with all 26 epsiodes.
those DVDs don't contain the dc versions of 21-24?

and I only have 1.0. what is the difference between 1.01 and 1.11?

The Platinum Collection contains all the of the episodes, including the Director's Cuts of episodes 21-24.

The Rebuild Series has Director's Cuts as well:

--->Original 1.0 becomes 1.11
--->Original 2.0 becomes 2.22
--->Original 3.0 becomes 3.33


what are the director's cut episodes 21-24?

I have 7 DVDs with all 26 epsiodes.
those DVDs don't contain the dc versions of 21-24?
I don't know the details of all the releases (my DVDs have both director's cut and regular episodes) but they just added and changed some things imo for the better.
Here is an example of 21 if you want to know which you have.
Can anyone who read the manga explain how things unfold? I took Kouru's plan as meaning there was literally some way to reset reality by using Longinus and Cassius together.


Even though the evidence is pretty straightforward, I have no doubt that Anno could pull off some 180 mind-fuckery that veers away from the "theory" and takes everyone by surprise in the final movie.

Of course, I find it difficult to get excited for 4.0 (or 3.0+1.0, or whatever other names it will have before it finally makes it to theaters) after the clusterfuck that was 3.0, never mind the lack of a target release date.

Can anyone who read the manga explain how things unfold?
Well, for much of the manga, there are only tiny changes, but some of the big differences include:
1. Kaworu appears earlier and his relationship with Shinji is different(ish). Shinji actually thinks Kaworu is a bastard at first (especially after Kaworu "mercy-kills" a kitten). Kaworu thinks Shinji is weird for not showing him affection (even though he is thought to be channeling Rei's feelings), but soon enough they become friends. 2. Toji gets killed in the Bardiel fight, although Shinji learns who Unit 03's pilot is ahead of time. 3. Rei is more aware of her connection to Yui/Eva Unit 01 but feels greater empathy for Shinji and wants to be close to him. 4. Mari exists, but not *when* you'd think she would. She actually appears as a university peer of Yui and Gendo in a flashback that concludes the series. 5. Shinji mans up and goes to help Asuka fight the mass-produced Evas but of course Third Impact still happens when the Lance arrives at the battlefield. 6. Gendo actually opens up to Shinji about how fucked their relationship is and how he intends to make Third Impact work for him, even though SEELE obviously wants NERV dead. 7. Shinji doesn't show much ill will towards humanity when confronted by Rei/Lilith during Third Impact. He is a bit more mellow and the "Aha!" moment is reminiscent of the tv series' finale in tone. It results in a reset of civilization; human life is restored in a timeline that carries reminders of the previous time, namely the fossilized/statue forms of the mass-produced Evas, which people assume are relics of a lost culture. Shinji crosses paths with Kensuke and Asuka, getting the impression he has seen them before. He also has Misato's necklace with him.


Authorized Fister
Can you talk a little more about this, use spoiler tags if you like. Mari just shows up out of nowhere. I always wondered what her purpose was...
It's an extra chapter in the evangelion manga.
She wants to be Shinji's mother lover. Her glasses are actually Yui's


We're so far away from some of this stuff that Anno could just drop all of it for 4.0 and we'd be none the wiser.
A story of repetition? Like, "Endless Eight" kind of repetition, where the characters are doomed to replay the same scenarios over and over again?

Something to that effect, yes. In a different sense it fits with even the original show, Shinji could arguably be described as someone who is himself cyclical in nature, continuously moving forwards and backwards (and he acted as such in the show, as did the rest of the cast in being inescapably haunted by their past), whose true escape from his despair would be to gather the strengths to move beyond those cycles of hurt. It's easy to extrapolate from there that the movies are about Shinji and crew finding themselves in the same situation. You could go even more meta and argue that the new cycle is actually about escaping the perception that Eva has in popular culture. Think for example how the characters, though having somewhat crossed beyond the ghosts that afflicted them are continuously portrayed in popular media as their now old, broken selfs. I've made the point time and time again that these movies are about Eva escaping its own trappings, to small success unfortunately. Uh, both on my part and on Evangelion's part.



There's also how the logo of the next movie ends in a repeat sign, and the spelling of Evangelion goes back to the TV series spelling.


Small spoilers:
IMO It kind of goes nowhere and feels pointless. The set up is interesting, but it just piles on more questions, esoteric terms like "Lillim" and vague half answers that don't really answer anything. And it ends on a really unsatisfying note. It ended and I was like "That's it?" It was a confusing mess. And Shinji is probably at his most annoying. But it was real pretty to look at!

isnt that mostly because 3.0 and 4.0 were supposed to be released in theaters at the same time


I went years between original series and 1.0... the signs were not obvious to me.

And why do people dislike the 3rd movie so much? Though I really dont understand the opening yet... what was Shinji inside of? And was that an angel attached to it?


That's the first thought that crossed my mind when I saw the first movie years ago and so far there's been nothing to disprove it, only more hints piling up with how the manga ended
civilization being reset, Mari cameo out of nowhere
and in the subsequent movies.

I really hope we get Final this year, or in this timeline at least.


4. Mari exists, but not *when* you'd think she would. She actually appears as a university peer of Yui and Gendo in a flashback that concludes the series.

oh my god that picture makes so much more sense. I haven't read the manga but evidently i need to.
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