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Thatsa lot of Mario Party 6 Screens (best art of the series)


All here



President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
You know, I'm sick of this "Bowser Junior" crap. What happened to the Koopa Kids? (Besides their quick cameo in a certain recent game...) There were already 8 of them (or was it 7?)... why did we need another one? Not only that, this one is generic and has the same design as Baby Bowser (who was Bowser AS a baby in Yoshi's Story).


(And yes, I take my Mario Universe seriously! ;) )


Unconfirmed Member
I don't mine Baby Bowser, (i.e. Yoshis Island) if he appears (edit: rather if he appeared ;)) in party games like tennis, and kart etc.

Bowser junior is sort of lame though. I love the koopa kids in SMB3 and thats about it, they don't even seem to work right in SMW.


Are Donkey Kong and Toadette unlockable characters? they appear on the boxart but nowhere else, not even the character select screen (although there is that question mark circle)
MrCheez said:
You know, I'm sick of this "Bowser Junior" crap. What happened to the Koopa Kids? (Besides their quick cameo in a certain recent game...) There were already 8 of them (or was it 7?)... why did we need another one? Not only that, this one is generic and has the same design as Baby Bowser (who was Bowser AS a baby in Yoshi's Story).


(And yes, I take my Mario Universe seriously! ;) )

I totally agree.
"One mini-game we played, called Verbal Assault, sees the player with the microphone launch lasers, missiles and Bullet Bills from a giant hover tank by barking commands into the microphone.
You can also throw bombs and spray fire. The player yells "Lasers!" and "Missiles!" to open fire. The other three players control smaller tanks and try to destroy the player with the microphone by shooting energy balls. It actually worked well and offered a nice little twist to the game. Other mic-centric mini-games had you identifying characters in the Mario universe by calling out their names. Yet another game had you summoning characters to help you defeat enemies by calling them in by name. You then directed their movements by saying directional commands."-IGN


Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
I'm pretty sure Toadette is the ? It has a toady headshape, and it's pink! :)

Donkey Kong is a boardspace like in 5 I bet.

I think thats for random selection. They should add more characters to MP.

Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
"One mini-game we played, called Verbal Assault, sees the player with the microphone launch lasers, missiles and Bullet Bills from a giant hover tank by barking commands into the microphone.
You can also throw bombs and spray fire. The player yells "Lasers!" and "Missiles!" to open fire. The other three players control smaller tanks and try to destroy the player with the microphone by shooting energy balls. It actually worked well and offered a nice little twist to the game. Other mic-centric mini-games had you identifying characters in the Mario universe by calling out their names. Yet another game had you summoning characters to help you defeat enemies by calling them in by name. You then directed their movements by saying directional commands."-IGN

Sounds cool

The Mario Party games always have outstanding boxes and artwork. Such fun, underrated and overhated games.

True. MP5 blew me away. 'Extremely' addictive. I had no interest in the game till i actually played it. I brought it based on pure luck. One of those games that reek of pure gaming goodness :)


^I agree. Mario Party 5 was a kind of fun you just don't get from other games (a different kind of fun). I hope Mario Party 6's story mode improves on MP5's.

I'm gonna go play MP5 now. :)
The Mario Party games always have outstanding boxes and artwork. Such fun, underrated and overhated games.

Mostly by Game Informer. Their review of Mario Party 5 is a joke where they spend most of it complaining about the loading times and saying you spend more time watching the saving screen after every turn (too bad you could have turned that off in the options menu, eh Game Informer?) I also find their claim that everyone on their staff hates it to be dubious. They say they warn the interns that come in about how bad the series is.

Do they only play single player to review these games? I mean, come on, 2/10?


I want Mario Part 4+5 for $30. Now. Do it, Nintendo. You've got a brand new Mario Party Game with a Microphone! People will buy it, even with a cheaper collection available!

Lump all the minigames into one! You're only getting like 3000 copies of MP4 sold a month, MP5 is down to 10k, get with it! Slap em together for $30, hell throw all the minigames from MP4 and some of its boards into MP5 (Which has the better game overall) and you'll have a great alternative. Hell, I'd pay $40 for it! I would rather not have to pay full price to pick up a Mario Party title.


Formerly 'GMUNYIFan'
Is anyone as pissed as I am about DK now only being a space on the board? He's my favorite character, he's been in every Mario Party up until 5 came along and now he's a fucking space? Come on Nintendo get it together. Why put waluigi in there when you've been building on DK ever since the name Nintendo has been producing games. I'm sorry I guess I'm just a little sick of it all.

BTW what has Waluigi been in other than Mario Party?


I haven't played a Mario Party since the very first one (which I thought was very fun). Why is it that these games are always so expensive? I have never seen a Mario Party game sell for less than $40. Why don't they make 4 and 5 Player's choice games?

It also seems strange to me that they have only one unlockable character. If you are going to bother with unlockable characters, why have only one?


GMUNYIFan said:
Is anyone as pissed as I am about DK now only being a space on the board? He's my favorite character, he's been in every Mario Party up until 5 came along and now he's a fucking space? Come on Nintendo get it together. Why put waluigi in there when you've been building on DK ever since the name Nintendo has been producing games. I'm sorry I guess I'm just a little sick of it all.

BTW what has Waluigi been in other than Mario Party?
We call it Mario Tennis.


Maybe Mario Party games get bad/average review scores because they're not fun unless you're lounging around with three other people you actually like, preferably late at night with a few drinks. You also have to all be familiar with the mini-games before the pacing picks up. If you're only playing it because you have to then it might not be fun at all. I honestly believe that they're the best multi-player games ever; maybe the franchise is being milked a bit, but I'm personally happy to get a new one every year or so, for when the last one gets old.

I haven't actually played MP5 yet though; is it better than 4? I found the mini-games in 4 to be mostly very good, but the boards are pretty average and magic lamps are far too frequent in shops. From what I've played: MP2 > MP4 > MP1 > MP3. Mario Party 1 probably has the best boards, but it has stick-spinning and one-player games bringing it down.
The board game play in MP5 is superior to MP4. Minigame wise, while MP5 is good, MP4's best games (Dungeon Duos for instance) are better then MP5's best games.


snaildog said:
Maybe Mario Party games get bad/average review scores because they're not fun unless you're lounging around with three other people you actually like, preferably late at night with a few drinks. You also have to all be familiar with the mini-games before the pacing picks up. If you're only playing it because you have to then it might not be fun at all. I honestly believe that they're the best multi-player games ever; maybe the franchise is being milked a bit, but I'm personally happy to get a new one every year or so, for when the last one gets old.

I haven't actually played MP5 yet though; is it better than 4?

There's your answer. MP5 is the best by far and in every way. MP lets you practice each mini game and its very easy to get into for newbies. Some of the best multiplayer games ever.

Mr. Lemming said:
The board game play in MP5 is superior to MP4. Minigame wise, while MP5 is good, MP4's best games (Dungeon Duos for instance) are better then MP5's best games.

Let me put it this way. I dont play 4 at all anymore. 5 is just too good. Not to say 4 didnt have great stuff. MP5 has other extras like a connect 4 style vs board, a racing car with dice thing, A declathon/olympic style thing for pure skill games only etc. as well as other special boards besides the main story mode.


Mr. Lemming said:
I can totally understand that. I just miss Dungeon Duos.

Well i dont know if there's an equivalent as theres so much there but all the mini games are welcome IMO.

I liked the swimming with rayfish through the circle bubbles from MP4 as well. MP4 has a flying thing which is similar but more emphasis on dodging in that.

MP6 is looking good. The mic has me interested.


I don't see what the fuss about Dungeon Duos is. Once you're all good it pretty much comes down to who finds the pipe first. Either that or you get some idiot on your team who can't jump properly.


snaildog said:
I don't see what the fuss about Dungeon Duos is. Once you're all good it pretty much comes down to who finds the pipe first. Either that or you get some idiot on your team who can't jump properly.

You mean...people can jump properly?

I have a tendency to just keep the thing spinning rather than stopping it, so I screwed up the kids I babysat all the time. I really wish the pipe sequences weren't there, really. Would make for an even more awesome game.


Waluigi first appeared in Mario Tennis, a creation of Camelot. He has since appeared in pretty well all Mario spinoff titles on the GameCube, and will likely continue to do so in the future.

I'm a big fan of Waluigi, damnit. Shut up.


Nintendo need to port the N64 Mario Party games to GC as part of a collection, with upgraded graphics. It'd sell boatloads too.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Nintendo need to port the N64 Mario Party games to GC as part of a collection, with upgraded graphics. It'd sell boatloads too.


I've never played MP1-3 and I'd love to have all the games on one system.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
well, IMO they should combine all three games into one, include all the minigames and maps into one.


Suikoguy said:
well, IMO they should combine all three games into one, include all the minigames and maps into one.

I think they should update the maps into maps that take advantage of MP5/6 conventions, get rid of the analog stick spinning games, and then bundle everything in together.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
"I wish they'd do the whole Smash Bros thing and have Link, Samus, Pikmin and everybody."

Not sure about Samus and Link but a Pikmin mini game would rock!!!


(more a nerd than a geek)
I still think Mario Party 2 was the best game in the series... 3 and 4 felt a lot less fun. 2, 5, and 1 are much better.
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