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The 24 season that almost was

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Jack Bauer's newest nemesis isn't a terrorist -- it's public opinion.
February 2, 2008; Page A1

During its first five years on television, the terror-thriller "24" built a huge fan base by creating the first true superhero of the post-Sept. 11 era: special agent Jack Bauer. Ruggedly handsome and righteously defiant, Jack was willing to do anything to defend his country.

That "anything" has always included torture. Jack has snipped off fingers, poisoned associates, shot through kneecaps and faked executions, all in the pursuit of national security.

Against the real-life backdrop of global terrorist attacks, "24" at its peak fulfilled the fantasies of an insecure nation. It became one of the most important franchises for News Corp.'s Fox Broadcasting Co., with 17 million viewers tuning in some weeks and millions returning to watch on DVD. (News Corp. also owns The Wall Street Journal.)

But those who ride the tide of the times can also get upended by them. As public opinion about the Iraq War turned south, the show's depiction of torture came to be seen as glorifying the practice in the wake of real-world reports of waterboarding and other interrogation techniques used on detainees.

Ratings dropped by a third over the course of last year's sixth season. Producers would later experience trouble casting roles, once some of the most desirable in television, because the actors disapproved of the show's depiction of torture. "The fear and wish-fulfillment the show represented after 9/11 ended up boomeranging against us," says the show's head writer, Howard Gordon. "We were suddenly facing a blowback from current events."

Last spring, Fox executives asked producers to come up with a plan for what to do with their onetime crown jewel. The producers decided to take the radical -- and rarely attempted -- step of reinventing the show. While some fans complained "24" had grown too formulaic, the producers also grudgingly saw the importance of wrestling the show from its ties to an unpopular conflict.

The result: "24" is nowhere to be found on the TV schedule. For weeks the show's producers tried to reconcile the show's premise with the new public mood. Should Jack atone for his sins? Is Jack bad? The script rewrites and philosophical crises left the show so far behind schedule that when the Hollywood writers went on strike in November, Fox had no choice but to delay its premiere date. The show could premiere this summer, next fall or as late as January 2009.

At the center of it all is 46-year-old Mr. Gordon. The Princeton-educated intellectual and self-described "left-leaning centrist" finds himself in the awkward position of championing a television show he loves without condoning the real-life ideology it is so often associated with. "If anything, Howard is too thoughtful," says Dana Walden, chairman of 20th Century Fox Television. "His process is so thoughtful that sometimes it's hard to get a script out of him."

Events Occur in Real Time

When "24" was first conceived, no one imagined it would court such controversy. In 2000, creators Robert Cochran and Joel Surnow developed the idea of a high-quality television action show in the mold of the "James Bond" or "Die Hard" movies: heart-pounding, if not exactly plausible. The major conceit of the show was that it would take place over a 24-hour period. Each hour-long show would depict an hour in Jack's life.

Fox introduced the creators to Mr. Gordon, who had enjoyed some success writing and producing for a series of popular television shows like "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "The X Files." In 2000, Fox ordered up 13 episodes.

"Then terrorism arrived at our doorstep," says Gail Berman, former president of Fox entertainment. The show premiered 25 days after Sept. 11, 2001.

Instantly, "24" became inextricable from the aftermath of the terror attacks. Jack Bauer, played by Kiefer Sutherland, became a stand-in for the Bush administration's antiterror strategy. Jack's interrogation techniques and the numerous "ticking time bomb scenarios" he confronts -- situations where he must quickly extract critical information from a suspect to deter an imminent threat -- were raised during serious discussions of terror and torture on Sunday morning talk shows, in Republican and Democratic presidential debates, on newspaper editorial pages and in the halls of Congress.

At certain moments the show's ratings have dovetailed with the approval ratings of the president. Both spiked during the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, the capture of Saddam Hussein and the 2004 presidential election.

In the winter of 2007 the sixth season of the show premiered to more than 16 million viewers. The season began with Jack emerging from 18 months of captivity and unremitting torture in a Chinese prison.

Around the time that episode aired, the New Yorker ran a story heavily quoting co-creator Mr. Surnow, who referred to himself as a "right-wing nut job" and called the show "patriotic." Noting that many in the Bush administration were fans, it described Messrs. Surnow and Gordon hobnobbing with the conservative elite. The story also quoted high-ranking members of the U.S. military criticizing the show for leading soldiers to believe that torture, outlawed in 1949 by the Geneva Conventions, is effective and necessary to fight terrorism.

Mr. Gordon says the story was "highly agendized" and emphasizes the show still has broad appeal across party lines. "What really got to them, I think, wasn't so much stories like mine as the fact that the U.S. military was telling them that what they were airing was unpatriotic," says Jane Mayer, the article's author.

But some Fox executives weren't happy. To them, that story and others helped cement the show's ties to the increasingly unpopular Bush administration. Mr. Surnow is still involved in "24," particularly in the shaping of stories and in the edit room. An outspoken conservative, he has sought to distance his public profile from "24"'s. Mr. Surnow declined to be interviewed.

As President Bush's approval ratings began to sink so did ratings for season six, which ran from January to May 2007, dropping steadily month by month. Fox notes that viewers were increasingly choosing to watch the show on digital recording devices. But some fans also felt the show was retreading old ground, and that the characters had become flat. Undoubtedly "24" was showing its age, as all TV shows do, but the producers believed the public mood was quickening the decline.

It was a painful time. As allegations surfaced of prisoners being tortured by members of the U.S. military, producers felt themselves on the defensive. Mr. Gordon says he wasn't prepared for how strong the associations had grown between "24" and the growing political maelstrom.

At one level, the producers felt angry and insulted -- that they were being scapegoated by the media and politicians for larger problems they didn't create. "We think there's enough nuance in the show and enough complexity introduced into these ideas that we'd gotten a bum rap and we were p--- off about it," says Mr. Gordon, whose youngish appearance, casual attire and dark tan give him the ski-bum look of a Hollywood hot shot. "Even if you look at James Bond, he didn't follow the rules, he broke the law, he had a license to kill. At a certain level, it was a wish fulfillment. It's a fantasy, folks."

Yet at the same time, Mr. Gordon couldn't completely divorce himself from the concern that what Jack was doing was morally questionable at best. "24 is effectively an ad for torture," charges David Danzig, director of the Primetime Torture Project, sponsored by the New York-based Human Rights First. "In almost every episode, the good guys use torture. And when they use torture, it almost always works."

Says Mr. Gordon: "If you're a sensible person -- and someone with some kind of a conscience -- you have to worry about this."

By Any Means Necessary

Come spring, the show's writers and their Fox bosses began having informal telephone conversations about how to recover for next season. By the May 21 season finale, the audience had dropped to just over 11 million. Fox gave the writers carte blanche to "reimagine" the show. One of the team's chief considerations was how to address the controversy surrounding Jack's use of torture. Should Jack be feeling the guilt the media would have him feel?

On May 31, the show's head writers went in for a meeting at the studio to present their first big idea: sending Jack to Africa. In various incarnations, Jack would begin the season digging ditches, building houses, tending to orphans, providing security for an embassy or escorting around a visiting dignitary. "One of the themes we discussed was penance, that Africa was a place Jack had gone to seek some kind of penance. Some sanctuary too, but also penance for things he's done in his life," Mr. Gordon says.

Ms. Walden and Gary Newman, chairmen of 20th Century Fox Television, were receptive but believed it was too much of a departure. "It felt like we were throwing the baby out with the bathwater," says Ms. Walden. The Africa plot also had several glaring problems, the first of which was that at some point Jack would have to fly back to the U.S. The writers proposed that for the first time ever, "24" would break from its real-time conceit; the show would skip the period when Jack was on his 14-hour flight.

The writers agreed to work on the plot. Just three weeks before they were due to start shooting the first episodes, Messrs. Gordon and Surnow joined fellow head writers Bob Cochran and Manny Coto for a pancake breakfast at an IHOP to talk through the elements of Jack-in-Africa that still weren't working. Jack was too far away, they felt, both from the immediacy of domestic terror and from the character he had been in prior seasons.

At the same time, the writers felt the plot lacked the freshness and vigor they sought. They went back and forth for hours until Mr. Gordon concluded the premise just wasn't going to work. "There's something broken in the DNA of the story," he recalls saying.

The others agreed and the foursome returned to Chatsworth, Calif., to the refurbished pencil factory where they film "24," to start over. The writers do most of their writing there in a cigar room, designed to look like a colonial outpost, which they call the "Calcutta Cricket Club."

Here, the technical crew keeps a billboard with hand-drawn pictures of Vice President Cheney with fangs and one Photoshopped image of President Bush eating a kitten. Mr. Gordon keeps on his desk a copy of his wife's book, co-written with prominent Hollywood environmental activist Laurie David, about the dangers of global warming. As part of a larger "green" movement within News Corp., "24" is aiming to be the first television show to go carbon neutral next season, limiting energy use and filming public service announcements.

The writers worked almost without interruption for two days, and the pressure began to show. There were shouting matches, not just about the creative substance of the show, but about how the writing process itself was working. But by Sunday afternoon, they had a new idea: Jack is Bad.

It was another significant departure for the show: In the first six seasons, Jack had an unfailing moral compass. In the next few weeks, the group wrote or "broke" scripts for the first two episodes, inventing a female character, an FBI agent, who would hunt Jack down from the dark side and drag him back to the light.

Near the end of the summer, the writers went back to Fox for a meeting with the studio chiefs and executives at the network, including the network's president, Peter Liguori. It didn't go well. Fox didn't believe anyone would buy the premise that "24"'s hero would go so awry.

The Clock Is Ticking

By now the show was weeks behind schedule. The writers drove out to Mr. Gordon's house in Pacific Palisades for another marathon session. It was there that inspiration finally struck.

On the evening of July 21, Ms. Walden was driving down Wilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles when she got a call from Mr. Gordon. She pulled to the side of the road and listened as he breathlessly explained the latest vision.

The new season would introduce a female character, someone like Jack but at an earlier point in her career. Jack's made certain choices and is willing to pay the price, but this character's soul is still in play. "We decided that Jack is Jack, and these questions [about torture] are more deftly handled through a character who hasn't been defined yet," Mr. Gordon says.

The writers decided to scrap the Counter Terrorist Unit, the government agency for which Jack worked for the first six seasons of the show. Instead Jack would go to Washington to address head-on the accusations that his tactics were out of line. He will make his case. He has nothing to apologize for.

"For five years, this was a wish fulfillment show," Mr. Gordon said. "At the beginning, when everybody's fear was more acute, people's tolerance for violence, their own rage, seemed to make Jack's tactics more acceptable. But in the wake of our own abuses in prosecuting this so-called War on Terror, we feel Jack is getting a bum rap. So instead of selling out the entire show and its history and its legacy and apologizing for it and ultimately invalidating it, we decided to defend it."

It was as if they were defending the show itself from charges that it was reckless and partisan. Ms. Walden says she accepted it immediately, and other Fox executives followed suit.

"You can take the position that it is basically reflecting what's going on in the Beltway right now," said Mr. Liguori. "I could look at it and say basically it's the show that's on trial."

Perhaps it is in Hollywood, where the prevailing mood has been strongly critical of the U.S. presence in Iraq. Producers casting roles for season seven quickly encountered something they never had before. Two actors declined roles due to moral objections. One Muslim actor turned down a job as a terrorist. Another actor, the former "thirtysomething" star Dave Clennon, was threatening to turn down a role as the senator who would interrogate Jack at the hearings. Through a publicist, Mr. Sutherland declined to be interviewed.

In a series of emails with Mr. Gordon, which Mr. Clennon provided to the Journal, the actor and the producer debated the show's impact. "Perhaps my involvement in the show has created an elaborate system of rationalization, because I would hate to think that I've somehow been the midwife to some public acceptance of torture," Mr. Gordon writes in an email dated Sept. 26. "But I lack conviction that torture is, under any circumstances an unacceptable option. Mostly I lack conviction because I lack the knowledge."

Mr. Clennon decided to walk away. "At the end of the day, my sense of the show is that it promotes torture and I don't want to be a part of that," he says.

At least two actors who openly oppose torture have accepted parts on the show. In season seven, the liberal comedian Janeane Garofalo will play an intelligence agent. In season six, the Oscar-nominated actor James Cromwell played Mr. Sutherland's father on the show.

"I don't regret doing it," Mr. Cromwell says. He does add he was troubled, however, by Fox's position toward criticism of "24," which he described as "Hey, look, this is a television show. If you want to deal with torture as a reality, deal with the government. They're the ones doing it. I'm just making a buck."

In a statement, Fox says it "has never taken a position on the politics of '24,'" and producers who had commented on the matter "indicated that the show was not a documentary, a manual on interrogation, or a primer on the war on terror; '24' is a television show."

Mr. Gordon acknowledges the weakness of the it's-just-TV argument but says at the end of the day, his commitment to the show trumps any pulls at his conscience to set the record straight. For Jack to cop to everything he may have done wrong would have him "either suicidal or crazy, and that wasn't a viable emotional place to put that character," Mr. Gordon says. "Which isn't to say he won't get there, but not at the beginning."



I read that the other day in my Wall Street Journal and the feeling I took away from it is that the writers are creatively bankrupt. They've simply run out of ideas in trying to stick with the real-time format.


keep your strippers out of my American football
bill0527 said:
I read that the other day in my Wall Street Journal and the feeling I took away from it is that the writers are creatively bankrupt. They've simply run out of ideas in trying to stick with the real-time format.

I agree. I am not sure why they don't go in the most logical direction. After years of all the bloodshed and pressure, why not have Jack go insane? I mean, if a big problem about him being in Africa was the flight back, why not put him in the Southeast US building houses after Katrina, trying his best to stay away from violence or conflict? Have him having flashbacks, then get a call saying, "Jack, the country needs you." Have him trying to be 'Jack', but at the same time having conflicting feelings until he finally cracks?

That way you have the morality play it seems Fox wants them to explore and you put a different spin on the show. Just my idea.
bill0527 said:
I read that the other day in my Wall Street Journal and the feeling I took away from it is that the writers are creatively bankrupt. They've simply run out of ideas in trying to stick with the real-time format.

As big a fan of 24 as I was, I've always maintained the real time format is a creative dead end and stops any real new innovations that could take place.

cue 24 fan saying that should just make it like Season one and it would rock! It has to be real time!
If anyone suggests that they abandon the real time format all together, I will punch them in the face.

Stopping the clock for a plane ride is one thing, but getting rid of it all together is out of the damn question.


Jealous Bastard
Stoney Mason said:
As big a fan of 24 as I was, I've always maintained the real time format is a creative dead end and stops any real new innovations that could take place.

funny, i think jack bauer and the dedication to political action/thriller is the dead end. the real time format is something that could be put to good use in a number of great scenarios with more interesting characters, but they're stuck with kiefer sutherland holding people at gunpoint talking about how "the president's involved!"
bill0527 said:
I read that the other day in my Wall Street Journal and the feeling I took away from it is that the writers are creatively bankrupt. They've simply run out of ideas in trying to stick with the real-time format.

Sounds like it to me too. They have milked the formula well and truly dry, although the Africa story sounded more interesting than the one they are stuck with now.

Its odd that Janeane Garofalo has got a part in the show. It will be another Larry Sanders Show actress in 24 (Penny Johnson aka Sherry Palmer being the other).
beelzebozo said:
funny, i think jack bauer and the dedication to political action/thriller is the dead end. the real time format is something that could be put to good use in a number of great scenarios with more interesting characters, but they're stuck with kiefer sutherland holding people at gunpoint talking about how "the president's involved!"

I think it works for James Bond which is always what I felt 24 was. The American James Bond. Real time just makes things ultimately too silly and too repetitive and too contrived.

It's (beyond) time for Jack to go also.


The last season was simply awful, things were so signposted it became a game between me and my friends.

It needs a complete overhaul hopefully the writers strike has imbued the writers with a few more ideas.
I finished the third season awhile ago, and I thought it was great despite a rather lackluster season finale. But at the same time it wasn't hard to see how many ideas were being rehashed, from the kidnapping stuff to the CTU "mole" idea. I look forward to see season 4 but I'm bummed most people say this is where things go down hill :/


I don't think the real-time format is "dead" is the primary problem with the show.

The writers have gone as "big" as they can. Last season, a nuclear attack was carried out in the US, and life went on. But there's still a lot of things they could do with the show: put Jack under cover outside the US, make Jack the villain, cover smaller threats to democracy (political corruption, industrial/military complex, etc).

I do think the writers have an agenda (the producers also did The 1/2 Hour News Hour on Fox News), but 24 has had enough nuance to transcend any individual biases.
PhoenixDark said:
I finished the third season awhile ago, and I thought it was great despite a rather lackluster season finale. But at the same time it wasn't hard to see how many ideas were being rehashed, from the kidnapping stuff to the CTU "mole" idea. I look forward to see season 4 but I'm bummed most people say this is where things go down hill :/

season 4 is awesome and S5 is even better.


That's just stupid... plenty of smart liberals like 24 because it is (or was, really) good tv. Sure the scumfucks at FOX are disgusting and will be amongst the first up against the wall when the Revolution comes, but the problems with the show were:

1) Too much President shit
2) Too much CTU shit
3) Get the fuck out of LA
4) Not enough Jack being a badass

That said, the "Zombie Tony" plotline was one of the dumbest things I've ever heard of and I'm glad the season got derailed because I probably wouldn't have watched it.


PhoenixDark said:
I finished the third season awhile ago, and I thought it was great despite a rather lackluster season finale. But at the same time it wasn't hard to see how many ideas were being rehashed, from the kidnapping stuff to the CTU "mole" idea. I look forward to see season 4 but I'm bummed most people say this is where things go down hill :/
I dunno, personally I rank the seasons 2>1>5>3>4>6. Four was kind of stupid but fun nonetheless. Six, aside from about 1/4 of the episodes, was just consistently terrible.
Triumph said:
That's just stupid... plenty of smart liberals like 24 because it is (or was, really) good tv. Sure the scumfucks at FOX are disgusting and will be amongst the first up against the wall when the Revolution comes, but the problems with the show were:

1) Too much President shit
2) Too much CTU shit
3) Not enough Jack being a badass

That said, the "Zombie Tony" plotline was one of the dumbest things I've ever heard of and I'm glad the season got derailed because I probably wouldn't have watched it.

I never understood the people who whine about the political orientation of the show. Like when they tried to pressure Surnow to go meet with different groups. Fuck you. It's a TV show. If you're forming your geo-political views of the universe based on 24 you've got a lot more problems. Although I don't blame anyone who is of middle-eastern descent complaining about being marginalized to these sorts of roles.


The simple fact is that the show has overstayed its welcome, both in terms of characters and real-time gimmick. The only reason 24 was once lauded so much is because back in 2001, there weren't many other shows attempting similar levels of complexity, budget and drama, but American TV has come a long way in the last 5 years, and 24 feels like the ugly prototype mutant that was only kept alive because it was the first of its kind.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
I used to be a huge 24 fan, but I couldnt even watch season 6 because I thought it was so bad. The last great 24 was season 3; ever since then the show has been going downhill.

I dont think they need to change the real time format to make things interesting. They could stick with that format, but just make a completely different story. I thought the end of season 5 opened up an opportunity to take the show in a different direction but they somehow managed to make it so that it all takes place in LA.

Triumph said:
I dunno, personally I rank the seasons 2>1>5>3>4>6. Four was kind of stupid but fun nonetheless. Six, aside from about 1/4 of the episodes, was just consistently terrible.
I'd rank them 2>1>3>4>5>6.

1 and 2 are reallt close, I loved them both, but 2 just edges out. The one thing that ruined it was Kim. She's great eye candy, but her story was awful.

6 is definately the worst out of the lot though.


Should have made Tony the lead. let's face facts people, tony is more entertaining than jack 'lets torture everybody' bauer


Stoney Mason said:
I think it works for James Bond which is always what I felt 24 was. The American James Bond. Real time just makes things ultimately too silly and too repetitive and too contrived.

It's (beyond) time for Jack to go also.

Jack Bauer is the heart of the show, more so than the realtime format. If he goes, then the show dies.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
shows got to go.

If jack turned bad, then I would watch it again. It could end with him assasinating a crooked ass president and then getting WASTED BY SNIPERS
Coop said:
Should have made Tony the lead. let's face facts people, tony is more entertaining than jack 'lets torture everybody' bauer

Chase seems like a good guy to replace Jack. But the fact that no one is mentioning him suggests...damn. No spoilers please :lol

I dunno how I'd rank them. In terms of overall quality 3 was better than 1/2 I guess...but the season finale bummed me out. I thought 2 was great but the Kim stuff is just cringe worthy...hmm

3 narrowly gets the edge
Blader5489 said:
Jack Bauer is the heart of the show, more so than the realtime format. If he goes, then the show dies.

There is nothing left for the character. Hasn't been for a long time. You might as well have a robot going along saving the world at this point. This isn't a knock on Keifer's acting. There is simply no where to go with the character and once that happens it is boring.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
Stoney Mason said:
There is nothing left for the character. Hasn't been for a long time. You might as well have a robot going along saving the world at this point. This isn't a knock on Keifer's acting. There is simply no where to go with the character and once that happens it is boring.
I wouldnt mind seeing Jack turning bad. What would be evemn better is if they give us the impression that Jack is bad by making him work for a terrorist organisation and then at some point near the end of the season they hint he's been working undercover. That way we might see a different side to jack and it also gives us an interesting plot twist.

They should also consider making the season shorter. Instead of making a story that fits into 24 hours, make one that fits into 16.


Jealous Bastard
psycho_snake said:
I wouldnt mind seeing Jack turning bad. What would be evemn better is if they give us the impression that Jack is bad by making him work for a terrorist organisation and then at some point near the end of the season they hint he's been working undercover. That way we might see a different side to jack and it also gives us an interesting plot twist.

this is a textbook cop-out.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
I would rather the show just ended... this is f'n ridiculous, and no the show would not survive Jack being replaced.


Triumph said:
That's just stupid... plenty of smart liberals like 24 because it is (or was, really) good tv. Sure the scumfucks at FOX are disgusting and will be amongst the first up against the wall when the Revolution comes, but the problems with the show were:

1) Too much President shit
2) Too much CTU shit
3) Get the fuck out of LA
4) Not enough Jack being a badass

That said, the "Zombie Tony" plotline was one of the dumbest things I've ever heard of and I'm glad the season got derailed because I probably wouldn't have watched it.

I generally agree with you and your rankings on seasons.

Sometimes I think people are trying too hard to make a point, like the dovetailing of Bush's approval ratings with 24's ratings; whatever the various parallels you can draw, I think most people agree that the last season was awful, hence the slide in ratings.

I think 24 is too "big" now. You can't really raise the stakes any higher than if a bunch of aliens invaded or something. How about going a little smaller but no less dangerous -- have the plot involve someone targeting Jack personally. Nothing to do with national security or the President -- this is someone going directly after Jack through his family and friends.


psycho_snake said:
I wouldnt mind seeing Jack turning bad. What would be evemn better is if they give us the impression that Jack is bad by making him work for a terrorist organisation and then at some point near the end of the season they hint he's been working undercover. That way we might see a different side to jack and it also gives us an interesting plot twist.

Didn't that happen in Season 3? :p


Stoney Mason said:
They are all dead. Except his shitty daughter. No need to introduce father and mama bauer either.

They already introduced father Bauer.

I do agree that the show seemed to have hit a wall, but on the same hand I am curious to see if they could hit the nail on the head once again.

I say instead of taking it big, take it smaller. Make it a more personal battle, maybe have Tony become the evil version of Jack. A man who has seen the evils of the gov't and is trying to correct it. A point Jack can't disagree with but has to fight against because it is what he does. And make it a point during the season that he can't make the tough decisions because of what borders on right and what is right for the country.
Teh Hamburglar said:
If Tony is coming back then Sherry palmer better come back too.


Don't forget zombie Edgar!


Teh Hamburglar said:
If Tony is coming back then Sherry palmer better come back too.
I think that's when the show started hitting its problems.

In season 3 when they killed of Sherry and Nina and then there was season 5 where all the cast was dropping like flies.

I understand in the first season it was for shock value, but after a while you learn not to get attached to any character who isn't Jack because they will die.


Penguin said:
I understand in the first season it was for shock value, but after a while you learn not to get attached to any character who isn't Jack because they will die.

And Chloe!
If Chloe dies on the next season I'm watching it. How can they kill all the other good characters and keep her.
Another thing I want them to remove is the "kill-the-nameless-guy-helping-Jack-after-he's-done", if a vault door is locked some security guy will open it only to die afterwards.
I wouldn't mind seeing Jack before he was in CTU. Yeah he'd look older but we've had to suspend our disbelief for bigger things.


The seasons are too long, I agree. 24 episodes is too many to keep a tight storyline going and results in the stupid "ohh that LAST distraction was just a distraction for the NEXT distraction!" vortex. The real-time format is beyond ridiculous by this point, it's meaningless other than the clock that shows up every now and then.

I want to see Jack go crazy and die.


I stopped somewhere when season 5 ended and never watch a S6 episode. I'd like to see Jack go crazy terroristy.


It's amazing how everyone wanted Tony to come back, then when he did, people complained that they ran out of ideas.

Everyone pointed out how iffy his death was. No silent clock and the strange loss of time between the two episodes (one episode ends with Jack holding his body, crying, while the next episode begins with Jack standing up over his body, other people are in the room and Tony is being covered with a cloth -- there's a good 2-3 minutes there we didn't see).

They left it very open to bring him back.

The trailer looked awesome, so unlike some people, I'm not going to write off a show because it had one horrible season out of 6. Come on.

If Chloe dies on the next season I'm watching it. How can they kill all the other good characters and keep her.

wtf? They turned Chloe into one of the most liked characters on the show.


omg rite said:
The trailer looked awesome, so unlike some people, I'm not going to write off a show because it had one horrible season out of 6. Come on.
It's not like season 6 came out of nowhere. Season 4 was basically saved by an awesome villain. S5 was more downhill and S6 was just terrible.

I could have sworn reading an interview a year or so ago where someone attached to the show was talking about Jack being in Alaska/Canada and dealing with terrorism between native tribes or something, with CTU getting involved only as limited support via Chloe or someone else. I thought that sounded really neat and a good break, since it would likely involve a lot more wilderness/survivalism.


No6 said:
I could have sworn reading an interview a year or so ago where someone attached to the show was talking about Jack being in Alaska/Canada and dealing with terrorism between native tribes or something, with CTU getting involved only as limited support via Chloe or someone else. I thought that sounded really neat and a good break, since it would likely involve a lot more wilderness/survivalism.

Inuit terrorists :lol


Prime crotch said:
Really? Whinny Chloe?

Yes. She's a fan favorite character.

No6 said:
It's not like season 6 came out of nowhere. Season 4 was basically saved by an awesome villain. S5 was more downhill and S6 was just terrible.

Uh, LOTS of people consider season 5 to be the best of the series, myself included.
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