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The 24 season that almost was

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The Autumn Wind
omg rite said:
wtf? They turned Chloe into one of the most liked characters on the show.
I'll gladly sacrifice Chloe if it means Bill stays safe. I'm kinda over Chloe at this point. She started out annoying, became amusingly dysfunctional, and is now tiresome.
DevelopmentArrested said:
Pretty much. At least the 24 writers had guts to kill off a lot of characters (particularly Season 5 - almost too much in fact). Lost writers kill off shittily written characters nobody cared about in the first place.
Niki and Paulo? Gimme a fucking break
I could care less about even the better written characters on Lost now.

Apples and oranges though. 24 has new settings, new characters coming in a lot, etc. Even so they've killed a lot of favorites, but still the show itself allows that. With LOST, the show itself cant last without a certain group. I can see how people would hate that, but I'm fine with it for now because I know that the show has a certain direction and I know that there are only 2 more seasons. Personally, I fully expect some of the favorites to die between now and then. Until then though, the show must go on.
Stoney Mason said:
As big a fan of 24 as I was, I've always maintained the real time format is a creative dead end and stops any real new innovations that could take place.

cue 24 fan saying that should just make it like Season one and it would rock! It has to be real time!

Yes! 11 great episodes, and 13 shitty ones! :D

24 Season 1 is the most overrated series this side of The Wire.

The only thing Elisha Cupboard is good for is getting sweaty cleavage and pleasing the eyes, fuck if she contributed anything to the story except for High Stakes Benny Hill skits.

eXxy said:
Sad, sad, sad. The end of season 6 provided a decent conclusion to the series.


More like eating a plate of shit, and having a bowl of vomit for dessert. 24 Season 6 was mind bendingly awful.

I also agree that the popularity of the show and politics had anything to do with it. Heroes rightfully kicked season 6's sorry ass.

Get better writers, dickheads!


Worships the porcelain goddess
Either the stop making the show (no shame in that), or turn Jack "bad" and introduce a new main character. That's about the only two options here. Jack has been through so much, it would turn any sane man crazy. And it would be crazy fucking good.


*enters thread*

*wonders if someone, OUT OF FUCKING NO WHERE, decried 24 and then praised Lost*

This thread is on its 3rd page, so it would be a fucking miracle of that didn't happen.


Congrats, TheGreatDave. :lol The Lost tard circle of life remains strong.
MIMIC said:
Congrats, TheGreatDave. :lol The Lost tard circle of life remains strong.

;) I'm not saying Lost is a better show, for the record. Just showing how 24 doesn't give me any real suspense any more, and that's the downfall of 24. I think everybody will admit that as much as you can say the plots aren't as good, the biggest problem facing 24 is it's repetativeness.


Gold Member
Link said:
I'll gladly sacrifice Chloe if it means Bill stays safe. I'm kinda over Chloe at this point. She started out annoying, became amusingly dysfunctional, and is now tiresome.

You know what though, the episode she got stuck in the truck/SUV (what season was that anyway, if it was the 4th, well then the 4th season gets a slight notch for that), and Jack had to instruct her to defend herself with some sort of shotgun, and she took out 2 or 3 people, that was a very enjoyable episode. Especially the "what the fuck did I just do" after it all happened.

She definetly went downhill after that, and I agree the 6th season is an absolute disgrace. It's almost bad enough to make you forget the show was good.


Gold Member
TheGreatDave said:
;) I'm not saying Lost is a better show, for the record. Just showing how 24 doesn't give me any real suspense any more, and that's the downfall of 24. I think everybody will admit that as much as you can say the plots aren't as good, the biggest problem facing 24 is it's repetativeness.

To be fair though, the season before this on Lost (and even the one before that) were both pretty awful. The best thing to happen to that show was they claim to have put a number on the remaining episodes, even if it is 50 episodes too high.
Minsc said:
To be fair though, the season before this on Lost (and even the one before that) were both pretty awful. The best thing to happen to that show was they claim to have put a number on the remaining episodes, even if it is 50 episodes too high.

I had a brief downtime with the show in season 2, but it's been pretty consistent with me since then. I pretty much always look forward to a new episode. And for the first 3 years of 24 I was exactly the same. Season 5 pulled me back somewhat but it's never had that "must-see" feel to it for me since the first few seasons. I adored the show back then, I've probably watched those first 3 years at least three times.


Gold Member
What season is it on now anyway? All I know is I really enjoyed the first season, and maybe the second of Lost. The show itself fell apart for me, when they kept on having episode after episode of absolutely nothing important taking place.

It got so damn bad, it was like "next week on Lost, find out the answer to the three questions you've all been dying to find out!!!"

And then next week, the answer was simply more questions. Ugh. It's a good show when it's moving along though, and I did enjoy the premiere and look forward to it this week.

How 24 took such a nose dive is really beyond me. Then again, not many shows can stay interesting for more than a few years anyway; but 24 only had to do one thing to be good, and they couldn't even do that. It's like every time someone wanted to ignore what Jack said I wanted to shut it off and stop watching.

Oh, you only saved the lives of everyone in the US 10 times over? Can we really trust him???!!! Oh better lock him up in detention, he broke some stupid rule to prevent a nuclear bomb from going off.
Lost took a big turn sort of mid season 3. I'd say the first 6 episodes of that season were pretty lame, but after it got through them and had it's break it came back very strong. This isn't really the thread for it I guess, but I'd go check out some episodes from anywhere past 3x06 if I were you.
TheGreatDave said:
But the conclusion is pretty inevitable. That's my problem with it. It's 23 episodes of Jack not dying but nearly dying, the terrorists not being able to do their final attack and the government fucking around not knowing what to do. I know it goes deeper and they have some arcs with conclusions of sorts but I never ask myself what's going to happen next any more. The shows format limits it from ever being too exciting to me any more.
You can same the same thing about 99% of movies. Good guy vs. bad, good guy gets into trouble, almost gets killed, goes after and kills the bad guy, everyone lives happily ever after.

And if you remove the real-time format, it just becomes another generic action show.
TheGreatDave said:
But the conclusion is pretty inevitable. That's my problem with it. It's 23 episodes of Jack not dying but nearly dying, the terrorists not being able to do their final attack and the government fucking around not knowing what to do. I know it goes deeper and they have some arcs with conclusions of sorts but I never ask myself what's going to happen next any more. The shows format limits it from ever being too exciting to me any more.

Agreed. You can literally predict every beat of the show by this point. I mean down to exactly how an episode will flow and the general arc of a season. My issues with the show have been there since post season 1 but you sort of let it pass because the highs were so high. Two of the last three seasons have really been sub-par however sandwiched between a season five that was saved by a great performance by Gregory Itzin (and to be fair some pretty good twists). If they don't have the balls to actually do anything interesting with the show (which I'm guessing is the case because anything interesting to me would involve scrapping so much baggage the show has accumulated including the real time format) they probably should just end it.

Fun Factor

Formerly FTWer
AgentOtaku said:
I'm guess i'm one of the few who thought S6 was great (even if the formula was getting very tired at that point).....up until they shoehorned in Audrey and the last 2 discs

You're not the only one especially going by that ratings chart post a page back.


how many fucking 'moles' or 'traitors' has CTU had, like fifty? you'd find more loyalty at a mcdonalds staffed by teenagers.


Jake. said:
how many fucking 'moles' or 'traitors' has CTU had, like fifty? you'd find more loyalty at a mcdonalds staffed by teenagers.

Apparently 24 fans are entertained by the same mind numbing plot.


They ruined two seperate chances to have the best story line. They could have done it like this:

1. Instead of Jack being captured at the end of S5, Audrey is. Season 6 turns into Jack going into China going crazy. The Chinese want to capture him because he's totally owning their country, and the US Government wants him because they think he's going to start a war. Basically Jack VS everyone else. Could have finished it with Jack sacrificing himself to save Audrey or something, end the show.


2. End Season 6 with the Chinese escaping with that Russian chip. WWIII starts, Russia VS China VS USA. Jack is sent to China as an operative to totally own them. He also gets revenge for them torturing him and stuff.

I think either of those plots would have been pretty fantastic, if I do say so myself. Both offer a change of location and a change of dynamic. We haven't seen Jack completely by himself against everyone else yet. Nor have we seen him behind enemy lines in a war.


About the first quater of season 6 was awesome, but the drop in quality and sanity after that was ridiculous and has caused me to totally lose faith in the show. It's really annoying too, since I used to love it so much.

Theres plenty more entertaining shows on TV, at least until the shield and the wire are over :'(


MIMIC said:
*enters thread*

*wonders if someone, OUT OF FUCKING NO WHERE, decried 24 and then praised Lost*

This thread is on its 3rd page, so it would be a fucking miracle of that didn't happen.


Congrats, TheGreatDave. :lol The Lost tard circle of life remains strong.

I love how you apparently dislike Lost so much you just have to invest so much of yourself into complaining about it and even bringing it up in threads that have absolutely nothing to do with it. Why even bother? You're probably loving the attention you're getting.


I have to wonder at how much of a reimagining season 7 would have been, though, considering that trailer from a while back had both Jack torturing someone and there being a mole in the FBI.


From article:

At one level, the producers felt angry and insulted -- that they were being scapegoated by the media and politicians for larger problems they didn't create. "We think there's enough nuance in the show and enough complexity introduced into these ideas that we'd gotten a bum rap and we were p--- off about it," says Mr. Gordon, whose youngish appearance, casual attire and dark tan give him the ski-bum look of a Hollywood hot shot. "Even if you look at James Bond, he didn't follow the rules, he broke the law, he had a license to kill. At a certain level, it was a wish fulfillment. It's a fantasy, folks."

Yet at the same time, Mr. Gordon couldn't completely divorce himself from the concern that what Jack was doing was morally questionable at best. "24 is effectively an ad for torture," charges David Danzig, director of the Primetime Torture Project, sponsored by the New York-based Human Rights First. "In almost every episode, the good guys use torture. And when they use torture, it almost always works."

Says Mr. Gordon: "If you're a sensible person -- and someone with some kind of a conscience -- you have to worry about this."

It's just a TV show :lol I'd never vote for Bush but I still manage to enjoy 24.



And the other shoe falls, no wonder Gordon was making excuses and considering he is the showrunner over the last couple of seasons I can see why its been delayed.

Surnow leaving '24'
Co-creator and producer exits to focus on new projects
By Nellie Andreeva

Feb 13, 2008

LOS ANGELES -- "24" co-creator/executive producer Joel Surnow is leaving the Emmy-winning drama.

Surnow's departure is effective immediately. He served as an executive producer on the first eight episodes of Fox's real-time thriller's seventh season that were produced before and into the strike but will not be creatively involved in the remaining 16 episodes, slated to begin filming shortly.

Surnow's overall deal with "24" producer 20th Century Fox TV was up April 30. This week, the writer-producer asked the studio to release him early, to which they agreed.

Instead of signing a show deal to continue providing services on "24," Surnow decided to go for "a clean break" and leave altogether to focus on new projects, sources said. ("24" co-creator/executive producer Robert Cochran's overall pact with 20th TV also expired last year, but he continues to work on the series.)

"Joel created one of the landmark series of this decade in '24' and his contribution to its creative excellence over the years has been immeasurable," Fox said in a statement Wednesday. "While he leaves the show in the incredibly capable hands of the talented Howard Gordon, his input will always be welcome."

In the past few years, since executive producer Gordon took the reins of the 20th TV/Imagine TV series as showrunner, Surnow has been developing other projects on the side, including the "The 1/2 Hour News Hour" for Fox News Channel.

Surnow, Cochran and Gordon also shepherded a number of pilots through their production banner Real Time Prods., which will no longer exist, as the three principals won't be at the same roof anymore.

The openly conservative Surnow, who jokingly labeled himself a "right-wing nut," has been the most visible of the masterminds behind "24."

He hasn't shied from speaking his mind and made headlines in November when he asked, "Are we nuts thinking Hillary Clinton could be president of this country? Honest to God, just stand back and think about it."

Ironically, the upcoming seventh season of "24," slated to debut in January 2009, features the first female U.S. president, played by Cherry Jones.


Junior Member
Stoney Mason said:

Don't forget zombie Edgar!
oMg, spoiLLULLZ daT!
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