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The 89th Academy Awards |OT| La La Land up 3-1, they got this

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Are you guys seriously defending him?

I mean, yeah yeah, stage pressure I know. He was probably very nervous. But that doesnt excuse him for being so rude. It wasnt Warren's fault. It wasnt anybody's fault there.

The way he took the envelope from Warren's hand was ridiculous, rude and stupid. No excuses.

Yes, I am.

He was nervous, acted without thinking, nobody got hurt. Totally understandable.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Are you guys seriously defending him?

I mean, yeah yeah, stage pressure I know. He was probably very nervous. But that doesnt excuse him for being so rude. It wasnt Warren's fault. It wasnt anybody's fault there.

The way he took the envelope from Warren's hand was ridiculous, rude and stupid. No excuses.

We're talking about possibly the biggest, arguably most-meaningful award of the year in all of media and entertainment.

This isn't just flubbing your line in the middle of a high-school musical. This is stuff that's gonna be on international news. You try keeping your cool solving this problem.

More importantly, I think it's pretty clear he had the best intentions regardless.
Yes, for the same reason that the Atlanta Falcons decide to throw the ball and risk a sack when they are already in field goal range for a game-clinching kick, or for the same reason that Steph Curry lazily tosses a backwards pass out of bounds in the final minutes of a tight game 7. Human error happens all the time, regardless of how many are watching on television. The people inside your television are still actually fallible human beings who frequently fuck up like all of us do.

In those cases mistakes affect the people negatively. The opposite is true in this case because there is no face to who messed an envelope up and PWC only audits the ballots. It is a ratings and water cooler grab in my opinion. I think it's great.


Are you guys seriously defending him?

I mean, yeah yeah, stage pressure I know. He was probably very nervous. But that doesnt excuse him for being so rude. It wasnt Warren's fault. It wasnt anybody's fault there.

The way he took the envelope from Warren's hand was ridiculous, rude and stupid. No excuses.

He was angry and wanted to make sure everybody knew Moonlight was the rightful winner. No one had any idea what had happened, he just wanted to bring everyone's attention to the card so that they didn't think it was a joke. It's not like he tossed him over or yelled or anything, I'd probably have done the same thing. FFS the guy had won and found out seconds later he had not, it's easy to discuss what the "100% perfect" way to handle it would be hours after the incident happened, he barely had time to process whatever the fuck was going on.
Are you guys seriously defending him?

I mean, yeah yeah, stage pressure I know. He was probably very nervous. But that doesnt excuse him for being so rude. It wasnt Warren's fault. It wasnt anybody's fault there.

The way he took the envelope from Warren's hand was ridiculous, rude and stupid. No excuses.

haha for real. I was waiting for the secret service to tackle that dude, and then I realized that Warren Beatty wasn't a former president and I was like "Why not?" We elected the wrong Warren tbh



My happiness for the cast and crew of Moonlight is only equaled by how mortified I am on behalf of everyone involved in La La Land.

The ineptitude that resulted in this accident sure does make the Academy look bad. How hard is it for them to pull off their one essential job... making sure the right thing is in the right envelope?


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
Are you guys seriously defending him?

I mean, yeah yeah, stage pressure I know. He was probably very nervous. But that doesnt excuse him for being so rude. It wasnt Warren's fault. It wasnt anybody's fault there.

The way he took the envelope from Warren's hand was ridiculous, rude and stupid. No excuses.

He was rude, sure, but most people in that situation probably would've been way ruder. I'm not going to fault a guy for being pissed and trying his best to not show it.


He does and you might even think Keith seems correct (he does), but then later on the film makes it clear we're supposed to dislike Keith and his perspective on art. Even if you're enjoying his music, every single escalation as he plays and each reaction shot of Emma Stone's character makes it clear we're supposed to be horrified by how much they're sell outs.

Stone is so repulsed by what she sees in that scene that she is actually pushed away from the stage physically. While the writing in the earlier scene allowed for some nuance in who you might agree with, the camerawork and editing in this performance leaves no doubt about who the film is saying is right.
Yeah I was very disappointed by how that was handled. Keith seems to make the right argument but the film depicts this as Seb merely selling out his dream, a step into commercialised nonsense. Not as a learning experience or an evolution of Seb's dreams. And that ultimately is the film's major failure, its narrow and shallow notions of the origins and rigidity of one's ambition and dreams. Still a charming film though.
The second producer? No he handled it brilliantly.

The first one? That intentionally made an acceptance speech knowing they didn't win? No. He handled it badly.

He didn't do it intentionally. He realized midway or towards the end of the speech that there was an error and just rolled with it.


In the Seb and Keith scene, didn't Keith call out Seb for his "jazz traditionalism" since its a contradiction not actually following in the spirit of jazz?

Jazz is in a weird position where many standard tunes are actually pop songs from earlier days. But trying to do that today with modern music feels weird to a lot of jazz musicians, probably because of the simplistic chord structures. I'm all for it personally, which is why I like Bad Plus, but it's certainly up in the air what the "spirit of jazz" means anymore.

I haven't seen the movie, but if the argument was about using modern pop music in Jazz, it really has absolutely no racial component besides what the viewer brings to the table.


He actually handled it all pretty well, considering how fast it all was and the emotions involved. He had to gather around his crew to let them know what had happened, process the fact that they had not won, correct the mistake and keep his cool while making sure it all happened quickly.

Yeah and it wasn't even his job to do that. The fact that there wasn't an Oscar briar producer out there doing the correcting to the audience was unprofessional as shit.

Cider X

Are you guys seriously defending him?

I mean, yeah yeah, stage pressure I know. He was probably very nervous. But that doesnt excuse him for being so rude. It wasnt Warren's fault. It wasnt anybody's fault there.

The way he took the envelope from Warren's hand was ridiculous, rude and stupid. No excuses.

Imagine being decorated with the highest honor in your field of work, a chance of a lifetime which may never happen again, only to be told minutes later that "No you actually didn't win"... All in front of hundreds of million people watching around the world. Dude handled it the best way he could.
To clarify: I don't think the dude is some sort of heinous piece of shit. Just that it was a bad call that made things appear a little shady.

Dude you were WAY harsher on Berger just a few minutes ago:

ALSO: if you rewatch, you can see that the show's producers are filling in the recipients while the speeches are going on. Horowitz & the other bald guy absolutely know they did not win. Watch 'em in the background.

Here's some shady shit: The other bald guy goes up and starts delivering his speech ANYWAY. He starts his speech knowing they didn't win, that the wrong envelope got read, and it's only after Horowitz starts taking control that he gives it up and is like "We lost, by the way."

Crazy. Like, he was just sorta gambling that... what, the Academy would just let it rock?

It's fine to admit that, in retrospect, he wasn't doing "shady shit" and "gambling" that the Academy would "let it rock".


That would have been nice, but I actually like that it went down this way. Instead of just being another Oscar winner that's a trivia question in a decade, this pretty much immortalized it. At next year's Oscars this'll probably be a joke to start off the night.
There's some complains in this thread that this ruined Moonlight moment, but most people didn't remember that Spotlight won last year of Birdman in 2015
But Moonlight winning with all this mess? It's gonna take some years to people to forget
Bruh earlier in the thread you wished people would leave politics and opinions outta movies...your sentiments don't matter

Do you always act like a piece of shit on GAF, or is it just today?

You damn well know I was referring to Mel as a film director/actor vs his personal life.. Politics in general (ie: Trump) wasn't part of the context, so... bruh...
I'm sorry, are we saying the producers of the film that accidentally won, and subsequently presented the ACTUAL film that won quite quickly, are cunts?

Is that what we're trying to say?
Again, you just throw out "knowingly" and "shady" like they are objective things.

Well, "shady" is me saying how I thought it looked. But "knowingly" is really, really obvious. He knew.

Again, I get that your empathies go towards him freely and easily because you've experienced a similar situation and the overwhelming nature of it was very, very memorable and disorienting for you. I'm not saying you're wrong for that or anything! But I don't think he was as helpless to go down the path he took as you're casting him. He made a choice on the spot in an unprecedented situation and it was a bad call, that looks a little worse in contrast to how Jordan handled it.

I don't think that's "hot take culture dunking on someone" or whatever.

It was a big mess televised live to hundreds of millions of people. The Oscars are like the Super Bowl for movie fans, and this isn't all that different from spectators talking about the crazy ass play that ended the game in overtime.

Laces out, wide left, etc. etc.

edit: maybe it's more like Chris Webber calling time out when he doesn't have any? Something like that.

Dude you were WAY harsher on Berger just a few minutes ago:

Is that "way harsher" really? It looked shady. He didn't want to do it and then he did it anyway. "We lost, by the way." What's harsh about watching all that and going "was he just sorta hoping they'd let it rock?"


I feel like some people are confusing what bald dude is actually being talked about.

Yep they are confusing them ... there are two bald dudes ,,,one that said "we lost by they way" was different form one who grabbed the envelope to make it clear.

The last guys speaking had just turned around to find out what had happened and said immediately, we lost... it was a bit crass the way he blurted it and the phrase but to say it was a Dick move on these guys is wrong in my perception ...I just re watched it several times


I'm sorry, are we saying the producers of the film that accidentally won, and subsequently presented the ACTUAL film that won quite quickly, are cunts?

Is that what we're trying to say?

Dude who snatched the envelope and said Moonlight won is cool, we get it...the dude who made a speech after he knew he lost, ehhh not cool really (but it's a crazy moment so he shouldn't get too killed I guess).


Do you always act like a piece of shit on GAF, or is it just today?

You damn well know I was referring to Mel as a film director/actor vs his personal life.. Politics in general (ie: Trump) wasn't part of the context, so... bruh...
Nah bruh, your words said keep politics and opinions outta movies because people were being rightfully upset at Mel "I hoped you get raped by a pack of niggers" Gibson. It's okay to like a piece of shit, but don't get upset when people don't like racist unapologetic cuntbags
I haven't seen the movie, but if the argument was about using modern pop music in Jazz, it really has absolutely no racial component besides what the viewer brings to the table.

Bingo. The scene is about Seb's contradictions. He idolizes the origins of Jazz as a dynamic style, but refuses to embrace contemporary Jazz because he feels it's not in the spirit of Jazz. It's a massive character flaw, and once he moves past that he starts developing more as a character.


The scene is pretty much:

*Ryan Gosling looking uncomfortable*

John Legend: Hey man, I know this isn't your traditional style of jazz, but jazz is about experimentation and progress so quit being such a ding dong about it

Ryan Gosling: Yeah you're probably right

Also being black=understanding jazz ?

I already explained the scene and opined that I didn't interpret the scene as whitesplaining, but later added that I'm not going to tell people how to feel about it.

What I'm saying is that white people shouldn't be explaining jazz to black people like they own the genre.

Jazz is for everyone to enjoy. Black culture can be enjoyed without being patronizing.
Dude clearly wasn't angry or trying to be rude to Beatty, he just wanted to quickly make sure people knew this wasn't a joke. it seemed like his priority was to shift attention rightfully towards Moonlight, which, all things considered, was pretty cool of him.
I'm sorry, are we saying the producers of the film that accidentally won, and subsequently presented the ACTUAL film that won quite quickly, are cunts?

Is that what we're trying to say?

Well, first of all, we're only really talking about one of them, the one that knew that there was a mistake, went up to make a speech anyway and then finished by saying "we lost by the way."

Personally, I think it's fine. He was just going with the flow that he planned out in his head, but clearly didn't try to hide it for very long.


Some of you are acting like Horowitz punched Warren in the face and then told him to go fuck himself lol.

Exactly ....dude knew a mistake had been made was embarrassed to be put in that position, pissed that Warren just didn't stop and ask someone when he saw envelope was wrong and want to make it right... watch it again and you can see the dude is trying to do the right thing as quickly and clearly as possible... anyone can see anything else baffles me unless you are looking to be offended by that dude


What did you guys think of Kimmel?

Imagine being decorated with the highest honor in your field of work, a chance of a lifetime which may never happen again, only to be told minutes later that "No you actually didn't win"... All in front of hundreds of million people watching around the world. Dude handled it the best way he could.
Handled it better than most folk that got their Breath of the Wild Master Edition canceled. :p
Dude clearly wasn't angry or trying to be rude to Beatty, he just wanted to quickly make sure people knew this wasn't a joke. it seemed like his priority was to shift attention rightfully towards Moonlight, which, all things considered, was pretty cool of him.

Yeah, he handled the situation like a responsible adult.
Nah bruh, your words said keep politics and opinions outta movies because people were being rightfully upset at Mel "I hoped you get raped by a pack of niggers" Gibson. It's okay to like a piece of shit, but don't get upset when people don't like racist unapologetic cuntbags
Ok bruh whatever you say...You should probably go back to another one of your numerous angry rants and arguments you have going on in this thred with others, while I add you to my ignore list.
I already explained the scene and opined that I didn't interpret the scene as whitesplaining, but later added that I'm not going to tell people how to feel about it.

What I'm saying is that white people shouldn't be explaining jazz to black people like they own the genre.

Jazz is for everyone to enjoy. Black culture can be enjoyed without being patronizing.

Ok, I guess we just disagree on what Seb's intent was in the scene(s). Fair enough.


By the time Horowitz was yanking the card out of Beatty's hand, Beatty was already as useless on that stage as the non-autotuned vocal tracks from La La Land.


I already explained the scene and opined that I didn't interpret the scene as whitesplaining, but later added that I'm not going to tell people how to feel about it.

What I'm saying is that white people shouldn't be explaining jazz to black people like they own the genre.

Jazz is for everyone to enjoy. Black culture can be enjoyed without being patronizing.

How does explaining a genre of music = acting like they own it?
Dude who snatched the envelope and said Moonlight won is cool, we get it...the dude who made a speech after he knew he lost, ehhh not cool really (but it's a crazy moment so he shouldn't get too killed I guess).

Well, first of all, we're only talking about one of them, the one that knew that there was a mistake, went up to make a speech anyway and then finished by saying "we lost by the way."

Personally, I think it's fine. He was just going with the flow that he planned out in his head, but clearly didn't try to hide it for very long.

Copy that. I think my friends and I were losing our minds when this faux speech was made, oooof. Rough. Moonlight is a tremendous film, though, deserves the Oscar.
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