Why can't we just be happy that Fox and Marvel have both created some pretty damn awesome superhero movies? Like, why does every fucking thing have to be an either or versus?
I loved Logan. I loved Deadpool. I loved Wonder Woman. I loved the Cap Trilogy. I loved Spider-Man Homecoming and the Raimi Spidey movies (3 was a poor SM2 sequel, but it was a fun Raimi movie with badly shoehorned in Venom). The Guardians movies are both really well done and fun movies. Iron Man 3 is such a Shane Black movie, and sadly underappreciated (I loved it, actually). Iron Man one is a classic, period. The Avengers movies are also fun, flawed, but still a treat to see all of these characters together on screen. Doctor Strange was visually great, but I think, while good, is my least favorite of the MCU movies not called Thor 2. Thor 1 was entertaining, but they squandered a lot of fun they could have had with the fish out of water aspect of Thor's time on earth. Ant-Man was also entertaining, although I was bummed we didn't get Wright's version, and could see some of that DNA in the finished product.
I mean, as a kid who grew up in the 80's watching all of these superhero cartoons from Marvel and DC, it's been fucking awesome to see, at least on the Marvel end, these classic heroes realized on the big screen, and realized well. And to have characters I only had a vague knowledge of (like The Guardians of the Galaxy), surprise me and entertain me. I mean, 10 years ago, if you had told me that Captain America would have one of the best movie trilogies in superhero film (and one of my favorite live action superheroes), I'd have laughed in your face, taken your temperature, and dropped you off at the pharmacy for some Robitussin.
I feel like we're swimming in quality superhero movies (Hellboy 2 is one of my favorites of all time), and it will hopefully get better, and DC will take to heart the success of Wonder Woman and work to bring us the same with the upcoming DCEU films.
I guess I just can't be arsed to argue about "who wore it better," when I'm in a comic nerd bliss because of all of this cool shit. The DC TV shows have been fun (if inconsistent), too. Please let Spawn and the new Hellboy movies be good as well!
And I forgot the Marvel Netflix shows too. Outside of Iron Fist, those have been great! I excited for The Punisher show as well.