Wow, what a finale. I had to digest it slowly because there was a lot of development (unsolved mind) that happened.
- Those 15 mins wasted on those sex-conference feels like a waste, definitely the most disappointing aspect of this episode.
- Stan gaining power over Gadd is really interesting. Now, he may ask for NIna without going rogue.
- I think, Elizabeth's speech about lies and how everyone have their own secret was her downfall, because she was basically asking Paige to go against her Christian roots.
- Philip was the star of the episode. The moment he killed that poor IT man, you knew he about to have a mental breakdown, because, he wasn't even doing it for his country.
- Henry sure stay with Stan a lot. I wonder if there is a connection growing between those two that might actually bring danger to Philip and Elizabeth.
- Where is is Kimberly?
- I am getting tired of Nina sup-plot now. Nothing but going in circles.
-That ending where Paige tell the Pastor everything, I have a feeling it might not be as big as you guys think. Maybe, Phillip will visit The Pastor to discuss Paige's mental fortitude or something.
-Also, great, no, magnificent usage of Regan's speech regarding USSR and them being the ''Evil'' empire. Some lovely shooting and editing right there.
- Needless to say, can't wait for Season 4