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The assassination of Kara Lynne by the cowards at Limited Run Games


This is just heartbreaking. Imagine a pedophile brony ruining your life over something so trivial

this is so sad, but imo has revealed the true character of these groups. they just want to destroy the lives of anyone that doesn't agree with everything they say and fall in line. It's no longer about "listen to victims". It's not #metoo. It's not "these people are advocating us to be MURDERED". It's devolved to "you brought up a concern in a healthy, non-threatening manner and follow people on social media who's ideology we don't agree with -- we will now destroy your life."

I am very liberal/progressive, have voted this way for over a decade and in the last 2 months I was banned on Era and r/games, all related to HL and providing evidence of the hypocrisy of targeting content creators. On the plus side, I'm pulling away from gaming/social media communities and internet in general. I deleted Facebook years ago, I don't have twitter and never post or advertise anything about where I work. No bullshit argument on reddit or a gaming forum is worth jeopardizing my or my family's well being.

I hope Kara lands on her feet somewhere, sounds like she's having a really rough time. Motherfuckers needs to go outside and touch some goddamn grass.
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Dr. Claus

this is so sad, but imo has revealed the true character of these groups. they just want to destroy the lives of anyone that doesn't agree with everything they say and fall in line. It's no longer about "listen to victims". It's not #metoo. It's not "these people are advocating us to be MURDERED". It's devolved to "you brought up a concern in a healthy, non-threatening manner and follow people on social media who's ideology we don't agree with -- we will now destroy your life."

I am very liberal/progressive, have voted this way for over a decade and in the last 2 months I was banned on Era and r/games, all related to HL and providing evidence of the hypocrisy of targeting content creators. On the plus side, I'm pulling away from gaming/social media communities and internet in general. I deleted Facebook years ago, I don't have twitter and never post or advertise anything about where I work. No bullshit argument on reddit or a gaming forum is worth jeopardizing my or my family's well being.

I hope Kara lands on her feet somewhere, sounds like she's having a really rough time. Motherfuckers needs to go outside and touch some goddamn grass.

Sadly that won't happen. They will find a new target, forget about this person entirely and try to ruin more lives.

Pathetic fucking losers, the lot of them. Meanwhile LRG just silences/bans anyone who calls them out. Fucking pathetic.


Sadly that won't happen. They will find a new target, forget about this person entirely and try to ruin more lives.

Pathetic fucking losers, the lot of them. Meanwhile LRG just silences/bans anyone who calls them out. Fucking pathetic.

The purification of society never stops, the witch hunts are unending, anyone that steps out of line must be cancelled. That's why this movement is so evil at its root, it believes that if you adopt their nonsensical set of beliefs, they will purify humanity and reach a communist utopia. Who cares if a few heads have to roll, just ask our buddy Robespierre.


The purification of society never stops, the witch hunts are unending, anyone that steps out of line must be cancelled. That's why this movement is so evil at its root, it believes that if you adopt their nonsensical set of beliefs, they will purify humanity and reach a communist utopia. Who cares if a few heads have to roll, just ask our buddy Robespierre.
they’re just the modern form of the witch hunt/red scare but it’s okay when they do it because they’re on the “right side of history” 🙄 (as if essentially every evil action performed through human history wasn’t done by people who thought the same way…)


this is so sad, but imo has revealed the true character of these groups. they just want to destroy the lives of anyone that doesn't agree with everything they say and fall in line. It's no longer about "listen to victims". It's not #metoo. It's not "these people are advocating us to be MURDERED". It's devolved to "you brought up a concern in a healthy, non-threatening manner and follow people on social media who's ideology we don't agree with -- we will now destroy your life."

I am very liberal/progressive, have voted this way for over a decade and in the last 2 months I was banned on Era and r/games, all related to HL and providing evidence of the hypocrisy of targeting content creators. On the plus side, I'm pulling away from gaming/social media communities and internet in general. I deleted Facebook years ago, I don't have twitter and never post or advertise anything about where I work. No bullshit argument on reddit or a gaming forum is worth jeopardizing my or my family's well being.

I hope Kara lands on her feet somewhere, sounds like she's having a really rough time. Motherfuckers needs to go outside and touch some goddamn grass.
Horseshoe Theory


always chasing the next thrill
Sorry but those weren’t real friends. Real friends wouldn’t abandon you for having a different view.
He won't even pay the rent on the x building. I wouldn't trust him to pay shit.

"Twitter is facing a lawsuit from Columbia Property that accused the company of failing to make payments on its lease and alleged that it owed more than $136,000 as of December. The lawsuit also alleged that Musk said he would only pay Twitter's rent "over his dead body."

The lawsuit will mean more publicity, though. That's an investment of sorts.

What is Musk's side of the story when it comes to the rent and such, anyhow? I'm guessing if there's a lawsuit he can't talk about it, so I doubt he's said much.

Edit: nm posted elsewhere

Your post contains a lot more information, though, along with followup tweets. And those are pretty important right now, considering you can't read the site without an account anymore.
100%. Elon's only interested in stoking certain fires. I can't believe the mask that hasn't just slipped but is now lying in the gutter covered in piss appears to still be fooling so many.
EVERYONE these days are only interested in stoking certain fires. There's very little integrity left anywhere, especially from those with power, or those who should be criticizing Musk and others with power. Have you not noticed this?

Beyond that, all this "mask is slipping" is just continued bad faith. I can think of several instances where Musk was a complete hypocrite, and I've disagreed with a lot (most?) of the choices that he's made lately, but I do think he believes what he says.
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Resident Crybaby
Edit: Posted elsewhere but further progress:



He won't even pay the rent on the x building. I wouldn't trust him to pay shit.

"Twitter is facing a lawsuit from Columbia Property that accused the company of failing to make payments on its lease and alleged that it owed more than $136,000 as of December. The lawsuit also alleged that Musk said he would only pay Twitter's rent "over his dead body."

Ooooh boy.
Comments Popcorn GIF by HyperX

Now we're talking.

Rather interesting turn of events....

Dude can't even pay the influencers he bribed to stay on his platform:


I wouldn't hold my breath.
This isn't a Musk/Twitter thread. This is a Kara Lynn being abused by regressive shitheels thread. Let's stay on topic.
Good point, and I'll keep that in mind.

If a lawsuit does happen, I'm not so sure Lynne has much legal ground to stand on, but perhaps just the threat of the discovery process and the continued bad PR for Limited Run Games will get them to settle and give her a bunch of money. It will be interesting to see where this goes.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
It’s not worth it to set yourself up as a political pawn in the culture wars. Elon is not looking to help someone like Kara Lynne in a meaningful way. He’s trying to score populist points and divert attention away from his operational problems.

Elon doesn’t pay his bills, misrepresents his positions and products, backs out of deals. And that’s when it’s in legal contracts, not “believe me guys I’ll pay for unlimited legal fees” in a tweet.

Someone’s going to end up jumping in head first expecting backup and they’ll be sorely mistaken.

Kara should be careful.
It’s not worth it to set yourself up as a political pawn in the culture wars. Elon is not looking to help someone like Kara Lynne in a meaningful way. He’s trying to score populist points and divert attention away from his operational problems.

Elon doesn’t pay his bills, misrepresents his positions and products, backs out of deals. And that’s when it’s in legal contracts, not “believe me guys I’ll pay for unlimited legal fees” in a tweet.

Someone’s going to end up jumping in head first expecting backup and they’ll be sorely mistaken.

Kara should be careful.
She does not strike me as a particularly savy person. Teaming up with Eric July is a weird move, especially since I kinda have not heard anything good about his self-made comic book (other than being financially successful) . Problem with Eric July is he became deeply entrenched in culture wars so... this looks like a move to get more marketing


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I thought we are supposed to refrain from talking about Elon Musk and Twitter here?

Anyways, she can talk to him privately and see what he has to say. I don't care if it's an ulterior motive or not as long as she might be able to get something out of this. Maybe it's doubtful but I'm hoping.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Teaming up with Eric July is a weird move, especially since I kinda have not heard anything good about his self-made comic book (other than being financially successful) . Problem with Eric July is he became deeply entrenched in culture wars so... this looks like a move to get more marketing
Yes. The gaming industry tends toward extreme cowardice though. Any time someone gets targeted by a social media mob for virtually anything they become unhireable. So that could've been the only decent offer she had. People have to work, and she's not some big industry name with leverage.


Good point, and I'll keep that in mind.

If a lawsuit does happen, I'm not so sure Lynne has much legal ground to stand on, but perhaps just the threat of the discovery process and the continued bad PR for Limited Run Games will get them to settle and give her a bunch of money. It will be interesting to see where this goes.
But if it really happens it will be a huge detterrent for companies to do that type of shit. This could very well be a game changer.
I tend to think Lynne has some ground, but I'm not familiar with the US laws, so.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
I tend to think Lynne has some ground, but I'm not familiar with the US laws, so.
Labor laws in America are shit. The best she could hope for is a successful "wrongful termination" lawsuit - which really isn't a possibility unless you were fired for something that's federally protected (your gender or race or religion, for example). Most states (including North Carolina, where LRG headquarters is) are "at will" employment states, meaning that you can leave your job any time and employers can fire you for any reason (that's not federally protected; see above).

What happened to her sucks, but the legal system in America isn't exactly on her side. That being said, the owners of LRG might be shitting themselves right now thinking that someone like Musk might come after them with "unlimited resources".
But if it really happens it will be a huge detterrent for companies to do that type of shit. This could very well be a game changer.
I tend to think Lynne has some ground, but I'm not familiar with the US laws, so.
In the US companies can generally fire you for nearly any reason at any time, but employees can also leave for any reason at any time. The only protections are mostly related to race, sex, and other such immutable characteristics.
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In the US companies can generally fire you for nearly any reason at any time, but employees can also leave for any reason at any time.
I don't understand that but.
In Italy companies can't fire you at will, they need good reason. And you can leave whenever the fuck you want... you're not a slave.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
"Right to work" I think that's called. It allows employers to get away with all sorts of shit unfortunately but I don't think every state has that. Mine does unfortunately.
Right to work (North Carolina has it) is its own thing that often gets confused with "at will employment". It just means you have the right to choose whether you'll be represented (and have to pay) for union representation - aka, a workplace cannot force you to pay union dues.

At-will employment is US common law, meaning all states use it as the default for employment. Except for Montana, which is the only state where you are only "at will" for the first six months of your employment.
In Italy companies can't fire you at will, they need good reason.
It's usually not as bad as it sounds. Most workplaces will give you several written warnings and only fire you for specifically violating company policy. My guess is that's because they want to protect themselves from the possibility of an ex-employee claiming that they were fired for a different reason that would be legally protected.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Fuz


What time is it?
She does not strike me as a particularly savy person. Teaming up with Eric July is a weird move, especially since I kinda have not heard anything good about his self-made comic book (other than being financially successful) . Problem with Eric July is he became deeply entrenched in culture wars so... this looks like a move to get more marketing
I don't know much about Eric July as I only saw his takedown of Brianna Wu who isn't exactly difficulty to dunk on, but at some point, a job is a job and it isn't difficult to imagine she's being shunned in the games media sector.

That said, Elon is a Charlatan. The best thing about him buying Twitter is more people are starting to realize this.
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Vox Machina

Good point, and I'll keep that in mind.

If a lawsuit does happen, I'm not so sure Lynne has much legal ground to stand on, but perhaps just the threat of the discovery process and the continued bad PR for Limited Run Games will get them to settle and give her a bunch of money. It will be interesting to see where this goes.

I don't think winning is the point for Elon. The point is to bring it in front of a judge in a very public way and and get a judge to acknowledge that this person was fired for having "different" thoughts. That acknowledgement probably won't change much about the outcome but, again, that isn't the point.

It's also meant to scare companies away from this sort of behavior in the future. The calculus changes when you know you're likely in for a lawsuit with real monetary backing versus just canning a single employee and realistically facing no repurcussions.


Sucks to see the internet mob go after someone for ancient shit.
Feels good to see it fire back at the original dude.

But then sucks to see libs of tik tok try get involved in this as they're legitimately transphobic
And elon trying to hop on this bandwagon means i'm noping the fuck outta here.
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