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The baseball playoffs have inadvertently led me to the conclusion that..

MVP Baseball 2004 is one of the greatest sports games ever created. I've been playing it a load simulating the DS/CS/WS matchups, and having a blast.

Even though I hadn't played MVP much at all throughout the bulk of the summer (NFL2K5 had been my sports kick), I still chose to play at All-Star difficulty, and boy was I getting owned. At the plate I was chasing all kinds of pitches, and when I was hitting the ball I was shanking balls or hitting them right to the outfielders. I was also getting owned in the pitching department as well, losing my focus and not coming at hitters with any sort of approach.

Boy have things changed since then. At the plate now I always have a "spot" (ie where I want to hit the ball) planned based on the hitters stats, the position in the lineup, number of outs, etc. I've gotten a lot better at guessing whether or not the pitcher with throw balls or strikes based on the hitter (cleanup with men on base won't likely see a first pitch strike etc) and the count. The pitch chart can also be a useful tool in seeing if you're getting a lot of offspeed stuff or getting a lot of inside pitches et al. I've also focused on (beginning..to sound..corny) breathing and following the motion of the pitcher and the ball coming out of his hands. It's made me a much better hitter and I really feel like I earn it when I drive in runs.

On the pitching front I've become far more consistent also. While it's been noted that the hot/cold zones aren't always a surefire means of besting a hitter, I've found that if you can get ahead of a batter, you can always lean on your best pitch in their cold zone for a K or at least a poorly hit ball. Speaking of 'best pitch', I've also quit being so generous in spreading around all the different pitches and instead focusing on the pitchers dominant 2 or 3. Repetition of your best (and thusly hardest to hit) pitch does well to setup your less dominant pitches for K's, particularly when changing speeds or areas of the strikezone. Pitching is a total joy for me now and I really relish getting out of jams and racking up K's. I've also seemed to get the whole mound visit timing down to a science.

The minor flaws I've found with the game mostly revolve around lack of walks (which is largely a user thing considering you're swinging the bat/pitching for the K's/hits), the occassional awkwardness when trying to orchestrate bang-bang plays on the infield (sometimes they auto flip the ball, and others they hesitate), and a slight ease in hitting shots straight back up the middle. Hitting the gaps in the outfield is far harder for the user than the CPU batters, but if the infielders are at all spread, a little down-middle english on the left stick can yield easy singles for non-power hitters. Sometimes my games seem dominated by either homers or hard singles past the pitcher. Every time I try to pull one tight down the line I either get a hard dig by the 1st/3rd baseman, a flyout, or a foul ball. Rarely do you get those gap bloopers you see in real life.

But all in all, the gameplay in MVP is as fun and rewarding as any sports game I've ever played. Utilizing real baseball strategy really pays off, and I think you can effectively say that you love a sports game if you can have fun in losing. I was considering selling this game recently in order to rack up some credit toward Paper Mario, but in retrospect I'm so glad that I resurrected my interest in it. The game is fucking fantastic and I hope they do very little tweaking of the formula next year. Hell if I could buy this years game with updated '05 rosters for full price, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Thank you EA, thank you.

*Editors note: Praise of this game does not include franchise or other modes..ok homerun derby and strikeout challenge are the bomb too, but you get my drift..


How I was going to nab this as an Easter present to myself but instead nabbed MGS:TTS. GRR. However, I've heard nothing but good things and won't waste my money on a baseball game until MVP 2005.


I can't wait for MVP 2005. MVP 2004 was a lot of fun, my only disappointment was online play. You couldn't play ANYONE 100+ miles away from you without experiencing a ton of lag. I could only play FMT since he was the only GAF MVP online player on the west coast... :\

J2 Cool

My favorite game in the past year. Seriously, I've played it more than any other game since I don't even know when. Play it with friends a lot too. Pitching offspeed and throwing the right stuff is so damn fun if they're human. Pitching a 3 hitter really feels great when you see how much you frustrated them. It got real competitive too throughout the entire baseball season.

Plus, I've played close to 80 games in an actual full season. Just play a game at night or whenever Im thinking about baseball. The gameplay really is the closest thing to real ball I know too. Too tired to say much now but it's possibly the best baseball game I've ever played.


Yeah, great game.

I've pretty much gotten comfortable with All-star, so I'll be moving up to MVP in the coming days.

I played a ton of Astros vs Braves, Astros vs Cards, Astros vs Red Sox, Astros vs Yankees, Red Sox vs Yankees, and Red Sox vs Cards now. It's fun fun fun fun fun :D


I started a franchise...got to about 100 games. Then started over cause I wanted a new Franchise with the updated Trade deadline rosters.

I'm now at about 140 games since, and have the NL Central pretty much wrapped up. For a twist...I'm going to move up to MVP in the playoffs. :D
Yeah what pisses me off is that, even though a couple of my friends know how to play the game down to the baserunning and all, because they don't have the approach that I do, they always expect me to throw strikes all the time. It's like because they'll chase anything, I'm looked upon as the bad guy for throwing Barry Bonds (or the simu-Bonds I created, rather) 2 straight balls to start the at-bat. I still have fun playing with them, but it's like I practically have to groove them a few just to keep things interesting.

Getting them to adopt any sort of patience or approach is out of the question. Sucks because without online they are my only human comp. Maybe one day I'll get the opportunity to bomb on you fucks via online sometime..;)
Not to rub it in or get off topic Joe, but gotdamn you guys got fucking 0WNED. I just went through .4 last summer, which argueably was one of the greatest high-low moments in sports history (I'm a Spurs fan, was at a sports bar in SA when Duncan hit his WTF shot, everyone going apeshit, followed by Fisher ripping out the hearts of people cheering as though they won the lotto not moments before), but the fact that your ownage was spread over the period of a week makes it in a way far more shocking. It's like you saw your team slowly desolve from a position of unstoppability to total ineptitude. I cannot imagine being a Yankee fan and going through what you've just went through. Even though I hate the Yanks, my condolences.




hehe sorry. uncontrollable outbursts. :)


DMczaf said:
I can't wait for MVP 2005. MVP 2004 was a lot of fun, my only disappointment was online play. You couldn't play ANYONE 100+ miles away from you without experiencing a ton of lag. I could only play FMT since he was the only GAF MVP online player on the west coast... :\

Heh, I think Matrix and I played about 250 games of that. Awesome game, and we had lagless play...but every other game was full of lag. No regrets though...I got my money's worth.



My friend has actually become somewhat decent competition. We took a series to 5 games and another to 7. I didn't save the 7 game series...but here's what the 5 game series ended up looking like....I was Boston.

Game 1
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9    R  H E
HOU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0    0  8 0
BOS 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 X    3 10 0

W - Schilling
L - Clemens
S - Foulke

Game 2
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9    R  H E
HOU 0 0 0 3 1 0 7 0 0   11 23 0
BOS 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 1    4 13 1

W - Oswalt
L - Martinez

Game 3
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9    R  H E
BOS 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 1    5 10 1
HOU 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0    3  7 0

W - Arroyo
L - Backe
S - Foulke

Game 4
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9    R  H E
BOS 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1    3 10 0
HOU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1    1  4 1

W - Wakefield
L - Hernandez

Game 5
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9    R  H E
BOS 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 4    7 17 2
HOU 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 0 1    6 16 0

W - Embree
L - Lidge
S - Williamson

My favorite was in game 5.... Top of the 9th, down 2, bases loaded, David Ortiz up to bat.

Ortiz had about 3 HRs in the series...and each one was in a different corner of the strikezone. I said...you pitched him low and away....opposite field into the crawford boxes. High and away....over the green monster. Low and inside...just past Pesky's pole...you can complete the Stadium Corner Match game here....high and inside....to the right field in Minute Maid Park.

Anyway...he throws me low and away...I take...ball.

In the dirt....ball 2.

He throws one high and inside.....

Ortiz fucking RIPS it into the upper deck. :lol

7-5 Red Sox lead!
Varitek grounded out in the next at bat...but the damage was done.

Williamson came in for the "Strike out the side" bottom of the 9th, as I had already used Foulke in the 7th-8th to make sure I kept the game somewhat close

J2 Cool

Yeah, the game creates such a suspense. My older bro used to come by every day just to get a game in. Probably played 30 games and split that. But my most memorable game was when he beat my a consecutive 3 straight and was talking trash. I got the Cubs this game and him the Red Sox. Well, I pitched a gem but didnt want to mess up my timing, taking out my starter late after getting into such a rythm. So in the top of the 8th in a tie game he takes the lead. He pitched a gem also that game and was embarassing me. I really think he was that confident too.

But in the 9th I was determined. I get the first guy on base with a walk knowing he's going to win safe. Second batter I remember was a battle. But my guy hits a solid ball, just it was a liner hit to his guy. So now Im wondering can I do this. 1 out. Next guy up I screw up and swing at something that tails away. A bloop grounder through the gap. Now he's smiling but still knows I havent done anything to hurt him really. Grounder should have been an out. So the next guy up is Sammy Sosa. I'm calling shots here and matching the bullshitting. This count is worked, mind I havent been doing that this whole game. But Im totally locked in here. Then I think I got the pitch and swing.

High fly ball, going, to the track... caught! I cringe and yell profanaties. I have to get myself back up for 1 more. 2 outs, 2 on, bottom of the 9th. Aramis Ramirez, my real life hero, comes up. His stats are among the best power as well as contact. I know he's scared and see him throw 2 balls to start trying to get a safe out, him not realizing I'm forcing him to really pitch to win. He comes back and I crush one but it's fouled out of play. Late on it after the 2 breaking pitches. One high fastball and I lay off. Absolute killer pitch for me, can't lay off. Its what he throws when he's ever unsure. Now I know I need to get a hit and anything he throws is on the black. So I decide time it perfect. He throws a sinker ball on the black on the 3-1 and I swing. Foul off the foot, 3-2.

Now it's tense. Big pitch, another foul... Suspense building with every second. Finally I get a curve right on the deepest inside part of the plate. I turn on it and rip this ball to left, cutting the gap and hitting the ivy. The game is tied easy but the revelation the game may end just hit him. We're both screaming I don't even know what. Im sure mine was me throwing the talk back in his face, as I raised up my arm and started cheering. Nomar was the guy on first, and with his speed, I'm going. I wrap around 3rd and I know the throw won't make it and go nuts as he's in disbelief. Then he throws his controller down and just starts nailing me in the arm and back as hard as he can before I can get away. Good times :)


Hahaha. Man.

I'm gonna have to go over to my friend's hosue and finish up our current series. He's the Yankees and he's up 2-0.

Musashi Wins!

Ned Flanders said:
The minor flaws I've found with the game mostly revolve around lack of walks (which is largely a user thing considering you're swinging the bat/pitching for the K's/hits)

I'm not going to bash this game very long here for it's many, many technical flaws...but when you play the AI have you ever gotten a walk? Do they steal against you? Bah....looking forward to next years fixed version.
Well I can't say I've had that many steals on me, but I think thats because its a situational thing. You should usually only steal in a game where you're either down short (a run or 2 tops) or when you're deadlocked against a solid pitcher. The count also has a lot to do with it. I've had the comp try to steal on 3-1 counts before, and I've caught them a time or 2 taking a big lead and picked them off. They probably don't attempt steals as much as they should, but more often than not in the game I'm either down (in which case the comp really wouldn't want to steal) or up by 2 or more runs off a homer.

The only times I usually get walks are when the pitcher goes behind me 0-2 and I pretty much resolve myself not to swing. Usually on a full count though, they throw strikes. It really takes a keen eye to lay off those. I'd say I average .25 walks per game against the comp.

All that said though, neither really do much to dampen my enjoyment of the game. It's kind of like a basketball game minus the intentional fouls or inbound set plays. Yeah maybe they are part of the greater strategy and would make for a more realistic game, but without them you still have a pretty solid representation of the sport.


The pitcher/Batter interface is fantastic. Game is great except for the online play. That is a big disappointment. I sold it off but am contemplating buying it again on Xbox, since I really don't care to play online with the game. Not until the online mode is fully functional that is.


it's going to come out of you and it's going to taste so good
I really love the controls in the game, but as people above have mentioned, it doesn't really feel like real baseball since it leaves some important stuff out.

That being said I'm pretty sure the next MVP has a good chance of getting there.

It's still a lot of fun to play.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Sounds like the vs. play is really fun. I traded my copy in after a few weeks because the franchise mode was broken (no player progression for rookies), and I am primarily a franchise person. They definitely have a good base to work from for next year though.


First sports game I've EVER completed a full season in.(Yes 162,I can't even finish a season of Madden without becoming bored to death)

I didn't have Broadband when it came out,so Im not really sure how online was for me,hopefully they fix it for next year's version,but Live's online was ass this year so Im not getting my hopes up :(
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