there are people who sleep on their stomachs?
I wish I could sleep on my back, stomach is the only way. It's the way my father slept and I ended up mimicking him. In the late mornings I'll rotate to my side, but stomach is the go to position. Its unhealthy as fuck, I crush me face and I'm pretty sure my jaw is skewed towards the right since I almost always sleep facing the right. Recently I've gone back to sleeping without a pillow, you need a low profile pillow if you're a stomach sleeping, but I rest on my the pillows when I rotate back to my side.
I picked up a Tuft and Needle last February, its pretty good for stomach sleeping, reading in bed, but not sure about side sleeping. Very firm mattress, which I prefer. Enjoy it overall, though I'm curious about some of these other mattresses, so many options.