Porcile, posting my method so you can see how I'm doing it.
Simple - I create a writing list the night before using a generated list from
this website, Kanji Cards. They also list all the N4,3,2,1 Kanji
here. Each link to each Kanji has a bunch of words you can use, though it doesn't hurt to look up whether the Kanji forms part of a verb, and add that to your writing list.
My writing list is sorted as followed. A header for the day, so I can navigate a mega list of 2300 Kanji when I'm done, in lots of 25. And then formatted like this, with words that I think are good to know, or may be relevant to what I want to do. an example from Day 7.
あお、あおー、あおいblue, green
• せいしょうねんyouth, young person
• あおそらblue sky
• あおじゃしんblueprint, plan
よ、さんじゅう、ヤ、ソウ、セイworld, society, public, generation
• せかいthe world, society
• せだいgeneration
• せかいてきglobal
やすい、やすらかcheap, peaceful
• あんぜんsafety; security
• ちあんpublic order
• あんていstability, equilibrium
Pretty straight forward. If the common word I'm using has a complicated new Kanji in it, I write it but don't add it to the list purely because of time. Sometimes in my list I will include the Kanji to speed things up and save me having to look for it. I've now "learnt" them though because I've learned the words and it just sticks now, I dunno.
• いく
• おこなうto perform, to do
• ぎんこう
• こうどう
• こういdeed, act, conduct 
為「ため」advantage, benefit
からだ、からち、テイ、タイcounter for images
• ぐたいてきconcrete, tangible
• ぜんたいwhole, entirety
• たいけんpersonal experience
Note, I already know からだ means body, health, so I don't even write it and just opt to learn other words that include 体。
I use 日本語チャレンジN4文法と読む練習、日本語チャレンジN3文法、日本語チャレンジN2文法 because it lists the grammar, tells you what it does. It's partially in English but I don't have time to use a Japanese only book and I like the way it outlines it. Once you've read the point, spend 5 min on it, then absorb it and move on.
The grammar patterns are laid out like this generally with examples.
• ずっとにほんにいるなら、高校に行ったほうがいいですよ。
• 彼女に優しくしたほうがいいです。
• 太るから、あまり食べないほうがいいです。
• 仕事は辞めないほうがいい。
So when I do the grammar portion, I write out one sentence of those 5. Sometimes i do the same ones, sometimes i do different ones. And ... that's it. It works so far.
Any tips you may have , pointers, ways to improve it - let me know. Anybody - I'd like to streamline this all further, but I also don't want this to be insufficient and then my time studying...not properly utilised.