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The Big Ass Superior Thread of Learning Japanese

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Masked Man

I said wow
shanshan310 said:
Anyone into Japanese cooking? 英語で作る和食 is really comprehensive, and is good practise since its written in Japanese and English.

I can't find a link to amazon or anything, but I bought my copy at Maruzen in Nihonbashi and its pretty popular. I wouldn't be surprised if you can buy it overseas as well.

I love cooking--and, since I'm living alone now, I have plenty of room to experiment. I received some ゴーヤ (a.k.a. 苦瓜・にがうり, bitter gourd) from a good friend of mine, so I made ゴーヤのごま和え last week, and I whipped up some pretty tasty ゴーヤチャンプル last night.

Also, if you're looking for more recipes to try, http://cookpad.com/ is essentially a treasure trove of user-uploaded recipes. Some are pretty standard, and there are many very simple variations on traditional 和食 formulas, but there were still a few that made me stop and ponder: この材料に合うのかな? and so forth.

Majine said:
Anyone know whenever to use Ikoukei? The books I use aren't very good at explaining these things.

There are many uses for 意向形・いこうけい(a.k.a. 意志形・いしけい, volitional form), but the most basic usages are: 1) to express one's own volition (例:はっきり言いましょう) or, 2) to make an invitation or suggestion (例:さぁ、帰りましょうね).


So, signed up for the N2 today. Although I know I've forgotten tons of kanji I'm not too worried for the test, especially since (quite laughably, really) there's no writing component to it.


Just an FYI for anyone in Japan but the deadline for the Dec JLPT is today. I'm turning in my app as well. Going for N1 again, sigh. I keep failing it by a few points.
Shouta said:
Just an FYI for anyone in Japan but the deadline for the Dec JLPT is today. I'm turning in my app as well. Going for N1 again, sigh. I keep failing it by a few points.

For some reason the deadline in my country was way back in August. I have no idea why though... Was planning to do N2 but right at the last moment changed my mind to N3. I'm not worried about N2 kanji, but man, in focusing on kanji my vocab's really fallen pretty flat...


Oh btw guys, wish me luck! I have an interview via Skype with a Japanese company this coming Tuesday! I'm a bit nervous :/ But I'm applying via the 'Foreign Application' site and I don't think they expect perfect native-level Japanese so that should save me :p


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Mik2121 said:
Oh btw guys, wish me luck! I have an interview via Skype with a Japanese company this coming Tuesday! I'm a bit nervous :/ But I'm applying via the 'Foreign Application' site and I don't think they expect perfect native-level Japanese so that should save me :p


You're a graphic designer, right? I doubt they would expect more than ですます from a native Japanese person (although 敬語 knowledge never hurts) in that field. It's not like you're going into sales or something.

Best of luck!


Zefah said:
You're a graphic designer, right? I doubt they would expect more than ですます from a native Japanese person (although 敬語 knowledge never hurts) in that field. It's not like you're going into sales or something.

Best of luck!
Yeah. I'm a 3D artist. I'll be working on a game company (still don't know if I can publicly say which one, that's why I'm not saying anything) so all I need is to be able to keep conversations with other workers.

But for Japanese, trust me, they expect quite the polite Japanese. I bet Gacha-pin would agree on that. It's kinda crazy sometimes. In my school we had a class that was just that. But it was so boring I quit it lol :p (I wasn't the only one that quit anyway, most of my friends stopped attending too, the teacher was the most boring person to listen that you can imagine).


JET applications open tommorrow in my country... gonna get in early. Maybe this'll push me to start studying in earnest... if only...


Jintor said:
JET applications open tommorrow in my country... gonna get in early. Maybe this'll push me to start studying in earnest... if only...
Good luck! I just checked the JET website and it says this:

Participants are placed with local government organisations throughout Japan in every imaginable locality, including large cities, small and medium-sized towns, and rural farming and fishing villages.
Hopefully they put you on a big town and not on a fishing village, lol... :p

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Mik2121 said:
Yeah. I'm a 3D artist. I'll be working on a game company (still don't know if I can publicly say which one, that's why I'm not saying anything) so all I need is to be able to keep conversations with other workers.

But for Japanese, trust me, they expect quite the polite Japanese. I bet Gacha-pin would agree on that. It's kinda crazy sometimes. In my school we had a class that was just that. But it was so boring I quit it lol :p (I wasn't the only one that quit anyway, most of my friends stopped attending too, the teacher was the most boring person to listen that you can imagine).

It's not a certain large gaming company based out of Osaka is it ;)?


Nope. Moving out of Osaka for a while. But it's a certain big company based in Fukuoka. There are two big companies there (and a bunch of smaller ones). I will hopefully be working on one of them.

Edited my post to make it less clear. If you saw it already, don't say it :p


面接がんばってね :D (skype経由のinterviewだと面接は正しい訳ではないかも)


ここは一つ普段通りに大阪弁で。そしてもし面接官が標準語を使っていたら「気取った喋り方してんなよ」と言い返しちゃうぐらいの勢いで :p

edit ☓充分 ◯十分


Gacha-pin said:
面接がんばってね :D (skype経由のinterviewだと面接は正しい訳ではないかも)


ここは一つ普段通りに大阪弁で。そしてもし面接官が標準語を使っていたら「気取った喋り方してんなよ」と言い返しちゃうぐらいの勢いで :p




I miss learning Japanese. I did it for about 12 goddamn years at school and was quite decent at it. I also visited Nihon a couple years back for 3 weeks and it was beyond amazing.

Awesome country full of awesome people.
Mik2121 said:
Nope. Moving out of Osaka for a while. But it's a certain big company based in Fukuoka. There are two big companies there (and a bunch of smaller ones). I will hopefully be working on one of them.

Edited my post to make it less clear. If you saw it already, don't say it :p

I saw it but I didn't understand D:

Can you tell us if you get in?


shanshan310 said:
I saw it but I didn't understand D:

Can you tell us if you get in?
Sure!. I guess it will probably be OK to say where I'll be working, but I still have not even done the interview so I don't wanna go around saying anything, just in case.


paid requisite penance
Fugu said:
Signing up for N3. Smalltime compared to some of you guys but a big deal for me. First JLPT test I've done.

Nah, totally understand. N3 was my first time too. The old one, that is (which theoretically corresponds to the current N4). You'll feel great if you pass :). Just don't forget to practice a bit before taking it, obviously. From my experience the new formula is easier than the old one because the score threshold is lower and questions seemed easier on the whole. Probably because now you've got thresholds for each section of the test. In the old one you could just completely botch one section (say, reading) and still pass if you had enough points.


Oh Mik2121! I thought your username looked familiar, then I realised you post over on Polycount as well XD

Good luck on the job interview, let us know how it turns out. Would this be your first gig in the industry?



shanshan310 said:


vivin said:
Oh Mik2121! I thought your username looked familiar, then I realised you post over on Polycount as well XD

Good luck on the job interview, let us know how it turns out. Would this be your first gig in the industry?

Oh hey! Thank you man! Yeah, I post on Polycount though I mostly lurk around. I'm applying for a job as a 3D artist. I passed the portfolio check which is supposedly the most difficult part to get through, and the interview should go rather smooth.

This would be my first gig in the actual game industry, though I've actually done some work as a 3D artist for 5 months working on commercials, theme park movies and the like. I also did a tiny bit of work for a Capcom title (Dragon's Dogma) but it wasn't anything important at all (some models retouching for the environment used in one of the CG cutscenes).

I'll let you guys know! :)


Bump! I just had the interview and they already sent me an email letting me now I passed! Really pumped now! :D

I have a second interview but I think that one is more of a formality (talking with other people on higher positions) than an actual interview. So I'm basically in! :D

I will wait until I get the actual job to say anything.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Mik2121 said:
Bump! I just had the interview and they already sent me an email letting me now I passed! Really pumped now! :D

I have a second interview but I think that one is more of a formality (talking with other people on higher positions) than an actual interview. So I'm basically in! :D

I will wait until I get the actual job to say anything.

Awesome, man! Congratulations shall wait until you actually have the job, but it sounds like you've got a damn good chance! Will you be meeting the higher-ups in person for your second interview?


Mik2121 said:
Good luck! I just checked the JET website and it says this:

Hopefully they put you on a big town and not on a fishing village, lol... :p

Gonna get a fishing village!

I can let you know if there are any ALT jobs with my company in March if you want, we're based mostly in Tochigi.
Jintor said:
Woo, JET applications finally opened up in my country!

sweet! Good luck! you too Mik!

The CIR positions looks pretty good, I hear you need pretty decent Japanese for that though... Might apply a few years down the track.


Zefah said:
Awesome, man! Congratulations shall wait until you actually have the job, but it sounds like you've got a damn good chance! Will you be meeting the higher-ups in person for your second interview?
Yeah Zefah, the second interview is probably with higher-ups, but I can do that one interview via Skype too. I could go to Fukuoka myself (I'm going back to Osaka in a few hours.. I'm in Singapore's airport now), but they don't pay the train ticket because, well... I can do the interview via Skype.

As for getting the job itself.. well, I want to believe I pretty much got it. I'm quite eager to go there and I think it showed on the interview, they seemed quite happy with me! :)

Shouta said:
Gonna get a fishing village!

I can let you know if there are any ALT jobs with my company in March if you want, we're based mostly in Tochigi.
Hey! Thanks Shouta, though I already got a job by myself on a game company in Fukuoka (I've said it a couple times in this thread, in this last page.. but I'm still not sure it's ok to say what company I got the job in)



Mik2121 said:
Hey! Thanks Shouta, though I already got a job by myself on a game company in Fukuoka (I've said it a couple times in this thread, in this last page.. but I'm still not sure it's ok to say what company I got the job in)

Do you think you'll be okay with fukuoka ben? I hear its pretty different to standard Tokyo dialect, though I guess having experience with Osaka ben you might pick it up faster...


shanshan310 said:
Do you think you'll be okay with fukuoka ben? I hear its pretty different to standard Tokyo dialect, though I guess having experience with Osaka ben you might pick it up faster...
No problem. The office itself will be packed with people from different areas of Japan so I'd guess they most likely just keep it to standard Japanese. I've lived all these years in Osaka so I don't even live somewhere where they use the standard dialect..

But yeah, the Fukuoka accent/dialect shouldn't be hard to pick up, though I definitely don't plan on ever adopting any expressions from it :p Osaka accent, I can stand it, others... no thanks :p

Gacha-pin said:



paid requisite penance
First, it's not Fukuoka-ben, it's Hakata-ben. Second, it rocks, you just can't handle it :p. Especially coming from girls, really cute.

Mik2121 said:



Mik2121 said:
Hey! Thanks Shouta, though I already got a job by myself on a game company in Fukuoka (I've said it a couple times in this thread, in this last page.. but I'm still not sure it's ok to say what company I got the job in)

Oops, I meant it for the other guy.


I'm subscribed to this! I've started to study with Genki (lesson 4) but I've decided to stop and learn the kanjis with heisig. Did 30 kanji my first day, and it seems easy peasy. We'll see if I get through at this pace, it should take only 2-3 months. Do you recommend to study the extra 1000 characters, or it is better if I do that at my own pace? I guess the way the Heisig method works, I will be able to recognize components as I learn new kanjis-vocabulary and use the method.

The good thing about Heisig is that is fun, because it is not repetitive. I only need an experience bar and some achievements, and it will be almost like a game :) . Might try using Anki to review them, and see if it works...

Gacha-pin said:
edit ☓充分 ◯十分

What are those X O symbols? is that + supposed to be ten or the plus symbol? Probably stupid question, but I won't learn that in a book I guess :p


Valygar said:
I'm subscribed to this! I've started to study with Genki (lesson 4) but I've decided to stop and learn the kanjis with heisig. Did 30 kanji my first day, and it seems easy peasy. We'll see if I get through at this pace, it should take only 2-3 months. Do you recommend to study the extra 1000 characters, or it is better if I do that at my own pace? I guess the way the Heisig method works, I will be able to recognize components as I learn new kanjis-vocabulary and use the method.

The good thing about Heisig is that is fun, because it is not repetitive. I only need an experience bar and some achievements, and it will be almost like a game :) . Might try using Anki to review them, and see if it works...

What are those X O symbols? is that + supposed to be ten or the plus symbol? Probably stupid question, but I won't learn that in a book I guess :p
◯ means good, correct, positive. ☓ means bad, wrong, negative. I used the wrong character for じゅうぶん (juu bun, enough) so made a correction.
Yeah I don't think I can go back to heisig method. I think am doing ok with just studying from flash cards. After I finish studying the last of them I'll probably review them all again because I missed a lot of things the first time.

Also it was kind of cool to be able to at least probably somewhat follow one of the conversations in SRW Z2. Eventhough most of the conversation was like "兄さま , 俺の息子 , 父, その事" and stuff like that. But I really should start reading stuff like weekly shounen jump or anything that has furigana in it. It makes it so much easier, to look up kanji you don't know, learning or anything else for that matter.


Valygar said:
What are those X O symbols? is that + supposed to be ten or the plus symbol? Probably stupid question, but I won't learn that in a book I guess :p

In addition to what Gacha-pin said, they're "battsu" and "maru," respectively (like the Sanrio character). Sometimes you might see people cross their arms like the X.

That's why in Japan on the Sony consoles, O is for confirm and X is for cancel.

(sorry, no Japanese on this computer so I can't use the proper characters)
Zoe said:
That's why in Japan on the Sony consoles, O is for confirm and X is for cancel.

I've been having difficulty finding an answer on google, so hopefully someone can help me out with this. When typing in Japanese hitting capslock by default used to switched to half-width alphanumeric. I must have hit something on my keyboard because now the default is full-width so when I use caps it looks like this. Now my only options are to change this manually every time by going through the language bar or by switching back to the English keyboard with alt+shift. What did I do and how can I reverse it?
I would also like to know...
Zoe said:
In addition to what Gacha-pin said, they're "battsu" and "maru," respectively (like the Sanrio character). Sometimes you might see people cross their arms like the X.

That's why in Japan on the Sony consoles, O is for confirm and X is for cancel.

(sorry, no Japanese on this computer so I can't use the proper characters)

I don't speak or read any Japanese and I just came in here to browse, but this is blowing my mind a bit.


I can't figure out why the full-width stuff happens (it happens to me too) but you can fix it by resetting the IME settings. I've done it quite a few times.
.JayZii said:
Big ol' oral exam in the morning. Wish me luck!


If you get stuck, just add in some そうですかs or some えとs to keep the flow going. Nothing like hearing someone in an exam say "私はum...大学生です...yeah."
shanshan310 said:
I would also like to know...
So I think I figured it out. I just hit Ctrl+T which turns a highlighted Japanese word into romaji. Then I turned it off, and now I switching with caps give me half-width text! It doesn't make any sense though.
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