We're endowed with tremendous variety and options within our beloved medium, so much in fact that entire genres have spawned subdivisions as a result of influential releases. Doom changed the gaming landscape upon launch, as did Grand Auto III soon after the turn of the millennium, producing numerous imitators and competitors often branded as "Doom/GTA clones" due to the undeniable influence. This phenomenon still survives in recent time with the emergence of "Soulslike" games enjoying tremendous success within the console market. The point being is that competition is an unavoidable aspect of games development and in some respects it is desirable, because it pushes studios to create superior products and in doing so separate the posers from the genuine articles. Usually three will emerge within a particular genre and often they will compete for market capital and popularity, innovate and redesign their own products as a result of one another, and hope their competitors meet an unfortunate end.
This thread is my contribution of focusing on those particular franchises that have not only won admiration of gamers worldwide, but have created necessary divisions within the market for the purposes of competition and culture breeding. A similar principle also applies to gaming consoles with the PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo all having their own cultures, separate libraries and diehard adherents. The difference however lies in the fact that multiplatform titles allow for more choice and experimentation within a genre, with a personal preference emerging the more you scrape away the layers after hours of play. Let us explore those personal preferences and share them with one another without fear of judgement nor alienation, but open-mindedness and appreciation, regardless of the outcome.
Genre: Western Role-Playing
Favourite: The Elder Scrolls
As a long time Elder Scrolls fan this was somewhat of lopsided battle, though it wasn't due to it being the oldest. I prefer the games as they're easily accessible and whilst this may be called dumbed down to some, I believe there's hidden complexity in the mechanics and difficulty levels. Dragon Age was a close second as the production values on the whole are better than TES, but the second game was a little rough and the jury is still out on Dreadwolf. Naturally The Witcher takes the last spot as the third game was tremendous, but the other two are somewhat meh. The first is the very epitome of jank and the second whilst being an improvement didn't hold my attention long.
Ideas For Lazy Ba***rds:
Survival Horror - Resident Evil, Silent Hill & Fatal Frame.
Stealth - Metal Gear Solid, Thief & Splinter Cell/Hitman.
Fighting - Street Fighter, Tekken & King Of Fighters.
Strategy - Age Of Empires, Total War: Shogun & Company Of Heroes.
MMORPG - World of Warcraft, Asheron's Call & Everquest/Ultima Online/Shadowbane.
Genre List:
We're endowed with tremendous variety and options within our beloved medium, so much in fact that entire genres have spawned subdivisions as a result of influential releases. Doom changed the gaming landscape upon launch, as did Grand Auto III soon after the turn of the millennium, producing numerous imitators and competitors often branded as "Doom/GTA clones" due to the undeniable influence. This phenomenon still survives in recent time with the emergence of "Soulslike" games enjoying tremendous success within the console market. The point being is that competition is an unavoidable aspect of games development and in some respects it is desirable, because it pushes studios to create superior products and in doing so separate the posers from the genuine articles. Usually three will emerge within a particular genre and often they will compete for market capital and popularity, innovate and redesign their own products as a result of one another, and hope their competitors meet an unfortunate end.
This thread is my contribution of focusing on those particular franchises that have not only won admiration of gamers worldwide, but have created necessary divisions within the market for the purposes of competition and culture breeding. A similar principle also applies to gaming consoles with the PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo all having their own cultures, separate libraries and diehard adherents. The difference however lies in the fact that multiplatform titles allow for more choice and experimentation within a genre, with a personal preference emerging the more you scrape away the layers after hours of play. Let us explore those personal preferences and share them with one another without fear of judgement nor alienation, but open-mindedness and appreciation, regardless of the outcome.
- Games must be from the same genre.
- Must have released near one another.
- PC or console exclusives are welcome.
- Submit three, choose one as favourite.
Genre: Western Role-Playing

As a long time Elder Scrolls fan this was somewhat of lopsided battle, though it wasn't due to it being the oldest. I prefer the games as they're easily accessible and whilst this may be called dumbed down to some, I believe there's hidden complexity in the mechanics and difficulty levels. Dragon Age was a close second as the production values on the whole are better than TES, but the second game was a little rough and the jury is still out on Dreadwolf. Naturally The Witcher takes the last spot as the third game was tremendous, but the other two are somewhat meh. The first is the very epitome of jank and the second whilst being an improvement didn't hold my attention long.
Ideas For Lazy Ba***rds:
Survival Horror - Resident Evil, Silent Hill & Fatal Frame.
Stealth - Metal Gear Solid, Thief & Splinter Cell/Hitman.
Fighting - Street Fighter, Tekken & King Of Fighters.
Strategy - Age Of Empires, Total War: Shogun & Company Of Heroes.
MMORPG - World of Warcraft, Asheron's Call & Everquest/Ultima Online/Shadowbane.
Genre List:

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