I see some really silly responses in here. The truth is the industry would collapse without the pursuit of better graphics. Without the so-called PC MC buying new Nvidia and AMD GPUs, those companies would struggle and probably die. Any fan of PlayStation or Nintendo definitely want that pursuit to continue, or we wouldn't need new HW every 6-8 years, and those companies collapse. If the Switch 2 launches and is barely any better graphically than the OG Switch, are people going to rush to buy it? Fuck no.
The true problem is, and of course the media don't want to cover it, is a DEI and woke one. We've gone through years where more talented devs have been pushed out just for being white or male (God forbid you're both), or for some woman exaggerating a bad date because she wanted her day in the sun as a member of #meetoo. Those people were replaced by people who were hired because they check boxes, not because that were the most talented, many who feel they are privileged. Now, you need 2 or 3 devs to handle the work that 1 very talented dev could. Then, we have BS consultants who are brought in and have to be paid, as well, to make sure games qualify for DEI investment money, pushing some BS message that gamers at large have made clear they don't want. Of course, if you don't hire them, they'll tell their media buddies to harass your company with bad articles and reviews. Though, we've seen that those have not done jack shit to hurt game sales anymore, especially when it's obvious why the game got bad coverage and reviews.
In short, rip out the DEI hires and replace them with talented devs, even if most of your team ends up being...gasp, evil whities, and you'll be able to shrink your team size. Stop hiring consultants to qualify for DEI investment money that is starting to dry up anyway, and you not only decrease the cost of hiring those consultants, your game also enjoys a better chance of success. Making real money from real customers.